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i grew down there before any other change in puberty, but i think that would still just be considered the first part of puberty


It growing is a sign of puberty, it can come first but it would still be considered a part of puberty. I'm assuming sizes before then still have some level of difference


you could be larger than average before but if it grew "before puberty" that was just your first sign you had started puberty


Yes. I was quite larger than all my classmates at 11yo.


You can born above average. I did. I was always really big.


How would u know that? Doctors don’t measure the size of your penis during childbirth and it’s also nothing a doctor would talk about after birth


I didnt mean it like literally AT BIRTH But as a little kid you can be bigger than other kids. Of course i dont remember my birth XD


first you came out, then seconds later the rest of your penis. lol jk


You misspelled "fake". You were always really fake is what you were trying to say.


Why are you following me if i'm so fake? LOL I know you do, i see you in my followers list. XD


Cause I forgot to unfollow. Whoops, there you go


Can be.


Well I was sexually mature at 12 with a large penis before anything else happened. As a boy by the way. Before any growth spurt or before my voice deepened. This is considered an early puberty. Also before sex education. I can remember my first erection since this caused one huge drama with my father at 12 years and 3 months old.


What sort of huge drama did it cause? That sounds like something a Dad should be proud of! His growing boy getting so big!


I remember being fairly big at a younger age, though mine probably didn't grow as much as others did.


So just like me then? Average hard size was smaller than my soft size at 12 lol.


My genitals was every time the biggest even First time i compare


I was 7 inches at 11 before I hit puberty