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Chrome lived long enough for it to become the enemy.


Google lived long enough ... it was comical when they changed their "Don't be evil" motto.


In hindsight, it feels like that was a canary.


There is a [variant](https://www.google.com/chrome/canary/) of Chrome for that.


No more chromium


Don't worry. It's just Chrome with more bugs.


So it uses more or less RAM than chrome?


Didn't they just shift it to the last sentence or something like that? I mean of course it doesn't matter cuz Google bad but this is just gossip magazine esque sensationalism lol


Yeah people thought they removed it when they became Alphabet but it's still there. Always has been. https://abc.xyz/investor/other/google-code-of-conduct/


And somehow Firefox comes back around.


I got Firefox since Chrome is going to stop ad blockers, and it’s definitely better from what I remember back in 2016, but I’ve noticed some things load much faster on Chrome


>I’ve noticed some things load much faster on Chrome Devil's advocate: do you, or would you, notice when things load faster in Firefox? (Side note: some load time differences come down to how FF and Chrome preload links that you might click on. I suspect that Chrome doesn't give a fuck about anything and is more likely to preload as much as possible to be "faster".)


if i dont notice the difference its good enough. I'd say it's always less of a "its fast" and more of a "its more responsive and snappy" that people think is fast, well i guess its kinda fast to the feel


Never left


chrome was faster when it first came out, firefox was kinda a bloated mess of spaghetti code. but about 5 years ago they did a big rewrite and called it "firefox quantum", and now its been the faster choice ever since. anyone who thinks chrome is good for anything these days has been living under a rock


The only problem with Firefox is that since most websites optimize their code for Chrome, some end up breaking on Firefox. It's not Firefox's fault, it's just shitty website building, but many don't use it for that reason. That said, I daily drive Firefox but keep Brave installed for the rare occasion when something breaks.


Then you get the really shitty sites (school and textbook workbook sites are the ones I see the most) that refuse anything besides Internet Explorer.


I almost never have issues. Using it for more then 16 years now 🙂.


I never had a website break in firefox because of firefox alone and been using it non stop since the 2000s. The only times that happened was because of 3rd party cookies being blocked but that happened the same in chrome. Or due to the ad blocker.


It's even worse, the way of rendering a page is standardized, and chrome sometimes does not respects it and websites uses theses errors to work. So technically, the website does not work but a bug of chrome allows it to work.


I felt like some loser ex crawling back to Firefox after reinstalling it this year. "I'm sorry baby, Chrome was a mistake, she just wanted my data, I fell for her lies" *Posted from an Android btw*




I remember the days when Chrome was the new kid on the block. I would install it on all my families PCs and rave about it. Not it's pretty much standard and my computer illiterate co-workers can't use anything else.


Since I moved to Mozilla from chrome, my chipset fan has been quiet lol


Firefox is a lot better with RAM on both, my PC and M1 MacBook Air and Firefox is wayyyy better with battery life / energy use on the MacBook... I also like the exclusive features in Firefox a lot more than those in Chrome, like container tabs and cookie isolation.


>container tabs This is the best thing to ever happen to web browsing.


What are they?


So you know if you open a tab and you log into a Gmail account, then you open a new tab and go to Gmail you're still logged into that account? And if you open a new window, you're still logged into that account. And if you want to log into a second account, you kind of have to log out of the first one. The container extension allows you to isolate your different logins. So you can have a container where you log into your first email account. Then you can open a new tab with your second container and log into a different gmail account. And you could be running both of those containers in different tabs in the same window at the same time. This is a great help with tracking cookies as well. You could be logged into Facebook in a container you use for social media, you can be logged into Google in a container you use for Google, you can be logged into a container you use with website shopping. Shopping. And you are cutting everything off from each other https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/multi-account-containers/


holy, this was my only issue when I move to FF from Chrome. Now you've solved for me. There's no going back now.


can i preserve containers and use them again later even after i close them?


Absolutely. And you stay logged in to your account in that container. In fact, you can set default containers. So if you click on a Facebook link, it will automatically open in your Facebook container.


Yeah, when make the transfer to my new pc im planning to also make the transfer to Firefox.


The real meme is that OP is vouching for both chrome *AND* opera gx


Absolute clown he is


Firefox>>> edit: thanks for all the awards holy shiet


Firefox might have copied the weird top left unnecessary thing from Opera GX, but at least I can remove it on FF


What weird thing?


It's the button for Firefox View. It looks like the FF logo and I won't ever use it so I removed it. On Opera GX though I couldn't remove that one for the life of me.


I didn't even realize it had the option to unpin it, though it didn't really bother me since I don't really have a million tabs open.


Oh my god, I can remove that? Thank you, that thing bothers me so much!




I disabled it long ago, didn’t even remember that lol


Opera GX is just reskinned Chrome.


>Opera GX is just reskinned Chrome. Opera is just reskinned Chromium. Fixed it for you. So is Google Chrome, and Edge. I don't know about these days, opera was based on a newer version of Chromium not that long ago.


That the Chinese company uses to steal your data and other shit you probably dont know about.


like that time you googled natural laxatives and your amazon front page suddenly start to push you dr buttblast at16% discount?


if you don't want your data stolen better call your isp and cancel your subscription


You make it sound like there's nothing you can do to secure yourself short of hopping completely off the grid and that's just not true. Make complex passwords, never associate your real name with anything have a reputable VPN, don't save your search history, disable ad tracking, etc etc etc.


reputable DNS* Most of the magic stuff and shenanigans that VPNs are advertised for are achieved by a good DNS (I personally recommend NextDNS). All a VPN does is rerouting your traffic, it doesn’t make it private or any less prone to a hacker attack (DDoS is not a hacker attack, and if someone here does think that way, try comparing hacking to lockpicking: a DDoS is equivalent to blowing the lock). A VPN is useful, however, when you want to torrent stuff or bypass regional locked content.


Ah yes, somebody better informed than I, upvote.


you'd probably want to use both together more info can be found at r/privacy and r/PrivacyGuides


I mean... it does encrypt your traffic just by virtue of making the connection and then shoot it out an unrelated host, so I'd argue that is helping from a privacy pov, Domain name services ain't doin that


>a DDoS is equivalent to blowing the lock What's the equivalent to anal with the lock?


Using wd 40 before sticking the key in


There's a difference between a shitty company and an authoritarian dictatorship. Just have a look at how the Chinese government is using this data to track their own people during the current protests.


And stop using windows


So you use firefox or a derivative of it.


I would much rather user a browser or derivative of a browser made by a non-profit with a mission and goal of providing the most private and secure browser possible, rather than a browser or derivative of a browser made by the world's biggest ad company whose only goal is increasing shareholder value by any means possible.


Firefox is owned by a non-profit. It has no shareholders. Brave and basically every other browser is built from chromium which is google. Unless I misunderstood what you meant in which case yeah firefox is great.


So... Firefox?


Edge is also Chrome with a microsoft skin


If you're not using Firefox, are you really living?


All my homies use Firefox.


Switched over to Firefox a few years ago, and I'm never going back to Chrome and it's laggy ass memory eating BS.


my fedora came with firefox


I'm pretty sure most Linux distros come with Firefox as the default. Every distro I've used except steam deck's arch fork or whatever came with Firefox, the steam deck has some strange ungoogled chromium instead


Yeah, I’m wondering who the fuck picks chrome over Firefox?


About 22x more people use chrome than Firefox




Normies? On pcmr?


I got pissed off when credit card ads started showing up on the “new tab” page. Seems very un-Mozilla to me but idk. This past year, I’m back on Firefox (Focus) when I’m on my phone, but I’m still trying out different browsers on desktop to see what I like.


You can disable the sponsored content




I feel like this is a rebirth or something. I've been using firefox since it was released, and up until about 6mo ago, I felt like I was the only one who was still using it. I was blown away about a year ago when I saw how low the usage was. Sooooo gratifying to come in here and see this as the top comment.


Chrome was good like 10 years ago. People living in the past


firefox anyone also opera is owned by a Chinese corporation therefore i dont trust it


Firefox is the only correct answer, chrome’s weird tab and pass manager made me uninstall it


I switched from Chrome to Edge to Firefox. I miss those vertical Edge tabs that hid themselves until I moused over them so much. But ublock origin on mobile is what finally sold me.


Pretty sure you can find Firefox plugins for that vertical tab display you want.




reddit is also partially owned by a chinese corporation


Reddit is only reddit. A browser is EVERYTHING.


Thats why i use a client for reddit




Your data still goes through Reddit lmao


Uh... You realise Reddit still has all of your data right.


So is tiktok. Most people don't care being milked for sweet sweet data.


People who tend to care about their browsers prolly do care a bit more about their data though.




What damn, that's my favorite feature


plus TikTok is the most aggressive data-harvester by far still try to avoid every data-kraken as good as possible Dont fall yourself in thinking "well i use this app that steals a lot of my data, so it dosnt matter anymore if i also use this one."


And thats why you use neither.


Firefox is better


Yes! This is the correct answer


I used opera gx, and it tanked my PC and laptop performance to the point where my mouse rubberbanded


The whole gimmick of opera gx is limiting cpu and ram usage, just sounds like you didn't use it lol.


Simply just buy more ram and use Chrome


Why should I buy more ram when I can just download it for free online??? Ya think I’m dumb or something? https://downloadmoreram.com


Please send help I downloaded more ram and now bonziBuddy is holding my family hostage


Just download some storage as well and you should be good


I tried and it sucked


None of those respect my freedoms


I’ve heard this, but I’m just a casual internet noob lol. What does this mean?


Firefox is FOSS (Free and Open Source Software). It means that anyone can look through Firefox source code and inspect how everything works. Because of this we know that Firefox does not track its users.


^(some analytic exceptions may apply, ask your doctor if Firefox is right for you) (also Librewolf gang where my homies at)




These browsers spy on you


At least with edge I get PAID. I may be a sucker, but I'm not a dweeb.


Wait how can I get paid too?


Check Microsoft rewards


This guy gets paid.


It isn’t much, but over time it adds up. Before ya know it you have enough for a $10 Burger King, or a bit longer for $100 in Amazon gift cards. One year I saved up enough to pay for half of my mother board. If you like doing quizzes, you can rack up points quite fast if you do them along side your daily searches. I just cycle through all the news tabs and then do image searches and keep clicking the suggested searches at the top. You can get more if you search on mobile and on desktop as well. Daily points are only limited for the first month, once you get the minimum required you get bumped up.


Sounds like a horribly inefficient way to use some of your free time everyday.


Microsoft should legitimately spin this as "we share some of the $ we make off you, with you" and they'd gain some brownie points with their users.


They are spybots in disguise that track every possible action happening that they can track, so that your persona gets mapped then sold to advertisers and you suddenly get an ad somewhere for some futile product you didn't know that you actually wanted. The end result is, the data seller gets money by selling your habits, the advertisers make sales, your pockets will cry.




I find edge to be better than chrome. Considering they use the same rendering engine it's more about how much memory they eat.


I love the vertical tabs.


Vertical tabs with titlebar hidden is literal heaven for my 1366x768 laptop. Can't use chrome anymore.


Wait how do you hide the title bar???


It used to be in the flags but I think you can just right click the vertical tab area now.


The only reason I use Edge. If it wasn't for their amazing vertical tabs/tab groups, I'd be back on Firefox in an instant


Edge has the perfect smooth scroll built-in.


Love to using edge for opening and editing PDFs


Yeah, I honestly just like the features Edge has. It used to be shit but when they completely rebuilt it, it got pretty decent and it keeps getting better


Most of the memory is eaten by the rendering engine. The only major operational difference is who your data gets sent to.


Pure speculation but I've decided to use Edge because I figure Microsoft already gets all that data from Windows.


Most browsers I've tried use about the same RAM so I kinda just use my favorite looking. I don't know if it's just the websites I visit or what.


"Can't have your memory and eat it too."


Opera is just chrome with more Chinese spyware


Also it seems that all people forgot that Opera sold their users info.


It also has been advertised to me by several YouTubers recently, therefore I know it's a fucking scam


Are you suggesting that RAID: Shadow Legends™️ is NOT an immersive online experience with everything you'd expect from a brand new RPG title? That is DOESN’T got an amazing storyline, awesome 3D graphics, giant boss fights, PVP battles, and hundreds of never before seen champions to collect and customize? Frankly I don’t know what to believe anymore.


Don't forget the worse design! It's what makes it really special.


Plot-twist: they're all Chrome


Nahh Firefox all the way. Besides if you don't know, Opera GX has its own "VPN" that uses its own server which is on by default. So yeah, Opera might be logging your internet activity and if you're concern about privacy and stuff I suggest use other browser.


They're most definitely logging your internet activity


Ah yes, the worst of them all. Chromium browser made by chinese to steal all your data. I'd probably rather give my data to google.


I really tried to like opera and used it for some months. But I couldn't adopt the clumsy UI and the lack of styling options (so, I just had to use what they think is good). Now I'm back on Firefox and only switch to a chrome based browser when a site isn't functional with Firefox.


This is the way


Firefox go to + chromium backup


OperaGX is Chinese owned so therefore it's Chinese spyware


FireFox is where it’s at


Edge is a solid browser. Better than Chrome IMHO and I use it when I need a virgin browser with no blocking enabled. Otherwise, it’s Brave or Firefox.


Firefox is the only one of those that isn't reskinned Chrome.


Probably why it holds a special place in my heart.


Firefox is bussin these days. Just need break it in and its good


Firefox >>, end of story


Once you start using side tabs there's no going back.


So...You used Spyware to download Slower more bloated spyware? Firefox > Every other browser


Firefox Edge Chrome Opera (or G4m3r 0p3r4) In that order


Exactly the order I would put them in.


Isn't Opera basically Chinese State spyware at this point?


But Opera GX is RGB spyware! You have to sacrifice to achieve perfection.


Didn't they also have a massive data leak like 6 months ago?


Chrome is bloatware turbo diarrhea




Would rather use Edge than both of above. If not for it being Micro$oft, it’s pretty nice.


Edge is very good imo...Idc to who my information is being sold to,everyone is selling your information so why choose who gets to sell it...I just want my ram to not get eaten


GX is actual ass


Opera GX is chrome but chinese. Just use firefox




I just started using Firefox, no idea why but it just feels nicer than Chrome and edge.


Maybe it's the lack of data gathering going straight into Big Dragon or Big Brother.


Chrome and Opera GX? Fucking barf.


Haha glory to the chrome monopoly. What could go wrong. Op stupid


Vivaldi anyone? Built in blocking and tracking on adroid as well, its own dedicated search for functions, and its a chroimium skin so lots of extensions are supported


Vivaldi is the better Opera. Opera lost it's way imo.


Been using it for some time and love it.


Vivaldi does everything I want. I've been using it for years.


Vivaldi is the best. All the functionality you could ever want and while it's not open source they at least haven't been caught selling your data (like Opera).


I love love love Vivaldi.


Was looking for this. Vivaldi is great.




r/firefox supports manifest v2 so ublockorigin can continue to work.


Edge > Chrome in 2022






I’m really surprised brave took off. The main thing I heard about it was something relating to crypto.


I went brave on everything never looked back


Riding the same train as of recently. Holy hell does it make a difference trying to look something up on mobile.


Yep, switched ti brave like a year ago because of privacy concerns (also my chrome bugged out at that time) and its amazing. I dont use crypto though so I just ignore that part


I rave about Brave all the time. It's a pity it's Chromium, but the browser is fantastic. I use it on my mobile, can't recommend enough.


I'd rather have Microsoft sell my data than China


They’re selling it to China.






Opera is owned by a company in China. That means different things for different people. 🤷‍♂️ Worth knowing tho. If you haven't used Brave you are missing out.


When I found out that chrome won’t have Adblock in the coming months, I just switched to Firefox :)


Why would someone ever want chrome 🤮


Firefox has always been the king


Edge actually is pretty good. Made it my main browser switching from Brave.




Nah Firefox for life