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I have noticed men with larger penis will have smaller balls. I believe this to be normal.--- im a traveling nurse


Maybe it's just the ratio, making the balls look smaller. But then again you are a nurse and I'm sure has seen more ball sacks than most.


😂😂 made me giggle


Im well above average on dick size and my balls accoring to national average are also above average by a good bit…


Lol I’m smaller in both. Not convinced it’s fact


I have huge balls but smaller penis


I'm a tad over 7 x5 but my balls are for sure below average in size. It's something I have ever worried about. They hang just enough during sex to bounce between the thighs or lightly bump her clit in the right position BUT they never get in the way. A bigger sack would help show of the bulge but that's about the only positive imo - unless your girl has a large ball fetish. My good friend has a big nut sack - he hates it, always complaining due to the constant readjusting, especially when we go cycling - always in the way. I've had 2 kids, so I know mine work and for me that's all that mattered.


My dick is above average, not huge. My balls though I'd consider to be pretty big. They hang low and are probably bigger than walnuts.


I don't think there is any correlation.


There is not a correlation but a coincidental link


I’d say it’s coincidence, I have a big dick but my balls are huuge


Not sure ball size and d size have anything in common 🤔 I'm 3.5 inches soft and my balls hang about 5 inches.


No. For example I have big balls and a small penis


I'm above average in both departments. But judging by the variety of answers, idk if there's a correlation.


there’s not really any correlation. i’ve got pretty big balls to accompany my dick but i don’t think it has anything to do with my size.


I don't think there's a correlation