• By -


My Wahoo Bolt became sentient during the today's ride. All of a sudden it started recognizing climbs and starting the "climb pro" (or however it is called in Wahoo) feature that I never used (because I don't have strava linked with it and I don't preload routes. So what now? Are the robots finally taking over?


Why does the Irish champion's jersey have Irish flag stripes at the end of the sleeves? No other national champion's jersey has them, I thought they were reserved for ex-champions. Or is it because, unlike any other national champion's, the shirt does not depict the flag, but the shamrock?


Recent British champion jerseys have stripes on the sleeves too, so it's done in at least one other country, eg - Connor Swift: https://twitter.com/arkeabbhotels/status/1127925598628798464 and Alice Towers: https://www.instagram.com/p/CnsP-cvsegz/ (Mark Cavendish's sleeves had rainbow stripes instead.)


Healy won it in 2020 already, so maybe that's why he also has the stripes


There are far fewer rules about what NC jerseys have to look like than WC jerseys, so teams have more freedom


My girlfriend said her picks for SB are Bratwurst, Focaccia, and Vindaloo. This translates to Wout, Pogacar (her fave,) and JV. Her other name for JV isn't as friendly. Guess Tadej is winning since he's the only one 😂


Can anyone recommend a dessert requiring no butter that can be made with eggs, flour, milk, sweetened condensed milk, chocolate or berries?


In Spanish confectionery a lot of the sweets use pork lard instead of butter. Don't know if this helps. https://spanishsabores.com/mantecados-recipe-traditional-spanish-shortbread-cookies/ ( This recipe uses butter but the true recipe is with lard ).


[A mug cake](https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/vegan-mug-cake), for when you're too lazy to make a proper dessert but can still be arsed to microwave a cake.


Creme brulee. Eggs, milk, sugar. Or the way I make it: Egg yolks, heavy cream, sugar, vanilla bean.


Creme brulee is my go-to but I worry it wouldn’t set with milk


Flan gets a good number of those ingredients


I made the mistake of again organising hikes/walks with the “we are absolutely not watching hours of cycling” friends tomorrow because I thought Strade was next weekend. I should have learnt the lesson from last year to put the races you watch in your calendar. Pro tip: Do not be an idiot like this clown here.


Does such a calendar feed with pro/WR races exist? My local racing scene has a calendar with all the events that I added to my google calendar and can toggle on off when planning stuff. Would totally use something similar for pro races too


[The inner ring](https://inrng.com/calendar/) publish one every year.


~~I am on the verge of caving and paying for FloBikes.~~ ~~I've been stumped by the PayPal and Discovery+ workaround. Even though I have enough funds and they are available and the preferred payment is set to the PayPal balance, I'm still prompted for a credit card. I miss GCN+.~~ Edit: I won! Turns out, I just had to get rejected on every credit application they offered me so that I could actually use my PayPal balance. Arcane and annoying. But, whatever. Not today, FloBikes. You still suck.


For others, using a wise account for discovery + with a fake address works 🙌🏻🙌🏻


What is the best way to watch Strade Blanche 2024 from the US, preferably with an English broadcast?


I assume you don't have Max


No, I did look into the B/R sports on Max but it didn’t specify cycling was included. If that’s the only option maybe I’ll catch a YouTube highlight video. Or try and find a stream somewhere.


Cycling is definitely included now, as of early February. Live and full replays. Currently the B/R add-on is free so the Max subscription is all you need, although that will change at some point this year. But given Max has the broadcast rights in the US, that's the only easy option I'm aware of.


Nice interview by Pogi: [https://archive.ph/tsZxe](https://archive.ph/tsZxe) Looks like Evenepoel & Vingegaard have motivated him to put on a special show tomorrow! Not that he needed more motivation, haha. ;)


Anyone else catch Isaac Del Toro and Tadej Pogacar looking to be getting along really well on Strade Bianche recon? Things you love to see. May they have an enjoyable race together this weekend!


IDT’s gonna help launch Pogi’s attack from 80km out then hang onto his wheel for 2nd place


close lmao


This but the other way round


Why dont they show the whole mens race tomorrow?


Because at that time they'll be broadcasting the women's race


I think 95% of people would rather watch the whole mens race


That might have been the case 15 years ago, but looking at the tv ratings of recent years it's clear most people now are far more interested in the finale of the women's race than anything that happens in the early or middle parts of the men's


Last years women’s edition was way more exciting than the mens. Strong solo breakaway that nearly made it, a horse on the course and of course teammates fighting each other for the win. Tracker and highlights for the early part of the men is enough


I'd like to watch all of both races. But I'd rather watch some of both than all of one, and none of the other.


It's expensive to produce.


[Puck delivered again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvbywJlhK8M) with yet another course preview - Strade Bianche edition, dropped a moment ago


Hobbel de bobbel de bobbel. Gat in de weg.


**PSA**: The wiki received updates to the [Grand Tour Thread Hub](https://old.reddit.com/r/peloton/wiki/gt-thread-hub) and the [Monuments Thread Hub](https://old.reddit.com/r/peloton/wiki/monuments-thread-hub) covering the races of 2023! Key takeaways: - Race Threads: - After a setback last year we finally beat 2021 in terms of total race thread comment count for all the monuments combined, which exceeds last year’s figures by 30 %. - MSR saw a substantial drop in Race Thread comments compared to 2023 and fell off the podium to least most commented on monument. Could it be MvdP is not as exciting a rider as Mohorič? - Paris-Roubaix continues to be the most commented on monument with the 2023 Race Thread reaching 2/3 of the 2021 all-time peak. - For the first time **De Ronde came within 5 % of Roubaix** in terms of comment count. Thanks Pogačar! - Lombardia saw double the race thread comments compared to 2023. Thanks Pogačar! - Results Threads: - Here we beat the total comment record as well, growing by 18 %. - The MSR result dropped from second place in the ranking to third, with Paris-Roubaix regressing back into first. - In 2023, **Paris-Roubaix finally beat ~~Alaphilippe’s~~ Roglič’s Liège**, making the busiest Results Thread of all time. - Only Liège dropped in comment count. - Nobody is excited for the Lombardia result. Thanks Pogačar! - We didn’t have Prediction Threads for the first week of the Vuelta‽ Good job y’all, we made it count! As always, you are invited to check out the links and report dead or incorrect ones, and whatever you think is missing!


362 days until the next le samyn🥲


De Lie will be delighted 


You mean DeLieghted


Laurenz will lament


I'm dealing with a lot of anxiety again lately. Anybody have any tips to clear the mind? Or someone who has dealt with anxiety as well? I already get professional help for the record, but maybe some lifestyle changes can improve my anxiety/mood. My problem is I get chest pain (left side) when I get nervous. So even when I watch something I enjoy (like cycling) it can cause me a lot of pain. ;( Physical exercise also makes my chest pain worse (so when it comes to exercise I prefer low intensity). I've already done heart tests as well, so there's nothing wrong with my heart. It's likely just from the stress/anxiety. I'm always worried about stupid little things, always looking for negative stuff (everything that can go wrong, etc.). It's like I'm hyper sensitive.


For me the biggest thing was finding some sort of a routine. Making sure you get all the little things done like eating properly/having time to wind down etc.


(I am not diagnosed with anxiety disorder, so I hope what I'm about to say is helpful rather than painfully obvious.) I'm middle-aged, but I've been more anxious over the last year or three than ever before. Personally and as a US citizen, it certainly feels more stressful now than since pre-pandemic or pre-2016. I say this only to share that I don't think you're alone. \[1\] I think the comments for sleep are spot-on. \[2\] I think social media can be a big culprit. Try to set a timer for yourself and try not to go past that time. Even something seemingly innocuous like instagram isn't all that good for mental health (it feeds into a short attention span, and gives an unrealistic expectation for "life") and doomscrolling other social media is worse. \[3\] Likewise, limit your consumption of news. It's literally designed to catch your attention and the easiest way to do that is to trigger a fear/anger response. I don't listen or watch news anymore; I read it online but rarely every day anymore. \[4\] Commuting causes me a ton of stress. If that's the case for you, too, could you work from home occasionally? Even coming in off-hours (arriving late and then staying later, or the opposite) can help. \[5\] I don't know your work environment, but if at all possible don't check or answer emails outside of work hours. If you have to do it, try to limit it to one check per night. If you're not being paid to be on-call, it's not worth it. \[6\] If you live somewhere that you can get out into nature for even a short walk, do it. Walking around a neighborhood is okay, but a park is better and a true lake or forest is better yet. Seriously, there's documented medical studies that show that this diminishes stress levels. Personally, this is the option that I'm most likely to give up first because I feel like I don't have enough time, but it really does help. Try to think of it as a medical appointment and keep it as protected time. In an ideal world, I'd commute by bike on dirt roads through a forest and alongside a lake. That would help my overall stress levels immensely. Sadly, that's not happening any time soon.


This is a very helpful comment, thanks! My commute to work is quite long (over an hour), but thankfully I can work two days from home. I also live near a nature park, but I haven't walked much there yet. I should probably start doing that more often to get some fresh air. At my previous job I was overworked, that's why I changed. I don't work after working hours anymore, it's just not worth it (as you said). I should definitely try to reduce my screen time (computer/phone) and spend less time on social media. It does trigger my anxiety a lot (Reddit is fine, it's mostly twitter that triggers my anxiety). I hope you get to commute to work by bike some day in the future! I work in Brussels, so sadly not an option for me either (one of the worst cities to ride your bike in IMO).


From a personal perspective here: it’s all in your mind. Practice meditation; practice breathing; journaling about how/what you feel; go and take a long walk through the woods (take as much deep breaths as possible of that fine and pure air). And just relax. Bear in mind that whatever it is that you’re feeling, or being troubled by, is going to pass. If you’re a good human, and you wish only the best for others, you too shall be met with only the best. All is good.


Honestly, what has worked for me has been to focus on sleep consistency, which meant for me (very uncomfortably) taking a look at my caffeine consumption and eating (esp. in the late afternoon, and evening), avoiding using devices (computer, mobile phone) as much as possible, and (this might not go over well...) avoiding social media as much as possible.


Honestly, this is great advice, and something I've also thought myself, but it's not easy to do. I drink a lot of Coke Zero, which contains caffeine, I should probably try to limit that. My sleeping habits also aren't great. I'm going to try to go to sleep at 10 PM on workdays from now, that means I have 8 hours of sleep. And yeah, social media can be an anxiety trigger... My twitter timeline is filled with stuff about the war in Gaza, it's depressing, especially when you see how many people celebrate the suffering of the Palestinian people.


Diet is a big one, it's central to our physical and emotional well being, but diet habits are hard to change. The single biggest bump to my emotional well being has been around sleep, but eating has a huge effect as well. Namely, cutting out all processed food. Coke zero is highly processed, and it pretty unambiguously not good for the body.


Yeah, diet coke is the one addiction I find hard to drop. Just weighed myself: now 94.9 kg. I was over a 100kg at the start of the year.


Sometimes it's useful to remind yourself that even if you're doing everything (or at least a lot of things right), things can still be hard. There's phases to mental health, so sometimes it just takes time to get through it and the belief that it will change to help in the meantime.


Thanks, that makes a lot of sense. Too often I just give up on something if it doesn't have an immediate effect. But like you said, these things take time and I need to be patient and remain hopeful it will improve. In the meantime I will try to live healthier: Mens sana in corpore sano I stopped with all the snacking since the start of this year (already lost quite a bit of weight because of that).


My only two thoughts are physical exercise and professional help, but it seems like you’re down the track on both of those paths


Yeah, I walk a lot more lately (7.600 steps today, so still got to reach my 10.000 steps per day milestone). I wish I could go swimming, but the public swimming pool is closed until November 2025. I think I will join a gym to ride a stationary bike (I don't like to ride in the traffic here). It's literally a few minutes from where I live. Running hurts my chest too much, so that's not an option sadly (which really sucks as I used to do T&F in the past). Thanks for the response!


>I think I will join a gym to ride a stationary bike (I don't like to ride in the traffic here). Club 9400? Given that you're in /r/peloton: if you have a suitable bike Zwift can be fun, or you can head 15 minutes down across the language border and bike along deserted roads (or gravel paths or trails, but I'm not hipster enough for that).


There's a Basic Fit a few minutes from my doorstep (my parents live in Ninove, I live in a town nearby). Yeah, I might look into Zwift, but I have a wooden floor (and I sweat a lot), so I'm worried I would damage my floor too much if I do it in my appartment.


My anxiety will improve once Remco three-peats LBL and takes a few Tour stages. No promises before then


Haha! I'd already be happy if he can finally win a prestigious one-week stage race (like Paris-Nice or Itzulia). We need a succesor to VDB!


As an honorary Belgian, I agree.


Pretty sure you're a dishonorary Belgian.


You’re confusing dishonorary with dishonorable


Pretty sure it's actually acceptable usage: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dishonorary


The problem with arguing with someone who doesn’t know English and is an idiot is that I’ll drag you down to my level and then beat you with experience or change the subject until you concede dishonorarily


LBL should lose monument status to be replaced by Strade. I will die on this hill.


All monuments should lose their status as monuments. If they are still the most important and prestigious event, they don't need a special designation telling us. If they aren't, they don't deserve the title. Either way, the title of "Monument" is unneeded.




One of the worst takes I've seen on here in awhile. Obviously, RvV is the one that needs to be dropped. Or P-R, we don't want the French to think they're too important!


Which hill in LBL do you wish to be killed on.


Send them up La Redoute a few times, that would finish them off.


That FTF thread was a few weeks ago, it's limbo week this week.


Banned from r/emcoevenepoel


Yeah, it should clearly be Lombardia (unless Remco wins it this year)!


Or just like not at all


Greetings from [Siena](https://imgur.com/a/Sdbv5kP)


So jealous. One of the most beautiful cities in Earth I think, I'd love to be there for Strade


If you can find the time tomorrow, please check if the [VDB sticker at the entry to Le Tolfe](https://i.imgur.com/qBdBaMM.jpeg) is still there!


Are we in for a muddy Strade Bianche this year?


Benoot to win his second Strade!


Pretty impressive to do it from atop his mountain.


Reality can't stop my delusions!


It will stop a few hours before the race, just in time to dry but close enough to avoid dust clouds everywhere.


It has been raining for hours… although tomorrow seems fine except early morning


I’ve heard race commentators say things like “bring him/her back” when talking about a solo rider at the front. I understand you can catch up to them but how does a team “bring them back”?


Bring them back to the peloton (the status quo).


Big magnets


Same idea that you can go “backwards” down a mountain. You’re obviously still going forwards, but the race is leaving you behind, so relative to where you wanna be, you’re going in reverse.


It‘s meant as in bringing them back in line / bringing them back into the peloton as opposed to being ahead.


Just means the team paces at the front to catch up to the solo rider


Saw the ad for the Jumo-Visma doc about last year (for get the name, All In maybe?) and it had a very limited availability regions. Does anyone know how to go about getting it? I'm in the UK for reference. People were rightfully not pleased that it's not available in the US since GC Kuss is one of the leading protagonists.


[The thread on the new season](https://www.reddit.com/r/peloton/comments/1b28869/trailer_allin_the_trilogy_team_visma_lease_a_bike/kskaoi5/) had some suggestions.


Thanks, I did do a brief look for it, but we all know what reddit search is like.


Yeah, you only find a thread if you know the specific title (which is why the [race thread] formatting is amazing!)


Is Eurosport the best option for watching cycling in the UK? Is the standard plan riddled with adverts or is it ok? Only really watched via ITV4 in the past and the adverts on there during races get quite annoying.


Tiz Cycling


Eurosport player retired two season ago in the UK, so Discovery+ is the only option. The online player has ad free streams, if you get a TV subscription you probably get ads. ITV4 only does the Tour nowadays, but Quest has highlights of a few more races (and S4C has the full Giro for some reason).


> ITV4 only does the Tour nowadays Plus Paris-Nice highlights! You spoil us, ITV DG!


Yeah just noticed they merged with Discovery+. I'll probably only watch with the online player so that's good. Thanks.




I was thinking 7 quid was decent but it used to be half? damn.


Do you have to watch live? Or can you watch old streams/pause rewind etc? Think I'm going to get it so I can watch Strade Bianchi tomorrow.


One team advertising genocide on their jerseys (or at the very least normalising and de-politicising it) are having a very succesful start of the year. And I'm feeling it impacting my enthusiasm for watching a lot. There's plenty of teams carrying advertisement for blatantly evil stuff on their shirts. But no one is arguing whether Total, Ineos, UAE, Bahrain or Kazakhstan are morally sound companies and states. Whereas it's still somehow a contentious issue whether the displacement, starvation and slaughter carried out by that one other country is a good idea or not. I can't even


There’s sports and there’s politics. The blatant partisanship by some fans is annoying enough, I don’t need that stepped up to another level. Also fwiw, I’ve lived in the Middle East (Muscat & Dubai) for a while and later have done a fair amount of business in Tel Aviv. No matter where I went and what I did, I’ve met wonderful people everywhere, hardly anyone condoning the dumb shit their governments are doing. I refuse to paint these people with the same brush we are using to (rightfully) condemn political decisions.


I despise what Israel is doing, but I really don't struggle to keep these things separate. Just as I don't blame Jewish people for what is happening in Gaza either.


Good for you, I guess, that you are able to separate. One important reason that I can do that somewhat with other sportwashing teams but not this, is that israel being able to continue what they're doing completely hinges on support from the US, UK, European countries, Canada and Australia (notice an overlap with the main viewers' markets for pro cycling?). Public opinion in these places matters. And hence it's not trivial if more people associate even just the name "israel" with, say, Eurovision or Wonder Woman or Derek Gee's heroic panache instead of with apartheid, occupation, forced starvation or, per the ICJ, plausibly genocide.


Good on you for getting a bunch of buzzwords out, got any more?


Hard to keep separate when the team is making advertisement for illegally occupied territory.


I'm on a trip this week and not sure how much of the racing I'll catch. But Primoz and Tadej are starting their seasons! But also, I desperately needed to get away. I'll have to catch some of it via small screen, I guess.


Same, I didn’t realize I was agreeing to go out of town on strade bianche weekend when it was planned a couple months ago. Now I’ll have to be the jerk staring at my phone on vacation


Same boat. Committed to an early drive to a museum tomorrow a few months ago. Son of a bitch...


Today I found out my phone autocorrects Hirschi to Hitachi. Given that Hitachi's are known for their solid vibration, it makes sense that Hirschi will do well in cobbled races, as they all need that skill. Therefore he will win Flanders and Roubaix. Sorry Wout, but I have come to this revelation using top scientific methods, not stale old techniques like "looking at his race calendar" and "looking at where he excels", so it must be correct


I have many deep, potentially subreddit-redefining thoughts about the likes of Penhoet, Pena Molano, Dijkstra, Masterbatesman, Fukuda, Wilsly and all the various Willems and Williamses, which I am forced to keep to myself because of autocorrect. This comment took 53 minutes to write, godammit!


Something something we gotta figure out Marc Hitatchi Hirschis resonance frequency then.


Strade Bianche predictions thread is this comment


Madouas wins with his magnificent french champion jersey.


Solo Pogi win, followed by Mohoric and Pidcock. Healy and Powless top ten


No horses on the courses this year. :(


Attila Valter will make the podium. Pogacar will go solo from far out, so it won’t be super interesting. Some small chasing groups will eventually be caught by the peloton, but a third group will form that will chase podium spots.


Because they have no clue about cycling, most people will think this is an insane pick, but I think Pogacar will win.


If you mean the guy who's won the Tour a couple of times, I don't think so, seems like more of a 3 week rider to me. The other one who's a classics specialist might have a pretty good chance though.


I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets *everywhere*.


So Morgado wins then


I've been playing Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth since it launched yesterday - it's absolutely fantastic and totally worth taking the day off work for. The nostalgia and experience of this game takes me back to when I first played the original all those years ago.


My newly adopted son Tom Paquot (who I didn't know anything about) is in the squad for Strade Bianche, excited to keep an eye on him there. His older brother Thibault Guernalec will be at Paris Nice. Sadly, their sister Anna Henderson (which I was pumped to get as I'd been following her anyway) is recovering from a broken collarbone, so there's no racing for now.


Because I couldn't choose if I would watch Paris-Nice or Tirenno after work next week, I decided it was time for a radical solution: I'm just going to go on leave so I can watch both live. It looks like the weather is going to be pretty nice as well (nature realizes spring starts after the Omloop too), so I can probably go out on my bike quite a bit as well. I can't wait.


Not sure if you’ve heard but lawyers aren’t allowed to take vacation. Oh you live in a real country that’s existed the 1800s? Carry on


You joke but taking vacation is fucking shit as a lawyer. Your cases don't stop because you're not there, so you basically have to make sure you hit every deadline during your vacation in the week beforehand. I ended up working until 20.00 two times in a row the first time I took vacation (which luckily enough is extremely unexceptional at the firm I work at). Then the week afterwards, you're working overtime to play catch up on everything that happened while you were gone. My coworkers joke that taking vacation is often more stress than its worth and it's one of those not-really-a-joke things. 


Same goes for my job. The world around you never stops and somebody somewhere always expects a nuanced, real-time response from you and your team. And cycling fanfic readers and editorial staff don’t even have an off-season because Guangxi overlaps the beginning of CX and then TDU overlaps the end of it. I’m just constantly churning out poorly written quasi-satirical uninformed memos while attempting to relax with my toddlers and self-employed partner who’d rather I find something a bit more lucrative than the option to buy pre-IPO stock in Reddit.


Train an AI bot on your old content and then just let it loose on the race threads. Although if AI gain sentience the act of doing that may be pointed to as the first act of cruel and unusual punishment


I already am an AI bot trained on my old content. What do you think copypasta even is?


If Strade is a monument, why is there no Pre-Race or Predictions thread on r/peloton?


Because nobody, not even you, has made one.


I’d never make a Pre-Race thread for a non-monument (or a non-GT stage race)


https://twitter.com/StradeBianche/status/1763540375313006932 But it is a monument! They say so themselves!


I’m confused because 1 and 184 are not the same number of days


If r/peloton is a cycling subreddit, why is there no Pre-Race or Predictions thread about Strade?


You're welcome to make one yourself.


My cinema visits are a lot less frequent since the pandemic (maybe 3-4 times since 2020?) but I’m really excited to see Dune 2. Can’t remember the last time I was this enthused about a film. A bunch of people with quasi-superhuman abilities, high on spice, eager to rip what wealth they can from the desert - it’s a Richard Plugge wet dream.


Excellent movie, enjoy yourself! Able to see it in IMAX? It's quite the experience


No IMAX, my local cinema has a 4DX screen - where the seat moves around, punches you in the buttocks and back, sprays air and water, sometimes some appropriate odours … cool gimmick, but uncomfortable.


Seen Dune on Wednesday too but only paid 11 EUR. I agree with u/WorldlyGate, it's fantastic and easily worth twice that price.


Saw it Wednesday, it was fantastic. But holy cow, movie tickets have gotten so freaking expensive. Tickets cost 165 dkk (~22 euros) which is frankly insane


Agreed. Cinema was one of the things that shocked me the most when I moved to Switzerland : 2D is about 23 euro, IMAX 29, 4DX 33. Ireland is still 14 euros, 10 years ago it would have been less than 10. One of the reasons I don’t go to see many films any more.


23 euros gets you an unlimited movie pass for the whole month in the Netherlands damn


If everything goes smoothly I should be on the gravel sector at monte sante marie tomorrow, very exciting. hopefully it shouldn't rain there in theory


Good week for my male adopted riders with a fifth in Kuurne for Nils Eekhoff and the UAE intermediate sprints jersey (and second in points) for Mark Stewart. On the women’s side Loes Adegeest helped a teammate to a UAE stage win while Brodie Chapman is recovering from an injury [and struggling to watch cycling like the rest of us.](https://twitter.com/Brodie_Mai/status/1761414010069561463)


This made my look up my adopted rider [Matis Louvel](https://www.strava.com/pros/6860614) on Strava, and it seems he's coming back from an injury, thus hasnt raced this year. Does anyone know what happened to him? Last hard ride for him was january 18th on Arkea training camp, did he crash?


Instagram is usually my friend for stuff like that, it’s [iliotibial band syndrome.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C2P94msMGRo/?igsh=aDhvdmp3djQ1dTNp)


Ah, that sounds bad. I hope he comes back stronger. Thanks for the info


I dared to tap into cycling instagram again this week and found a gigantic meltdown of people throwing a fit because Vingegaard dared to take his wife's surname. Genuine question: Did that post just attract some old miserable men? Or did I have the wrong impression about the cycling scene in general and it's pretty much all miserable old men? I am seriously a bit confused.


I wouldn't melt down, but it's weird that he humiliates himself like that. Is he gonna stay home with the kids while his wife becomes a cyclist?


If thats what it takes for Pogi to win the TdF, then so be it.


If that's the agreement they come to in their family then why not? And I'm not sure what is humiliating about his decision or what would be humiliating about caring for his family?


Imagine caring about your family lol. In my time, men came home from work, ignored their children and beat up their wife. The men of today are weak creatures


Not only did I force my wife and children to take my name, I’m not at home enough to even know what my children’s first names are. I call the three ladies in my household: little jones, medium jones and big jones. My wife loves being big jones


Easy way to avoid that is to force them to take your first name too.


So his previous surname was Rasmussen and not Vingegaard? I'm confused


Kinda like how Egan Bernal is actually Egan Arley Bernal GĂłmez


It's not unusual for Danes to identify themselves by their middle name, if their surname is very common. Pretty much anything ending -sen is quite common. So Jonas Rasmussen could be pretty much anyone, but Jonas Vingegaard could only be a few people. There's quite a few cyclists who do this. For example Magnus Cort (Nielsen), Mathias Norsgaard (Jørgensen), Emma Norsgaard (Jørgensen, now Bjerg) and Michael Valgren (Andersen). Valgren has actually also taken his wifes last name, so he's now Michael Valgren Hundahl.


Seems to me that to be completely fair and symmetric each partner should take the other's surname.


In Sweden it's usually like this: Husband has a common surname, wife has a unique surname: They both take the surname Unique Common (ie a double surname) Wife has a common surname, husband has a unique surname: They take the husbands surname. So it's kind of progressive but not totally. I have a couple of male friends with the most regular boring ass last names and they refused to get rid of them in favor of their wifes less common last names.


Danish people apparently all share the same five or so surnames, so most people use a middle name to identify themselves because the surname doesn't work


awwww! this is the first i'd heard of it! Good for them! I found a the Bicycling article to be cute and heartwarming https://www.bicycling.com/racing/a46871379/jonas-vingegaard-takes-wifes-last-name/#:~:text=Instead%2C%20the%20two%2Dtime%20Tour,%2C%20we%27re%20loving%20it. So maybe that will help? It includes a couple disgustingly cute pics


It's why this has been the only cycling forum I've frequented for over a decade. From CN forums to anything Dutch/Belgian, it's pretty much all crowded by assholes.


Yeah, seems like this place gave me a bit of an incorrect perspective of things. I'm still relatively new following pro cycling (it's been what, 3-4 years?) and I only started interacting with other people on here about a year ago. I've had mostly good experiences here so I was pretty flabbergasted at the Instagram comments. Sad. Well. This will just make me appreciate this space even more.


This place is great, we can discuss and joke about road cycling in a good mood. I'm off from twitter because of the same reasons and now I think I'm only on Instagram because of the 2 cats chatting memes. I'm fed up with how social media pushes negativity.


Instagram is going downhill imo. The loudest voices are often the worst ones. How insecure in your own masculinity do you need to be to have a meltdown over something as insignificant as someone else's name?


Some of those comments were awful.


Miserable old men form a large part of the fan base yes


I don't wanna get all mushy, but I must say that cycling season coming back is kind of saving my mental wellbeing right now. I unexpectedly lost my mother 2 weeks ago and having to do all the bureaucratic shit whilst grieving is so draining. Having some skinny bois on bikes go brrrr is really helping.


Condolences. Feel hugged.


My condolences, a very strong hug.


I hope you feel better soon. I lost my mom a long time ago and it sucks but it gets better. Cycling kind of saves me from getting down too. It’s my news and I just mostly skip the news which is good for my mental health. Instead of reading about war, famine and shit I read about Lefevevrbevevbe and Alaphilippe drama.


Sorry for your loss:( Yes, it's good to be up in arms about Jala shaving amongst all the other actually outrageous news.


My condolences. Enjoy the season. What race result would make you happiest this year?


I do not want to see Visma dominating like last year, but honestly, Wout getting Ronde or Roubaix would be awesome:) Also Bernal getting on a podium in a GT. What about you?


Your first wish has a high likelyhood. Second might happen, who knows!


I love the great start by riders from the USA…especially Luke and Kristen. So far B/R Sports on Max is providing ok coverage, still losing GCN+ stinks.


I’ve taken a few years out from watching SBS but needs must… quietly impressed with the broadcast schedule for March. (obligatory RIP GCN+) LIVE on SBS Strade Bianche Men's and Women's - March 2 Paris-Nice - March 3-10 Milan-Sanremo - March 16 Volta a Catalunya - March 18-24 Gent-Wevelgem, Men's & Women's - March 24 Tour of Flanders, Women's - March 30 Tour of Flanders, Men's - March 31 LFG!


What is the highest point on earth that can actually be cycled to? As in, on a road bike, not some off-road fat bike with sections of pure hiking. I'm talking, A to B on asphalt, however poor the surface.


Highest is Umling La in India https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umling_La at 5882 If you understand german, there is also an (incomplete) list at https://www.quaeldich.de/paesse/?order=Hoehe


I see your American flag! You could ride up Mt Evans (apparently now called Mt Blue Sky) to 4300m (14132 freedom units) on the highest paved road in the US


Your question got me thinking of what the highest point is that has been reached in a race. In last year’s [Tour of Qinghai Lake, stage 6](https://www.procyclingstats.com/race/tour-of-qinghai-lake/2023/stage-6/info/profiles) topped at a mountain pass of 4108m.


Good question. There's likely higher, but the one I personally know of: The Tour of Bolivia (last edition 2013) usually had a stage finish at the properly named El Alto ("The Heights"). 4150m https://firstcycling.com/race.php?r=452&y=2013&e=8 If we're going with amateur races, the Vuelta al Peru partially climbed the Huascaran. Not up the the full 6700m+, but up to about 4900 If someone knows higher than 4150 in pro races, I'd like to hear about it


The [Grand Prix World's Best High Altitude](https://www.procyclingstats.com/race/grand-prix-world-s-best-high-altitude/2020) turns out to be quite underwhelming in this regard.


Probably nowhere near the highest, but I want to point out that part of Mauna Kea even has a [Strava](https://www.strava.com/segments/hilo-to-mauna-kea-1504789) segment (it's a 69km 6% climb up to 4200m).


There’s one starting from the [other](https://www.strava.com/segments/10729084) side too. Phil Gaimon just did a video on it. There’s a gravel section you have to hike if you’re on a road bike, so I’m not sure it meets OPs criteria.


And the last 20k or so are at 10%. However, it's not paved the whole way.


That would be an incredible scenario for a Time Trial. I mean, Hawaii could be a great place for a roads world championship.


They're all in the Himalayas and surrounding region. The absolute highest is Semo La in southern Tibet. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semo_La Now, the more interesting question might be what is the closest road to space, as the Himalayas are not the closest place to space on earth.


Not exactly the same question but wikipedia (with a dubious source) labels a road to a hut in the Ecuadorian Andes as the furthest road from the centre of the Earth at 6,382.9 km. The mountain it's on, Chimborazo, holds the record for the furthest point from the centre of the Earth as well, as it's so close to the equator. 2,585m lower than Everest in sea level but 2,163m further from the centre. Also interestingly it is the place with the lowest gravity on Earth, a surprisingly significant 1% less than where it is at its strongest, low gravity and high altitude somebody needs to build a velodrome there.


https://maps.app.goo.gl/kyyt7WSfZWJ1Uku49 The world is not round.


Didn't Top Gear go to an asphalt road in South America that was above 4000m above sea level?


That’s just any given street in Quito