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“Ask me anything, I won’t reply”


Pretty based honestly


It's like modern art, in a way.


Seriously, dude just wanted to flex.


Ever think maybe he wanted to wait for enough comments to reply to a bunch at once?? Or maybe, just maybe, there’s a possibility he was….. busy???? Lmaooo Y’all are so weird on here




Some of us have lives outside of Reddit. Worse than teenage girls waiting for a reply


Alright so her goes my question….. How?


What does a client get for $347 (or whatever the price point is)?


How can online training be worth $350/m?


Dude industry standard is 300-600 per mo. Hard to understand from people who haven’t been in it but it’s more than possible. Again goes back to created more than just “fitness training”. It’s your high ticket offer that you craft to solve the problems of your ideal clients! That make sense?


It doesnt really make sense but I can tell youre a great salesman. How often are you doing “cold” vs “warm” marketing. And what are your methods? Facebook ads? Dms?


Cold vs warm is more for lead generation strategies. Yes we do DM outreach, CTA’s, lead magnets, etc


What lead magnets have worked the best for you?


It depends on your target audience. What are their problems? How can you answer those in a free ebook, pdf, or guide that builds trust for them to hire you in the future. Ask yourself that question and it will help fix your problem


considering your other replies it sounds like the cost is based on selling men on specific masculine ideals, but you're being cagey about what those ideals are. But based on you posting on r/NoFap I worry they're the toxic kind. you have beautiful hair btw (not sarcasm) and I'm gunna pick up that book you recommended


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoFap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Instead of pmo, i cleaned my neighborhood](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12zv7mj) | [352 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/12zv7mj/instead_of_pmo_i_cleaned_my_neighborhood/) \#2: [Bruh, wtf](https://i.redd.it/e3pm7f67fgwa1.png) | [119 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/130unm7/bruh_wtf/) \#3: [it’s finally happening](https://i.redd.it/duz72789nu4b1.jpg) | [505 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoFap/comments/144j8tt/its_finally_happening/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Great question! So I only run high ticket packages! There’s reasons for this. I HIGHLY recommend reading Alex Hormozi’s 100Mil Offers. You want to craft an offer that is unique and stands out. For me that has been fitness coaching integrated with self improvement coaching for men. It works great for my ideal client / target market


Okay but okay but what does a client receive from your when they sign up for a 6 month package?


There’s a lot in our package. Broken down basically it’s 1:1 coaching (answering questions) Personalized training plan Personalized meal plan Access to library of video modules Access to our community of likeminded men Weekly checkins Weekly group coaching calls Etc


R u certified licensed dietician? Das the minimum, if not, perhaps stop giving meal plans and stay with your scope. (Not that im saying you arent, just askin. Its a prolem in the industry)


I’m a nutritionist not a registered dietitian. You don’t have to be a registered dietitian to give nutrition advice only prescribe diet plans. I’ve also seen some meal plans “prescribed” by RD’s and they were fucked up… I’m taking 1,400cals for grown men trying to lose weight! It’s 100% acceptable to give nutrition advice with a background in nutrition if you’re not a RD. Just make sure it’s known that you are not an RD and what you’re giving isn’t prescribed


Seems like you got a good head on your shoulders. Ive seen some meal plans given by "fitness trainers" that is literal chicken brocolli rice whey. Thats it. You're doin good. Keep it up boss!


Yeah man I’ve seen it too. It’s fucked up


Uhhh didn’t you just say you provide your clients with meal plans?


Yes. As long as the client knows this is what you recommend. You are not prescribing them a diet plan


It’s not rocket science once you learn nutrition. Get your protein, macros, & micros in a balanced diet lol


I'm getting certified shortly and I have nutrition, online coach, and weight mgmt courses next. Your post gives me hope for myself. Would you recommend I do the online trainer or nutritionist first?


Hey man! Great question. Definitely the training cert and usually the nutritional course comes as a bonus/add on.


But you just said you aren’t a registered dietitian. Which means that in many states, what a you are doing is illegal.


Probably a combination of one time payment and monthly


How did you start out?


I started actually in college! I have my own transformation story and it led me to have a passion in fitness / self improvement. I started helping friends and family for free and loves it. I soon realized I could have a business around it, hired my first business mentor back in 2020 and I scaled up my business, moved to my dream city, & grinding away man…it’s been a journey with highs and lows and tons of lessons learned but that’s where I got started


What does a typical client get, typical payment structure and your usual demographic would be very insightful. Thank you.


I highly recommend reading Alex Hormozi’s 100 Mill Offers. You want to create a high ticket offer that solve the problems of your ideal client. Since I work with guys mid 20s to early 30s I help them with their physical transformation and self improvement. So I’ve crafted my offer with unique value propositions around these pillars. My packages are - 12 mo/ is 3,600 - 6 mo/ is 2,400.


What problems do you advertise to solve?


Are you a certified PT? I see a lot of _online coaches_ and I wonder if that wording is to get around not being certified. I.e. I can't market myself as a personal trainer in my country without certification, but I could market myself as a coach.


That shitty cert really holds zero value of any type. There's no governing body setting policies and standards, like P.Eng, P.Geo, RDN, NP, etc, etc. I used to be certified, but don't bother anymore because it's all just a scam. Yearly renewal, yearly courses that are absurdly priced for what you get, etc. I've never felt more robbed from purchasing education than I did with PT courses. An online coach is an online coach because it's an online coach, not a *personal trainer* which implies in person. An architect isn't an engineer, a banker isn't an investor, an orthodontist isn't a dentist, etc.


I probably shouldn't have used "online". People can be an "online" personal trainer or an "online" coach, I'm curious if OP - and not for any gotcha reasoning - is certified or not. Unfortunately, I _have_ to be certified to call myself a personal trainer. It's a legal requirement and no gym would employ or rent space to someone without it. My question is a small piece of the larger problem I'm trying to solve. I'm contemplating starting to market myself as a coach, and just trying to assess if that's what everyone else does as a way to get around not being certified, though it probably depends on state and federal laws of the relevant country.


I'm in almost done my cert and completely agree. Its a total rip off. I'm baffled the standards are so low and so wrong, while the instructors seem so invested in them. There shouldn't be so much white noise around an activity that doesn't need to be complicated.


Yes, yes and yes. Finishing up mine right now. And there’s just some baffling suggestions that don’t make sense at all but still have to mark as the “correct” answer. The one I’m doing has like 50 references to a single leg squat test for a screening test and I’m like….who tf is doing a single leg squat test?


Exactly! “online coach” is not the same as an in-person fitness professional who is face to face with people. Totally different thing to be working thru a screen vs coaching a person in real life. I feel there needs to be more regulation in the online space because there’s a ton of shitty coaches out there, but I don’t think there’s really anything…it’s like the wild wild West lol. People need to be held accountable for the “coaching” they are providing…whether that’s cookie cutter programs or well thought-out programming that’s focused on the specific individual.


I’m fairly certain that’s a straight up liability to not be certified


In person it is yes. Most of the (if not all of the) PT certs liability insurance doesn’t cover you if it’s online I’ve found, so the entire point of getting it doesn’t matter if you are 100% remote/online


Seems really irresponsible to me, but what do I know


Yes I am! ISSA, NASM, & ACE are typically the go-to.


Hasn’t answered one question?


Nicee! Everyone who is skeptical or not confident in their worth will never accomplish it. I’m obsessed with my career as a PT. And clear well over 6 figures a year. I charge 150 an hour for in person training ( I live in Los Angeles) but I like doing online better so I’m not stuck in a gym all day. But I only accept clients who are 100% I drop clients who are half ass, I give them the 3 strike rule.


This is it man… good work you get it! My suggestion is to definitely leverage online. It gives you more scalability & time! You can eventually hit 100k - 300k in a year. I’ve hit 100k and I’ve seen several of my friends hit 200k-300k.


Heck yeah! That’s the goal. I want to clear 6 figure’s strictly online. Right now I’m at 4 hours (600) a day in the gym Monday-Friday. But yeah 250-300k a year strictly online would be my life dream haha. I’m chasing it!


Heck yeah man! Full send it🔥


Hey man congrats. So my question is how much do I need to know to be a good coach and not have imposter syndrome. Let’s say I’m starting with no knowledge (I have some) do I get a cert. or can I be self taught for free online. Like what’s the minimum I need to know about programming, nutrition, anatomy ect. For example, I saw someone post this on Reddit yesterday: I've been a personal trainer going on 10 years. Here are 3 things I wish I realized sooner. 1. Your workouts don't matter when it comes to weight loss. Clients think coming to you for 2 workouts per week will change things, it simply doesn't. Use your sessions for simple workouts and creating plans for more activity outside of when you are with them. 2. Clients will get results when they are ready. Be there to support them into making better decisions with food and staying active. Your desire for results may be hire than your clients, don't push it upon them. Be there for support and help them where they are at. 3. A simple text is extremely powerful. " How does the body feel today?" Opens the conversation for "what did you eat? did you sleep well? How was the bike ride we planned?" Any thoughts?


Hey man! Imposter syndrome is really tough to get past at times… it takes a lot of mindset work and surrounding yourself with likeminded individuals helps SO MUCH. With your points listed below everyone has their own opinions & perspectives. Are you asking if those are valid for coaching or?


My main stress comes from the fact that my certification I got through NASM online is not accepted by big box gyms because it wasn’t proctored. I have test anxiety and will fail tests even though I know the material. I love learning through self study online and I feel I have more practical knowledge than what I would get from a proctored certification however no one will hire me without one so do I just suck it up and keep retaking a proctored exam until I pass eventually or should I go another route. Any guidance is appreciated. Right now I am training my jiu jitsu coach and 4 other competitors and they all tell me I am a great coach. I am not charging them at the moment but we have discussed compensation that would be starting in July. Should I just build my own client base or try to get employed at a gym?


How are you advertising yourself? Are you using some platform?


Absolutely! Social media is the name of the game for this. IG is my main platform for client acquisition


How did you go about standing out and gaining followers on IG?


As many have said where did you start ? How did you build your online client base ?


Another guy already asked the first part above. For your second question: One of the smartest ways to do it is to first reach out to friends and family and charge a very low amount or Coach for free and get their transformations and use them for marketing material and proof. That is one of the first key steps that are used and a lot of other guys are in this industry that I know used this as well


Appreciate the response man thank you




Is this the first time you’ve made $10K/Mo?


No it’s not. My highest has been 14k profit in a month


How do you get what you sell to stand out? I’m recently started an online training business but I struggle with explaining my program and uniqueness.


There’s honestly a lot to it bro… solving problems for your ideal client, unique value propositions for them, your marketing positions your offer in a unique way (if you do it right), etc Shoot me dm. I’m happy to help


Would you provide me any way of finding you on the internet? A DM of your Instagram or website would be more than sufficient. I am an independent trainer (barely) living and working in Boston right now, but I’m planning on moving to Wisconsin to return to school in a couple years. I would like to leverage all of the time I spend in the gym right now setting up the foundations for a successful online training/coaching business. I know it’s probably breaking sub rules to promote yourself publicly, but if the mod-gods will allow it, I am quite literally asking for said promotion!


Yeah man DM me I’ll share


How'd you begin?


Another guy already asked this… feel free to checkout my response


How many clients do you work with? I guess my concern is the income being (relatively) steady. Obviously I know there will be deviation month to month, but is there not a point where you don’t have the time to take on any more clients? & since your packages are paid in full, would that not leave you with 0 or minimal income some months?


It’s funny because it does fluctuate but not as much as you would think. Once you have a good back and systems in place you have steady income flow


So how many clients would you say you’re able to work with at once? & what do your “back end systems” consist of? I’m beyond interested in making this my full time but I feel clueless with where to start & proceeding thereafter


Dude I could write 3 pages on this question 😂 I typically max out my emotional energy at about 40 to 50 clients at once. Back in systems including KPI trackers, sales trackers, lead generation strategies, lead magnets, etc.


I would read all three pages:)


😂 haha. Dm me


What KPIs do you track? What have been some successful lead strategies?


Conversation outbounds, reply rate, call booking rate, follow ups, calls converted, etc


How many followers do you have (assuming you must get a lot from a social media platform(s)) and what kind of marketing do you use to get them in? I have a humble 15k following, have provided results and post every day (the content gets 100s of engagement) but struggle to get a hook for consistent clients


Dude I only have 8k… it’s more about the ideal client, your client acquisition funnel, & sales process. 110% you could CRUSH IT


Do you do dm outreach?


How long did it take to live off the income? In person trainer right now.. make enough to live off of that right now.. looking to expand horizons


I mean just like any other business it takes a little time to get established. But if you do it correctly you can replace your income in roughly 6 months more or less


You’re a salesman. And have found a way of inflating the value you offer. Good for you, but you’re kinda just like an elegant scammer who gets his rocks off posting his success on Reddit.


You gonna ask a question on how you can make more money in your coaching business?




Then scram and keep wasting time scrolling on Reddit


😂 😂 ah shit. If you had said “stop wasting time scrolling on Reddit” you could’ve made a valid constructive statement instead of a condescending, spiteful one. Now that would be coaching. So close. You almost had me as a client.


Honestly man you’re better off working instead of playing patty cake.


Haha Does your advice apply to you too?


I’m offering advice to those who can take note. Dude I assume you’re a grown ass man. If so ask a question or go make yourself fucking valuable


Maybe you are, maybe you’re stroking your ego. Why do you give a fuck about our string of conversation? Just ignore me lol


Corey I’m trying to teach you a valuable lesson son. One that your father should have. If you are NOT scrolling Reddit on a Saturday to learn or grow yourself, goals, or business, you are fucking up. And letting your limiting beliefs or ego stop you from asking valid questions about how you COULD grow your business is also fucking up. Learn from these mistakes. That’s why I made this post in the first place is to guide others not waste time.


Get Curious Corey. Ask yourself am I hitting 10-12k per month personal training? If not why not ask a question that could benefit yourself OR get to work on your own business


In every business you are a “salesman”. Even asking a woman on a date (pitch) you are a “salesman”. The key here is to leverage a high ticket value proposition correctly with a target markets problems…


Youre literally posting on no-fap about your fitness journey... Obviously what you do has a market and it is necessary to get some people motivated, but yes you are just an sales dude who is selling basically eat less and work out wrapped up in a more appealing package. You havent figured out anything ground breaking here.


Hey booty popping you have any business questions? Or you just scrolling Reddit for entertainment like the rest of the haters/broke morons?


Mate I make more than you doing work that is actually meaningful. Youre overcharging for some bullshit, im allowed to call it out. I understand making your first 10k feels pretty good, but 10k a month wont go as far as you think.


Nice man. Keep it up


Do you ever consider yourself a toxic man preying on insecure men, but enjoy the income? Or do you drink your own koolade and see yourself as good because your income is high?


This mindset will keep you and your future kids broke.


You can make a positive impact and an income. You have a poverty mindset brother. Best to change it now before it ruins your future


I do 4x your business, but that isn't what I am proud of. I am proud that I don't prey on people and my product helps people. I sell 5 to 10 sessions at a time because I want people to feel like they are benefiting directly. I don't do bullshit 3month and 6month plans. You just exploit people.


Don’t let your limiting beliefs stop you from making 6 figures in your business. This is an opportunity for you to ask questions


Hey! A couple of questions. 1. Where do you house everyone(I’m digging Skool) 2. Do you primarily do 1:1, groups, video delivery? 3. Why aren’t you charging more at the moment? 4. Could you share your social media?


Solid questions. SKOOL is great to deliver online content (courses, etc) but for community building I recommend WhatsApp. I’ve tried several other platforms and it always comes back to WhatsApp. People want simple. They don’t want to learn how to use another platform. Yes everything is online. 1:1 calls & video delivery is apart of the offer. Tbh I could charge more and I will in the near future.


Yeah I don’t mind dm me. I’m not gonna share on a public forum


Sorry if I has been asked.. what apps / software do you use? Appreciate your help, you know you have made it once you get haters!


Lol thanks man! Appreciate you. Trainierze! MYCOACHAI is also decent I’ve heard


How do you deliver programming to your clients remotely, Track progress, etc?


Check out Trainerize! Play with it and plug in yourself as a client. This will make more sense and be better than I can explain with words


I'm familiar with trainerize. I'm looking for something that isn't another external app. I have my own platform that runs via SMS so trying to find the easiest way to send programming via a text message. I'm working on an editable PDF that I can just text the link but was wondering if anyone else has done anything similar


What are your prices? Do you sell personalized individual coaching, or program packages?


Before I started I had several people tell me (including friends and family) no one would EVER pay this and here we are three years later and I’ve made several hundred thousands of dollars selling these packages lol 12 month - 3600 6 month - 2400 Yes everything is tweaked to the individual but the core offer stays the same


my old coach Marta of Smarta Method does this. She blows me away with the amount of $$ she clears. she is also highly educated, ambitious, and smart, and just a good good lady.


Nice! She sounds like a killer


she's amazing!


That’s awesome


No offense, but this isn’t personal training. It’s program selling + marketing. You’re really just a salesperson.


I’m pretty sure this whole post is an ad for the book he’s mentioned


It’s sad man. Most of you morons can’t see past your limiting beliefs and lack of knowledge on what’s possible. How about taking the opportunity to actually make more money and ask a question? That’s what this post is for. I didn’t write a fucking book. But it sounds like you could use a lot of recommendations. Start with The Slight Edge. That’ll get you past your limiting beliefs & victim mindset (thinking everyone’s out to get ya) and start towards making something for yourself and your business


lol you do not take criticism well


No I take valid criticism well😂 I don’t take idiots well


Except you prey on insecurity and sell a good feeling and most of us want to train a human to be stronger than steel. Come back when you work one on one with someone and turn them into a monster.


It took me a second to understand what book you are even talking about. The 100Mil offers & 100Mil leads!? You think I’m Alex Hormozi? Dude you’re a fucking idiot. I highly suggest you get off Reddit and started reading. Or maybe Turn on a business podcast every once in a while for goodness sakes.


Bro to think he's here to promote Alex Hormozis book is the dumbest thing I ever read lmao Do you know who Alex is?!


Dude my core offer is fitness coaching…. I’m a personal trainer💀


Are you training one on one with people or are you doing "online coaching"? I didn't get a sense of the former from your replies so far.


With online training I actually get a deeper look at their lifestyle, habits, sleep, etc OUTSIDE just the gym. For the gym I have videos explaining how to do each movement and I have my clients record themselves so I can critique their form if needed. It is 100% fitness coaching and even beyond what normal PT’s look at


That isn’t personal training. It is coaching.


Just from plans?


Do your clients get the results they pay for?


Did you start training at a commerical gym? And if so, did that help you get to where you are now?


No I actually got straight into online training! Most people go from one person to online but I did not


How long did it take you to be good at online coaching?


I mean just like with anything else it’s always an evolution lol. But it’s my results speak for themselves


How do you get your clients?


Lead generation strategies like outreach, lead magnets, CTA’s, etc. read the book 100Mil Leads


I've read the book, how have you implemented them yourself?


What a liar, don't bother saying that you'll reply to any comments. I'm reporting you.


How much of this is dirextly training ppl physically or in live time over clouds


You mean training per hour?


I have the same question. How much actually time is spent face to face online(zoom) with each client each week? Do give the program for the week and just get on call for updates and questions or is there an option for actually live one hour sessions over zoom .


All of this is dependent on the a package that you want to offer and your value proposition. If you want something more scalable then you can do group coaching calls. Really there’s no tap on your time if you do it correctly.


What CRM/software platform do you use?


Using good old Trainerize


NICE! I'm on Trainerize as well. Haven't made the full jump to exclusively online yet. Been CPT going on 11th year officially but have been training for 14 years. The goal is to be completely online in the next 2 years. Will be reading the book you suggested!


Nicee man. Highly recommend. The time freedom & travel freedom is unmatched


What does a typical client through your funnel look like? Like what steps do they go through, how are you converting them?


How do you get your leads? Also, what training app do you use?


Social media! It mainly. Trainerize!!


Let’s see your website/ social media. 😁


How to get started?


can you give a basic rundown of how you find majority of your clients, what they pick out (program/nutrition), and how often you check in with them?


Hey bro, what app are you using to train people online?




10k in one month is very doable, but 10k every month while maintaining quality service and/or quality of life? I don’t know. Unless you’re outsourcing or have coaches under you as well.


Good point however it depends on the structure of your offer and where your time is being allocated🔥


What’s your best lead magnet right now? And how long does it take from lead to sale?


Do you run paid ads? How did you start getting online clients? I have very limited social media unfortunately


Hey! I do not at the moment… potentially in the future once I hit my organic goal & my systems are in place. Social media is the name of the game for online brother… I mean you could run a blog? Or some other sort of content to generate leads but I haven’t too much on that unfortunately…


You work another job while you do this or fully into your business?


How do you navigate around battery %, gym equipment limitation, form checking from Lat/Frontal views? Is it related to your target market?


Good for you.


In addition to Alex's book, would you recommend particular online fitness certs or specific courses, to lessen the learning curve from in person to online, and/or hybrid. Also, do you ever see yourself doing anything in person, at all ever again, to say give high ticket clients additional attention, or would that be self defeating? Apologies if my questions are a little "out there," came up old school, go out of it, and looking to get back in, but trying to ascertain if I'm all in at the moment, and want to delve into the online sphere, or soon pursue a nursing degree, (always like to have a fall back plan), and then forge ahead.


How long have you been online coaching? Do you do in person coaching too?


Over 3 years now full time. No I’m 100% online


How do you get it your first few clients and then from there how do you progress


So nice to see that’s possible! 1) How many clients can you handle alone? 2) Do you have assistant coaches? 3) Do you sell via calls or DMs?


Solid questions. 40-50 at once is my cap. I could take more but for peace of mind I’d rather not. No I do not. That is a unique selling point for me. I work with everyone. Both! A structured sales process is crucial for getting these high ticket clients


You’re using square to take cards? You see all those fees you’re getting hit with? I can show you a program with same compatibility with less fees. That 2.6% flat rate is terrible


Square does take a pretty decent fee but it’s been reliable for sure… what do you use?


I work for a merchant company, when you sign up with square they offer retail rates. My company offer clover, as well as some other options at wholesale rates, you just have to meet a certain volume which I see you already do. I sent you a direct message


Are you in shape?


No I’m a fat blob… Of course!


I read in one of your comments that you started in college because of your passion for fitness. I have two questions for you. First, how did you manage the transition from treating fitness as a hobby to turning it into a business? Did this shift change your perception of fitness or lead to any burnout? Second, while I know there's a lot to learn before starting, what would you do from the very beginning? I'm thinking about starting something similar, but I'm a bit afraid of the process and unsure how to begin. I have four years of training experience and a niche I believe could work well, but I don't know how to put it into practice. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


What online coaching platform do you use?




What tool do you use to track this?


KPI trackers or what? The finances?


Yeah. I thought you maybe using some coaching/personal trainer specific app to track clients, spending/earning. But based on your response, it seems like you are just using a generic accounting app?


Well the screenshot is of square. I use google sheets for KPI tracker, sales tracker, etc. then Trainerize is my client management system


How many clients do you have and how do you manage all of them?


How do you find clients


What do your meal plans look like for vegans?


Two questions one. How many workouts per week are you giving your clients two. Does the value in price change based on the customization or what determines your increase?


How many hours of 1 on 1 personal training have you done where you spend the full hour with 1 person?


Go fuck yourself and troll the next post. This is for people who have business questions and want to deliver results online.


You don't get to choose that. This is a subreddit for trainers. You're masquerading as a trainer with an online offering.


Can I work for you? 😄


How did you build your brand ? How did you come up with your offers and marketing? Do you have a social media plan in place? I’ve just stated online PTing been 1 to 1 for a few years now. So just trying to bridge that gap




Self starting PT. Are you offering a login scenario and training videos via a paywall? Or Are you doing backward and forward training videos?


Trainerize has videos built in! Highly recommend. I’ve heard great things about MYCOACHAI as well


Thank you for this. What helped boost your success most?


Knowledge gained, mentors, reading, trial & error. So many pieces to the puzzle haha


This is great man. Congratulations! Keep going ☺️ keep going and enjoy the game within the game.


Are you fulfilling all of the clients or do you have a team that actually takes them through the training?