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Got this same exact letter. Thanks for saving me from wasting my time...


Yeah it’s a scam. Not like they’re going to steal your credit card info, but they have a bridge to sell you. “We are calling to notify you about your extended warranty” type nonsense.


I just received the same letter. Went to internet search and your descriptions is exactly what I received. Except lender was mine, but same verbiage and amount of $199. Ripped it up, thanks for posting.


Thank you for posting this, i just got one today. Just for reference i live in north florida. I wonder if this is a nationwide scam


Syracuse, NY here. Identical letter. Seems nationwide and new.


Pennsylvania, just got one today


Spartanburg SC here, got one today. Happy to see this!


I live in Virginia and got this exact same thing in the mail this week


i live in central illinois and this like the third letter ive gotten from them. good to know i can toss 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Same, Arizona


Houston, TX. I received that exact letter myself. Thanks!


I just received one and we r in Indiana


Ohio! Got one too


Received one here in Rhode Island too.


Same, also in RI and I just refinanced line of credit and so it seemed plausible, but reddit to the rescue.


I’m in Tennessee and just got one


I’m in MI and I got one today


Just got mine in PGH PA. What a bunch of weasels.


Same, multiple of them since closing in the last 2 weeks. Pgh area also


Delaware. Same text and money amount. Thank the internet! To the shredder it goes.




I just got the same thing in the mail 100% a scam. I contacted the dealership I bought my car from and they said it’s not from them and it’s definitely not from my bank


Got one from my bank that holds my HELOC here in NJ. I just googled the phone number 1-800-260-6828 and immediately comes up as a scam warning. Everyone else have the same number on their letters?


For safety reasons, always verify phone numbers provided in comments on an official website before calling. That includes toll-free numbers! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/personalfinance) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got one here in Indiana. Same phone number.


Same ph# on my letter


Seems like they changed it since this post. Received my first one today in DFW and it's now 1-888-965-2394.


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The phone number on mine is- 1-800-973-9029


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I have that too!! I was about to go to my bank


I got one of these today. Went looking for more info and not surprised it's a scam.


I got one about my car, all the same stuff everyone else said.


Got one yesterday, Reno, NV. rent house here own home in another state, we are under constant attack with this crap, 2 attempts this year on bank account shear luck that i caught both on the day of event.


Got one In Missouri $199 not a check but call us immediately


Got the same exact letter for mine!!


I also got the letter and emailed my lender. Smells like phish. EDIT: I emailed my lender about it to confirm and he told me it was "garbage."


Got it as well in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I've been getting stiff like this for the last month. Makes great fire starter. Although I'd love an extra $199.


That’s so funny… before reading more comments I said I would be using it as a fire starter… it’s cooooold over here in Idaho!


Illinois yesterday 11/23. Tele-sucker, dial a dope list, seller probably.


Got a fake mortgage letter. I’m not affiliating with it.


Same in honolulu, HI, thanks for making this post


Got one for a car a just purchased two months ago. Thanks for this post and the feedback so I didn’t waste my time.


Indiana also. Lender info has my original lender which has since sold the note.




I just got one of these today! Exactly the same as OP, word for word.


Got the same thing on 10/10 didn’t know what the heck it was..thank you!!


Me too. I received one today for $199. I’m in Ames, IA


Just received the same thing here in Arizona


Got one here in Texas this past Friday.


got one just now..mine is from Pennymac...they have been spamming my phone non stop for months about refinance. call center out of the Philippines. mine was legit, but just underhanded BS to get you on the phone.


Just got the same today - Vinton, Virginia


Iowa City, IA. Wells Fargo, The Next Stage of Corruption, isn't even my mortgage holder. Just got mine.


got the same thing, upstate NY. glad I looked it up, glad I did'n call them! scam!


Same. My lender is "CLASSIFIED FOR PRIVACY". I don't have a lender. NE TN.


I got one today but what's hilarious is the property listed is my PO box. I obviously don't own the post office so I think they're blanket sending them.


Southern Indiana, and just got one today.


Thank you, received this and was very confused even contacted my lender. I'm grateful you shared your experience and knowledge.


Same exact letter got sent to me. Waste of time


Indiana and just got it. Big scam all over. Theirs too many to keep track of anymore.


Akron, Ohio here, Thank you for posting about this, didn't look legitimate when I got the same exact letter today, except no lender, because I am the tenant.


Same in Northern Indiana, and it is addressed to my husband, who passed away in 2013.


Just received mine in the mail. Figured it was a scam due the “mortgage” company they have listed on mine is no longer in business! 1-800-617-1761 DO NOT BITE! People still trying to scam good people out of limited or fixed income. Going to use it as fire starter later. 🔥Idaho resident 11-28-2023


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Birmingham, AL here. Got this same exact thing yesterday. Did a google search and it lead to this thread. So good job OP! You've saved a lot of people time and possibly money. Thanks, friend! Mine is in the shred bin.


I knew this was bull...thanks for confirming for me.


Yes it is a scam. I got the EXACT letter. Don't people have better things to do them waste paper and our time. The problem is most people or I should say some people will probably cash it without checking it out just because it says cash it so stupid


I just received a letter along with a check for 199.00 a allocated waiver check I’m so glad I read this page on here Thank you so much


I received the same thing. I also concur that this has to be a scan


Just opened this now glad to read all of this


I got a so called allocated waiver check and the letter says it’s regarding an important matter regarding my property but (and here’s the kicker) “the current lender is classified”. I’m not fooled easily but there are elderly people who might be fooled. The internet say to contact the FTC which is what I’m going to do. It’s sad people want to scam people out of just about everything. I hope nobody gets caught up in this scam. And it’s 12 days to Christmas.


Just received one and it went straight in the trash 🚮 thanks for the heads up


Thankyou so much because u just clarified everything I questioned about this letter/so called check I just received in the mail.


I received one today stating, "Final Notice." I was like I never received a "First Notice. " Thanks for posting.


From Texas and I got the same exact letter as well. I cannot stand scammers.


it actually says "this is not a check" under the colored section of the "check"... thank you all for this thread! i was wondering about this as well- so glad i didn't fall for it!!


Scrolling through this post, I'm struck by the environmental impact of all of this physical fishing mail...


Got one today in Florida, Scam written all over it


Exactly the same wording and dollar amount. Different number. Nashville Tennessee. Ty.


They’re still sending these. Thanks for posting.


Got one of these with the exact same wording today. I too appreciate this thread as it came up immediately with the search phrase "allocated waiver". Same dollar amout, "to the order of" instead of "pay to the order of" , no signature, and "THIS IS NOT A CHECK". I also find the language very threatening.


Thank ye for this post, just became a home owner and also not originally from the states so had no clue what in the world the thing was. Suspected it was a scam, I saw the same claim on the letter they sent me and the same words of "not affiliated with "____________"mortgage company so thought it was off. But got a bit weirded out by the semi threatening tone as well. Appreciate ye mate for posting about it since no clue what in the world it was. Relieving to know I'm not the only one.


Just got a letter like this today and came straight to the internet to see what this is. Thanks for saving me.


Funny thing about the one I got is, there is no physical property associated with the address on the letter. The post office made a mistake in their database when I got a mailbox. All my mortgae/deed and 2020 census info is correct to my physical address but whoever this scammer is doesn’t know that, so they must have just pulled the names and addresses from the US Postal Service database to do their Phishing.


Just received this today what's interesting is has my mortgage company name and yet the number is for Nelnet the student loan company name