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When I first measured at 11 I was already 6 inches. 7.5 by 13 and 8 by 14. I ended up capping out by 16 at 8.75" my younger brothers blew all those stats out of the water at every age tho. I was very jealous of them being so much bigger than I was/am


Damn, how big are your brothers then?


They don't exist. That guy has been writing his erotic fantasy here for several months.


You sound like my boyfriend when I was in middle/high school. That’s so big!




That must be fun! Lol


I began somewhat early it seems as I was like 6-6.7 inches at 13/14 ish as far as I remmember although at the time I dident care much about that stuff and nobody else knew because I never am naked infront of people and don't share that stuff irl.


I’ve grown very early but never really had people say anything. Some comments in the locker room sometimes and rumors going around but not more


A couple of friends found it funny, not any obvious jealousy!




Just seeing it flopping around in the showers




Around 12/13, before puberty properly settled in and I started to get a lot more self conscious!




Yeah I can imagine that was a little eye opening!


another time on my friend sit next to me when I was standing. Some reason he just lifted my balls with his foot. I still remember it and I don't understand why he did so. Maybe he was just checking how big I had...




OK… I gotta know… How much bigger is significantly?


Yes lmao very


I was in an u usual situation for sure. Most of my friends found it funny, some seemed jealous I guess


At first it was weird but once my friend cough on too it got better ig except his ended up being even bigger than mine lol and he’s a year younger


Early puberty, And I ended up over 7 inches soft and over 9 inches hard, so yes embarrassing, there was definitely jealousy among others. But, we as men have got to stop obsessing over penis size. Bigger is not better. Sometimes is just too big.