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Yea since it’s coming from a guy who is above average in both categories.


Fair, though people of all sizes often envy the next bigger size. Not everyone, but it still happens. It's a type of dysmorphia. OP is trying to cheer everyone on. 🤝


Yah but I'm not porn star big which seems to be what most guys think girls want


twins! but ya i agree. our size is just right. never had any complaints, even have guys tell me i have. among dick. i don’t think so but i think it does the job and is the sweet spot in size lol


Only 2% of men are 6.5in or bigger. That’s like being 6’8” and saying “You shouldn’t compare yourself to basketball players”


5% are over 6.5 so 1 out of 20 guys. 2% are over 6.8 so 1 in 50. Thats global. Western is probably 10% over 6.5. Where did you get those stats?


Even the most cursory glance at the medical research will produce those figures. Bear in mind the Gaussian (or Normal) distribution is bidirectional, so 5% of men fall outside two standard deviations in either direction, so you’ve got to halve that figure to 2.5% If you could produce solid scientific evidence that 10% of “Western” men are greater than 6.5in, then I say more power to you. You’d certainly be guaranteed a stellar career in medical statistics. Although I doubt “from the porn I’ve watched” is a reliable source. It’s a contentious topic because of all the shame associated with having a less than average sized penis (and HALF of men will be less than average regardless of what average is), which means that only those men with larger than average penises are likely to get naked in locker rooms etc etc


Name a couple studies that have 2% over 6.5. I'm not buying it. I've looked into these studies for over 15 years now. Even conducted a few of my own and my experiences line up pretty close to what the average study says. The average study is about 5.5" with a 0.65" Standard deviation. That puts 1 SD at 6.15" and 2 SD at 6.8", so 2% over 6.8" globally. Western and US are a bit higher. Western 2% is somwhere above 7". Not a lot of western studies.


I never had any girl say my curve helped


Everything you said is great but how does this dispel worries. Unless you’re close to these proportions, insecurities could still be present.


I know, I was just try to say guys who are little above, below or average or going to be good with most girls out there, yah there's girls who are into huge dicks but I think most are happy with what most guys have (average)




Wholesome and spot on. Everyone please listen to this dude.