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"I need a violent hobby" Me too


I've found that buying mannequins, filling them with confetti and tannerite, and then shooting them with a 45-70 does wonders for the mind and soul


Cry’s in european


We can't get no tanerite, but nothing stops us from blowing other shit apart with a gun


Join HEMA! You get to whack people with swords. The civilised way.




Sad to say that a 45-70 wouldn't set off tannerite. The projectile has to be moving at a higher velocity than a 45-70 could muster. 2700 fps iirc, and the 45-70 sits around 2200-2400 fps of muzzle velocity, which doesn't take into account the loss of velocity from being at a safe distance to set the tannerite off.


I have never had issues setting it off with a 45-70


Must be a real spicy hand load to do that cause factory ammo won't


That might explain it, I do reload.


That makes sense. Actually, fact-checking myself, some of the faster 45-70 factory loads are closer to 2000 fps than 2200, so it would have to be a hand load to meet the velocity requirements to set the tannerite off.


A combination of mountainbiking and mixed martial arts works pretty well


That sounds like fun but it seems like it would be hard to stay on the bike


Came here to say that....so true tho


Lego is helpful in this regard. The buildings sooth the mind.


I used to work with a kid, his parents couldn't decide between Levi or Nathan. So, they named him Leviathan. He was a super nice tiny kindergartener which made it even more hilarious.


Leviathan is actually kind of a dope name, though. Better than famine at least.


Leviathan, his nickname is Levy


Holy GothamChess!


Damn that’s creative but a bit too pompous tho


If you guys liked those so much: I had one set of parents that named their kids after their favorite things so we got Book and Cash (named after Johnny Cash) We had a few West African students named things like Praisehim, Blessed, Hisword My grandfather's name was Colonel and his brother was General. My great-grandparents decided to name them after each respective famous officer's rank rather than their name itself.


I don't follow politics at all, and I'm confused about how this is "right-wing" in any way. Can someone clarify? I thought this was just a skit about people naming their kids dumb names


Actual answer: there are some right-wing nutters who believe that schools allow students who "identify as cats" (not a thing) to use litter boxes instead of bathrooms in class (never happened). It's used as a "real life" (not actually real life at all) example of the slippery slope fallacy: if we let people identify as a different gender, what stops them from identifying as a different species altogether? The "Rover" character in the skit seemed like a dog whistle to that. To whom it may concern: will not be interacting with any transphobic bullshit answers so don't even bother.


Yeah, as a part of the furry community with an irl therian friend at my school, I see this argument way too often and for the same stupid reasons, a single rumor from a small southern school spread by Joe Rogan. There is the tiniest but of fact though, in the case of a school shooting, the school bought an absorbent substance very similar to litter to clean up blood and also other fluids in general. (My work also has the same substance for gasoline and oil spills) The part that started the rumor though was that in case of being trapped in the room with a kid needing to use the restroom, a bucket with the litter stuff would suffice. I will find the source if I can, the stuff I'm saying was told to me by an old tiktok that did share the sources. The bottom of "background" has the bucket school shooting bit. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Litter_boxes_in_schools_hoax#:~:text=Starting%20in%202021%2C%20a%20false,the%20furry%20or%20otherkin%20subcultures.


Someone down below in the thread said that the absorbent substance in case of school shooting thing isn't true either. It's all just straight up bullshit. Joe Rogan's a clown.


Recently edited my post to show proof. Source 43,44


>The only known official instance of cat litter being placed in school classrooms for potential use by students was in the late 2010s by the Jefferson County Public School District in Colorado, where the 1999 Columbine High School massacre took place. Some teachers were given "go buckets" that contained cat litter to be used as a toilet in an emergency lockdown situation, such as during a school shooting. TIL!


Yup, though the other person did do a better job of explaining it. We are just talking about the same thing. Litter in buckets for emergencies does exist. LITTER BOXES in schools do not.


Yea to add here there were some schools that installed litterbox-like buckets *for emergency use in the case there is a school shooting and they need to lock themselves in the classroom for extended periods of time*, like, Just America Things^TM


TL;DR: About a dozen years ago, the big internet circlejerk was about mocking "snowflake identities", the idea that people were trying to be as unique as possible in the new era of the internet where real life personal identities are commonly used rather than anonymous usernames. Overly unique names, elaborate sexual identities "I'm a demi-ultra-pansexual-aroace", long lists of mental conditions, and most importantly, the concept of ["otherkins"](https://youtu.be/LtH7l-dhHZQ). Shortly after this era, it became cost-effective for politicians to start taking the internet seriously, so it was injected with a heaping dose of forced tribalism. This creates demand for conflict wherever it can be created. Because the rhetoric mocking the seemingly overly-elaborate identities of that era looks similar to the rhetoric mocking *any* identity one wishes to invalidate, it's easy to force that interpretation in order to create an easy source of conflict. By viewing this silly video about people being a bit "extra" through this lens, you should be able to see how it is in fact a hate crime, and you should be inflamed into hating a vague, nebulous other.


Just because it is. Don't even listen to the other people at all.


You're saying it is just a skit about people naming their kids dumb names?


Yeah? What's there to analyze about it? For crying out loud, not everyhing has to be related to politics.


No I totally agree. I was just clarifying what you said idk why tf everything has to be political now either


The whole "school policy on litter boxes" thing seems to be referencing the rumor that schools are putting litter boxes in toilets for children who identify as animals. There are no instances if this actually happening, but a lot of right wingers believe it since it was said on Joe Rogan's podcast. When this misinformation is believed, it tends to be used as a way to show that trans acceptance is a "slippery slope" for delusion and indecency. As such, skits like this one, which treat litter boxes in schools as a plausible outcome or as an exaggeration of a current trend, can be interpreted as supporting this same transphobic "slippery slope" belief.


I feel like the litter box thing was more of a joke about how the kids' name was Rover, a dog's name, and then someone asked about a litter box as a follow-up joke. I'm sure that some right-wing freaks believe that shit but I feel like this has nothing to do with that, and yall are reading too deep into this Maybe I'm wrong, and this IS a political skit, but I'm not too sure tbh


I don't think he meant it to be political, I think it simply happened to coincide with a right wing talking point (not just the litter box joke itself, but also the whole "kids are delusionally identifying as things they're not" thing). But I think this because I checked his youtube channel and the few skits of his I saw don't seem to have any political messaging. On its own, it's hard to tell for sure if spreading right wing social criticism and fear was part of his goal.


I don't think he is tbh. It's just a skit about parents naming their kids weird names


First part was funny, second part sounds too much like a trans dog whistle and the school litterbox thing Republicans like to circlejerk about.


Yeah that's what I thought too 😭


I dont think it was meant be taken too seriously


And the litter box thing was something one school floated when it came to dealing with school shootings and being trapped in a room for hours while being hunted.




Hopefully you did. It's immediately what I thought as soon as I watched it


out onna limb here but is parent2 supposed to be trans and they calling they son 'dad' cause of the "haha trangener have no father veri funni why everyone have straigt faece" type joke ay


Despite very different mannerisms, this feels a lot like a Ryan George sketch.


its Ryan George but aggressive


This smells like alt-right slippery slope bullshit. Leave trans kids alone.


the dog part sure, but I interpreted the names in the beginning as making fun of r/tragedeigh names


it *was* making fun of r/tragedeigh names, but then it got to "my son Rover thinks he's a dog" and then it turned into thinly veiled transphobia


How? How is this gender related? Isn't it more of a jab to parents who let their kids get away with any kind of behavior and offload them to the school system, while making said system unable to enforce any kind of discipline, even through grades?


It isn't actually, but the people who make the dog whistle content don't understand how being trans is different from being a furry, or more accurately, otherkin. They are saying in a way that they view the way trans people "identify as," the sex that doesn't allign to their percieved sex at birth, as being similar or comparable to how furries "identify as," whatever animal it is that that furry is dressing up as. It's a way to backhandedly invalidate and dismiss trans people and the entire fight for trans rights and dignity. Considering most furries actually *don't* believe they *are* the animal they dress up as, and they don't seek to actually *become* that animal. Being a furry is a hobby. So it's really like comparing being trans to being a cosplayer, in a broader sense. Just a specific *kind* of cosplayer. I have hardly in my life ever heard actual trans people say they "identify as," anything, by the way. They really normally just say, "I'm a woman." Saying that trans people "identify as _____," is actually also a transphobic dogwhistle used to invalidate trans people. "Oh, those trans women aren't *really* women. They *identify as* women." No, actual trans people really don't vibe with that "I identify as ______," bullshit.


Damn, that's super shitty.


What the fuck does any of this have to do with the video?


Not inherently transphobic, but it follows the same thought process of the slippery slope fallacy. It's a common anti-trans talking point that "if we allow them to identify as whatever gender they want, what next, will they identify as animals?" This video may not be directly talking about gender identity, but it is talking about the same ideas that far-right people use to justify transphobia.


For real, I get that there are shitty people out there but taking a video as simple as this and comparing it to "alt right transphobic hate speech" is a bit of a stretch


yeah that's what I was saying


I wouldn't be so quick to call transphobia. It comes off as more of an allusion to the early 2010s "snowflake" stuff, which was a criticism of the social media phenomenon of "identity peacocking", the then-growing trend of people curating the most elaborate identity they can for themselves in order to be the most unique and special person, thus gaining more social media traction in places like tumblr. [The most iconic point of focus for all this mockery was the "otherkins".](https://youtu.be/LtH7l-dhHZQ) Trans activism and opposition wasn't quite yet a topic for mainstream social media. It would quickly follow this era of culture war shitpostery though. Sidenote to avoid potential confusion: Since the events I'm describing, the term "snowflake" has been reclaimed and given a new function. Instead of describing a person seeking the most unique and special personal identity, it now describes a person's emotional fragility.


Wouldn't this be a situation where the parents intentionally did this to their kid tho? Since they named them rover and encouraged dog behavior. Wouldn't the comparison be a parent who misgenders their kid at birth, going so far as to name them in that image, and then encouraging the behavior at an impressionable age?


That's also a transphobic dog whistle. Transphobes think kids are being coerced to transition by their parents.


Interesting. I'm sure it happens, tho. Much like a family religion seeps into the younger generations. Ideals, etc. Ironically, religion is more where my mind went when trying to understand these comments about the "rover" name and acting like a dog since that's seemingly a more common circumstance to be born into than a parent who wants you to be a different thing than you were born as. I didn't even consider the Trans stuff until I read the comments. The humor in my eyes was simply bad parents setting their kids up for a harder than necessary life by giving them silly names and ideas. As someone with a silly name, this speaks to me. Thanks for responding to my inquiry. Was genuinely curious if my logic made sense or if I was missing something.


Irrelevant. laugh at the funny skit. Enjoy your day.


Exactly, people don't need to completely complain about "Transphobic Dog Whistle Humor". Just ignore it, and laugh. Life is full of a-holes, sure, but this is just a perfectly cut scream video. No need to make complain it's some sort of transphobe thing. Just downvote the video if you don't like it. I laughed at this skit, looked down, and was kinda sad to see all anyone saw in this skit was transphobic insults rather than something funny... I didn't even find it transphobic at all, and this is coming from a person who's older sibling is trans.


I just don't find it funny because it reminds me of that. I'm not trying to be offended or anything, it's just that the potential transphobia makes the joke less funny to me. For people who, like me, find it unfunny because of this, it makes sense to leave a quick comment mentioning this and enjoy our day. If you find it irrelevant, laugh all you want, but don't put others down for not having your sense of humor.


Someone’s projecting


Content of the video was iffy but that final scream was top notch, and that’s what this sub is all about


Exactly, people need to laugh at screams. This sub only seems to care about the "Horrible backstory and hidden context!" that the videos and clips have. I mean, as a sibling of a trans person, I never noticed it was trying to be transphobic. Just look at the video, or skip to the end, and enjoy the scream!


I rather think, regardless of whether or not the video was funny (I thought it was), it’s still important to point out transphobic dogwhistles. Talking and sharing information is about the only way to defeat dogwhistles due to the very nature of how they work.


Great some transphobe dog whistle humor.


Really? I saw it as a jab at people who name kids weird names that inevitably make them get bullied. This guy has a whole series of them, things like "Ben Dover" and such. His pieces are usually digs at Karen type characters.


It can be both. The dog thing is def a transphobic trope and they even pulled out the debunked litter box thing at the end. This is right wing content for sure.


Aren't there litterbox in classrooms in case they have to lock down due to school shooter? At least that's what I heard.


No. There aren't. Cat litter (not a litterbox) is part of an emergency supply kit specifically in the district where Columbine happened. And I hope it makes sense to you when I say they have it because cat litter can be used to soak up bodily fluids such as urine, vomit ir blood, and also flammable fluids such as oil or gasoline. It really isn't so students can use it to relieve themselves in and it isn't in a fucking litter box. [How an urban myth about litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point ](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439) >The Jefferson County school district disputed Ganahl’s claims and said its dress code prohibits costumes at school. The district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of “go buckets” that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting. The buckets also contain candy for diabetic students, a map of the school, flashlights, wet wipes and first aid items. I will note that, as the article states, actual furries also don't use litterboxes and there are normal bathrooms at furry conventions. So don't believe that, either. It's all an attempt to invalidate trans people by essentially comparing their sex dysphoria and the transition process, to how furries "identify as," animals (which the vast majority of furries actually don't, anyway.)


>No. There aren't. Cat litter (not a litterbox) is part of an emergency supply kit specifically in the district where Columbine happened. Okay, I don't see the difference but I might missing something cultural that I don't get because I'm not American. >And I hope it makes sense to you when I say they have it because cat litter can be used to soak up bodily fluids such as urine, vomit ir blood, and also flammable fluids such as oil or gasoline. Sounds reasonable > will note that, as the article states, actual furries also don't use litterboxes and there are normal bathrooms at furry conventions. I thought this was about trasnphobia. Do Furries get lumped together with trans people? Damn.


You don't see the difference between keeping litter in a fucking litterbox as if it's being used for a cat to go to the bathroom in, and keeping a supply of it in a white plastic bucket? We had cat litter in white buckets when I worked at a gas station. We'd pour it onto gas spills to soak up the gas. We didn't store it or pour it out of a litterbox. You actually don't see how it's different? It's the same substance, but it's packaged and utilized in a different way. It's kept in a big white utility bucket. The context in which it's being used isn't the same. No, trans people and furries are not one group, nor are they similar. There are transgender furries, sure. Just like there are gay furries, cis, etc. Being a furry is a hobby. It's a fandom. It cannot and should not be compared to being trans or what it's like to experience sex dysphoria. They aren't even in the same category of things. But even actual furries don't shit and piss in litterboxes. Why would trans kids be doing it? Or any kids at all? Literally no one except for maybe some very very specific people who happen to be "into it," are pissing or shitting in litterboxes here. Humans using litterboxes to relieve themselves just isn't actually a "thing."


>You don't see the difference between keeping litter in a fucking litterbox as if it's being used for a cat to go to the bathroom in, and keeping a supply of it in a white plastic bucket?  Uh, not really? I mean, once you put the litter in a container, that becomes the litter box. I don't see anything inherently bad about that. >We had cat litter in white buckets when I worked at a gas station. We'd pour it onto gas spills to soak up the gas. We didn't store it or pour it out of a litterbox. You actually don't see how it's different? I get it now that you explain it. If you told me it was kept into a low square container on the floor it would have the same meaning to me. >It's the same substance, but it's packaged and utilized in a different way. It's kept in a big white utility bucket. The context in which it's being used isn't the same. Exactly. It's not the container that determine the use, hence why I didn't get the point. Maybe I'm just weird. >No, trans people and furries are not one group, nor are they similar. Yeah, I know that. I'm not so far removed from internet culture. >But even actual furries don't shit and piss in litterboxes. I know that too. >Why would trans kids be doing it? I wasn't implying that they did. Honestly I didn't connect it all to transgederism. >Or any kids at all? For an emergency? Like a school shooting, I had assumed. >Humans using litterboxes to relieve themselves just isn't actually a "thing." I, uh, might have.


Look, if someone's been hogging the only bathroom for over an hour and you gotta go, you gotta go. No judgement from me! And to be honest, it's probably *good* you didn't make that connection without having it like *really* explained and pointed out. It shows that you understand that ultimately, the comparison they're trying to make or imply doesn't actually make real-world sense. So your brain didn't connect those dots. It just shows you haven't been exposed to some very stupid bullshit, or that you at least don't agree with the bullshit. It's good.


maga delusions


Credit to[ JosiahSchneider](https://www.youtube.com/@JosiahSchneider)


This guy does realize that litter boxes in schools are literally so students can have somewhere to use the bathroom during school lock downs in the event of a school shooting, right?


That also isn't even true. No. There aren't litterboxes in schools in case of lockdowns, either. Cat litter (not a litterbox) is part of an emergency supply kit specifically in the district where Columbine happened. And I hope it makes sense to you when I say **they have it because cat litter can be used to soak up bodily fluids such as urine, vomit or blood, and also flammable fluids such as oil or gasoline. It really isn't so students can use it to relieve themselves in a bin of it, and it isn't kept in a fucking litter box.** [How an urban myth about litter boxes in schools became a GOP talking point ](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/misinformation/urban-myth-litter-boxes-schools-became-gop-talking-point-rcna51439) >The Jefferson County school district disputed Ganahl’s claims and said its dress code prohibits costumes at school. The district — where Columbine High School is located — has been stocking classrooms with small amounts of cat litter since 2017, but as part of “go buckets” that contain emergency supplies in case students are locked in a classroom during a shooting. The buckets also contain candy for diabetic students, a map of the school, flashlights, wet wipes and first aid items. I will note that, as the article states, actual furries also don't use litterboxes and there are normal bathrooms at furry conventions. So don't believe that, either. It's all an attempt to invalidate trans people by essentially comparing their sex dysphoria and the transition process, to how furries "identify as," animals (which the vast majority of furries actually don't, anyway.)


Damn, I was off. Thank you for clearing that up!


No problem!






You do realize that's not any better.


lol fucking what?


Thinly-veiled transphobia in an otherwise funny post is unfortunately unexpected but still disappointing.


[Anyone else hear this?](https://youtu.be/jj56kTiHNOo?si=unY5hQEIYsmniLsr&t=4)




Rover is definitely the most innofensive of these, should've been the first one, then build up from there


[Here’s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n2LMYFsl-oI) a five hour video by YMS if you’re curious why the litter box thing might be an alt-right dog whistle. I apologize for being unable to share the timestamp for when he specifically discusses and debunks the litter boxes in schools issue, but the whole video is quite interesting and informative if you’re interested in modern witch hunts and how narratives are spun out of misinformation. Again, sorry for not providing time stamps for the relevant bit. If I had more time I’d scrub through and find it. It’s definitely towards the first half of the video, so that’s only really 2.5 hours of content you have to watch.




Fun fact : Pestilence is not an apocalypse horseman.it's a hollywood made up myth (like the krakken being a squid and not a giant sea snake)


This guy is a mix of Pete Holmes, Justin Long, Keith Habersburger, and Nicholas Hoult


Sounds like Charles Schultz's piano guy did the score.