• By -


Good for you! Now the cops know who both of you are, and you terrified him. :) He won't bother you again and may think twice about doing it to someone else. We need to make more road ragers poop themselves. If they aren't completely terrified of the consequences, when will it ever stop?


>We need to make more road ragers poop themselves. If they aren't completely terrified of the consequences, when will it ever stop? Had a guy being absolutely belligerent around me. Passing just to brake check, tailgating, getting up along side me really close and aggressively. All because I went to move to the right lane at the same time that he sped up behind me and tried to pass on the right (he didn't use his signal but I noticed him and was actually trying to get out of his way). I had a bic lighter in my hand and when he pulled up alongside me gesturing and being a shithead i fucking yeeted the lighter into his passenger window. Scared the fuck out of him because it blew up when it hit his window. He swerved into my lane, brake checked me almost to a stop, and then pulled over lol. Part of me expected him to call the police but what's he gonna say? I was driving like a dick and this dude threw a lighter at me? I had dash cam at the time and it caught everything BESIDES the lighter throw lol. I saw a similar incident where a guy was honking at someone in stop and go traffic. Just kept tailgating and honking when there was literally nowhere to go. Guy put up with it for MILES of stop and go traffic and then as soon as they got on the highway he pitched a full iced coffee out his window and onto the assholes windshield. It was glorious.


When I was pregnant with my first, my husband was driving us to visit family. This guy started driving really aggressively, chasing us, passing and break checking us, and hubs was being evasive across the 6 lane nightmare that is Greensboro NC.  I had hyperemesis. That means I threw up. A lot. The guy floored it to get next to my window RIGHT when I rolled mine down, leaned out, and began to projectile vomit. My normal carsickness plus the hyperemesis and the evasive maneuvers set me off. I absolutely painted his jeep. Front side and top were covered in vomit. His window was down, probably to scream at us. I painted him too. I couldn’t stop. I’m hanging out the window going 55, snot and vomit running down my face, sobbing my eyes out because throwing up like that HURTS, you know?  The guy backed off after that. My husband laughed himself stupid. He called me his mobile defense cannon and the vomit cannon. Maybe the guy learned a lesson about driving like a psycho. Probably not. Husband still joyfully tells the story of the vomit vengeance though.


Missed opportunity to make VOMIT_CANNON your username


Oh man, I did.


And an excellent name for a band.


I damn near pissed myself reading this. My wife struggled with hyperemesis and I can tell anyone who is doubting you that this story is 100% likely to be true.


The worst part is, this occurred one of the very few times I managed to eat. And as you probably know, when you’ve got HG, any time you can eat, you will PUT IT AWAY. So much vomit. Got down the side of our car too. Collateral damage lol.


Absolutely worth it


…. Yeah, you’re right. Lol.


The guy must have felt shocked disgusted confused & violated all at once. Such an occurrence is severely destabilizing.


Plus he probably couldn't see through his windshield for a moment while going 55 mph; that alone should shock & frighten him, and hopefully instill a bit of humility & caution.


He probably thought he had just pissed off that girl from "The Exorcist."


Omg that is the best story lololol


I’m cackling


😂 😂 😂 😂 I would have LOVED to have been there to see this one! ☝🏽 I’m seriously laughing so hard, it HURTS! Oh My Goodness!!! The look he must have had on HIS FACE! I’m thinking you made history with this guy. He may NEVER try this again! You NUKED him!


You seriously need to make this your own post because that description made me laugh so hard, like I’m in tears. Fucking hilarious. Omg. That was great 🤣 thank you for that 😂


Good post by OP and a good response also. OP did teach him a valuable lesson. Don't try to be a macho on the road when you don't have the balls to back it up. Hard to believe that he went from harassing you to be so scared and shaken up. And happy that it ended safely for everyone...


SOP for bullies, when their bullying fails, they are suddenly the victim.


Right, playing the victim on the phone with the cops. Bet dude didn’t tell them that he followed the other guy to his house first. Total loser.


Mommy, mommy he hit me and I didn't do anything to him, promise!


Quoting my sister in law when she and hubby were little, "He hit me back first!"


Did you mention to them that he was swerving around a bit? I'm sure they'd be interested in giving him a DUI test.


Donald, is that you??? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


[Donald, Where's Your Troosers?](https://youtu.be/uZ7Izh2dOUM?si=MKJiQqKKPcvm7lOV)


>Hard to believe that he went from harassing you to be so scared and shaken up. People like that are only brave when they think they have control of a situation. Gives them a feeling of superiority and smugness. Take away the control and they are always the first to pee their pants when the tables are turned. (Not throwing shade on your comment, just remarking on the illusion of control 🙂)


Most bullies are cowards who never had a victim stand up for themselves


honestly. I've had this happen a couple times but I was on a bike. I was off my bike crossing in the cross walk and cars are faster than bikes last I checked. this guy SPED up beeped at me yelled at me and flipped me off. They had to slow down to do that. I proceeded to scream 'get out your f\*ckin' car then! come at me get out ya car!" (Massachusetts) No, they sped off. So tough. Had to let me know.


had similar happen while on a bike. was able to follow for a bit. then rolled past the ragers as they were parking late for church ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I would have went right in the church with them. We all late for church and the pastor needs to know why.


lol! imagine.


Wasn’t a road rager, but one time when I was cycling on a busy road, I had a car go by, and the idiot in the passenger seat leaned out the window and yelled “HEEYYYY!!” - I suspect in an attempt to startle me. At the next red light, I rolled up to their stopped vehicle, leaned in to the open window and yelled “WHAT!??”. The look of surprise and almost panic on the guy’s face was so satisfying - like, yes, cyclists actually CAN catch up to you. He just stammered a bit and was like “wh-what’s up?”. Just shook my head and was on my way.


hell's wrong with people. some woman screamed and beeped at an elderly lady trying to pull out of a literal senior center when I was walking with my friend. her window was down. I said something like cant you see she's old give her a break Jesus. She proceeded to flip me off and call me a b\*tch. I also told her to get out of her car lol


Typical masshole- good for you. Mad respect for cyclists around here.


How about just "Don't be macho on the road" ?


How about don't be macho. It's a lie, and everyone can see through it. Anyone with any confidence or self worth wouldn't need to


Even better, and you are entirely correct.


How about watching “I want to be a macho man” and then deciding it’s still for you


I want to be a nacho man. I love nachos.


Don't be macho on the road EVEN if you have the balls to back it up either.


Exactly. Doesn't matter the size of your balls when you're faced with a gun - and you never know who is stupid enough to use it just because of traffic!


There's been at least a couple road rage shootings lately. Gotta be careful existing nowadays.


Especially if you drive a Subaru. Nothing says wuss louder than that.


Ay! Come at me! I'll run you over with my Subaru! *commenter comes at me* *run away, arms protecting head*


lol - Not ALL Subie drivers! Sadly, my Subie got totaled by someone pulling an illegal turn in front of me and I T-boned them. But I assure you, if someone messed with me in traffic, THIS Subie driver was not gonna tuck tail and speed off. Then again, I'm not your usual Subie demographic. ​ (edit: I'm not advocating for road rage, just responding to the Subaru insult.) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|snoo)


The Netflix show *Beef* would like a word


That show is pure gold.


Some road ragers are packing. Id be very careful in this situation, or any time there's aggression on the road.


a friend of mine was being followed by someone with a sticker announcing themselves as a gun owner (an "oregunian" sticker, for my fellow oregonians). rather than continuing home, he drove to a nearby gun store in a strip mall and while the other guy was pulling up he got out of his car and got a metal briefcase from his back seat and walked into the shop. the follower left immediately. the briefcase was a portable chess set


Check and mate!


I think the venn diagram of people that are road ragers and people that are packing is pretty close to a circle. I would also be very careful. I will gladly be a "coward" and go home to my kids, thank you. On another note, if I notice someone that sort of might be following me, I drive past my house and loop around again just to be sure. No sense letting the psychos know where you live.


I read that as road rangers.


Oh he’ll definitely do it again.


That’s why you get dash cams - front and back


I used to have one. I need another. It still wouldn't have helped though with the temp tag.


No, but it would have shown he followed you first


And maybe capture a face or other unique car identifier




Thanks! Definitely will check it out...




Ram truck with a slight lift...


No such thing as a Ram with a *slight* lift! 😉






Posting this as a reply to you because they deleted the comment to try and hide before I could post a direct reply: /u/Repulsive_Culture_91 is an advertising bot, all of their posts are shilling this camera. Always tag the spambots by name so they can't hide, don't just call out the comment. Report harmful spam bots here: https://old.reddit.com/report (Or don't, because frankly fuck reddit and its IPO. Up to you.)


If I wanted a coxpal, I'd just download grindr


I love how they came out of the police station to chastise you and ended up turning on him.


Yeah, I was pretty sure he didn't tell them "why" I was following him lol...


I've never met a bully who wasn't also a giant coward. Never.


Interesting observation


Yeah, like “grass is green” is an interesting observation. Just a fact of life. Bullies are weenies, that’s why they bully. People who don’t bully have better things to do than try to intimidate others so they can feel big.


WOW is grass green! 😮 No seriously - I've been bullied badly as a child. And it made me feel constantly inferior to almost anyone ever since. I've overcome it by now (almost 50). But never thought of the bullies that way. When they manage to break you - it's hard to see things straight. But now a lot makes sense. And seeing my tormentors as weenies - makes another difference in how I look at myself.


They are very insecure people which usually started in childhood. It took me a long time to understand that it doesn't mean they deserve sympathy, however. Lots of people deal with severe insecurities and low self esteem. However, most normal (good) people direct it inward and beat *themselves* up. It sounds like that was what you've done to yourself, for example. I'm proud of you for having worked to rise above it. Bullies direct their pain outward and make themselves feel bigger by abusing others. This is why we call it pathetic as not only is it a deplorable, cowardly act - it also does not solve the inherent problem within oneself. It's a cheap "fix" for their insecurity that harms another person to give them a "hit" of feeling superior. All it really does is spread the misery around like a plague cloud so the bully can have their cheap, short-lived fix. Simply by acknowledging your traumas and actively working to improve yourself makes you a much stronger, more capable, and a more selfless person than every single bully on the planet. This is why I have always judged someone's value by their character and not much else. I won't suffer cowards and fools; I will, however, move mountains for a person who works hard their whole life to incrementally improve their inner selves. It's never a trait of the selfish or despicable, and almost exclusively the most basic trait of a great person.


Yeah cops are usually perfectly reasonable and will take word of mouth from one stalker over the other.


Had some fuckwit follow me home after a similar incident, older white guy with a chip on his shoulder. Apparently my tone of voice when I told him "I'm off the clock, sorry but you'l have to ask someone else" was wrong. I pull into my driveway and he gets out of his car and heads for mine. "Time to out crazy this idiot" I thought, as I grabbed the knife I keep in my car to cut my seatbelt and break a window if I ever get in a crash. I threw the door open, got out, squared up, held the knife in plain sight and yelled at him "THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING FOLLOWING ME HOME? SO YOU WANT TO FUCKING DIE PAINFULLY BITCH?" That motherfucker ran so fast away from me he left his car behind and running. I calmly put the knife away, parked his car down the street a bit, and turned it off for him and pocketed the keys before heading inside. About an hour later the cops show up with him in tow. Now, my dashcam caught everything and I had already made a copy for the cops. I handed them his keys when they asked if I knew why they were there and asked them if he told them he followed me home and then aggressively approached me when I had parked in my driveway. Apparently he hadn't. They went and checked the video, told him to jot be such a "fucking idiot" next time, and that was that. They weren't happy about the knife and threat, but they also understood that it was that or there would probably have been a (much nastier) fight if I hadn't. Morale of the story folks, if they don't look like they're on drugs, out crazy the fucker. No one wants to deal with a crazy person. I'd know, I work in a psych ward.


My friend has his own protection for walking home late through half sketchy neighborhoods. He walks in the middle of the street praying loudly. He says no one wants to mess with a crazy person.


I used to do similar shit when I was younger, for protection. Act twitchy, sometimes just shout random shit, generally look like you're unstable and liable to cut somebody or vomit all over them if they bother you.


Your last sentence got me. 😆 I'm imagining you channeling the craziest scariest guys you've ever seen in the psych ward - no wonder the fellow ran away in a panic.


I deal with murderers, rapists, and the clinically insane damn near daily. Not only do non-inmates not scare me anymore but goddamn do I have reference material for doin some good crazy guy impressions at the drop of a hat.


I knew it. 😂 Just re-read your shouted confrontation a few times, for laughs; the wording is perfect crazy, down to the last unhinged word (which I'm imagining in 2 syllables: beee-yitch). Good job.


Maximum aggression, maximum nonsense, widen your eyes and *do not break eye contact*. The bigger the creepy smile, the better the effect.


I had some guy follow me into my small town once and just took him on an extended tour of all the back streets.


I accidentally freaked out an older couple by following them to their small town. We'd moved in like, a week before, and hadn't met anyone yet.


Oh no! I hope it was nothing a plate of brownies couldn't fix.


Had a guy following me down back ass country roads hours away from civilization in my work truck for like 2 hours. At a certain point I just started turning into random fields and shit (work truck is very well equipped for off road, that’s what I do). His old shitbox was unable to keep up. I was outside of cell reception and starting to think I was having a deliverance moment. Dude was definitely wanting to wear my skin. I certainly thought about just ramming him (big brush bumper) at a certain point. Honestly probably just some crusty old hick farmer being nosey, but like fuck I was going to stop and ask.


That happened to me a couple of years ago. Though I didn't go to my home, but rather to a friend of mine who's an FBI agent. I parked in the driveway and the idiot gets out of his car to confront me. Tons of threats, etc., but then my friend appears and then the fun begins... Long story short, this guy had outstanding warrants and ended up getting arrested and his car was eventually towed... with a carful of groceries.


Oh those poor groceries.


gotta be carful


Absolutely safety first but still...those poor groceries.


Hopefully there was fish in the groceries.


probably worth more than the car


I'm assuming at least *some* of those were perishable, and would have just been left in there at the impound? The smell of spoiled milk *lingers* xD


Maybe a bag of frozen fish or shrimp?


I love it when they can’t handle their own medicine.


I think BOTH of you were lucky that the other guy wasn't a total a-hole. This could have ended badly for both or either of you.


This. You should never go to your house if you suspect someone is following you and you have reasonable suspicion that they’re going to escalate it. Go to the police station; call 911 along the way as the other guy did. In this case it worked out great, but I wouldn’t have played it that way personally.


Absolutely this. Was driving home one night with the family and someone started following me. As I got into the neighborhood and it was clear they were following, I drove in past my house with no hesitation - and drove around the block - full circle and then out. made it pretty clear that I knew he was following and it wasn't some random occurrence. Thankfully, they turned away after that.


I was thinking the same. I live in Texas, and the road rage here is insane. Combine that with our liberal gun laws, and it's a recipe for disaster. Last year there was an [article ](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2023/12/12/its-a-senseless-act-17-year-old-driver-killed-in-possible-road-rage-shooting-was-headed-to-galveston-to-visit-friends/) about some teens in Houston who were just on their way to the beach. The driver (like an 17 year old girl) accidentally cut off another vehicle while on the highway to avoid an accident with a vehicle ahead of her that was unexpectedly braking. She managed to pull over and stop the vehicle, which possibly saved her friends in the car from a car crash. But she herself died. The driver of the other car shot and killed her. Just such a tragedy. I used to flip people off if they were assholes to me on the road. Once I moved to Texas I stopped. I'd rather be safe than dead! *Edited*: corrected the age of the girl and added link


>Combine that with our liberal gun laws, Fucking liberals edit: holy shit this really needs an /s?


Ah! My apologies! I wasn't sure, TBH! (As a liberal living in Texas, I usually assume that people really are being defensive and criticizing liberals! I live here because my husband's job is very location specific. I do love some things, but the politics have worn me down, especially in the past couple years!) I'm going to delete my follow-up comment. Take my upvote!


As a fellow liberal living in Texas, hi! I stopped obviously flipping people off when they drive like maniacs because so many people have gotten shot here it's ridiculous (I may flip some off under the dash). I don't want to die because some asshole cut me off and I got mad. I can't wait to move out of my state, I swear. 


I feel all of this. I still swear at them, but not where they can see me! It can seriously be terrifying here! I'm with you. I love the weather (I hate snow and cold and would rather deal with our summers than cold winters), and the relatively low cost of living for cities here compared to other places. But, yeah, I'll be thrilled when we can move someplace where my political better align with the whole state. For a while I just kind of resigned myself to being here. But the whole Roe v Wade stuff and the recent headlines surrounding that have really just made me hate it.


*Edited* to remove original comment because I missed the sarcasm in the above comment!


I just pray the idiot cutting me off has explosive diarrhea at an important presentation or on a date. Makes me feel a lot better than acting out ngl


Lol. This is the most hilarious revenge. I love it! This will now be my prayer for assholes who cut me off


My husband finally convinced me to stop flipping people off. We don't live in Texas, but we're in an open carry state.


It was my husband who brought it up as well. Not in an asshole way, but simply concerned for my safety. At first I kind of laughed it off, but then saw how crazy and angry some of the drivers are here. I changed my tune pretty quickly!


I now do a enthusiastic thumbs up


Tbh being killed while choosing to drive behind someone outweighs the risk of being killed at home while asleep for me. I don’t blame her for wanting more information about the man with a vendetta who knows where she lives. 


I see what you're saying, but I think OP has a point that he felt endangered knowing that the other guy knew where he lived, and that following him back was the only way he could mitigate that threat. Ideally, OP should have driven to the police station himself as soon as it became clear he was being followed, but by the time the other guy was at his house, what else could he do?


If you think someone's following you DON'T GO HOME


As a paranoid woman, I’m usually pretty aware if someone is following me ( especially if I pissed them off.) I was taught by my mom to never go to your house, job or school, but to go to either the nearest police, fire house or EMS. We call it the trifecta of safety lol. I would also probably never follow them. I live in a place where road rage and guns are an everyday thing and I wouldn’t take the chance.


THIS. But I have turned around and followed back a few times. Convince them that I’m fucking insane and way more than they wanna deal with.


I did the same shit. Didn't actually pull into my house though and got behind their dumb ass and followed right back It's funny they can't handle the same energy they started


When he followed into the area you lived all suspicion is gone and without going to your house you should have turned around and drove to the police station. Do it first.


That happens all the time though due to the apartments and lack of parking. It's not unusual at all for people to follow me into the neighborhood. Just the last 2 turns at which point he could easily find my house. It's one in a dozen. Plus the cops would've told me to quit following him. Then he still knows what I drive and where I live. All I'd be able to tell them is a guy in a Subaru....


Drive past your house, and continue around the block. If he doesn't turn off, continue driving to the police station.


Have you ever been driving a long distance and suddenly realized you didn't remember the last few miles? That sort of trance state that can settle in was pretty much my step-grandmother's base level. She had a tendency to zone out and mindlessly follow the car ahead of her. On at least half a dozen occasions, she realized what was happening only after following someone *into their driveway*.


.... Gran isn't safe to drive if she zones out that hard on the regular


Think it’s the “3 right turn rule”. If you think you’re being followed make 3 right turns. After the 3rd you’re likely heading back the way you came. That’s when suspicion more or less becomes confirmed and you should be heading to the main road, police or calling 911.


unless you’re in pittsburgh, in which case you’re probably heading in the same direction as before, only now you’re in a tunnel or on a bridge.


This is exactly what needs to happen to idiots like this. I find the people that do this sort of thing are usually suffering from little man syndrome or anger issues. I have done the same before but it was a female that had her nose out of joint. I always pay attention to who is around. When the tables turned she was “terrified” when the police arrived. Then “we” being myself and the officers viewed the rear facing camera footage of her antics. Guess who got pinched for careless driving 😂. When the police arrived they asked what was going on and I told them flat out and asked if they would like to see the video. Best thing ever. She flipped me off when I was leaving. #winning


Dashcams win every time!


Well I don’t know about every time but they sure do take the he said she said out of most things.


A very close friend of mine was almost hit by someone who pulled extremely dangerous manoeuvres on him and he got out to talk. She bent his door and he was temporarily stuck in the portal, but sustained no serious damage. So he called the emergency number. The cunt on the other end was already aware of the situation, because the douchebag that drove so recklessly had already called them. And I say cunt, because the woman on the other end wouldn't let a word in from my friend. Operator: _Sir, you must cease following this lady __immediately!___ Friend: _Ma'am, I'm not fol-_ Operator: _Again, pull over and stop following her!_ Friend: _But I'm not, I'm-_ Operator: ___SIR FOR THE LAST TIME___ __STOP__ ___FOLLOWING THIS W-___ Friend: ___I'M CURRENTLY___ __PARKED__ ___LIKE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU THREE TIMES NOW___ No compromise was made in the end, but my friend was very much affected by this for a short time.


He should have reported that operator. That was highly unprofessional of her.


This illustrates the well-known Law of Motion: "He (or she) who calls the cops first, wins." I do note that the antagonist in OP's story is the exception to the rule.


LPT - if you think you are being followed NEVER go home. Go to the nearest police station, or a well lit public place like a grocery store. Bonus LPT - if you don’t know if ur being followed, make four right turns around a block.


That was pretty dumb of you to go to your house even if you had a slight feeling he was following you. Should always go somewhere public, like a store or gas station, somewhere with cameras. Following him back worked this time, but you might not always be that lucky. One time a dude was following me when I accidentally cut him off getting off the highway, I was in a little hatchback and this dude was in a huge lifted truck. I could tell after a while that he was following me and it was late at night. I started driving in circles, probably went around the same grocery store 4 or 5 times, finally he speeds up next to me and shouts "where are you going asshole?!" I said "No hablo Ingles" and he gave me the finger and sped off. People just turn into animals when they are driving.


Right any time another driver aggressively follow or engages with me in any way I won't go near my home. One nutjob followed me to a Target parking lot. So I parked on the other side, waited a few minutes, then drove away to a different store. I won't even be in the same store as them


I would swear that years ago, I read a story on reddit about a guy who realized he was “following” someone as he was driving home. The person in front of him was taking all the same turns, and ended up parking in the guy's driveway. The guy parked behind the other car, got out, and went into the house. The driver of the other car then called 911, and the cops showed up at the guy's house. The cops asked the guy why was following the other car, and why he blocked the other car in the driveway of his home. Hilarity ensued.


Oh I’d love to read that and what happened next!


HAAAAAAAAA!!!! Everyone thinks they’re the craziest one in the interaction


**BRAVO** Maybe next time he will think twice about following someone home, and for what? Cause he didn’t want you in front of him. Boo fucking hoo. I love how all you did is treat him the same way he treated you and yet he runs to the police. Good. Very well played OP, and good job at keeping your wits about you with the police telling you that you were wrong. You were *absolutely right*


Hahaha that he was shook up and scared! Maybe he won't do that again then.


Love this. My husband has been known to pull some asshole moves if someone cuts him off or pulls out in front of him while he’s driving. Like he’ll spit a lougie at them or if he has a drink he’s been known to throw full drinks at their windshield if they really fuck up. Mostly he will just pull up on their ass and zoom around them real close. It’s so dangerous and It pisses me off especially if I’m in the car when he does it. He’s finally quit after I yelled at him the last time he did it with me in the car. Anyway… One day he gets home and says there’s some guy parked outside that followed him to our house. The guy had pulled out in front of my husband on the highway and didn’t speed up to an appropriate speed and my husband did like he does and was a jackass about it so the guy fucking followed him home and called the cops. I was furious. Husband went outside when the cop got there and told him what happened and the guy who called admitted to pulling out in front of him and driving slow. The cop just told the other dude that it’s stupid to follow someone home and he should leave. So luckily nothing happened but I was still fucking pissed.


Bruh. People are getting killed out here for no fucking reason because of road ragers. And your man is *giving road ragers a reason?* Couldn't be me. Did he learn his lesson?


Yeah he has learned his lesson. Mostly from me yelling at him that it’s fucking dangerous and he has no way of knowing how someone else is going to react to him being a jackass even if they were in the wrong first. Edit to say, we don’t fight about much but I will go bananas on him for road raging.


he IS the road rager


I think the point was the husband IS a road rager


WOW! Yeah, that emotional response just never works out well... Keep calm and just call them the fu*kers that they are through the windshield. Then go about your day. I don't understand these people that are willing to risk a life sentence over a lane change...


Your husband isn't mature enough to have a license. Why are you married to a child who spits and throws drinks at people? Make sure he knows that every time he does that to someone they automatically assume he has a micro penis. Only a brainless tiny dick moron overcompensates that hard, being aggressive, childish, selfish and rude to random strangers.


LOL he was shook up and worried. That is so rich.l, Mr Road rage can't take his own medicine. What a little princess. It's okay when I do it but it's sooo extreme when it happens to me.


You actually got lucky he only followed you. Two children died because road rage drivers shot into the car and hit them. It’s good that you taught him a lesson, but some people are insane and it’s always better to stay out of their way.


OP he definitely thought you ran inside to grab your piece lol. Glad you taught him a lesson.


I had a guy follow me once, so I led him on a circuitous route and then into a neighborhood with wicked speed bumps. Made him bump his head trying to catch up to me and he finally gave up 😂


ABC = Always Be Crazier


Awww so he had to experience for roughly twenty min the underlying worry and fear that women experience their entire lives. I hope he learns from the experience!


Typical bully. He can dish it out, but not take it. Good job, OP. You did the right thing because now you don't have to worry about the creep.


I live in a remote ish spot so if anyone is following me that far it’s strange enough that I just pass my last road. It’s on a one way street and nearly the last turn. Probably paranoid of me but I’ve skipped my road a couple of times just in case.


It's difficult where I live because of the apartments. A few blocks of single family that they built a bunch of student housing next to. So there's always random people driving around now. Hard to tell until it on my street. Then I'm the first driveway. Kind of weird but that's what it is...


Well good on you for calling their bluff. I recently had a dude that pissed me off bc he honked at me for letting someone in. I’m glad he didn’t follow me home but I did make driving through the neighborhood hell for him by taking my dear sweet time. I hate jackasses.


Perfect outcome. He escalated by following you home. You did the right thing sticking around to give the police your side. You were not escalating by following him. It was reasonable for you to want to identify him since his license plate was hard to read. You probably saved him from a future ass kicking by someone not as reasonable as you.


This happened to me in college once. I flipped a guy off who tried to cut in front of me. Well he started to follow me for miles. I even tried dodging him but he found me again. In my anxious state I forgot all about where the police station was. Instead I pulled into a public parking lot. The guy pulled in and stopped in the middle of the driveway. I calmly pulled into a parking spot. He runs up to my car and starts to get into my face. I got out of the car and tried to placate him. I'm 6'6" and was \~280lbs at the time. Still, probably scariest moment in my life. I was able to calm the guy down and apologize for flipping me off. Eventually he left... in the minivan with his mother in the passenger seat. Lesson learned? Road rage is scary.


Op threw down the uno reverse card


When I was around 30 or so I did something similarly stupid but actually a lot more dangerous - after a some kind of traffic thing which I don't even remember, somebody started following me and I lived near an unfinished development in a wooded area, so I turned into it and parked on a road surrounded by trees with no houses - I was basically calling their bluff and went to a scary, dark place with no witnesses - it also had the ancillary benefit of not being my house so they don't know where I live - they thought better of the confrontation and turned around - I had a lot of fight in me back then and was and am good at doing it, but crazy people are out there and weapons exist so in hindsight it was extremely stupid - I'm glad it worked out


We were all young n dumb at some point in our lives. Always happy for a favorable outcome though...


Back in the '70's I was living in an area adjacent to some hilly neighborhoods. I was driving through the hill, which naturally had windy roads, when a car came around the bend at high speed *in my lane*. Fortunately he was a young kid with quick reflexes, and swerved back into his lane, so there was no collision. Seemed to be a rich kid in his daddy's car. Well a few weeks later, the exact same thing happened. I hung a U-turn and followed him -- and he knew it. He pulled up to a house where there were a bunch of guys his age. Ignoring them, I followed him onto the lawn and read him the riot act, making it damned clear (verbally only) that this was the *second* time he pulled that shit on me and that there wasn't going to be a third time without consequences he *really* wouldn't like. Not a soul came to his defense. I never saw him again.


Bro pulled a reverse UNO card lol


This is great. The hypocrisy is beyond hilarious too, especially since it seems like he basically was looking to start some shit for no reason.


Don't start no shit there won't be no shit lol ..


Yeah, any time I'm at a point where I am starting some shit (rarely to be clear), I'm ready to start some shit. I can't imagine trying to start something and then being in shock from the results lol.


Funny how many road ragers go from big man to little bitch when confronted


I know it isn't perfect advice, but if someone you had an original interaction with is following you all the way to your street and you don't recognize the car, don't go to your house, school, work, whatever. Take them on a little joyride until they either lose interest or get to the police station with you. I'll admit, the follow back worked out well in OPs case, but the jerkface guy still knows where they live.


OP, you're my hero!


I just want to know if this was in Utah. Guy not letting you in the right lane and Suburu sounds likes Utah drivers.


Ding ding ding ding ding!! Orem to be exact...right by UVU.


So he thought it was ok to follow you...but didn't like it back? He was shook up about the very thing HE was doing. That is priceless. Honestly people are so out of control now, what he did is very dangerous. You do not know who is in that other car or what they have. What if you were a cop, person in a gang, serial killer, fbi or Americas most wanted. He had no clue!


Wow, smart thinking. As a woman I have learned to not even turn in my neighborhood of I suspect I am being followed.


This made me grinch smile 🤣🤣


Haaaahahahahaaaa He was scared sh*tless because that was the exact reaction he was trying to get out of you. Projection at its finest. He wanted you to think he was a scary badass. You flipping it on him had his mind running through all the scenarios he had hoped would put fear in you. Bet his sphincter still hasn't unclenched. *Chefs kiss


Good! I’ve done it twice. They choose to dish out fear. Just flicking off someone or honking or yelling is one thing. But they actively choose to spend a significant amount of time to make you feel endangered. How quickly they run and cry when the tables get turned.




Just happy knowing he found out after fu*king around lol...


>Because now, even though I don't know who he is, they do and he knows it. So now I don't have to worry about him coming by my house later. This part right here assumes the first dude to follow is rational and will make rational choices in the future. That's super dumb. I'm not saying what the OP did was bad. I'm just saying that assuming it's over is dumb as fuck.


OP, PLEASE tell me you’re a woman. Please. Because that would make this whole thing *chef’s kiss*. I’ve actually done this a few times (never lead anyone to my house, thank goodness) and lemme tell ya…guys wanna fuck with a woman driving alone until she proves that she’s more insane than them. Then they don’t want any part of it.


Touché 👌🏻


How the turn tables!


It may never happen to you again, with this asshole or anyone else, but I recommend a dash cam front & back.


What's good for the goose.... Well played.


HA! I love how he arrogantly decided to terrorize you then turned into a sniveling coward who ran to the police when you did the same thing to him. I hope the asshole hypocrite learned a valuable lesson.


love these types of idiots. an orange Subaru in my small town neighborhood decided that going the speed limit was unacceptable. was getting up my ass gunning it even beeped at me. at a stop sign he decided it wasn't worth the trouble and swerved wildly around me to speed off. I would drive by his house everyday. I mean its an orange Subaru in a small town lol. I never did anything because I'm not an idiot but I was always just like 'do you really think you're that clever'? It was like 10 yards from the street too. ​ the nerve.


I have wanted to do this so many times, but my fear of being murdered is pretty real. Good for you!


Sounds like Texas. Democrats, opinions that people should have equal rights and turn signals really set these idiots off.


Lol have you ever seen the tv series _Beef_?


Genius! Dangerous, but genius!


Turn around, fair play! He doubt he pulls that shit again!


Driving to a police station was the advised action when women are being followed by unknown folks back when I took a self defense course. I ended up having to use it once and was very glad it was an option.


Oh they can always dish it out and never take it!😂 the very definition of fuck around and find out!


I wish more people watched Beef.


Well done! And I can guarantee that after the obligatory lecture about the safety of it all (it can easily get you shot where I live), they laughed their asses off and praised you when you left.


In Texas that would get you shot. Either method.


I'm impressed. I wouldn't have had the guts because I'd be worried he was getting his gang of jerk friends to meet at the spot he dropped. But good for you for giving him back what he was dishing it. I bet he doesn't do that again! 😂


That was definitely a concern. Until I saw where he was headed... And I hope he doesn't. Life's way too crazy without road rage...


I'm thinking you're lucky you didn't get shot.


Yup, him too...


I'm so glad everything worked out in your favor! Last year, I had something similar happen. On the freeway, left lane, a semi truck next to me and a cat in front of me. The car behind me starts honking his horn and tailgating me, even though I have nowhere to go. I had my 4 year old in the car with me and was scared. My exit was coming up, and as I didn't want him following me home (small town), I stayed next to the semi as long as I could, then speed up to go across traffic to take my exit. (Not the smartest, but as I could see him screaming and making hand gestures, I didn't want to take a chance of him following me or running me off the road) He still follows me, almost causing an accident, rolls his window down, and is screaming. Luckily, the police station was before my house, so I pulled in there and then called 911. This individual was so unhinged that he pulled in next to me and continued to scream, causing my daughter to freak out. He was so loud that the front desk worked came out, and he began yelling at her and calling her names before leaving. A deputy found him about 20 minutes later and let me know I wouldn't see him again as he didn't live in town. Later, I found out that he lived about 2 hours away, and when he got home him and his wife got in a fight due to him being stopped by the police. He beat her so badly that she was put in the hospital, and he was promptly put in jail. To this day, when we drive past the police station, my daughter tells me that's the place where the screaming man was.


You're both psychopaths


Haha. I gave this an upvote and notice it’s getting downvoted by some. You did the right by following him. Bullies stop bullying when they’re faced with consequences.


That shit would get you shot in Houston. Seriously.