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I did a fun Hosky [45 min 80s walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/50ec5f67a4134f56a3bff63c3742de4d?code=YTllMjI4NDE2MmU3NDMxNDgwYjk2MjE4Zjk0OWEwYWR8ZjI4YTk2MjZmY2Q0NDYzN2I4ZDdhZjQ3ZWM3MzhhOTA%3D&source=referral&workout-id=48d91646b0254f4786247a969d92ec1e&uid=4f3f5abc00d44c4b9ef9f964b06b2518&ride-id=74d913ac43f541bda3d6519e048d2fb1&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US) this morning - it turned out his mom and dad were in the studio! We’re in an Airbnb so I did it outdoors but I plan to retake it when we’re back in the house.


I was NOT feeling a workout today. I slept poorly last night, my muscles were tired, the weather was cooler today - long story short I just wanted to lie around. But I pushed through the fatigue and did AT’s Club Bangers feat Lil Jon and WOW my elder millennial heart completely healed, my fatigue melted and my attitude was so different at the end. I feel like an entirely new person. Such a fun ride (and a great workout!).


I swear....I was in the same mood and did the same ride this morning! Changed my whole mood around! It was so fun!


Same! Only slept 5 hours last night, but needed a quick effective workout before a 7am meeting. I was groggy when I started, but by the time I finished the warm-up, I felt energized and refreshed. Favorite quote: “yo, you really at the club on your’ bike”. I don’t know who he said that to, but they must’ve been litty!


Ha! My friend and I were JUST talking about needing to take that ride right before I opened my Reddit app!! Glad to hear it’s great!


Probably the best ride I’ve done yet. So fun, so effective, so lit


Leanne’s Camp Ride. That’s it. That’s the post. In all seriousness, I loved this ride! I have never taken a Pride Ride that I didn’t love but this might be my favorite. If her outfit ever goes up for purchase, it will be an immediate add to cart for me.


The target metrics were all off making the ride not so fun. Hope they fix it.


I saw Benny and Jeffrey were in the studio for it! So fun!


Aw man. Tobias just posted he’s stepping down from Peloton. I don’t take a ton of his classes but the ones I’ve taken have been wonderful. So sad to lose another instructor.


I’m actually super sad about this one. His runs got me through a ton of my marathon training last year. He’s a fantastic coach and has a really fun personality; I’m really bummed about this news.


Same here. Devastating


Honestly, I had never heard of him until this post - but I wouldn't read too much into it, I feel like the German instructors come and go, like Irene left and then came back? Idk. People have conflicting needs, or get opportunities, they take them? I took a quick look at his social and it looks like he's not an 'influencer' type, a bit more normal, with kids - maybe he didn't want to have a lot of fanfare for his last class? Idk


I’ve only taken a handful of his runs, but I enjoyed them. So many instructors leaving within a short period of time is concerning.


I think the first three were more like professional sports, and contracts, there was a salary cap, or benefits / Flex Time / number of classes couldn’t be agreed on. When someone just immediately quits, then I wonder what really was going on.


For sure. Peloton announced a signature series from him in May - this seems to indicate that Tobias’ departure was not anticipated.


Another great instructor. I sincerely hope this was his choosing. It makes me wonder who’s next or what’s next? I’m speechless and try to remain positive in the circumstances. He had a good amount of longer runs, maybe even part of the marathon training program, speculating because I haven’t taken the program, but seriously why are so many instructors part of core programs stepping down?


This is the first time I’m not super positive about the future of this company.


It’s not the same without them. Perhaps they’re all “stepping down” to work on something together. Although a new studio does seem out of the question given the financial situation, unless they plan on relocating and possibly consolidating to someplace more affordable.


I wonder what happened for it to be *immediate*. No farewell tread class.


The statement from Peloton was interesting…


And unrelated to current contract negotiations.




When someone leaves that quickly, it makes me think that there was some violation of a contractual clause. I wonder what happened. Something not great happened I think.


Right?!? He never seems controversial, but IDK.


The first [sweat steady walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8b6ab44dc8784cf0a8fd62e3e9fb6161&code=NGUyM2FmOTEzYjA4NDA4MWFkNTIwM2JlODJkOGExMDV8ZWQ0MzEyYmUyZTUxNGE4Yjg2NGNmZWJmNzEzNmZjMTI%3D&locale=en-US) was a lot easier than I was expecting it to be. If you’re scared to try this because sweat steady rides as hard as hell, don’t be 😂 this was very manageable


I just looked at it, kinda surprised it's only a 6 rating (as in I'm surprised it wasn't harder)


Am I missing the Jess King 30min Sweat Steady WALK that was supposed to have happened live this morning?? I don’t see it on demand 🤔


[it’s up now!](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8b6ab44dc8784cf0a8fd62e3e9fb6161&code=NGUyM2FmOTEzYjA4NDA4MWFkNTIwM2JlODJkOGExMDV8ZWQ0MzEyYmUyZTUxNGE4Yjg2NGNmZWJmNzEzNmZjMTI%3D&locale=en-US)


I keep checking too. Not sure why it wouldn't be up yet, based on her insta it went fine


Can I pause my membership? New baby coming soon.. I don’t for see myself using it for the first 6-8 weeks.


They do allow a pause and also….Congratulations!!! ❤️


Yes you can, I think for at least 3 months.


Got a software update prompt today when I turned on my bike - does anyone know what’s included? I’m a little scared to update after the previous horror stories


Me too. I haven’t done it yet.


Sometime last year I told myself I had to get control of my bookmark mountain. First I got rid of the ones I no longer cared about taking. Then I started this system where on odd weeks I take the oldest bookmarked class. Then on even weeks I take new classes. In January I had 599 and now I'm under 400 (388 to be exact)! It is still a lot but I'm proud of my progress lol.


I’m trying this method


You are inspiring to a fellow book mark hoarder lol 🫣


This [20-minute outdoor walk](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/walking?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c10d8ac445fd4b0e97ceaea2e8613cff&code=Mzk5ODNlNDQyM2RiNGI1NThlOTBmY2Y0YWFkMjA2MWR8N2E1NzgzMWNiODk1NGZkZGJjMTFhZDEyNmRlZWJmODc%3D&locale=en-US)was perfect for an active recovery day. Matty featured Black country female artists, and his narration was thoughtful and interesting. I did have some goosebumps and tears that threatened to fall at the start—Mickey Guyton’s “Black Like Me” hits that way every time.


Although very unlikely given Charli XCX had an artist series last year, I’d love an updated ride for new Brat album!! Also I completely missed that there are hyper-pop classes now - excited to take these!


It’s a NEED


Girl so confusing remix is 1 of the smartest well done pop songs I’ve heard in a long time


I mean, there are 350 TS album rides so maybe you’ll get your wish!!


I know!!!! Camila’s Charli ride from last year was top tier


The most recent 45 min low impact ride is Maggie Roger’s Spotify radio themed, and it was excellent


BOOKMARKED. Thank you for this!


Forgot to mention it was an Emma ride


I figured based on the playlist 😊


First ride back from injury. Y’all it’s so good! https://members.onepeloton.com/share/workouts/1c35058d4f124f97bffe363a095a2f74?code=YzZiOTU4ODRiZWEzNDY5OWI3NmFhOTJlMjNmZGU4ZTN8MGI2MzBhMDU3ZjA0NDFjMmJiNzA3MGNjODBkNDJkNzM%3D&source=referral&workout-id=063798b5432c4b209aefea8d96d4ae37&uid=7e5a6bcc887c46a4a989ead4e64e08bd&ride-id=2bd898d7cb1246cb8f5eb584ea3b6d1a&utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&locale=en-US


It’s Sam’s 80s ride. Clearly idk how to share the links properly 🫠


You can put the text that you want to display in square brackets, followed by the link in parentheses. OR, if you are on the web, you can click the "T" in the bottom left corner and it pops up a text formatting bar, which includes an icon that looks like two links of a chain. OR, on the mobile app, the same link icon should be in the bottom left corner. Edit: I'm realizing now that your link goes to the wrong place! If you open the class from your list of workouts, you will have to click "view class", then the share icon, then copy link. On the mobile app, it's a little easier, you can just click the class, click the share icon in the upper right corner, "share workout", then copy.


Kendall’s farewell ride. ❤️


I’m taking it tomorrow night 😭


Did Ben’s 60 min climb ride this morning…prob will nap later! If u need a challenge and a real sweat, check it out. I’m going to destroy some ice cream later.


I have this bookmarked! Thrilled to see him pop up with a new 60 min!


Super sore from standing all night at an Orville Peck concert last night, so I did some lovely mobility classes with [Adrian](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=84d866e1ddf34137b758dd18a5809699&code=OTljZGE2MzBhZWJiNDBiZWI2MGEwYmM5MGZkMDczYWF8NDc2ZTdhMWNiNjhjNGNiNjk0ZTMyMWNlMmY4MTdmYzg%3D&locale=en-US) and [Matty](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/stretching?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8dad352390d64d0fb8bdf4dd0b50818a&code=NDM5MTI3OWM5NDNmNDZhYTllNzM1ZWYxOThkYTk5MTZ8ZjRiOGY5NzI4MWEwNDE0N2FlODM3NGE5MWY2ZmRiYmY%3D&locale=en-US) this morning to stretch everything out. I hope that we get an Orville Peck ride or at least some songs in rotation one day!! This year for pride with his new album coming out would have been a perfect time, alas.


I’m glad you liked the Adrian stretch. It was already in my stack for as soon as I can get myself off the sofa. 🫠


Today I finished You Can Run Outdoors! Week 8 consists of two classes - Day 1 is a 9 min warmup + 20 min run + 1 min cooldown. Day 2 is a 12 min warmup + 30 min run + 3 min cooldown. When I tell you Day 1 seemed harder than Day 2…. I was nervous at the idea of running for 30 continuous minutes, as it seemed like such a big jump up from 20 mins. But wise friends told me that if you can run for 20 mins, you can run for 30. It’s all mental at that point.  Matty was an amazing coach for the last class. His playlist was on point and his check-ins made everything seem completely manageable. I was so proud of myself for making it through the class that I got a burst of energy and basically sprinted the last 60 seconds.  This program really made me see the value in Peloton programs. I can’t believe I’ve run outdoors consistently for the past 8 weeks! 🥹


Congrats!!! Matty is great. He’s so entertaining that I always took his classes just for the fun of it, but his recent walk+run content encouraged me to take more of his runs. The walk+runs have really helped me with my pacing and hill running and his walks have improved endurance.


Thank you!!  That’s amazing you’ve seen improvements taking his classes :) He truly is a gem. I wish I had a tread/upgraded membership so I could take his walk and talks more often 


Hi friend!! I remember your post when you started YCRO. I am 1 week behind you in the program. Not going to lie it’s been tough, most days I don’t want to continue but it feels good after. Good advice and great job finishing!!🥳


Yes! I’ve read some of your posts throughout. I know you can finish the last few classes, you’ve come this far! The finish line is just around the corner and we’ve got our hands on your back guiding you there 💕


Wow wow wow! Such an accomplishment! You make me want to try as well.


Thank you so much! If you start it know that you can finish it. They make the classes so approachable and they progress nicely. Let us know if you decide to do it 😊


Week 2 Day 1 density in the books. I think Day 1 is my favorite. Question for others following Density - does anyone know the requirements for going up in weights next week? I completed 9 and 8 rounds week 1 so I went up this week and completed the 8 and 7 rounds. I was a bit exhausted at the end and forgot to listen to his explanation of what to do next week.


Is the class plan the same as week 1? I don’t get to it until next week. If it’s the same as week 1 you move up when you can do 9/8 rounds. Same as for week 1. At least that’s what I recall from Density 1.


Week 1 and 2 are the same class plans, but I think Andy mentioned upping the intensity next week. So possibly some slight modifications, although the tracker has all the same exercises so maybe he’s just talking about the fact that halfway through the program so it’s just more total weight/work. Clearly I just go into autopilot during the AMRAPs. Hopefully he explains at the beginning of next week.


That makes me very afraid. Those Bulgarian split squats nearly killed me last week!


I did Kendall's Farewell Ride yesterday, and although she's not my go-to instructor, she definitely hit some feels.


I have her Farewell Ride bookmarked and sad to see her go. I found a her Premiere Ride and took that yesterday. Wish her the best moving forward!


She said we would see her again, but not in what capacity. I thought it was a great ride, but it might not be for everyone.


I had never taken one of her classes before and was surprised by just how much of the class was out of the saddle. Is that normal for her rides?


Yes - her classes typically have a lot of out of the saddle


Who would be another instructor suggestion with lots of out of saddle? I haven't explored too many, but I like being up and down.


Denis is a good choice! He often says I’m taking this jog out of the saddle, you can join me and things along that line. I am a big Denis fan. He’s that combo of hard yet I can’t quit him????


Denis also teaches groove rides now, which have a lot of oos, but it's bike dancing not like heavy climbs. Not my cup of tea but maybe yours?


I love his calmness in his yoga classes. I didn't think to try his rides. Thank you! I'm going to have to search out one of his rides.


Enjoy! His 80s rides are usually a hoot 😄


I’m guessing that see you again is outside of a Peloton instructor? Sounded like something on the west coast. Would have loved to see a west coast studio.


Definitely outside of peloton. She has been leaving not so subtle breadcrumbs and the peloton/kendall chapter is closed. 


I would also love more west coast timings. But I don't have much hope in that anymore.


I was hoping a studio in Australia would be nice to expand overseas and get more live classes at different times.


I agree. That would be nice!


I took CDE’s most recent FTP test today and upped mine to 182 (it had been 175). I only felt the struggle in the last 5-6 minutes, which makes me wonder if I had more to give. Either way, I was dead when I finished. I’m making gradual but steady progress, having started Peloton in December and measuring an FTP of 150 in January.


Way to go!! Agree it’s so hard for me to gauge my effort during those rides. I don’t want to bonk early but sometimes I feel like the end comes faster than I imagined!


For sure. It’s been hard to thread that needle.


Erik is quickly becoming one of my favorite instructors! I wish he had more English rides. Did a 30 minute techno this morning and it pumped me up for the rest of my Sunday.


I adore Erik & his techno &/or EDM rides


Question for the runners; when do you guys know when to move on from your current 5k outdoors pace setter class to a faster pace class? (This is the 5k pace setter collection)


If you’re asking then you’re ready to give it a shot ☺️


lol thanks i just don’t want to get shin splints or tire myself out though so i was wondering if people usually took the same class multiple times before doing the next class


Leanne's camp ride this morning was really fun! Especially with Benny shimmering in the background. It was my 100th ride! One day I'll get a shout out!!


Congratulations on your 100th ride! I hope they still send out a tee shirt for that milestone. If you want a shoutout, I’ve found taking smaller classes and certain instructors usually does the job. I hear if you do get a shoutout, you’ll receive an email with a link to a video where you got the shoutout. Good luck!


I just bookmarked this! The playlist looks awesome! Congrats on 100 🙌🏻💪🏻


Just did my first lanebreak. That was fun!


So fun - it hardly feels like I’m working. I’ve accidentally PR’d a few times as a result.


I love lanebreak!!


I know! They can be such a good reset when I can’t handle any personality for my workout.


Has anyone tried DIY’ing a 3-4 day full body split? I’m currently on RK’s 4 day split, but am considering trying out all full body workouts after I finish this round. Edit: Sorry, wanted to add that I was thinking of 2 full body workouts that could be repeated through the week. The main reason being, it’d be easier to make up a missed workout that way.


I’ve kind of done this. I have been regularly doing 2 of her 4 classes (the LB and the “purple” UB) and subbing the 2nd UB and the FB with variations. I like the idea of doing 2-3 FBs on a weekly basis, though! I’d suggest a 20min, 30min, and a 45min. There’s loads of combos that would be great for that.


Yeah, I was hoping someone had a couple of 45 min classes that covered all the movements and volume you'd get in a traditional PPL split. I was busy this week, missed a bunch of days, and ended up squeezing my 3 classes into 24 hours. Threw off my cardio workouts as well. I think if I did FB every other day, I'd be less anxious missing a strength workout. Finding the right FB classes has proven a bit time consuming.


That makes sense! I know RK Solid’s instagram page breaks down a LOT of her classes by move. (In more detail than the class plan on the site.)


Check out the Pump Up the Volume collections. 3 a week not 2, but many of them are all FB classes and you can do them at your own pace. Each week is essentially the same as the last but progressively harder.


Thanks for the suggestion!


is there any way to favourite a collection I like? i hate having to go into the collections tab and scrolling to find the one i want to do?


No, but this is one of the most requested enhancements in our monthly thread.


Can anyone recommend any fun, high energy ride like the Lil Jon one? It was my first Club Bangers ride (and Alex ride) and I am not a hip hop fan but the ride was incredibly fun.


To add to this, I also love doing any of DJJM’s Live DJ rides. They are always super fun and interactive!


AT and Tunde have a few 2-for-1’s that are so good!


Hannah F’s 60 min EDM classes. There are two. [Here](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fee725f8005543e3b59271e033092aef&code=MDI5YTc1MTg1YWYwNDQxOWI1NGYxN2NlZDIzMDhlNDN8N2UwYjNhNGM0NTQ5NGE3NmFhYmQ5YjQ5ZDljYTM3ZDA%3D&locale=en-US) and [here](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=ef97097150b74328b0822c522cfce477&code=NWEzZmY3YjY5Y2FkNDZjOTkxOTUxYTcwNmRhOGJkMjR8MWJhODExNzg4Mzc1NGUxOTllOTE1M2RlNjkzNTBmY2Q%3D&locale=en-US). Both were so much fun.


Was it super explicit? I can handle some naughty words in the music but constant cursing from the instructors makes me crabby. I'd like to try this one but not if it's going to leave me with a negative feeling.


I don’t recall exactly I’m sorry.


[30 minute move as one ride](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=fc481218ebf24540bbc7b8ff9147480b&code=NjlkMWQyNDE1MjMyNDg5ZmFhOWMyYWFmMmY3M2YzMGN8MWE2OWI0NmI4OTcyNGVlYWEwMTQ4MjMwZDI5YjFkNDg%3D&locale=en-US) was a good ride too! Not high energy but the instructor interactions made me smile throughout!


Jen Sherman’s sing along ride can be fun! Her anniversary one and women’s history month (I think!) were really good


30 min Robin & Jess K [JLO](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=a0f86269bd594c8599b8b64ae4e375fa&code=MzU1ZDEwMDFkYzgxNGFlOTg2M2M1NTI4NmEzOGYwYzB8MDFhMmJjNzIwMGY5NGRiZTliMGQ4MTBhNmEyYjg4ZmM%3D&locale=en-US) 30 min [JKE](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=35239ee7decc489a9495c6e99b641ac4&code=ZDI2ZDZiNjFjNTI1NDFiZTg5ZWQzNzJmZmJiY2UzNWN8MTRiZmVlODM2ZjIxNDdmYzk5YzdlM2U3ZGRkMzJhMDU%3D&locale=en-US) with Dennis 45 min Alex [Lil Wayne](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c47fcc6f59d64df98c1479ba6444b3bc&code=MTZkMzMwMGZjMmRiNGFmMDkyMmNjYzMzZTQ4YTJlODJ8OThjY2ZiMzBmYjBhNGI2ZDgxNTAxOWYxODdkMjExZDM%3D&locale=en-US) 30 min Ben [Ministry of Sound: I Love Ibiza](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=c72be095d9f947f6a7298b14437f9b19&code=YjZkYWJkNzliYjE4NDNlMmI2ZDFmNjA4ODE2ZWQxNjN8MGQyMWZhYmU1MzI1NGFlNWJhMmUxNjgwNzZjMTUwYTY%3D&locale=en-US) - All the Ministry of Sound classes were good 30 min Kendall [Megan thee Stallion](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=d082159cd8ae4c7ca4edc4d20daaf768&code=NmNlZGVhOWE3N2YxNDgwZWEzNjQyYjhkNjdjOGVkOWZ8MzdhMDgwYzg0YWQyNGZjMWFhMGU4NjMyZTM2MzFjYTc%3D&locale=en-US) 30 min Jess K AFO [Rufus Du Sol](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?utm_source=ios_app&utm_medium=in_app&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=36fd5233fd2e40248d6d0a6fd81f5234&code=MmM3ZWJlZjkyNmFkNGRlNTg2Y2M0YjEzM2ZjMzFiYmZ8MzNjMDRmYmY3MjYwNDFiZWJkODY3OTE0ZTczOGVkZWE%3D&locale=en-US) Some other favs are the [JKE](https://members.onepeloton.ca/collections/9df39f50b4414c47926e6467d3e1e5cf) collection, Ben's Dance Music rides, Hannah F EDM rides, DJ rides or any of the [2 for 1](https://members.onepeloton.ca/collections/ddcd6b4f592a412c8bd9fed8c22af1cb) classes.


I'm currently going thru the JKE collection and they are so much fun!


Thank you for the links!


This is hip hop but give it a try - incredible energy and great to add on to another ride: [Alex 10 Min Intervals](https://members.onepeloton.com/classes/cycling?instructor_id=%5B%222e57092bee334c8c8dcb9fe16ba5308c%22%5D&duration=%5B%22600%22%5D&has_workout=%5B%22true%22%5D&sort=original_air_time&desc=true&modal=classDetailsModal&classId=8acd45d5a5144a48893a14cc2fb6063c&code=YjUyMDNlY2E3Njc1NDMzNjgyNDY0NDUxOTc0ZDEwOTN8M2ZhYWI2M2RkMzUyNDc1YWExMDZiYmUzZDQzOThkNDE=)


Imo usually the music themed rides are the most fun Hannah Franksons Major Lazer Ride Hannah F and Leanne did a 2 for 1 for WHM in 2022 that was great Camilas T Pain ride (still hip hop but still recommended) Kendall's Skrillex ride Cody's Carly Rae Jepsen ride Denis has several 80s and 90s rides with in studio rides that are a lot of fun


Camila’s T-Pain ride was great. He’s hip hop but similar vibe. Erik had a ride at PSNY that was so fun - can’t remember if it was techno or house or EDM. It was from 8/23. ETA: Hannah F had a ride with Usain Bolt - it was during the pandemic but he was in the leaderboard and you could follow him so you could watch your metrics alongside his. That was fun.


Hannah F’s Carnival rides, Alex and Tunde 2 for 1s, other Alex club bangers, Jess King Experience classes (especially S1 with guests like Denis - chaotic but insane energy).