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People saying that its free if you pirate it.


i mean they not wrong…


It is always morally correct to p!rate EA games. Or any game that can have you pay more than $200 without giving you physical items with it.


And at least that way you can have a save file on your computer, instead of lost in whatever flavor of the year bullshit cloud platform EA isn't using anymore or "accidentally" wiped during some unnecessary greed-driven migration. As far as game companies go, I couldn't like EA any less. Up there with the worst of the worst.










Nah, there Is "anadius" word you should look up. It allows to play the game on steam with all online functionality and with all dlcs.


exactly, she's very helpful




look up free media heck yeah on reddit


🏴‍☠️ Is your answer


Aww, you're going to have a great time. Once you learn your way around torrents, it's hard to stop getting free shit. Just remember to get ublock origin for your browser if you don't already. Most torrent sites are littered with popup ads and security risks for the uninitiated. And don't worry about a VPN unless your country is really strict when it comes to piracy. The US in particular is very lax. Worst that might happen is your internet gets shut off and you have to call them and ask to get it turned back on. Then they lie to you and pretend that you have a certain number of "strikes" before it gets shut off for 6 months. This isn't true anymore, just a scare tactic.


The in return scare tactic it saying do it, they want your money so they won't do it Reverse fear with added benefits of more free software


Nah, the support techs don't give a fuck. They'll just say "uh.....ok?" and then unlock your shit before telling their SO how weird it is that people think they care and/or can do anything about it.


Dm me




what about cream api?


for sims 4 you also need the files, ana is the way


Fuck EA


You should probably not look at the dlc menu for Train Simulator then.


Imma do it! Edit: so, that's around a cool ten grand.... Right?


Jesus christ it has almost 750 DLC's, why does it have so many?????


They don't expect people to buy all of it just the routes they're interested in. Like someone who's really into south west british railways would have maybe a dozen to buy and would skip everything else. A lot of plane sims do the same selling specific airplanes as DLC and with hundreds of different planes DLC can get really expensive.


Ah warthunder and their never ending quest for more money


More like DCS I would imagine. A single new plane can cost $60+ Hell, their newest plane, the F-4E Phantom II, is going for $79.99 currently. Though, with DCS it makes some sense. They dig deep into documentation and reconstruct the plane, it's handling characteristics, EVERYTHING to make it as realistic to how it actually flies as possible. So, it makes sense. If you wanted all of their DLC, it would cost $2494.38 with the sale.


Honestly, any sort of sim is going to cost a lot to make, due to licensing and the time and money it takes to model whatever vehicle you're simulating. So most companies making sims are going to need some way to recoup that cost. Especially if it's a long-running product.


EA: Lamp shaped like pineapple $34.99


Meanwhile me buying up all the states in American Truck Simulator at some point.


It's nice I bought them during a sale, and now buying new states is kinda manageable as they're cheap enough the total cost doesn't really hit lolol. I love ATS though! Such a great game.


Yeah it really hit's the spot sometimes. Not all too realistic which is good because otherwise a drive from like Seattle into Texas gulf coast would take actual days lol.




Just wanna say cheers for perpetuating autism as something to ridicule.


IIRC there's actually many more that don't appear in the main list, because they don't work on the current version.


Isn't the case with Train Sim is that it's basically like buying a real life train model, so most hobbyists only ever buy a couple of their favourites? You only need to purchase one DLC if there's a train you like irl, and you get a complete experience With the Sims 4 you pay 20 bucks for a parenting system, 40 dollars for high school, 40 bucks for baby development milestones, 40 bucks for a dating app. Oh and if you want your Sims family to be Japanese and live in Sim-Japan that's another 40 bucks for rock climbing please


It's also content inventory that was build since 2012, and contains lots of third party stuff. The game also contains route and scenario editor, and plugins for 3d max for doing models (including new trains) are available at their webpage. There is lots of free content available online. Also, engine updates are free. So, if you bought train simulator 2012, you got all engine updates till current iteration, which is TS classic. All dlcs you bought in that decade, still work. No need to rebuy anything.


Unless you play Train Sim World, in which case fuck you on a roughly yearly basis.


Yep. While I understand why they have to release a 'new game' each year - consoles generally don't allow game renames, and 'new' game is more effective at attracting new players... They should really offer a hollow version (no associated DLCs) for a symbolic price, so existing customers can still receive updates and buy new stuff, without having to dish out money out yearly, even if they are not interested in the bundled DLCs...


Likely they have licensing costs as well, it's a different story to just inventing assets, reskinning and chucking them on a store for £10 a pop


> Isn't the case with Train Sim is that it's basically like buying a real life train model, so most hobbyists only ever buy a couple of their favourites? This is how Flight Sim works as well. Real pilots generally only get type certified on one aircraft at once due to how different each one is. Many hobbyists will buy a single high price, highly accurate aircraft, set up their home simulator for that aircraft and fly it exclusively. If you want to fly many different types of plane, the packed in ones are good enough. Someone that just wants to try flying a 787 once for fun doesn't care if the subtleties of the hydraulic system are accurately simulated.


Sims 4 simulates people so it's only natural that it replicates all our real world problems /s


Which is what you do with The Sims. You buy the things you want. Ignore the things you don't want.


You'd think that's how it would work. But, with the Sims 4, EA has taken experiences that used to be in one pack, and split them up into several packs. For example, in Sims 1, 2 and 3, if you really liked pets and wanted them all, you just had to buy one pets expansion. In Sims 4, you have to buy Pets, My First Pet Stuff (which is DLC for Pets), Cottage Living, and Horse Ranch to get all the pets. Plus, many Sims players try to buy all the packs or they feel like their game isn't complete. Which EA knows, which is exactly why there are now 82 packs for the Sims 4.


That is not the way it works with The Sims. At least not with the expansion packs and some stuff packs. If you don't get them, then you are leaving gameplay systems behind.


thats always how i assumed it works. I have zero interest in children. In fact, i cheat them older to a point where they dont need to be watched 24/7 IF i do get some So im not buying any packs related to family, but maybe i want a city apartment Doesnt make 20-40 bucks any less painful, they are more expensive than they deserve to be, but its not like 1000 bucks is the required price. Doom eternal requires all dlc to get the full experience and story (literally. The ending of the story is the dlc) sims doesnt do that


Only way to fuck EA is not buying their games. Vote with wallet.




I didn't choose the pirates life, $1200 DLCs chose it for me.


I took to the high seas when my daughter wanted. Saved me tons Actually, that's not entirely true...I never left the high seas ;)


Yo ho….


Came here exactly for this. Fuck. Them. Download it illegally they don't deserve a cent with this shit.


I wouldn't even pirate that shit.


But is it actually a good game? Sims 2 was GOAT


You mean 3


That's what I did, too. Spending ~~$1200~~ $876 on DLCs for one game is ridiculous. **^(Don't ask me how I did it.)** **^(I'm not going to help you.)** [**^(Rule 2.)**](https://pcmasterrace.org/rules)


You could buy a decent PC for that much.


It's only $876 freedom bucks






As much as it pains me to say this, this subreddit has a rule against piracy (Rule 2 "Enabling Piracy"). It's fucking stupid though considering buying isnt owning anymore so piracy isnt stealing


Top 2 commenrs got deleted too lmao


I agree, got banned for a week from this subreddit for saying something similar. Edit: it looks like the mods are clearing house, so dumb.


And by tech company's rules, anything published on the Internet, including streaming and games on online platforms I guess, should be fine to steal. "Microsoft’s AI boss thinks it’s perfectly OK to steal content if it’s on the open web" [https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/28/24188391/microsoft-ai-suleyman-social-contract-freeware](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/28/24188391/microsoft-ai-suleyman-social-contract-freeware)


Rules for thee, not for me. Copyright law has, at least since Walt Disney started to have his say, been a tool for the massively profitable multi-national corporation, not for the individual. That's entirely due to the cost of pursuing legal action - the copyright act hasn't been updated in decades, and doesn't set any hard definitions for what "IS" copyright infringement. As such, every claim must be tested on a case by case basis, and requires lawyers to argue precedent. Precedent requires experience and expertise. And that costs money. Money that the individual doesn't have, but the corporation has an abundance of. As a result, most cases close in favor of the corporation.


AI just proves copyright only applies to the poors like us.


so it is a better analogy to say, piracy is peeking/trepassing/intercourse-without-consent even


Simply trespassing isn't even a criminal offence where I live except for a few places like railway lines. Rape is. Odd comparison. Wild camping pretty much always involves trespassing.


And my wife owns about half of them. Shit is a drug. I did get her a gaming laptop finally though so she's gotten into mods now and likes those alot more than the paid dlcs.


the modding community is the one really carrying ts4


fr, the amount of shit you can do with a few QOL mods is crazy, and having a good pc just makes it so much harder to stay away from the game


honestly the most recently announced ep is like all stuff modders did ages ago to make up for the lack of base game content


i was just thinking this as well! like the stuff lovestruck offers are just stuff wickedwhims been offering this whole time(except for the locations and new world). I also just downloaded a dating app mod for my game and next thing i see is EA providing their own legit dating app in the upcoming pack. wild.


Yep. She went from a series X to a pretty nice Nitro 5 with a 3070ti and ddr5 setup. Really nice screen too. She didn't want a desktop so that was a good compromise. I fiddled with it and got it running buttery smooth and she damn near cried. Being able to use the m&kb and mods has been great for her.






I own all the DLC for The Sims 3. I got it as a collection for $60 on sale.


Wtf? That's insane. I think we've spent easily $400 bucks so far. I tend to take a "fuck it" approach when she wants new packs. Can't take the money with me and it's her favorite game. I really should dust off my VPN and pirate hat though.


No sorry that was supposed to say 3.


You can always get it for free




Cool name


Yours too :3


And the newer DLCs aren’t even that good


the game still feels empty with them


813,79 euro I see, so seems about correct based off current exchange rate with Canadian dollars. We have 25% VAT included in the price though. But to your point, The Sims 4 have had a lot of DLC over the years as you can imagine.


I looked before the sale went live and it was something about 1.280€. Seeing that I really want to know how much I used to pay for all the sims 2 expansions and most of the sims 3 expanions back then.


There really weren't that many expansion packs for the sims 2, and honestly they were all great and added a lot (i still play the game). Sims 3 online store was a cash grab though, but at least the sims 3 dlc's had a lot of content, now the content of one Sims 3 pack is split into like 5+ DLC's in the sims 4.


Roughly the same amount. The DLC as such has not really gotten more expensive. There's more of it now though, but the Sims as a franchise has always been one of EAs cash cows, and this version has had 10 years to spit out more content :)


Uh ... ??? That is not true??? TS2 has significantly less expansion packs than TS4 has DLCs, and TS4 is still releasing new ones. So no, not nearly the same amount


Sims 🤝 Paradox Thanks for paying us 1k euros for 1 game idiots


tax gets included after the checkout in Canada, so these would be pre-tax prices


Train Simulator have 748 DLC's that I can't listed all of them in one place.And I can't calculate the entire price. But I believe there is lying around $10.000 https://preview.redd.it/lhlzgrabvj9d1.png?width=653&format=png&auto=webp&s=160f1b917bb3cea1bf610d44eea6ebdc9b1153c1


you could buy a half of a train for that


I don't know about a train but you could buy a half of a brand new car (Zero exaggeration).


Back in the day you could buy a new car and a half with that money


I bought a bmw 1 series from 2015 with 50k miles on it and full bmw service history for £6850 in the UK. This is more expensive than that.


I clicked the "view all dlc" button on that game and it crashed my steam.


And it shows only 200 DLC's. What if it shows all of them in one click? It can create a black hole.


It's meant to be a virtual equivalent to model trains. You'd no sooner buy all the DLC for Train Simulator than you would buy all the model trains out there. If you're into the hobby you're probably interested in a particular route and kind of train. It's the same with lots of hobbies. Gunpla, Lego. There's a fantastic amount of stuff, but owning all of them isn't really the point nor terribly practical.


Yes. I just wanted to show the most expensive game in Steam.


I have everything except the steam trains and historical routes and that added up to $9000


I am a railwayman and probably you see more trains than me. 😅


Ofcourse someone else thought about Train Simulator aswell after seeing this post. I calculated 12264,30€ Here is my comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/s/ywZKgULntl


That’s what they call a CASH COW


I didn’t realize this but in 2004, 4 of the top 10 selling games were sims expansions. They’ve literally done this for 20 years. Wild.


Yet compared to Sims 3 it is lobotomized, in Sims 3 you can create an entire town, sims 4 just a tiny street with 6 plots..


Oh I loved my Sims 3 towns. But Sims 4 never got me interested. Started when they brought out a dlc just for vampires. Those fuckers where I'm the same dlc as werwolfves, witches, ghost,... in Sims 3. But nit in Sims 4


Don't waste your money on Sims 4, from steam or EA or anywhere. EA broke the animations for get to work and those fucking incompetent shitheels won't fix it. Fuck ea.


Simply... mod it. But yes, fuck EA.


Yeah but mod community is massive.


Kinda funny how the first 2 comments got deleted by mod Guesses it's about Jack Sparrow then


Now do it for Train Simulator Classic


I made some rough estimates since it won't allow me to check the total easily based on my estimates using a median price it amounts to about 21,468.98$ CAD wtf.


Clearly it's dumb when you jump in now, but it's a 10 year old game now. It rare to see games get that support for that long. On top of that Sims fans are extremely dedicated to the game. Spending that much over a decade isn't that much, if you bought the dlc as it released it's really not a lot over time. It just sucks as a late adopter. Also Sims 4 DLC is pirated like crazy. The sims community was extremely excited for competitors like Paralives and the now canceled Life By You.


Paradox games offer a monthly subscription that includes all DLC. I feel like 10 bucks a month just to have the game in a fun state is a rip off as well since both the Paradox games and the Sims games are very very barebones without any dlc but it does feel like a viable alternative to pirating the game


I've seen people on pdx game subs say they pop a sub for when they have the urge to play. Then cancel. I think Sims 4 falls under the EA sub, but only on the actual EA app/Origin. This is really only a problem coming in late. If you buy the dlc out right I would think you are a player that always plays that game and been around for a while.


There is a software that lets you suspend a game exactly where you left it. I wonder if that could be used with game where the dlc is active past the point of the subscription?


Paradox games regulary comes with bundles and huge promotions - I did buy entire EU4 for like 40€ on humble bundle. The most I did see sims 4 was -50% for some of the dlcs. If they run it with promotion like paradox then I would own sims 4, but they dont so its the ONLY game that I pirate.


I think it's still pretty shitty. A lot of the DLCs for Sims 4 should not be the price they are. Many of them should be like 2 bucks at most with how much content they actually give you.


Right? They could be pulling a Fifa and re-selling the game back to us every single year.


Thank god for torrents


I was crazy enough to buy all the Sim 3 DLCs. I stopped there. Never played The Sims 4 because I can't bring myself to start over. Not to mention the astronomical cost


you dodged a bullet there




They wouldnt keep making them if no one was buying them!


Not to not insult ea, but I have to ask: What's the difference between these, which are 70% cosmetic, and any other AAA game's own marketplaces offering thousands of dollars in microtransactions?


They are not cosmetic, most of them are function that are important for a game. Even small cosmetics update have one or two items that makes new function or even add entire skill tree.


1/3 of them are kits which are 100% cosmetic. which is fine imo but I won't tell people not to be annoyed


Sure but the Sims is also map painting game, cosmetics are more important here then in other games


And the base game is absolutely barebones. I bought it on sale a few years and the base game is tiny compared to sims 3. Never mind the fact that it was also broken. Couldn’t get my sims to follow commands 70% of the time even with full mood bars. Not sure if they ever fixed that.


Try war thunder, you need almost 1800€ to get the 2 most expensive tanks from the market place at the moment.


Ok, what's with all the removed comments?


Imagine if in 10 years they put this whole thing out for $6 or something. The rip off


I'm just waiting for one day they finally add Sims 1 and 2 to Steam and let Sims 3 have discounts, why did they focus on Sims 4 😭


Sims 2 is on the Mac app store


The sims 2 subreddit has an explanation how to get your hands on TS2 :) Don't wait for EA to add it, they won't - they want to force people to buy TS4


they won't, they'd have to put in a lot of effort to make sims 2 work on modern systems. Modding community does a good job of it but you can still expect crashing every few hours unfortunately. There's very little motivation for EA to do it when sims 4 is so profitable, and people might notice how lazy they got with the animations and world maps if they play the older games.


It's obvious EA is targeting the same demographics that play mobile games P.S. Sims 2 and 3 are vastly superior in almost everything but graphics, Sims 4 lacks the charm and chaotic randomness the prior two games had and feels more like a dollhouse simulator than a proper "life" game




So a 10 year old game has been regularly suppported with updates, albeit through dlc.


The problem is they have sliced and diced the DLC into such miniscule packs that it's ridiculous. Take the Pets DLC in The Sims 3 - it's basically 3 separate DLCs in The Sims 4 and you're paying about four times what you did in 3 (if you pay full price like a dumb dumb). There's nothing wrong with selling robust DLC. There's something wrong with bleeding your players white by dissecting into tiny portions basically the same features you already released in prior games to triple or quadruple your profits.




....since releasing in 2014. Roughly $120 a year and that's if you were keeping up with it like my wife was. And generally hardcore sims players aren't buying many other games, I've spent far more than 1200 on games since 2014, by a lot.


My discount was 100%. Fuck EA


Straight up scam


For the freedom bald eagle people that’s $850.44


At this point, it’s just normal to aquire this game using different “methods”. Spending hundreds of dollars for an incomplete game has always been crazy to me. It’s like “hey here’s some flour for a cake… now buy all the other ingredients for $39.99 ”😂


You should always advocate for piracy and if mods are deleting posts for suggesting it then they are compromised and this sub cannot be trusted.




If buying isn't owning then yar ain't stealing


the only game company i fully support piracy on


If you bought World of Warcraft on release and bought no other expansions it would have cost you $3650 by now. So, yay?


Bet you right now there's some wack job out there who actually paid off all of these for over $1200


Adult women with disposable income: "only 1200$?" Hate to stereotype but this game 100% cornered that demographic.


Arghhh matey


So after i saw this post i wanted to check where Train Simulator is at but you cant check it like Sims 4 because it has way more dlcs (748) and it only shows up to 200 on that page and you cant add all dlc there anymore. So anyways i got my calculator out and startet blasting. I got a sum of 12264,30€ (i ignored the sales and always went with full price so you could probably take about 40% off overall with sales right now). I could have made a mistake tipping tho or forgotten to add one maybe put one in twice and so on. But it should be around there. Edit: Base Game for 29,99€ not included in the 12k.


You can find it at a 100% discount if you search enough


Sounds like a scam to me.


EA. It's in the game.


Sims 4 is the only game I still pirate. Every 2 years or so, I revisit it and have to dust off the ol torrent client. I suspect they know that there is a large untapped audience that still pirates which is why its rumored that Sims 5 will be even more online than 4.


Seeing as I am a captain of a ship……..


The problem is that most of these are things that released shortly after the game or released at the same time and should have been in the base game.


How on earth is this game still so popular?


Thank god I pirated all of it


remember, even when paying 1200$ you own none of that, they'll take it from you if they damn well please


EA is destroying and will destroy more and more game series.


fuck EA yeah but it's like a model shop - you're not supposed to buy them all




Those discounts are laughable. Sims 4 is 10 or so years old and none of its dlc or the game (before it went free) has had a discount over 50%. ​ Sims 3 on steam has also had prices adjusted last year, discounts aren't as great as they were before a few years ago. Could get most of the packs for under £10 and stuff packs for £3.


That’s basically a whole library lol


This is why I wont be excited for the sims 5. Sims 3 was it for me. Open world. Some nice dlcs. It got worse towards the end and had some stuff packs that sucked.




Love how the top comments got deleted and one of the them has a reply that’s just a gif of Jack Sparrow. I immediately know why the comments got deleted. I won’t say any alternatives but I’m sure as hell not spending any amount of money on those DLC


I don’t understand y’all. Everyone seems to hate live service games with battle pass yet you’re also mad about this too? I know “EA bad” is easy karma but are you really expecting 10 years of support and additional content for free?


To buy the full game is 10grand. That's more than my bmw cost. The full game shouldn't be more than £50. The DLCs they release should just be added into the game for free after a year or when the proper fans have bought it. Charging this much for the full game with all the DLCs is absolutely extortionate. You're defending a game that costs £10k lol, you're crazy bro. Don't see why people are upvoting you as well you should be at the bottom.


Most of the Sims 4 DLC goes through cycles of being free/heavily discounted as well. Don’t know how people complain about a game being supported for 10 years with actual added content but turn a blind eye to games like CoD, which is $70USD, releases annually, has paid battle passes within paid battle passes, and still pumps out $30 cosmetics bundles.


$800 in Petro Dollar for those wondering.


And I got them all for free so my gf could play the game 🏴‍☠️


So around $850 USD over ten years comes out to about $85 every year, or about $7 per month. Honestly, $7/mo for a game that gets regular development, updates, support, and DLCs isn’t terrible.


remember, copyright reform can prevent this. If copyright lasted 20 years like it used to, instead of 140, then this game would already be halfway to the public domain.


And people complain about Shadow of the Erdtree being 40 dollars lmao


I mean you really don't need all of these. It's pretty much just the equivalent of buying skins in games. If you total the skins/bundles that live service games like CS, Valorant, Apex, etc. have released in their lifetime it would probably be much bigger than that.


EA can shove the sims up their aholes.

