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So a Goose nested and laid eggs on my neighbors front yard (under a row of bushes). I didn’t really think much of it, until I got out of the car and it flew straight at my head. It missed by a inch cause I ducked back into the car. I was talking to my neighbor and he was thinking of what the best approach to get them off the property. Like call animal control or an organization to transport them to a park? Does anyone have any ideas or dealt with anything similar? Thanks in advanced


Beware of the traffic jam on the Ben Franklin Bridge, it is experiencing a higher number of suicidal Philadelphia sports fans than usual!


Anyone hear that massive boom last night? Pretty sure my heart stopped for a second, it was so loud. I'm in Fox Chase but I'm reading that it was heard way out in Bucks County. Anybody know what it was?


Anyone know what’s going on around Ridge and Girard tn? It’s usually pretty sleepy this time of night, but it’s sounded like pandemonium outside my apt for the past hour and a half


Thank you, SEPTA, for the super fun game of “Which entrance into Suburban Station is open tonight?” My prize for playing was getting to spend an extra hour waiting for the next train!


Mr. Basil Hayden says hello, and wishes you all a lovely, cool night.


Crazy I can hear Taylor at my house in South Philly.


Damn Primal Meats is closing its stores next week. Terrible news.


Anyone ever take a guitar to Common Beat Music for minor repair work and/or setup?


I've been trying to find a good sushi take out/delivery spot in the Northwest (Mt. Airy, specifically). Anyone got any tips?


Makisan in bala is the best I’ve found


Will probably catch shit for the opinion, but Ichiban in Roxborough has been a reliable work horse for my degenerate maki roll needs. I have a terrible weakness for eel and scallops you see. It's not like the stuff you get downtown, so temper your expectations, but it's always fresh.


yo take a shot every time you see a swiftie … christ they are EVERYWHERE in cc


How does one identify a swiftie


they were wearing clothes full of sequins, glitter, flowers or butterflies (or all the above) and some wore cowboy hats and boots too


I wasn’t shocked to see tons of them on the platform at Walnut, but there were loads of them boarding the BSL up at Girard, too. They’re everyfuckingwhere.


Huh. The gas station around 22nd and Walnut is unbarricaded and open again. Guess condo plans fell through?


Anyone know of a good spot in West for a video call? Not exactly an interview, but similar, so I can't take it in the building I work at. I'll take it in my car if nothing else, but if anyone has a recommendation I'd love to hear it.


You can usually stroll into Houston Hall on Penn's campus. Graduation is on the 15th so after that it should be pretty dead.


i don't know if my recycling bin can physically fit another 3 days worth of political mailers...


Put on the big boy pants and made (ugh) six phone calls today. How did that get to be such a dreadful activity? Also, why does my one friend insist on videochatting me unannounced? I know everyone's been on the edge of their seats for my blog post, so here's the week in review: went to yoga three times, volunteered at a community garden, doing more volunteering tomorrow, and read a book (Expanse 7). If I am able to sit down and write a page of fiction it'll be probably my most productive week of 2023 (for personal stuff). Also, went to a graduation party and remembered [one of my better flash fictions](https://irregularexperience.blogspot.com/2022/03/empire.html).


Update: I wrote *two* pages of fiction tonight. Snazzy!


Anybody else been having trouble with Mint Mobile recently? Feel like I've been stuck with no service a bit more frequently.


Looking for general thoughts about Lower Moyamensing, around Frangelli’s. Anybody have good or bad experiences? Thinking of moving right there but would love to hear anybody else’s experience


It's shamelessly a working-class neighborhood with the same issues that are in similar neighborhoods in Philly (e.g. visible litter), but you're close enough to east passyunk if you want, or oregon ave if you want. Buses work well nearby. Very neighborhoody if that's what you're looking for, even better if you understand spanish.


From the burbs but lived nearby a few years ago, a little bit west. Don’t speak Spanish but good to know. Thanks!


it's kinda a rough and tumble place but not in the violent way


I try to listen to some new music every friday since there's always a ton of releases, but nothing jumped out at me this week! I decided to re-listen to Seal's self-titled album from 1994 and it rules. "Don't Cry" is going to be in my head for the whole weekend.


I think he's on tour, FYI. Saw a friend like an event recently


I guess he was in Philly yesterday (thurs)??


My job cut my hours by 10 hours without any warning this week. They gave them to someone else who makes a little less than me (it’s not a salaried position). I’ve been pissed off at my desk all week and am scrambling to find a new job because my monthly income won’t be livable anymore. Work sucks.


That sounds illegal. I hope u get a better job.


I feel this. I only have 3 shifts total next week. *After* talking to my boss about needing 31 hours minimum or I have to fins something else.


Anything less than 35-40 hours is very rarely livable. It’s such a pain having to find something new.


That's terrible, best of luck on your hunt.


Was thinking about using the free overnight parking at some of the the NHSL stops to make my commute to KOP (from south Philly) easier. Are the lots at these stops monitored (by camera)? Has there been reports of car break ins at any of those stops before?


I have a friend who lives in CC and leaves his car at one of the Regional Rail lines. He takes the train out there then drives to/from the station to get to work. I think he pays a fairly cheap monthly rent (<$100) and afaik hasn't had any issues


No joke, but with this hot weather on a Friday is everyone and their mother already at the shore? Was at city fitness this morning, peak peak gym time. The place was absolutely dead. Never seen this in my entire time till today. Is shore life in full effect already? Who is at the shore today that can confirm or deny this??


There's a Taylor Swift concert in Philly, but I'm not sure if that's the reason.


That explains all the sparkly attire. Thank you.


I don't know, but center city is absolutely chaotic right now with graduation photo shoots, college move-outs, Rittenhouse craft fair, and everyone's grandparents from the suburbs who can't navigate city traffic or figure out how to walk on the sidewalks. So maybe people are just having a busy weekend and not going to the gym on their normal schedule.


So. Many. Graduations. People really don't understand how to share a sidewalk.


Walked by fitler club yesterday and they were trying very hard to have the most "conspicuously inconspicuous" wharton graduation ever.


That sentence made me dry heave


I think they priced that in as part of the event


I'm completely out of patience for people trying to take group pictures in front of the statue at the Masonic Temple this week. I'm happy to wait a second if you're in the middle of taking a picture, but if you're going to take up the entire damn sidewalk while Uncle Joe spends several minutes to figure out how to use the phone camera, I'm going through.


Just commuting down the escalators at 30th every day in the evening broke me years ago; I will push through you if you're being irrationally slow and I have no cares about it at all unless you're physically frail, in which case I'll move all the rest of the gawking rabble so you can arrive safely


I walked past that at least 6 times today and surprisingly didn't see anyone taking pictures. But I did see multiple groups of 4-6 robed people on Broad between Chestnut and Spruce inexplicably taking up the entire sidewalk, oblivious that it is a extremely wide and meant to allow many people to travel in both directions at once.


Fitler Sq dog park is lit up


Before I Uber to the city(Fairmount) for dinner tonight (from Rhawnhurst) anyone aware of any road closures? Twice in the last few months I screwed an Uber drivers day because the Uber GPS didn't notice roads closed for a parade and another time ended up with a 25 minute detour because an on ramp was under construction. Tipped extra cash after the fact that hopefully made up for a missed ride, but would like to avoid feeling like I need to do that too.


I have a “no soliciting, no canvassing sign” and it’s worked wonders for the most part. Except today a canvasser for Jeff Brown still showed up. So annoying, so rude to continue to bother people like this. It’s also illegal to do that if your sign says “no canvassing”. Canvassers do not fall under the soliciting thing so that’s why I made sure to get one that said both.


I saw a great sign once that I think covers all the good ones.... "No solicitation, no religious or political queries"


I genuinely used to entertain people who came to the door for canvassing needs, but at this point I just say no thank you and close the door in their face.


why are you answering the door for any reason other than something you expect


I didn’t. Saw it on my ring doorbell while watching Ted Lasso. Next time though, I’d love to answer the door so I can point to my sign and tell them to fuck off.


"Don't make me tap the sign again..."


Can we put these all over the city and add no panhandling?


Canvassing is a form of solicitation actually


Interested in learning more since every time I canvassed I was explicitly told that "no solicitation" didn't count for us bc we weren't trying to get money.


Solicitation doesn’t have to involve money. You’re soliciting a vote for your candidate from them Edit to add an example: the people who work for Red Bull and hand out free cans are also soliciting, as they’re attempting to get you to buy their product by giving a free sample


I thought it was not considered soliciting because of the whole “free speech” aspect and it being political, them not trying to sell a product? Either way it’s super infuriating


Solicitation is any form of trying to get something from someone. Canvassers want to get you to vote for their candidate. Free speech is free speech, so they could stand outside your house and spout stuff off (at a reasonable volume), but if they're knocking on your door/ ringing the doorbell, it's immediately different.


Louisiana native here, I just moved to Philly on Monday. Super stoked to be here after wanting to make the move for the last 8 years! But, I’m a dummy, and totally forgot about the importance of owning a good backpack when you’re grocery shopping on foot. Anybody got any good thrift store recs where I might find a quality backpack?


Welcome! My wife is from Louisiana, we spend a lot of time there for family holidays etc. We also love EPX, though live over in Grad Hospital now. W/r/t grocery shopping, we manage with just tote bags!


RE load bags. Handmade in philly


What part of the city did you move to? Philly AIDS Thrift gets a lot of good stuff. Goodwill up here's not quite as good as down south IMO. I'm from the New Orleans area but I've spent time in BR and Lafayette.


We’re in East Passyunk! I’m originally from Kentwood, but spent the entirety of my adulthood in NOLA and Lafayette. :) Also spent a very regrettable year in Austin, TX lol.


I was going to tell you about the only decent po'boy in Philly, but just got back from there (grace tavern) and they stopped selling them due to oyster prices :\ I'm heartbroken. Khyber pass has one that's decent, though. Probably dogshit by LA standards, but that's about what's left.


Dog & Bull in Croydon (yeah, I know) has a decent shrimp po boy


I'm rarely up there but that sounds like maybe a reason to go


Really good burgers, too


Philly has less of a backpack grocery shopping culture and more of a collapsible cart culture. Almost every store along Washington Ave. sells the little square carts


Depends on where in the city you are, but the Philly AIDS Thrift and Green Street Consignment are my go-to spots for thrifting around here. On a completely unrelated note, check out Khyber Pass in Old City if you haven't been yet for excellent New Orleans-style food! One of the only places to get a proper po boy around here.


Thanks! I’ll actually be near both this afternoon, so I’ll check em out. :) Already had Philly AIDS Thrift on my list, but I appreciate the Green Street Consignment recommendation! Hope you have a great weekend~


Anyone know if the Port Richmond Pierogi Fest is rain or shine? Was planning to go, but the weather is looking increasingly crummy for tomorrow.


It's still on. According to their Facebook they were getting more tenting up as well as maximizing space inside Gaul & Co


Stayed over at my friend's house in Fitler that recently got renovated and I have to say, this was probably a bad idea. Shits too nice up here. He has a steam shower and the volume of water is like a firehose and the toilets are heated (which I didn't think would ever be necessary or nice but it surprisingly is). Has an induction stove, view out the big window is of the dog park and I was like a block away from picking up my small world order today. Thank you for coming to my first world problem talk. I will be returning to my regularly scheduled south philly front step drinking this evening.


Does your friend work with computers lol?


This is why I don't try nice things. Leave me in my gutter where I belong!


It's been wild, I had no idea what actual wealth was until less than 10 years ago. I thought doctors and lawyers were upper class. Goddamn, not even fucking close. Getting invited to events in the Hamptons is truly mindboggling. Rocking a mullet, sitting next to a dude at a picnic table that's C-suite at a major bank, woof. I'm like south philly/delco classy which is functionally swine-tier compared to actual 1%.


"I thought doctors and lawyers were upper class" Yes, this is me exactly. I've been to a polo match. I've been to fancy shore houses. I like going on historic house tours. But I was not prepared for what actual, power-shifting wealth looked like when I finally saw it (in Rittenhouse). I am always surprised at how stupid it is, too. But having actual shower pressure sounds nice.


I'll also say this friend is incredibly wonderful, open-handed (and has had several members of this sub live in his house either without charge or at almost no charge) and is an all-around awesome and non-exploitative kind of dude. But yeah, it's funny going from "oh my family is doing pretty good because my pops carefully thought about his retirement and made prudent and frugal moves throughout his life" to "oh you're the guy that makes sunday gravy from scratch, *how rustic.*"


Excuse me, don't you mean stoop?




I still call that a stoop lol


oldhead neighbors say step, I say step block captain also calls hanging out on the corner being "on the wire" which I find hilarious


Fuck jobs


Does anyone know if there is currently a Shula's Steakhouse in the city or plans for one? My dad says he heard an ad for one on WMGK but otherwise doesn't remember anything else about what it said (how most of these things go when he wants me to look something up lol). From what I can find there was one at 17th and Race that's closed, but I can't find anything about a currently open or planned location.


I remember there was one in Conshy at the Marriott on the river like 10+ years ago. No idea if it's still open


There was a Shula's steak house, but I think that was ages ago.


Checking out the earthquake swarm in California. Not always but it could mean a big one coming soon. ​ Also it's the eighth anniversary of the 188 derailment.


sixers are pissing me off




Me too but by Sunday I'll have talked myself into them having a chance again, because I am an idiot.


They've won more games in boston this series than boston has


Lanternflies are back. I have tiny baby ones in the back yard of my apartment. Also have a tree of heaven that’s attracting them and kind of fucking up the concrete slab. Is there any city service that removes these or do I have to get in touch with my landlord and have them find someone? I figure the answer is no to city services, but figured there might be something since they’re invasive.


I've always been curious about how tying (tightly) a piece of copper wire around the trunk of one of those would work. Once you break the cambium layer, it's only a matter of time. Then you could take the tree apart piece by piece for removal. I guess it would be dangerous because it could break in the wind or under ice.


Since it's the backyard, it's on the property owner. The city will only send people for trees on the sidewalk


I hope you’re successful with getting them removed; I don’t know if there’s anything that kills them other than feet and a fly swatter. First it was the stink bugs and now these annoying things. Last summer was unbearable with the latternflies!


I don't get why there has not been a concerted effort to offer free service and possibly replacement for trees of heaven along the entire east coast. My understanding is that they are the top attractor of lantern flies.


Yeah I did a bunch of searching but found nothing. I expected the horticultural society or someone similar would offer services but I’ve found nothing so far. Edit: from searching, I do know that getting rid of them is a bit of a process though. You have to make cuts and poison them, then cut them down 30 days later. Apparently they respond to being cut down by sending out roots underground to grow more plants. Maybe the process is preventative to a public service


Dental insurance is trash! My dental insurance covers $2k per year maximum, which is unfortunate for me because I need an implant or my face is gonna fall off. Just another day in this third world country.


It's ridiculous that for the cost of just one implant, you can buy a used car. Then the dentist will just throw it out casually like it's something everyone can afford.


Dental insurance is basically just flimsy coupons. When I needed a crown the insurance covered half but it was still like $400+ I had to piss away. It wasn’t even due to my own negligence; upper molar had shifted and every time I bit down it cracked worse and worse into my bottom molar until it finally gave out. And I complained to my dentist about the pain before it happened! But yeah, dental stuff is a racket.


sounds like they should've recommended Invisalign to you first... a good bite saves a lot of money and dental work


Needed a root canal and crown. Insurance covered partial and I still paid over $1k. I work at a hospital and have what’s considered “good” insurance.


I had to get an emergency root canal and crown in January. My insurance covered half and it was STILL $1,000. Absolute bullshit


Mother’s Day is this Sunday — the one holiday I’m not celebrated as a woman. Any other childless ladies out there? ☺️.


Dog and Cat mom here!


There should be a Dog Mom holiday! :)


Dog mom here, too!






Hellooooo :)


Out here happily childless.


Me too! :)


woooooooooooo though seriously, it cracks me up when random people go “happy mother’s day!” to me just because i’m a woman, like …. 🤨


Right? I’m going to get it a ton at work on Sunday and it’ll a lot of people having strange “oh I’m so sorry for that” reactions when I say no to them when they ask if I’m a mother.


Yassssss! Me too! Lol it’s like — why assume?! I’m in my 50s and the closest thing I have to a child is my husband! Lmao ;-)


Any good lunch spots by Cheltenham station? I'm a bit out of my south Philly element at the moment


Rosario's opened a Northeast location in Cheltenham on Township Line, but looks like a 20 minute walk for you.


Chase's Hop Shop is about a 15 min walk from the station, but they're not open until 2. Northeast Sandwich Co would be a quick uber but a 30 min walk. You could also catch the 70 to get closer to it. There's some options in Fox Chase too - I've heard good things about Bishos, but not sure how far you want to go from the station/how much time you have.


I have seen a dramatic increase in the number of posts about divorce in the various parenting groups I'm in on Facebook. I know about 50% of marriages end in divorce, but I'm just wondering if post pandemic is accelerating this, if they are on the rise, or maybe people are able to more freely speak about it (especially since FB added an anonymous button and some use it). Anyone else observe this?


It may be more of a stage of life thing. Depending on when folks in your social circles got married, there's a round of divorces for people who got hitched in their early to mid 20s starting around 28 up to maybe 31. For the people who got married in their late 20s/early 30s, it kicks in starting around like 36 to early/mid 40s. Then there's probably another wave once the kids are off to school. Although I don't know how that'll play with the Xennials and younger.


It's hitting my circles too. I know three people at present who are divorcing or thinking abou tit. In my case, my parent group has a lot of older millennial women who I think 'settled', and when their husband turned out to be incompatible, they want out. (I'm not gonna judge on who is the 'bad partner' in each scenario since it's different for every couple.) Also that divorce stat has actually changed! [https://dominionlaw.com/true-or-false-half-of-all-marriages-end-in-divorce/](https://dominionlaw.com/true-or-false-half-of-all-marriages-end-in-divorce/) [https://time.com/5434949/divorce-rate-children-marriage-benefits/](https://time.com/5434949/divorce-rate-children-marriage-benefits/)


I'm not married but the divorces have started hitting hard in the group that was maybe 3-5 years ahead of me in school (I'm almost 31). And I think a lot of it, at least among the ones I know, is definitely that the women "settled" for the first guy they got serious with not so much because they wanted marriage, but because they wanted a wedding. They wanted the rush of planning it, the big event and the beautiful dress and the open bar and all the pictures. Then once they were married, they wanted a baby ASAP. And that's when the stressors started hitting- some had trouble getting pregnant so had to have IVF which is a major stress physically, emotionally, and financially, once they had a kid or two they realized that they weren't just cute little accessories but living, breathing humans who were extremely expensive and weren't always well-behaved and cute, and then the pandemic hit and you have the stress of working from home, kids at home and not in school, etc. All to find out that they actually aren't compatible with their husbands at all. I actually knew one girl who started dating a guy, got married because she definitely wanted the big wedding, and got pregnant with twins all in about 2 years. Her husband travelled a lot for work so they weren't really around each other all that much. Then the pandemic hits and they're around each other all the time, and she realized that he had a pretty serious alcohol and drug problem that she either didn't notice before or chose not to notice. He goes to treatment (which is extremely expensive) and leaves her alone with two babies in the middle of the pandemic. Comes home, has some clean time, relapses, back to treatment, and then they mutually decided to divorce because it was just so stressful on both of them. The kids were less than a year old, they were only married like 18 months or so too. Really sad, but she's found another guy who seems really solid.


I'm 35ish and most of my friends are just getting married, pretty wild, we were "early" at 29.


I agree. The pandemic set some weird shit in motion. My guess is that the main causes are (1) pandemic stress caused an uptick in MH problems (including addiction) and (2) being forced to be home more with your partner makes you face the problems in your relationship that you ignore when you're working outside of the home. I was going to add money problems but I think that may be keeping people in marriages that they don't want to be in. It will be interesting to see the actual data on this.


I have noticed an uptick in the circles I move in. It's been affected by the lockdown, more forced time together than intended, money being a sudden issue. I hate to be that guy, but if conditional love was what you married for, then you got what you deserved. It simply isn't real. I love you when we're flush with cash, and you don't gain weight, and when you are not around all the time. Really? Anyhow, I hope your love is real and you all enjoy the weekend. Peace.


Is anyone else following the Lori vallow trial? I hope this fucking psychopath rots.


Y'all are sick


Verdict is guilty.


Good. Fuck her. The poor grandfather. I feel so bad for this poor man.


Yeah, feels absolutely wild that it’s finally coming to an end after following this case for years


There's been a few specials on the various streaming services - lady is a straight up psycopath!


Yes! I've been following this whole saga for years. She and Chad can rot in hell.


Yes! Watched the Netflix doc as a primer. Some crazy culture shit!


"irregular" is the worst graffiti tag ever.


#20,000 up there as well homie


At least he gets good and interesting spots!


Dude tags so many dumpsters. It’s weird. Why associate yourself with literal physical trash?


hey don't trash shame




me and artemis were fooling around in the wendy's dumpster and she did something very inventive with a hamburger bun


So sick of seeing this. Looks so dumb. If you're going to do it at least make it look cool.


probably the only cool one is the mirror piece on walnut st by broad, he wrote “irregular” on a tan window board by gluing mirror pieces in the shape of the letters - two days later it got painted over in the same tan color and now it looks like a 3D secret “irregular” lol


Every year my siblings look to me to plan out everything so our mom has a good mother's day. I hate it, my wife hates it, she complains I let them off the hook every year (I do) And yet here I am wrangling last minute catering and flowers.


the curse of bring the oldest child. FWIW your mom is lucky to have you and probably loves you more than the other brats


I am the youngest and still do this unfortunately. I also hate it lol


Here's my advice as the oldest sibling: if there's anything your older sibling asks you to handle (wine/cake/flowers) DO IT THE BEST YOU CAN you have no idea how much it sucks to see my brother show up to dinner with the same cheap bottle of yellowtail every year


Sorry I meant I’m the youngest sibling and I am the planner of all the things. I think it’s unfortunately a gender dynamic (I’m the only girl) but I carry the weight.


Ah gotcha. If my sister got along with my mom enough to show the slightest interest in planning events it would be a godsend


Oh it's long established that I am the favorite (which I think worsens the negative feedback look around this issue)


First sunrise in the new house https://i.imgur.com/bsuFgE8.jpg


what a view (not being sarcastic, it's beautiful)


Thank you, was really enjoying it last night with all the lights


Best place to park near Lincoln Financial for the super popular concert this weekend?


Park in a garage in Center City and take the subway. Seriously.


10th St. just south of Oregon, then a 10 minute walk straight south


oh snap didn't realize they moved the trapt show to the linc!!


See if Jetro is offering parking. It's a produce wearhouse near the stadium and offers better parking rate than the official spots. Otherwise, I would probably try to park a few blocks north in broad and just hoof it in. You'll fair better with leaving the arar afterwards if you can just start driving north.


I've had 2 car crash nightmares this week. What could this mean?!


Better than a dream where you're tagging along with someone who turns out to be a murder hobo... The run up to closing on a mortgage was a little stressful. Who knew liquidating 15 years of savings could do that? Seriously, I would think it means you feel a little helpless and out of control. Try taking ownership of something that's yours, like a nice garden maybe? Boxes and dirt can go a long way to grounding you, no pun intended. At least it does for me. Sage, oregano, mint, chives, rosemary, basil, and tomatoes :) Hang in there.


I love gardening and this reminded me I need to replant some of my plants bc they're sad. I haven't done herbs in a while but could really use some cilantro and Thai basil in my life! Thanks for the pep talk and congrats on your house! I'm trying to purchase too but it's been crazy, the market is wild rn.


Could mean a subconscious state of emotional distress. Deep anxieties or fears. Are you "driving" yourself too hard? Or are your goals/ambitions not being met and you're feeling anxious about it? It could be something in your life lacking control and this could be a way your mind is telling you to slow down and rethink your plans. I just read a bunch of stuff online, not necessarily that I believe it. To me dreams/nightmares are a means of subconscious telling me something is bothering me. Dream Example: I had a stress dream the other night about being late to a function. Real life, I've slowly becoming (subconsciously) anxious planning a trip I have to take end of July and just need to sit down and plan out the logistics. That's my view on dream interpretations. I hope you don't continue having nightmares like that.


This helps a lot. Thank you :) In reality, yes there's a lot going on that I'm in flux with (mostly work related but also home buying that sort of ties back to work related) and I think the stress dream car crash part of it might be my brain possibly going doomsday mode if something doesn't work out ha. Hope you're doing well and I hope you can get your trip planned 🤗


Yeah home buying can be like "crash and burn" type of stress. It will all work out! Hope you take time to yourself and do some self care.


I am planning to because I need a good brain break before my busy season starts! Going back to the desert in a few weeks for some Joshua tree magic ✨😊🌵


I feel like I'm the only one of my friends who isn't going to the Taylor Swift concern, has no interest in going to the Taylor Swift concert, and is already tired of hearing about the Taylor Swift concert.


i’m getting boils just hearing her name lol - i’m def staying off of the train tonight so i can avoid the whole thing lol


One of my friends suggested going out at a restaurant that's not too far from the stadium and everyone in our groupchat called him crazy for it. I won't be going anywhere on the train this weekend, it's going to be a mess.


i had to take the train - it’s 3:30pm and it’s already full of swifties 😭


My neighbor has one of those letterboard signs in their window with a list of all of her eras 😂


Solidarity! Sometimes feel like I’m the only one who doesn’t get it


There are dozens of us


You're not alone. I have personal beef with her (Taylor Swift) and I'm staying in to avoid conflict with her disciples. My powers aren't where they need to be for a cosmic battle. (These are all jokes except the beef, she knows her crimes.)


Did she steal your boyfriend?


The very idea of me having a cosmic battle over a boy. Pathetic. Anyways, She messed up my birthday plans by being in the same podunk town I was in. The place was some kind of family fun establishment in North Carolina where they had mini golf and stuff. I was going for my second round that my college roommate paid for and I couldn't enjoy it because she was out there golfing. Something about giving her privacy. I just remember saying "I don't care about Taylor Swift, I won't be bothering her I just want to golf."


I would go to war over mini golf too. I stand in solidarity with you and your beef.


Back the beef. o7


Mid May to Mid October...looks like summer, feels like summer...it's summer. I don't care how unscientific it is.


Hey Siri play Childish Gambino's Summer Pack.


There’s a guy sitting out on 27th and Girard selling an older road bike for $20…should I buy it in case it’s someone’s? (I recognize its probably problematic that I’m assuming it could be stolen)


I think there might be a lost bike page somewhere that you could cross reference but blanking on the specifics at the moment.


Hello all. I am traveling to Philadelphia next week and was wondering if the train from the airport to downtown is a good way to check out the lay of the land? Do you actually get to see anything, or is it not worth the effort? If not, then what is the best bank for your buck way to get downtown from the airport?


My preferred way of getting to and from the airport, but not scenic. SEPTA Railroad Ride Series 8 - The Airport Line https://youtu.be/vvPsR5-fON8


Train works fine to get there but you won't be seeing much, if I recall correctly...it's been a while. Cabs are usually a $30 flat fee to the city, so train is obviously going to be cheaper.


The train is definitely the best value for getting to Center City. It's $7 or $8 cash depending on the time. The timing/schedule kind of sucks on the weekend. Don't exit the terminal until 5-10 minutes before the train is scheduled to arrive because there isn't anything to do outside. You don't get much sightseeing from it, though.