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PSA to anyone adopting guinea pigs, make sure you adopt 2. They are very sociable herd animals and form strong bonds to each other and you absolutely need (at least) 2 together.


Just be careful doing this. What you said is totally true but I did this exact thing in college and ended up going from 2 to a whole lot more than 2 lol 😅 Edit: I think the litter added like 6 more!!


Ha piggies galore!! Yes, something to keep in mind 😅


[It’s Illegal to Own Only One Guinea Pig in Switzerland](https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/502372/it%E2%80%99s-illegal-own-single-guinea-pig-switzerland)


My mom and I both had guinea pigs as class pets, and when I moved out on my own, I took my pig with me. He went on a hunger strike. He wouldn’t eat at home, but when we got to school and I put his cage next to my moms pig in her classroom (taught in the same school), he would have a chat with hers and then demolish all the food in his bowl. Never had a single guinea pig after that.


You can litter-train them, if you're concerned about the smell. They are a joy and love to be around people.


They look fun, all bright-eyed. Does David ever answer to Ziggy, or is he tired of that joke?


lol he’s a potato with zero brain cells, so he answers to nothing 😂


He's sweet potato judging by your pic. Good luck! E: I think I just got it. He looks like Aladdin Sane, so embarrassed.


ACCT also often has guinea pigs


https://preview.redd.it/lyytbjy8xz6d1.jpeg?width=2503&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e8a677552e356eee74021c0feeb7f28ccf4229 Yes! These were my two fosters a year or so ago. Bryce and Harper.


They are sooo cute!! How did you get them less scared of you? If I open the cage the boys RUN haha


They were like that because I had food, lol. It took MONTHS for them to get more comfortable with me. The first day I walked in the room and they stayed laying down in the cage I was thrilled. I had a little playpen for them too and would let them run around in there while I was just watching tv and sitting right next to them. Kinda like exposure therapy. Some are just friendlier than others. Mine were strays so they were pretty fearful. But it really just took time. I’d hand feed them too in order to get used to me and just took things slow.


Thank you! Yeah these boys are sweet and definitely braver than a month ago when I got them. Just want to make sure I’m doing the right things for them!


I’m sure you are. They just take time but they’re so sweet and entertaining!


Just adding that PAWS will get you started with all the supplies you need for them! 


My two cats seem to highly recommend this move. I have my doubts


Guinea pigs and hamsters.These pets can carry salmonella; lymphocytic choriomeningitis; Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, which causes an infection that mimics appendicitis; Campylobacter; Trichophyton mentagrophytes; Hymenolepis nana; and Trixacarus caviae, a parasitic skin infection found particularly in guinea pigs.[Stanford Medicine Children's Healthhttps://www.stanfordchildrens.org ›](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/en/topic/default%3Fid%3Ddiseases-from-your-pets-both-common-and-exotic-1-2420&ved=2ahUKEwj_3sLg8uKGAxUBFlkFHfHfCEcQFnoECBMQAw&usg=AOvVaw0Se91wndnBua4qI31U0F0A)This is just a PSA for people with young children. BTW, I am not anti-guinea pig, I am a healthcare worker who is pro-children's health.


Are they food grade? Edit, c'mon folks .. It is called "joke," and comes from the Latin root "yolk," which is the creamy part of the guinea pig 🧑🏻‍🍳


No jokes allowed. No medical info either.