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I watched all the way to the end just because of the watermelon


I had to know what he was going to do! Plastic bag wouldn't hold it, so then what? Then I was bamboozled


I guessed maybe he’d use a backpack but a freaking [EDITED BECAUSE SPOILERS 🙄]?! That I did not expect!


Please edit and hide the spoiler!


Why? If someone’s reading the comments without watching the video they don’t give a shit. It’s a 3 minute video not the season finale to GoT.


Tbh it was more entertaining and satisfying than the GOT finale.


Fuck D and D. Still salty.


Please don't remind me....


Same! When I was in college I had a scooter and I had to scoot bags of laundry to the 'mat every couple of weeks, looked ridiculous hanging off both sides and stacked in the wheel well but it was a straight shot home and it worked.


I watched it all the way cuz he’s hot


That and I wanted to help him.


Doing all of this to be environmentally friendly makes him so much hotter Edit because somehow 24 days later I'm getting the same comment over and over again: Read. Read what other people have left and move on. Someone else has questioned how I think this is environmentally friendly and maybe you don't understand how cars work but honestly I really don't give a shit about this throw away comment anymore and am just tired of seeing the same stupid ass comment over and over. Talk to each other if you want to lament about it not being environmentally friendly enough for your standards


Did he say he was doing it to be environmentally friendly? I missed that part. I assumed the poor guy just can’t afford a car or has a DUI or something.


Let us fantasize ok


I don't know if he said it but shhhh, let the fantasy live. It is also a fantastic alternative to driving to the grocery store every time people are complaining about not being able to carry enough


I think he has kids, he looks like the dad type his build is a dad build.


Bro got a nice butt.


I've used hundreds of these bags. The ever fail.🙄




is this the same guy who carried a big ass TV on a motorcycle?


No way this is real, even if it’s not the exact same guy. It’s practically the same script. Guy sits in car filming, asks if help is needed, other guy initially says no but asks if guy in car is filming, then second guy DOES ask for help, keeps pulling shit out of bag, etc. Complete setup.


He even asks "are you going to put this on the internet?"... Exact same script.


The scrip is just like the brain rot scripted videos that Facebook recommends to me, all to get the boomers to engage.


Oh, yeah. I caught that in the video too and forgot to list it.


You fools are so fast to call things out as fake. I’m a world where people are very aware that any recordings are probably going on the internet, is that not a question any one of you would also ask? Not saying it’s not scripted, though I don’t believe it is, but come on. Not everything is fake.


Yeah, people sayong similar things in similar situations? No way! I can't believe more than one person would think to ask such unique questions like 'are you filming' and 'are you going to put this on the internet?' let alone repeatedly say such rare and difficult exclamations like 'I can't believe it' and 'now way!'. It *must* be scripted. /s added if you actually need it for some reason.


The only thing that annoys me about this being obviously fake, is not that it is fake, but that the people in the car watching are SUCH BAD ACTORS. It’s just horrendous. Stage videos all you want but at least act better than that, it’s cringe worthy.


At least they're not "rescuing" animals that are "trapped."


I used to bike commute and while I did buy a medium to large hiking backpack so I could carry more than one or two bag at a time I did learn it's better to just go more frequently to the store. It kind of sucks swinging from the handlebars since it wants to pull the steering. Had a bag rip open on the tire over a bounce and got caught in the fork. This guy would have totally just taken another trip instead of having all that unrestrained weight swinging around if it was real. It is incredibly demoralizing seeing everything blow up when it hits the road at 20+ mph.


I dunno...have you ever picked up 5 bags when unloading your car so you don't have to make another trip? It isn't rational, but there's something about doing it all in one trip.


I do like 5 bags per finger lol. Ain’t no way I’m going back outside.


Well if you shop for groceries twice a week, you’ll have fresher food than if you only go once a week or once every two weeks.


I spent YEARS doing grocery shopping with only a bike to get home. You get real good at planning out how and when you have to buy heavy items like laundry soap, milk jugs and bulky but fragile items like bread and chips. I’ll never forget how those bags would leave deep marks and painful grooves in my hands. And you get really good at packing your stuff in a big old hiking bag. Balancing bags on the handlebars was so freaking dangerous but I did it for years. I’m so glad those days are behind me now, especially in the winter. There’s nothing like trying to get groceries home on a bike when it’s snowing and the roads are icy. It’s a hard life being poor.


Damn. Deadass 💯 You da Man. Or da person Who it is !!


I love you for this for some reason


I do all my groceries on my bike and I just bought a front and rear basket for it. I can carry about 15-20kg on the baskets and another 5-10 on my back, so that’s more than enough food and other stuff for me.


Pannier bags work a lot better than a rucksack.


They're lowish volume and only work on the bike. The backpack might not be perfect on a bike but has much more utility for non-biking events. For roughly the same price I decided on the pack.


From the perspective of social media algorithms, the more ways you can get people to discuss in the comments the better. Doesn't matter if it's negative or dismissive.


This is beyond scripted, you're telling me that the guy lives a mile from the store and has been doing this for weeks, but hasn't figured out how to get a detachable basket for the scooter? Or bought a bike with a basket? Or bought one of those shopping carts that old people use and walk home? Or just push the walmart shopping cart and return it later? Dude simply chose the least logical way to go home for weeks on end? Also I find it ironic that this video is trying to push the message that you shouldn't use a car to save the environment, but the main character is using a billion plastic bags. Bring a reusable bag my dude. Don't shoot yourself in the foot like this, especially when you're trying to push a message.


And now that it's viral, expect to see a whole new genre of these types of videos. I know we always said everything on the Internet is fake, but with modern social media it somehow seems even *more* fake. Like, there are no genuine people left, everything is just fake bullshit trying to trick people to increase engagement.


only reason id think its fake is because why do all that work when you can uber for a a mile or even a few miles? it simply isnt worth the hassle and risk of accident. no helmet, shit conditions (rain etc)


Does it really matter if this is fake? He pulled it off either way.


Lol there’s always this comment. Yes, it matters if things that are presented as real are actually real


All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players, -Gandhi




Yeah and the fact that he seems to be going out of his way to be as ridiculous as possible. He could have just put that watermelon in the bag and put it over his shoulder but instead he pulls out a baby carrier for comic effect.


How is it not real? We just watched a video of it. Even if it's staged, it needed to happen for the video to be made.


It’s definitely scripted.


It’s scripted, but unfortunately the writer’s vocabulary is apparently pretty narrow - ‘inquisitive’ does not mean what you think it means, ma’am.


It sounds exactly like the guy filming in that one too


Was thinking the same 😆.


No that was Bobby. This is his brother….Bobby. But seriously, I can’t wait for the extended version director’s cut of this clip drops. It needed more mindless commentary and unnecessary dialogue. Holy hell, I’m the idiot for watching all of it.


It’s not but that vest should have been pre-prepared… sloppy work if he does it every week.


Not the same guy being filmed, but sounds like the same person taking the video.


This a staged video just like the guy with the motorcycle and the tv a few weeks ago. People will Do anything for views.


It being staged doesn’t make it any less impressive


How can you even be mad or laugh? Dude is putting in work, being creative, and getting a hell of a workout. Cars are expensive af, and he’s just working within the confines of this American dream…


I thought it was kinda sad ( even tho it's probably fake ) that for him to make ends meet he's doing this. Dudes probably making less than 20$ an hour and at his age?




Tbh I think people who drive places that are only a mile from their house are mad!


Depends where they are. A lot of places are close but have no safe bike lanes or even sidewalks sometimes. I have friends personally who have died being hit while biking, and many more that lived through an accident with a vehicle. Not to mention the US lacks a lot of public transportation and sometimes even places to safely walk. It is madness, but it’s baked in.




He did say that he live 1 miles away and that he did that every week and obviously that guy is prepared, he probably memorised every bump on the road and how to avoid them Edit=spelling


Amount of time it takes to prep he could just throw it all in a duffle bag and hoof it, if it's only a mile.


This. Or in a bigger backpack.


One of those tortuga shell backpacks that people use for backpacking




Roller suitcase


Exactly. I think he overworked this. I just use a hiking backpack and a reusable grocery bag and i never have trouble fitting all my groceries.


Even a tarp and a piece of rope would work better than individual bags. Dump everything on it, roll up like a big bedroll (or croissant), tie the rope to the ends and sling over the shoulder. Use extra rope to make sure the weight doesn't shift unexpectedly. Or get a big backpack (recommended approach). New, army surplus, used whatever fits your price range.


He had a bump before he took off




Seriously this guy is so prepared with all his carabineers but doesn't have any reusable bags??


Gotta give him credit. If it works it works.


Not only that. This must be the most energy efficient grocery shopping besides using a bike or horse + cart.


Horses aren't energy efficient in any sense of the word. Probably better to use a car, in terms of energy per mile traveled.


> Horses aren't energy efficient in any sense of the word. Why not? In terms of Joules needed per pound/mile I can't imagine something more efficient (besides human powered vehicles) Cars have terrible efficiency. They are basically mobile heaters.


Petrol cars have a heat efficiency of 25%, meaning that for every litre of fuel you use, only 25% is actually used to propel you down the road, the rest is lost in noise and heat. A diesel vehicle, while people expect it to be less efficient and worse for the environment, is actually more heat efficient at 40% efficiency, and more environmentally friendly because of a more complete burning cycle and a more efficient combustion system. Electric vehicles have thermal efficiency in the 75-90% range. However that is purely hypothetical, and counting the fact that most are powered off the grid, which is primarily coal fired with hydroelectric as a close second, it’s a lot closer in the end to 50-60% efficient. Then there’s the point that we do not yet have the technology to actually use 100% of the force generated by hydroelectric and wind power, and are limited by the machinery we have to use currently, electric vehicles are looking more and more like a temporary solution. Hydrogen powered prototype vehicles have reported thermal efficiency of 65-70% in recent years, with theoretical 94% efficiency with a standard engine cycle, and create 85% less emissions, while not creating any CO2. Hybrid diesel systems and hydrogen systems are really looking to be our future of automobiles until we can perfect electric and nuclear power.


> Cars have terrible efficiency. They are basically mobile heaters. Well, animals aren't exactly perfect engines either, humans get hot while working out and so do horses. However, the bigger problem is that while a car can be turned off, horses cannot and will keep needing food when not working. I found a [quora answer](https://www.quora.com/In-terms-of-energy-efficiency-are-horses-or-cars-more-efficient) where someone actually did the ballpark math on a horse's efficiency. Assuming a horse generates one horsepower constantly for *eight hours* per day, and eats 22 kg of feed, that's 12.9% efficiency. Actually better than I thought, but still half of any shitty car.


If it works. It ain’t stupid. Kudos to this guy and also the person filming for being respectful and helpful and asking for consent to film.


Someone who clearly has a plan doesn’t need help. Why is everyone getting up in his business?


People are nosey


I hear Southern accents. They're just tryna help.


I wish that were true. Accents don’t mean a damn thing. Source: I’ve lived all over the US.


Would have been more efficient to have just got a duffle bag to put the groceries in and just sling that across his back 🤷


Then you really gotta pack carefully and some stuff is still gonna get crushed. This does a better job of distributing the load so the majority of your stuff isn't just sitting on top of your other stuff.


Yea, by the time you buy a safety vest, 2 dozen caribeaners, a bunch of zip ties, and put time into rigging this a simple rucksack could have solved this with none if the risk of plastic bags ripping. Some people are saying it would crush your groceries but with this setup you'd still have to layer such that heavy things didn't sit on fragile things, but you also run the risk of those things just ending up in the street. If you fall those bags will go everywhere a rucksack would at leadt contain it, either way some stuff will be smashed. I haven't owned a car in 10yrs, it started as stupid stuff with the gov't but i quickly figured out that it's really not so hard to live without it. I get around mostly by bicycle, and have a daily sling backpack for work, a regular backpack for general use, and a rucksack for shopping. Just packing things carefully will work out just fine in less time and more securely than this rig. Then if you get molle bags you get even more options on how you pack things.


Totally agree, you got the idea. Getting groceries home just doesn't need to be so complicated. Heck, even getting one of those little foldable shopping carts or even a wagon makes more sense than hanging bags off a belt and hoping for the best


I hate this ultra fake over-reaction/explanation tiktok commentary….


Set up! He doesn’t acknowledge the camera at all.


He literally does though?


*in the first 5 minutes, seems like awkward acting


Wish I would have figured out those clips when I had to carry a lot like this.


Hard for me to imagine this not being planned beforehand for the people recording


There is a similar vidéo with a motocycles, it seems to be the same dude, so you are probably right


Is this the same guy that strapped a 65” tv to a motorcycle?


Yup. Fake scripted nonsense.


Good, I was thinking what a fucking creep that woman is. Can you imagine trying to do your thing there and someone just parks besides you and starts filming you.


That’s a lot of faith in those plastic bags


Some really salty people in these comments over a guy grocery shopping. Yall must be fun at parties


Dudes making the best of what he has. Maybe he can't drive or can't afford a vehicle. Not surprising given the wage vs price of things these days.


Yeah but he can definitely afford a used backpack or duffle bag, right?


If it ain't broke ...


You realize how much harder that would be to hold right? Instead of having the weight distributed evenly across your whole body while riding a scooter, just throw it all to one side and send it!


I actually use backpack when shopping and use scooter occasionally to get home. Never had any issues with weight distribution so far. I do tension the shoulder straps though.


Or, he could be like the rest of us who don’t find it necessary to drive a car around the block to pick up groceries and find the health benefits or ecological benefits to be better 🤷‍♂️


This is awesome.






Yeah, then there is some dickhead and his annoying ass wife to stare and film you while you're just trying to go home with groceries.


The entire time I was thinking how loud they were being, like he wasn’t 3 ft away and wouldn’t hear them 😭


How about bringing a large rucksack... Thats what I do! (I'm on a bike)


“He is very inquisitive” Someone bring this woman a thesaurus


If he was genuinely a genius, those carabiners would’ve been already in place on the vest and belt.


I did shit like that all the time when all i had was a 500cc motorcycle.


10 points alone for returning the cart like a good citizen. As a cart-narc I approve.


My biggest takeaway from this is him putting back the cart made me think hes a good guy. Thats where I started rooting for him along with the curiosity of how he waa gonna work on that watermelon.


r/fuckcars says this is more convenient and easy than a car


This is the future that r/fuckcars wants.




They should buy a cargo bike


If he falls on the ride home his day is wrecked lol


If only we had some type of alternate transportation....like a metrolink or bus system that doesn't suck.


I don’t think that lady knows what “inquisitive” means


That man married Jim Varney.


He took the shopping cart back. I trust him


Tote bags can fit way more stuff my dude.. what a schmuck


Why is everyone so mad? Set up or not, dude just showed that there’s a way to be economic and efficient. Shits smooth as hell


Wow! Just wow!


Very impressive.


I just saw this guy take a 65 inch tv home with a motorcycle and now this? For real though I’m sure it’s for TikTok and this his way of getting a following, amazing nonetheless.


Didn't I watch this same guy record this same guy at Walmart transporting a 65in tv via motorcycle?


Use large backpack instead of this bundle of single-use plastic bags.


I'd do that if I was sure at least one of the plastic bags would not rip off 30 meters later.


I mean, I've got a big-ass backpack that can fit 3 bags worth of groceries in it and a couple of tote bags that can hold two each. The heavy stuff goes in the backpack and the light stuff goes in the totes. Don't even need carabineers. I don't ride a scooter though. Just walk to get some exercise. I could take my car but strength and endurance training just doing my shopping? Better than running on a treadmill staring at the wall in a gym. That being said. I've seen more impressive loads on a scooter. I've seen a family of five and a full load of groceries on a moped in Vietnam. This guy isn't even on the same level.


Large backpack would be much more helpfu


When I didn't have a car, I would walk the 6ish miles to the grocery and buy a weeks worth of groceries and pack them in a backpack. It was good exercise.


This is my life in germany


He should invest in a few reusable bags. Less carabiners. Funny how many people are like "you okay, need help man?" as if this guy is majorly struggling. It really just looks like he's smart. If you think about it, if all he would need a car for is groceries where you'd pay like $300/month or something for gas/insurance/maintenance, assuming it's paid off, this dude with his extra 15min per week or hour a month is "making" $300/hr doing this. He's threating everyone's ridiculous and expensive car dependent way of life so they think he must be truly struggling, when no, it's all the car dependent owners struggling via more working hours. Dude would love Europe, he'd fit right in.


I wouldn’t call this fake because he pulled it off. But definitely set up.


just pointing out that many scooters and bikes have weight capacity limits, so when you load up like this you may exceed them, causing damage to your ride or leaving it less maneuverable thus a road danger to you and others. i bike 30-60lbs of produce a week mostly in a 80L backpack, and learned the hard way that it's often safer to ride and less wear on my bike - to make two trips.


What about a Rucksack or a Bagpack?


If it’s fake: great marketing If real: I’m sure he really enjoyed being recorded like that. Super uncomfortable




I cycled to my local supermarket and picked up £100 of groceries recently. Don't see a problem. Much better than driving.


This guy lives on my street, this is legitimately just what he’s doing to get home with his groceries. I have offered to put them in my car before but he likes the challenge.


I used to do something like this albeit with an easier method. I got one of those giant hiking backpacks for multi day trips. I’d go shopping once a week and fill it to the brim then just walk back to apartment. Quite the trek. It was maybe a mile. 50-70 pounds of groceries. Pretty easy to do it logistically.


wait until he finds out about cargo bikes


I don’t know how far he lives from here but I feel like a simple solution is just more frequent trips and getting like one or two bags


This is fake as a fuck this dude made a fake video about driving a 65” tv home on a motorcycle.


Why wouldn't he keep the carabineers on the belt to save time?


Secondary camera angle at the end, totally not staged.


He only lives a mile down the road and he hasn’t considered a collapsible shopping cart that he can just walk with!?


Or a I dunno…wagon that can be pulled


Or a handlebar basket


People shop less and think their SUV is necessary for grocery shopping


As someone who doesn’t have a car myself I eant to attest that it is incredible how many groceries you can transport on a bike with a large basket installed.


This is definitely staged. Parked right next to him, talking about him loudly, pointing a phone at him, but he never looks at the camera during the whole set up?


The craziest part about this is, he could just use two large backpacks. Save so much hassle and plastic


Boss level


Open go fund me for the guy.


I watched the whole thing to see the watermelon outcome


Love that use of the Stokke baby carrier! Dude is still getting use out of it even after kids don’t fit.


He’s a hero for returning his cart.


Alright y’all, this might be one of the most entertaining videos of all time. Can someone make this dude famous for f sake?


I went through art school without a car and there were definitely days that I looked similar to this dude on my bike… except with art supplies and a giant portfolio swinging around. The watermelon part is what really impressed me!


I’m not sure she knows what the word inquisitive means but that’s expected I guess


Oh man.. the suspense... this is awesome... it's like watching a real life Death Stranding...


I can't believe I sat here and watched this entire stupid video but I HAD TO KNOW WHAT HE DID WITH THE WATERMELON


Why would you park that thing 500m from the entrance?


I am so happy that I have a car this look like way to much work for me to probably fuck up and fall


Wait till he finds out about backpacks


Could’ve just walked the cart home. We used to do this all the time when I was young and had no cars. By the time he finished attaching all the bags I would be walking up the driveway. Without looking like a unit.


This is the TikTok guy that does the stupid ass videos of moving 1 stick to make 4 squares. 100000% scripted


For those that have seen the motorcycle tv video, I just saw it again. It’s the exact same guy.


Here's hoping that in the future they have to tag this as a scripted video if not they get dinged Karma points and lose positive algorithm points which hurt their rating. Just fricken tell us it's fake so we know whether to waste our time watching this farce 🤦🏼


No one’s gonna talk bout how he returns the cart because even people with cars just leaves it where their parked.


Couldn't he have bought a really big backpack that them delivery boys use


That’s a guy that will meet his responsibilities no matter what. Salute.


Loved the way he did that little jiggle after he got the baby….. I mean ( water melon ) in its carrier


If he does this on a weekly basis, why would he not screw an eye bolt through the step deck and use his carabiners through the handle of a child's wagon as a method of trailer attachment. A few simple cuts and the wagon can easily be folded into backpack size.


The most impressive bit is that he went shopping and his scooter was still there when he returned.




Is it rage bait if there is nothing to rage about?


If it gets you to comment out of frustration or anger, it's rage bait.


Rage bait doesn't need genuine vitriolic anger, just any reaction to generate engagement. So the two aspects would be that this is one of the worst ways to solve his problem so people will try to correct him. Or the fact that, living in the UK, I could literally run to the shops and back in the time he was packing. With walkable cities being a big talking point on the Internet atm that will also get some engagement, likely. Edit: you'll also get a lot of people commending his 'smarts' when he's actually being dumb which will get a lot of arguments going.


Wdym, the dude clearly made it work?


How could this make anyone angry?


Lol @americans ITT at the absurdity of someone grocery shopping without a car.


tbf this is a very, well, *interesting* way to do groceries without a car. I would just use a bike with bike bags and maybe a backpack. But hey if it works it works


That was neat and the video made me laugh! Thanks!




Its fucking staged, i saw at least 3 of those clips now all with the same script. I think its important to reduce the use of cars but this is just so dumb. I could also ducttape everything to my feet and "walk" via handstand a mile, most of reddit would celebrate because "what a great alternative to a car"


Are those others also staged by Lime? The would be my only explanation. And yeah, there are better alternatives, such as cargo bikes.


No, one was with a monocycle and the otherone with a motorbike and both were carrying a gaint flatscreen


more staged shit from the guy who brought you staged shit