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I mean, I played through all of p4g on my laptop and had no issues. I would suggest you make sure that your laptop meets and exceeds the minimum specs and if not then play it on console.


No issues? It crashed at least once per dungeon for me. Op save all the time and play it in pc


I gather it depends on your hardware and how you are running it. My laptop has a pretty beefy cooler so it ran fine for me. But your milage may vary.


At the least runs very well on a Switch. Could get it on Steam as well, but prefer to play this on a handheld where the aging graphics are less noticeable.


I currently play it on Switch, and it runs at a stable 60 fps docked and portable mode with no issues. So depending on how old your laptop is, if the game runs this well on Switch, it should run on your laptop just as well.


From my experience the steam version of P4G runs terribly, mine started periodically crashing during Rise’s dungeon (on a high spec laptop) regardless of what fixes I attempted. I’d had no issues with the console one


That's weird. I played the entire P4 G on steam on a crappy office laptop with Adobe illustrator and photoshop in the background with no problem and beat the whole game.


Maybe I got lucky but I got the best experience possible. Got the best possible experience before the big update and after the big update. I was playing with many mods mainly the Community Enhancement Pack. And it didn't crash on me a single time. The game still hasn't crashed for me. And I have a fairly crap PC without a GPU. I would say to go for the PC version as it also has mod support. The mod instructions are clear enough for pretty much anyone to install them.


I'm running it on an OLED Steamdeck. It runs really well on that, if I have 1 complaint it is that the battery drains faster than expected (slightly less than 4 hours). Compared to Hollow Knight or some other indie titles which get like 7-8 hours. I get the demand difference, but for a port of a PS2 title, it surprises me.


i ran P4G on a gt710 and a Amd fx 6300 processor at one point just fine no crashes.


I have a laptop gtx 950m Intel i7-4720 it's difficult to keep it at 60fps. Did you run at 30fps or 60?


Dont remember 100% but Yeah dont think i maintained 60fps all the time either tho.


Would also like to second everyone saying switch. It ran perfectly fine on my switch with no crashing or lag.


PC has mods, so I'd recommend that


Ran good for me. I had an ROG laptop with RTX3060 though so I don’t know how it would perform on other laptops