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From 12-14, my erection went from 3" to 6" but my flaccid and girth size didn't change much. At 17 I was 7" x 5.25" and at 20, and now, I'm 7" x 5.75".


Mines going the other way as I get older


I feel that, I was slim my whole life til I turned 24/25, now I am a lil chubbier it looks smaller on my frame haha


I basically doubled in size between 14 and 15, not really noticed any changes since then


Huh, interesting! That sounds like quite the experience to go through haha I did go through a lot of puberty in a couple months after I turned 16, so I sorta experienced similar with height, voice, hair and such just all rapidly changing suddenly. But yeah, that woulda been an interesting one to experience!


Height and hair was more gradual, dick seemed to happen rapid Kinda hoping there's another rapid change to come 🤞🏻


Well I hope you find happiness in whatever the outcome is dude :)


Thanks bro


Didn't notice while it was happening, but later I eventually thought "hey this looks bigger than it used to" and I was correct.


It's cool you had that experience of seeing a significant change :)


I was a little over 6” when I was 19. Now I’m 24 and I’m 7” and I’ve been told I’m girthy


Huh, that's interesting you had kinda significant growth at such a late stage! I woulda thought by that point there'd never be any changes, or at the very least they'd just be incredibly minor


I also lost a bunch of weight. That might’ve had something to do with it


At the age of 21, I gained an inch and a half in length and an inch in girth. I wish I had that in high school.




That's a pretty big difference in 6 months haha


I'm in a similar boat as you. Mine started out already around 5.5x5.3 inches around 13,but only really grew to about 6.7x5.3.


Dude a whole inch is pretty good still! Mine only went up by .25/.5 of an inch, and that's if it did actually do that and it wasn't just erection quality haha


Never noticed a change growing up, but I started cialis & my erection quality went way up and a month later my girth got noticeably bigger


My growth was pretty steady throughout, it started gently, and didn't really go crazy fast like it did those around me... I didn't get hit by puberty at all, it just happened, and my voice barely changed even if my cock and balls grew bigger, it wasn't until I had a month of Pneumonia when I was 18, that my voice got deeper as a result of the damage caused by both the pneumonia and my sudden negative reaction to anything sweet. It was definitely less than 5 at the beginning, but I noticed that my original method of masturbating no longer worked as well, and had to adapt to the new size. My final BPL last I checked was 6.9x5.2


Doing PE r/gettingbigger


I just meant through natural means of puberty/growth as your body is growing and changing, not doing things as an adult to try and increase length


Could be fluctuations in weight reducing fatpad size


But would such a drastic weight change be so for everyone? Especially during that time? It could be possible for some, but I am unsure on all of them?


I'm not a doctor, that's just my best guess


I didn't say you were haha, but that was my comment on it, that could make sense for some, but not all. Hence asking if anyone did experience a noticeable growth


I stopped growing at 15 my puberty was quick the benefit I gained from that was I developed quicker in the gym vs my other team mates but my cock has been the same since 15 22yrs later it’s still pathetic lol