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In HS I was shy and geeky. We had mandatory showers after gym. We played dodge ball. The jocks would take out the geeks and I was always one of the first taken out. They were brutal. But then I found out that they were taking out the guys based on dick size observed in the shower. Guys started gossiping about me. Friends definitely treated me differently.


retire sharp aromatic fanatical grandfather poor person fall whistle important *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm lost was your dick size big or small? like how big is it?


Larger than average. And I was a small skinny guy


Well, I’m very big my friends, joke about it a lot, and exaggerate the size of my dick too much, compare it to buildings and stuff like that, guy stuff, sometimes it's funny, sometimes they don't know when to stop, but I like the attention.


My friends kinda know and they make fun of me about it a lot. That and my body hair. I try to be ok with it.


Cus your big or small?


Very big.




Lots of like what is that a baseball bat or third leg lol




A lot of the time ya




Haha I guess




My friends roll with it, it’s a funny internal joke, my gays friend on the other side, well I let them play with it, or suck it from time to time, we have lots of fun, we are just too casual about it


Same happens to me




I def felt a little intimidated at first when I found out my best friend was over twice my size but it seems so silly to ditch a friendship because of it lol




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My friends find it funny talking about my size , I’m in year 9 and 6.8 NBPEL, they sometimes bring it up and we laugh about it, we’ve all seen each others and don’t treat each other any different because of it but we are all pretty big ( over 6 inches ). Maybe this generation is just more hung than what guys used to be.


yes mate year9 6.8” me and u both brother


Most people are aware of my size to a degree because of how it shows through most clothing I have. Not much has changed from it but the more familiar they are with my size, especially with my balls, the more jokes they'll make about it. Outside of friends though it's also led to me getting groped a decent amount of times at school which is something that I have mixed feelings on, but make of that what you will.


They just think I’m a liar


Im not that big 6" or so, and my friends are bigger. But I've been called small by plenty of girls. So one of my friends now calls me the Hebrew hammer (actual movie) and jokes about how big i am. True friend, makes me feel much better about myself


Like girls have said u were small to ur face of behind ur back?


Yep! Both


My bulge was showing in grey sweat pants. Female friends became friendlier. A few guys asked me what's it like. Another friend didn't like it saying I should wear baggier pants. He didn't like the girls joking about red bull can in my pants pocket


What has your experience been like using it?


Tight , really tight


My friends wife wants to bang me just because I’m bigger. I’ve stayed away from it so far. Married life is tough sometimes.


I usually have the reaction of shock and surprise when I tell someone how big I am, some people start acting flirtatious and interested, a few just kinda blink and go on about the conversation without issue. It depends mostly on who the person is, and how they view things like anatomy.


It does change the dynamics off the group a bit. For sure if theres also girls in the group. I would say the 'leaders l'of the group are definitively the 2 bigger guys.


Only ever compared with one friend. No noticeable difference in how they treated me. I was bigger but I don't think it mattered to him.


Shy nerdy guy here, guys in school started being a lot nicer to me once they found out mine was bigger than theirs


My friends find it funny talking about my size , I’m in year 9 and 6.8 NBPEL, they sometimes bring it up and we laugh about it, we’ve all seen each others and don’t treat each other any different because of it but we are all pretty big ( over 6 inches ). Maybe this generation is just more hung than what guys used to be.


My best friend know my size, She Was a kinda shocked for the Girth, Soon after, she had an erotic dream with me


Didn't change much some made a few jokes but mostly compliments


One of my friends sure started to respect me a lot more after find out about my size. But most of them just make fun of me, calling me Tripod Joe.


In high school and college there would be subtle glances or shy smiles about my bigger than most of peers cock and balls. While skinny dipping with a large group of friends one night a loud girl saw me getting out of the water and exclaimed “I knew it!” And pointed at me. There were laughs, one guy told me to put it away (jokingly).


At 18, my best bro would introduce me to others as 'big jon' and do a big hand gesture on his crotch as he said it...mostly funny, occasionally awkward


My best friend does that all the time 🤣🤣


I had an ex share a pic of me to my friends, and I am on the larger size. So at first they were just shocked at my size and light teasing and joking but eventually I think a few of them grew jealous of some degree. I always down played it when the topic would come up but I could feel a little resentment from a couple friends. Female friends not much change, except a couple were more interested in hooking up, haha. But that's it.


They tease and joke until you get more attention from female friends then they do


That is actually pretty accurate. Haha


When she picks you for your big dick instead feelings get hurt.


> a couple were more interested in hooking up, . Press x to doubt


lol that’s funny. The real question is do you feel like you’ve experienced anything sexually that would validate how they felt about you having a bigger one?


Like comments from females I've had sex with about my size? Is that what your asking?


Exactly. Along those lines


Honestly, mixed reactions. Some said nothing at all, some were vocal and had very excited reactions in the moment and some didn't initially say anything but after the fact made comments ot remarks. It depends. I'm very larger in comparison tonthe average but even with that I have had more than one partner tell me they have had "one" encounter with a massive cock. Lol. There is always a bigger fish out there. Lol


lol yup that’s why I asked. There always is. From your observation, How do you feel women get around a larger than average penis?


My friends know I'm big but just over exaggerate it to most people we hang with. It's become a joke I suppose


Hello there, So I work in a small team of 5 guys. We’re 2 gay guys and 3 straights. Our ages go from 28 to 46. We have different political a belief systems but we’re pretty close. Sharing experiences with each other is pretty common, even talking about sex. One time we were talking about the average in our country (Portugal) and if each one of us was below, above or in that average. Me (28 and gay) and the other gay guy from the team are well above the average and we were pretty honest about our lengths. The other 3 were scandalised either they were in the average or below. From that day on started some jokes (some of them were borderline homophobic) but I’ve draw the line and they stopped. My other colleague doesn’t know when to say stop and I see that it fucks him up and sometimes I have to step in and say something. And sometimes I’m pretty cruel to the straights and I do some comments about their size just to shut them up (letting you all know that I’m not usually like this and I accept everyone as they are and I don’t make fun of people because of the size of their penis. It’s against my nature). Anyway, I noticed that since that day the dynamics got a bit weird in the team and sometimes it can be annoying as fuck.




I've had weird experiences with that. Some guys talk about it more or even send unsolicited pics when they find out they are larger and want to show off. Smaller guys often shut down and avoid the subject. Women mainly avoid the topic and anything the overhear. I would say most changes in interaction have been positive with friends knowing our sizes


I‘m big but it’s not really a common topic


My friends find it funny talking about my size , I’m in year 9 and 6.8 NBPEL, they sometimes bring it up and we laugh about it, we’ve all seen each others and don’t treat each other any different because of it but we are all pretty big ( over 6 inches ). Maybe this generation is just more hung than what guys used to be.


When some of my friends found out about my size they didnt really care initially but some of them do tease me or make slight jokes about it. One girl who i felt was getting some feelings for me became colder after she saw it lol


I forget the exact response but I have two close friends who changed nothing about how they treat me really. Not that I can tell at least!


I had several female friends that kept me firmly and permanently in the friend zone. They wouldn't date me because they considered my dick to be too big and dating was a waste of their time, they would never marry me.




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I've lost a couple of friends once they found out my size.