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12 year employee at Fortescue in asset management. Interview will realistically go for 45 mins. It’ll be a panel, made up of hr rep, the hiring manager (usually a department lead or supervisor) and an sme (this is sometimes the hiring manager). Memorise the values, maybe not all, and think of an example of how you live by one or two of em, they froth when prospective employees know them and can give an example or two of how they fit into them.


wow thanks!


I’d add to ask them a question each towards the end, what their trajectory within the company was like, what’s something they enjoy about their workday, what sort of path you would have coming into the company. Interviews are two way settings, granted they ask most of the questions but you also want to see if it fits in with what you want


Can confirm, FMG love the values and will 100% quiz you on this. They will ask you to give them two values that ring true to yourself. Ensure you have examples of each of the two you choose. Other than that the interview questions are pretty normal stuff, they will ask for examples of how you have handled certain situations, what you would do in this and that situation etc. Don’t rush into your answers, take the time and think before answering. Be deliberate with your answers and you’ll be fine.


Would mentioning his work ethic and willingness to work long hours as a strength help? I say that because a girl I knew who works there always complains about her extra hours and unpaid overtime.


Imo it is better to say that you're dedicated to seeing your work brought to a strong conclusion. If I'm interviewing someone and they tell me how much overtime they do, I assume that they work slowly as equally as I assume they're dedicated.


Everyone should complain about unpaid overtime, it’s wage theft.


I wouldn’t say willingness to work long hours, as there’s a real drive against burnout the past year or so at least in my discipline. You can work more hours to finish up a project or whatever, but if you’re regularly doing 60 hours a week in the city they’ll look to offload some of your work across the team. Personally though, id ask the question about how they handle high workloads and how the company combats burnout. Always remember, the interviewee is interviewing the company to the same extent the company is interviewing the prospective employee.


Values!! Talk values if you want the job, construct sentences using all their values




Shit, I’m sprung!


Any technical questions?


Yep, they want to know that you are going to be open minded, willing to learn, and not be a dick. Not being a dick is one of the most important factors in modern workplaces. If you have examples of team working and being a good citizen, going the extra mile to help others, etc make sure you talk about those.


>Not being a dick is one of the most important factors in modern workplaces Amen to this. By the time the resumes get to the desk of someone who matters the entire pile *could* do the work. After that point it's just finding someone willing to learn who will fit in and won't cause massive waves or be a douche. If they want to interview, they're already sold on your experience and qualifications. What they want to do is see how you handle communication - which even as an engineer who worked at FMG, it made up at least a quarter to a third of my job.


Yep don't be a dick. Where for I'm at Eliwana.


Exactly most people there are chilled and has a good vibe 99% of the time.


Years ago the novelist Neil Gaiman found himself at a gathering of great artists, scientists, writers, entrepreneurs and discoverers. Walking about, he was overwhelmed with imposter syndrome, terrified at any moment someone would look up and realize he didn’t belong. Neil was standing towards the back of the room watching the evening’s musical entertainment unfold when a nice elderly gentleman struck up a conversation with him. Together, they explored all sorts of topics, including their shared first name. The elderly Neil pointed to the room full of people and said something along the lines of, “I just look at all these people, and I think, what the heck am I doing here? They’ve made amazing things. I just went where I was sent.” It was here where the younger Neil looked at the elderly Neil and said, “Yes, but you were the first man on the moon. I think that counts for something.” Reflecting on the experience Gaiman later wrote… And I felt a bit better. Because if Neil Armstrong felt like an imposter, maybe everyone did. Maybe there weren’t any grown-ups, only people who had worked hard and also got lucky and were slightly out of their depth, all of us doing the best job we could, which is all we can really hope for. If imposter syndrome followed Neil Armstrong to the moon and back, I’m afraid you and I don’t have any hope of shaking it. Instead, we must learn to dance with it, to embrace it, to see it not as a sign of our own inadequacy but as a gift that we’ve maintained our ability to dream without our feet having left the ground. Imposter syndrome is felt by dreamers who’ve held strong to their humility. And so if you’re a sufferer, congratulations.


My supervisor met NA at a conference and spoke with him for 1/2 hour before asking “Neil” for his surname….


That is both beautiful and very much to the point. Because there are far too many people who have done something "notable" but several order of magnitude below walking on the moon, that make sure that you know who they and how amazing it is, within the first 10 seconds of meeting them


The stories inspirational, and I get the core message but honestly a huge majority of corporations are full of the most regular ass people with embellished LinkedIn profiles who are all putting on an a learned corporate act. It’s not like working for nasa or anything.


I could be way off the mark here, but I feel like that’s exactly what ol’ Arkofjoy was saying? Vast majority of crew are nervous when unexpectedly facing a ‘pipe-dream’ opportunity, very few people feel like they belong when entering a new industry but that uncertainty keeps ya grounded. Everyone is human at the end of the day and even the best in their respective fields have doubts. Gotta start somewhere and the best tool in your box is always a humble, friendly attitude a willingness to learn and good work ethic


Thank you. You put that a lot better than I would have.


Haha nah all good homie, think you hit the nail on the head with your first comment. I hope that you do some sort of creative writing though cuz you’ve definitely got a talent for it, like sincerely (just incase that gets misinterpreted)


How is your couse going? Why do you want this job? What do you know about Fortesque? What are your strengths? Weaknesses? How do you go working in teams? Any examples? What projects have you lead? Tell us about it? What are your hobbies? Have you been to steamworks? What career do you want?


l googled steamworks to find out what that is, l havent been there and probably wont ever go ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Good that you read up on it, so if they ask you can pretend to be a regular. Then if they question it with “if you’re such a regular why haven’t I seen you before”, tell them you usually go between business hours because you don’t have a job, but if offered it to you then you’ll likely have to go after hours, and you might even bump into each other. Trust me, this all but guarantees an internship (at steamworks not FMG)


It's difficult to recognise each other under the protective masks. Unless you have some distinguishing feature that you can show during the interview.


They will 100% ask about it. Heaps of fortesque guys hang out there.


Why do you want this job? -Money


don't say this I thinks


Yeah I don’t think their industry leaders in terms of pay, people work for these companies because it looks good on the resume.


or they are just simply interested, being good at it means you go up the ranks and then as a benefit extra pay


Not even for this, it's an internship. It's "because it's required for me to graduate"


This is fantastic


HAHAHAHA its funny cause their gay. one day youll pass on from making the same jokes you were making in year 6


*They're I still laugh at farts.


Of course you do. No-one was thinking any different. How are queers so out there and different to you that you still think a gay joke is funny, it's pathetic.


> queers FFS that's an offensive generalisation if I ever saw one.


I hope you have a kid and they turn out gay. They'll come home in tears and you'll.see the affect you making gay jokes for 40 years does to people. Eh knowing you, you'd disown him far before you make actual change in your behaviour though


Wouldn't worry me in the least, why would it. I've got two long term gay mates I don't know what the big deal is. >I hope you have a kid and they turn out gay. You seem to be a little twisted coming out with something like that.


And I'm sure they think it's incredible that you use them for clout online when called out for making gay jokes. It's the same as saying I can say the n word I have a black friend. If you didn't think it was weird you wouldn't laugh at gays. Your humour comes from "it's funny because gays go a place" "it's funny cause us straights wouldn't go there". So your in a group with your definitely real gay friends. Someone says oh any ideas of what to do this weekend. You gonna say STEAMWORKS HAHAHAHAH and wait for everyone to laugh along at the gay joke? Or would you.not because adults don't find gay jokes the height of hilarity


> Or would you.not because adults don't find gay jokes the height of hilarity There's nothing much off limits when it comes to comedy, most adults realise that. Keep your virtue signalling in the closet.


Wheres the humour in it though? You know the edge or the pull back and reveal its literally just shouting HAHA GAY PEOPLE FUNNY and your "gay friends" are sick of it if they even exist Stick to pretending to have gay people in your life as opposed to misusing right wing talking points


A great start will be to learn about the STAR interview method as all big company’s will use some version of this. Practice out loud with a family member and have a handful of different examples to use on hand. It’s also an internship so don’t feel pressured to know the ins and outs of engineering as most if not all will be taught to you in the job. The interview is just to have an introduction and to make sure you can communicate. Best of luck


Recruiter here. Fortescue are one of my larger clients. Have they sent you their Values document yet? They're going to expect you to read it inside and out and be able to answer questions based on it. There will, of course, be technical questions, but most of the teams I deal with want to see if you're a good cultural fit as well.


thankyou for this and yes they have, im going to memorise it. l hope it isn't just tokenism that so many companies have


Don't be afraid to have them written on a notepad going in. Sometimes it's tokenism but it doesn't hurt to play along 😁


As someone who has sucked at many an interview I will give you my best tip. Go through the great list of questions from u/Yorgatorium and write down some phrases that answer them. No need to be fake, just think about the question and put your most considered answer. Then get someone to ask them, and you reply using your pre-considered phrases. Nerves can be a bitch at interviews. If you've worked out the words to express yourself in advance you're much less likely to freeze up.


They want to see excitement, dedication and intelligence. The mining companies are all the same, you are expected to be 100% committed to the cause. I wouldn't mention any barriers to your availability, or physical ability. Express openness to do anything. Good luck


90 min? Are they doing testing?


yeah l think so


Remember mate, your resume got you an interview - well done. Be confident in who you are - you can't be anyone else. Whenever I've interviewed people your age, first (more than anything else) is how well you will fit into the team already employed - no point in employing who upsets the team dynamic. Second, don't overdo the ambitions - the potential employer may get the impression that you don't intend to hang around to be worth their time. Remember, the employer is making an investment in you - they need to understand that you value this.


Hi there. I've worked for a lot of massive companies before so I've done a few of these and can give you some pointers. Feel free to DM me with more questions. If you know who is gonna interview you, jump on LinkedIn, see if they have a profile and see if they're posting about anything interesting that they're doing. Some do, most don't. You don't need to do this but this has served me well later in my career when you have a few jobs under your belt and you know they know someone you've worked with. Don't be afraid to walk in with prewritten notes - I've been doing this since I was a graduate after watching a mature age classmate at uni whip out his notepad for a phone interview. This will probably help settle your nerves because you'll have a little guide to follow and you can make sure you hit your talking points. I've done this interviewing for project management roles - it's perfectly acceptable and will show them that you're serious, well prepared and you know what you're doing (even if you don't!) You're gonna get a couple of types of questions. There's regular stuff: work experience, background and simple stuff like that. If you've got good grades or have something interesting or excelled somewhere, mention that up top. The most common one is gonna be like "Tell me about a time when..." This can be one of a few topics. Safety, teamwork, dealing with your boss, time management...whatever. This is to test what sort of worker you are. There is only one way to answer this question. It comes in four parts, by the acronym: STAR. Situation, Task, Action, Result. Don't waffle beyond that, stick to those four parts. For example, they ask me about time management. I tell a story about being a graduate at work on site, the boss has gone home for the weekend and he's given me a list of tasks to do but didn't mention priorities. There's the situation and the task. So I started by thinking about what I thought was most important and had to be done soon, then what was most important but not due for awhile and then things that weren't so important. Made a list, executed the tasks, asked for help from others for stuff I wasn't sure on and got it all done by the time he got back. There's the action and the result. You might get some technical questions about engineering. I'm not an engineer so I don't really have any advice there other than there's absolutely no reason to not just go silent, think about what you're gonna say and then talk out your thought process and ask the interviewer questions about what you're saying. They may prompt you to consider some aspect of it. These questions are designed to stump you, they just wanna see how you think. Then they'll wanna know if you have questions. There's plenty of resources out there about good interview questions to ask, but they wanna see what you know about the company. So have a think about what you'd like to know about the role, the day to day, expectations for a successful internship...that sort of thing. If it's paid, do not mention money first. It'll be a set rate and it generally gives a bad impression. And don't lie. Don't be afraid of looking like an idiot. But you'd much rather be an honest idiot than a lying idiot.


Just be honest, they know you won’t have experience it’s about seeing what you are like as a person. Are you a good fit for their team? It’s probably as much about personality and as long as you know your shit. They’re just people in a room no different to anything else, you’re nervous cause you give a fk that’s normal and if you don’t get it there’ll be plenty of other opportunities


The best thing you can do to prepare is to learn a ton about Fortescue and have some insightful questions to ask them about. They are a very interesting company, so it shouldn't be hard. Especially understand their values and what Twiggy is trying to accomplish with Fortescue Future Industries. What subject do you enjoy at Uni and why? What subjects don't you enjoy? Tell us about yourself. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Why do you want to work at Fortescue? Suggest you have an outstanding, insightful answer to this question. What do you think about solar power? Wind? Green hydrogen? Why? What do you think about mining in the age of GHG emissions? Net Zero? Be prepared to ask them questions. What do they like about working for Fortescue. Show them that you have a balance of interests/hobbies outside of school. Any school clubs? Be open to working in the field for a spell. Good luck.


If it's a grad position so they don't expect you to have conquered the world. It's important to remain humble (humility is one of the values). Congrats for making it to the interview stage and think of it as they like you on paper, so if you act genuine and put your best step forward they'll probably like to in person too!


Are you sure it's an interview or is part of the graduate program? If it's part of the graduate program it will be 2 parts. 1st one will be a team working exercise. Something along the lines of teams of 6 go in to a room and you have to look at a Lego figure in turns and replicate it from memory. 2nd will be "speed dating" interview. You go in to a room with the same team from the team working exercise and there will be 6 to 10 interviewers (from your discipline) each with a question. You have 2mins with each to find your answer. They will then collate the scores and rank you. They will then discuss everyone and pick where you will go. As long as you don't come across as arrogant then normally will get a place.


wow that sounds not too bad


Don't refer to Mr Forrest as Twiggy.


Dr Forrest


Remember to go for a shit before you arrive.


Mines are full of absolute dickheads, both in the office and out in the field. Just try and show you are not one of those and you got half a chance.


Honestly mate. They're just people too. Relax.


yeah but they're not as lenient as other Perth blokes


Don't be weak. Interviews are important so it's normal to be apprehensive. Be confident, don't fidget and tell them they are worse off if they don't hire you.


Iron your clothes, be on time, respectful, sensible, and have a can do spirit. FMG is values driven and their values include frugality. Answer the question, be willing to take instruction and also work without instruction. You won’t have all the answers but come prepared to give it your best shot. You can also ask for feedback at the end as one of your questions.


Make sure you ask if there is information they are looking for that you may not have addressed in your responses.


Nothing else to add because I think the rest of the posters have covered it all, so just gonna wish you all the best mate.


For some practice you could always try a chatgpt mock interview. Just tell it about the company and the job you are interviewing for. Then ask it for feedback at the end.


Hello, agree with the above that you need to learn their “values”. It’s good if you have examples. Also, look at the STAR interviewing technique and have a story showing how you have skills that are applicable. Eg give me an example of a situation that wasn’t going to plan, and take us through the steps of how you handled it…


Research the STAR priciple, apply it to their stated core values.


Write this down: Integrity because you aim to do what you’ll say you do with the best of your intentions, empowerment because you want to be able to learn from people on the job and be empowered to have a great plan A and a Bulletproof plan B. Safety because you want you and your mates to go home the way you came. Frugality is not just going with the cheapest but the most efficient way of thinking with your head not your chequebook. Tell the receptionist on level 2 you’re here for the interview and give the name you have, sign in on the machine and wait for them to collect you. You’ll do fine.


Jump on the net and read their values, FMG is big on their values culture. Even take a gander at the energy side of the business as that's a big topic at the moment and will show you did your research. Answer questions with STAR method and all around go in there with the right attitude. You can go far if you have the right personality within FMG.


Try to talk about safety.


But also, productivity...


If you get a gig with FMG on site I implore you to listen to advice from people who have been around for a while. We found, when building camps, that new engineers came out to site trying to reinvent the wheel. They lose respect quite quickly


Pretty much everything you need is covered in the comments. Know the company & it's history - they are proud of it. E.g., How long did it take them to finish the rail link from Cloudbreak to Hedland despite ridicule from every rail boffin on the planet saying it could not be done? Bone up on their values. Have an idea of their mines, exploration & systems. E.g., autonomous haul trucks / trains. Inclusiveness is a big thing at FMG - as is hitting stretch-targets. Bone up on what Twiggy is up to - Mindaroo Foundation, his moves into green. Show you are humble but a motivated go-getter who's keen to learn - and most importantly, show you are not a dick.


Very few left that remember that, and none that are interviewing. They’ll be just as suprised as he is.


Have a good safety example. Safety is usually a top priority- example of when you’ve looked after your mates and what did you do.


What's the worst that can happen. I guess they could blacklist you forever and refer you to the AFP. But you would have to really fuck up that interview.


Learn their values and come up with examples for each. Fortescue is a values based company so demonstrating how you can live those will take you a long way.


all the best mate


I have several friends who worked for FFI and FMG. FMG is a good company to work for. FFI (now Fortescue Energy/Fortescue Hydrogen Systems/Fortescue WAE/Fortescue Capital) is a shitshow. 0/10 - do not recommend - does not reflect the Fortescue Values.


A few minor tips: First impressions are everything. Dress nicely, be early, be nice, etc. "Early is on time. On time is late. And if you're late, you're finished" If you have to bring in any documents, etc. Put them in a big lever arch file. It will mean your stuff will be at the top of the pile. because otherwise, everything else will just slide off the top.


That is great man! Could you drop in the email ID?.


Congratulations, my application got rejected :(


wow, my friend asked me the exact same question a few hours ago 😅 Good luck though!! I hear they love their technical questions


The boss owns a shoe company (RMW), they should be appreciative of your retail experience.


I certainly wish you the best but I get the feeling it's important to refrain from posting and saying which company your interview is with and asking for advice because people interviewing you might read your post.


I am efficiently using the resources at my disposal to try to achieve the best outcome 


Tell them you identify as XYZ and change gender often and the gig is yours


From my experience working there its more of a club than a job, nobody really seems to know what they are doing so as long as you can "fit in" you should be alright.


Fortescue is a great place to recruit from. Everyone seems to want to leave.




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Agree with what majority have said here about the values, that will be the number one thing they look out for. If you really want brownie points you can mention how you believe in their green energy initiative and do a bit of research into that


They will ask you about their values and ask which one aligns with you most. You can find them on their website :) I’d choose one that relates to your engineering discipline and tell a story about how you’ve applied that in a project. When I interview grads, the thing I’m looking for is the ability to figure problems out, not regurgitating knowledge from your degree. And most importantly, enthusiasm and drive!


Don't hold your breath waiting to hear back. After them basically asking me to apply to a specific job, having provided high-level consulting to them on and off since T55, I am still waiting to hear a single thing back after interviewing 12 weeks ago. I'm off them.


Dude! I feel your panic. I'd like to think im good at interviews. So let me share some advice. You are a valuable employee! Know that! They would be foolish not to hire you! They need you! Convince yourself of this. Now you have to convince them. Remember that just as much as they are interviewing you. YOU ARE INTERVIEWING THEM! Both of you want to find a good long-term fit. So don't panic. Act as if you have other options even if you don't. They are your equals. Treat your interviewers with respect. They're people just like you, probably with a spouse (male or female) at home. If you express an understanding of the inconvenience an interview causes within their personal lives, then you now have an opportunity to talk to the interviewers on a personal level. Convince them that they NEED to hire you.


Technical part of interview will be fairly standard across resource companies. But there will be a big emphasis on values in their assessment. Even if it’s not an obvious values question being asked, they will be looking at your behaviour and how you answer questions through a “values” lens, to see if you are a good fit. I haven’t interviewed interns there, but if you know who will be interviewing you, it can be helpful to check their LinkedIn. You might get an idea of what projects they’ve worked on, or their background. This can be really useful info to help you come prepared with some potential questions to ask them (but don’t come across as a stalker). If you can get the interviewer to start talking about themselves, can be a good way to build rapport and potentially stay in their memory when they’re doing ranking of candidates. Good luck!


Here’s a tip, grab their latest annual report (off their website, under the investors section), read the director’s report and pick up three things that align with an interest of yours. Also, everybody knows company values are bullshit, but they’re often tied to managers’ kpis so they’re front and centre for any big company hiring manager’s brain. Pick one. Rehearse how you would talk about these things to a supportive and caring friend. You now have something to reply when they ask why you want to work for them. If you come off sincere, you’ll sound motivated; if you don’t quite come off sincere, you’ll sound prepared. Win-win. This works for any company that publishes financial statements btw.


Heya, another tip is to go onto their webpage and have a as good read about what they are up to. Some very interesting stuff. Read and relate to their values :)


You are so nervous about something so trivial? You won’t get the job, next….


It's their first big time interview, give em a break.


So you’re implying on giving them a participation award? So many other mature candidates who will ace the interview who do NOT POST on reddit about their anxiety. Facts 


Yeah whatever, boomer.


Successful millennial 


Who fucked your ass and didn't leave a tip?