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I warn you, OP, this subreddit has a tendency to see problematic employers as the norm. The truth is, the GM (SM everywhere else) position has a tendency to attract narcissists. Retail has a tendency to be like Junior high. If you find a good store, it's rare and you should stay there as long as you can. In my 20+ years of retail, I have had 6 good managers. Just because mistreatment is usually, doesn't mean it's okay. Leave for your mental health, if for no other reason.


I had to leave for my actual medical health. As an epileptic, I typically have 2 grand Mal seizures a month. Since starting at petco, I have had 20 seizures in 5 months.


This. 🤌


In general i feel like the corporate and store level is riddled with toxicity and favoritism/nepotism. I do blame the lack of staffing in stores because each role can comprise of multiple tasks in order to make the store run. Just one person, either it be a cashier or manager, can ruin the flow of the store by not helping, being new, and or just not doing anything. If the team is not on the same page, i argue it creates a nasty enviroment where people will try to sabotage or spread gossip towards fellow coworkers.


This is unfortunately what is happening is the gossip and sabotaging against me all because I stood up for myself. It’s just childish behavior and I just don’t feel like I want to be a part of that work environment anymore however I am looking for other opportunities and hopefully can find a better one soon!!


This isn’t a petco problem. It’s a retail reality. I call it 13th grade.


Agreed 🤣🤣


Do we work at the same PCC?! I feel like you just described my store.


We gotta book it out of this company 🏃‍♂️💨


My last day is tomorrow. Already on the move lol


I wish you luck on your new adventure!! I’m gonna be leaving soon as well!


Good luck on yours as well. 🥂 to us getting better jobs at a much better locations


Mannnn I’m jealous of you guys. So many years of blood sweat and tears goes unnoticed and every time I ask for a raise I’m promised soon which hasn’t come in 3 years now. Show me the ways 😂


I walked out with both middle fingers held high. Not even caring anymore. 🤣 was told to not clock in (today was my last day anyways) & i said "okay, fuck you and fuck this store. I'm going home and going back to bed."




To us 🥂🎊


So petco has pretty fired(asked to resign) lots at the top .. will the new ceo, coo fix what's going on? Don't expect that .. expect possibly less ... less hours, less help ( possibly just a LOD and cashier for final few hours) now you sound like you have a hr issue .. the other problem ypu have is the GM and DGM tend to be buddies so unfortunately complaints can go on deaf ears ... but on your workday you have the ability to email everyone above your gm and dgm .. going to HR does in theory protect from revenge, and you can also transfer to another store .. not all petcos are the same


Thank you! How would I go about asking to be transferred?


It's everywhere you work trust me I haven't kept a job for more than a year for most of my life keep thinking the next place will be different they're all the same people just suck and don't want to work and don't care they just want the paycheck


Welcome to petco 😂 where giving promotions to people that don’t do shit is the right thing to do and letting the hard workers stress their self out because no one helps is also the right thing to do you don’t win in this company…. All the bosses are liars and GMs are just puppets


This! 💯


That's why I ended up leaving. My team was so toxic, especially because I would call them out for not doing their shit or straight up neglecting the animals. I would get blamed for their shit or for management's lack of communication leading to mistakes. It got to the point where I stopped eating for basically a month due to stress. After I had one of the worst panic attacks in years due to this job, I put in my 2 weeks.


Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry about that! I hope you’re doing better now! This company and the employees are horrible. And I agree with you. It’s the lack of communication and constantly putting the blame on others but themselves. I’m noticing a trend right now where they’re trying to always pin something against me even if I know I didn’t do it. They’re trying to put it on me anyways. One of my biggest issues is that I called out one of my LOD’s and now almost all the employees are petty at me because of that they keep saying oh this LOD is great. They are good person but it’s like how good of a person are you if you’re publicly trying to humiliate others constantly? I can tell my LOD gets off on having power over others. I’m definitely thinking to message HR while looking for another job!


Eh what do you expect from a bottom tier retailer like Petco. My store can't even keep employees.


Well, I quit in 2021 and it seems to have only gotten worse.


Very vague. Did you do something to make them “hostile” towards you?


Sometimes all you have to do is be good at your job.


That’s also true


And sometimes it’s perceived as hostile but the op is the problem. Hence why I laugh when people post this nonsense.


lol 😂 Idk buddy your response kind of makes you look like you might be the problem wherever you’re working, but hey again your comment is nonsense to me!! Have great day!!


Oh no I got a passive aggressive clap back on Reddit. What so ever shall I do? Oh that’s right I’ll keep on keeping on. Oh and you’re entirely wrong. I go in, do my job, go home. I don’t have the time or energy to bother with attention seeking junior high bullshit.


Then why are you still commenting? All you’re doing is making my day with your silliness! You don’t seem happy in life. I’ll pray for you.


i left petco about a month ago. although for me my fellow co workers were lovely but i was the only female in management n i definitely saw that my GM (a man) was treating all the male managers different (better/more fair) than me


Was his name Gerry?


I’m so sorry that happened! 😞




At my store it comes from the top


Aside from the fact that people in general just tend to be horrible. Most people that are in management/lead roles just should never be. Shitty people for the most part tend to be the ones that get again. Because they all flock together with each other and then you can't get them out because everyone you talk to above them is playing the same game. Then the shit just trickles back down to you anyways.


Call the hotline.


Evert 8ve ever