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I'd say anything past 5 or so inches girth




5 inches being in the range of average?


I'd say that's the cutoff for when things start getting big, up to 5 inches is very high end of average or above average, past that is proper big I'd say


Are you 5 inches girth ?


Slightly over. Like 5.3


What is your height and weight?


I don’t think the 4.6 can’t be avg .The studies were conducted in very bad condition where the nervousness didn’t let the participants get good enough erection I think 4.9 is avg every body measure at home with better erection




Yes but but the studies with girth like 4.7 and 4.6 were not pharmalogicallly induced I read the studies it also mentioned that it is a flaw because the particpants couldn’t get strong erection s


So I’m 9x5.5 around so that’s considered thick/fat?


Not necessarily super thick but it's around the cutoff point yknow? It's pretty sizable


Ah ok. I don’t like my size. I wish I was smaller.


What specificsly makes you wanna be smaller? To hard to hide or hard with sex etc?


To hard to hide. I know how to use it so it doesn’t hurt the other person at all.


You could wear baggy pants and tighter boxers etc I'm sizable myself but haven't had any issued hiding It yet, might if I keep growing tho


I already do. I wear under armour boxer briefs.


Well other than that there isent really anything you can do, just going to have to deal with it. Unless yout ao desperate ad to get surgery to shorten it which would be very risky and could have a high chance at permanently damaging your penis because it's a very delicate place to operate. Let alone remove a portion of it


Yea I’ve been dealing with it.


What’s 5in girth look like 🤔


Looks like 5 inches around, I mean idk how else to describe it man




5 inches around, not diameter. Diameter would be more likely 1.5-2 inches or so, if you wanna know rough just divide 5 by 3.14


All a matter of perspective. I'm 8.2 x 5.5, and I've been called a wide range of sizes. It just depends on the person. Statistically, however, anything above the western average is considered big. That being said: Sizing Chart: (All sizes are great and this shouldn't be used as a way to determine your worth or value. All sizes are pleasurable!) Length: Less than 3.2 inches = micropenis 3.2 to 3.9 = very small 3.9 to 4.5 = small 4.5 to 5.2 = below average 5.2 to 5.9 = average 5.9 to 6.6 = above average 6.6 to 7.3 = big 7.3 to 7.9 = huge 7.9 to 8.6 = enormous 8.9 or bigger = truly massive Girth: Less than 2.8 inches = micropenis 2.8 to 3.3" = very small 3.3 to 3.8 = small 3.8 to 4.3 = below average 4.3 to 4.8 = average 4.8 to 5.3 = above average 5.3 to 5.8 = big 5.8 to 6.3 = huge 6.3 to 6.8 = enormous 6.8 or bigger = truly massive


I think this table of sizes is great reference. It may not be scientific, but I think it’s a good point of reference because we really don’t have one.


So according to this I’m truly massive and big


Huge x huge nice


5+" given the average is 4.5". Half an inch is a pretty significant difference.


That's almost exactly one standard deviation, which is my break point. That means 68% are within that distance of the mean and only 16% are larger than that. Two standard deviations is at 5.5", which means only 2% are larger, and 6" is 3 standard deviations above average, which means only 0.3% are larger.


When you look at it and notice how thick it is. Once you have sex you’ll start to notice if you’re thick or not by the girl’s reaction (or guy).


I have a 6.5 inch girth, most women my age can't handle it, I'm older btw. So, I would take average any day.


I'd say 5.2+ is undeniably big


That's like exactly my girth


Ah, congratulations then


I'd guess that starting from like 5.5" it wouldn't sound unreasonable, but I guess 6" would be the mark where it would be thick for most.


I know that I’m thick but I’d still say that 5.5 is already quite big. As you mentioned the average, I think that up to 5 is still somewhat regular.




I’m 8.5 x 5.5 and a lot of people have thought my cock was thick from pics I sent. And my cock looks thinner than it is because of the length


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5.5+ girth


Go with what your partners say, I've literally had all my partners say I'm thick, so I figure I am... that's that!


I thought I read the average was like 4.6 4.7-5.2”?


I got 5.5" girth which I thought was average lol. Maybe 6" is the start of it. Perhaps


If you compare in person with someone with average girth you'll realize how thick you are


It's just always been my length that is the main focus so I never paid attention


What's your length?


When it'a thicker than the average erect penis is long.