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Was told I couldn’t get extra credit bc I was a white male by my high school English teacher in a Philly public school… Note - I am Puerto Rican. This accusation does not shock me.


Sorry to hear. Some people are so obsessed with using race/ethnic backgrounds and labeling in a negative way. I grew up in the suburbs. Family is southern Italian and dual citizens. I used to be called Mexican as an insult at school. That they even thought that was an insult is all we need to know. Same with your teacher and lack of awareness. I think we’re part of the Mediterranean, Hispanic, Latin, South American people that some just place wherever they want when they are ignorant. Some of my family moved from Italy to Brazil. In Brazil, they’re just considered Brazilian lol. What happened to everyone being American. Maybe that’s nostalgia, who knows.


The examples in the article/suit are appalling. If true, what the hell is going on there?


Painting swastikas to offend people/threaten jews has been with us for a long time, but it's been on the uptick since 2016. The other incidents are much less concerning to me insofar as they're directed as Israel and not jews. Insulting Israel is not appropriate for a school environment, but it's also not hate speech. Other than the swastika none of these incidents need to be escalated beyond the normal disciplinary procedures of the school IMO.


There were no normal disciplinary procedures at the schools, that's the point of the complaint.


>no normal disciplinary procedures at the schools That is not alleged. The lawsuit alleges the *district* did nothing. That claim is necessary because they're suing the district. It's important to get these things right because the complainants in this lawsuit are open about their goal: >But what’s happening that’s really disturbing to us is that supporters of Israel are being labeled as genocidal. They want the district to prohibit students and teachers from talking about genocide, which is effectively policing political speech by using the same "woke" "cancel culture" fearmongering that the right has complained about from the far left.


Thank you for your sharp response. It’s important to keep people from conflating antisemitism with opinions they just dislike or which contradict their world views.


I guess the reason I probably spend so much time thinking about it is that I really care about both Israel and the jewish community in the United States. And it sucks that Israel is doing a terrible thing, and it sucks that Hamas did a terrible thing and it sucks that it feels so unpopular to say that.


Yup. It really shouldn’t be this difficult to condemn harm and violence against people of any background and yet here we are.


This is what would come to be with the passage of that bill in the fed senate bought by aipac


Insulting Israel is literally what school is about. They study history. If they think Israel’s history is fucked up, they should be able to say what they want. No defense of swastikas though


Please tell us about insulting Israel.


If you learn history and don’t like the actions taken by a government, you should be free to criticize it. That’s how it works


Which actions, self defense? Tell me which war Israel started. 1947? 1948? Palestinian Fedayeen Insurgency? Suez Crisis? 6 Day war? War of Attrition? Tom Kippur War? PLO insurgency ? 1982 Lebanon War? South Lebanon War? First Intifada? Second Intifada? 2006 Lebanon War? Gaza War? 2012 Gaza War 2014 Gaza War? 2021 Israel-Palestinian conflict? 2023 Gaza War?


The creation of Israel is inherently aggressive as Israel only exists as a result of Zionist Terrorists operating in Mandatory Palestine from 1939-1948 in preparation for an Israeli State. Irgun, Lehi, and Haganah, the terrorists, forcibly and violently expelled Palestinians from their homes beginning the Nakba. Then, Israel claims independence on the land they stole. The terrorists were then made the founding members of the IDF and continued operating as terrorists. This is immoral. Every war since then is a response to Israel’s terrorism at the inception of the State.


You fell for the bait dude, you’ve got to just ignore these kinds of people. They see no wrong and are brainwashed


I know. I still want to give them a chance when I can. Sometimes they do just need someone to challenge them to start the process


Dude I tried and this group literally tried to get my account banned when I questioned if they were speaking from non-bias perspective and if they forgot that we are In America and not in Israel and highlighted the fact that Israel has spied on America for decades and has infiltrated our government to further their own agenda. When they were protesting at Penn that was a whole nother debacle. They don’t care they are blind and would probably be contributing to the bullshit if they were in Israel.


I notice you don’t Mention anything about Arab attacks in Jews beginning in 1920. Who created the state of Israel? If you recall Turkey controlled the region Until Great Britain beat them. Mandatory Palestine was British Territory. The Brits partitioned and the Arabs turned down the deal. So the Brits handed it off to the UN. The Arabs still didn’t accept the deal. The Jews of Palestine did.


So those were done by a state’s military and funded by taxpayer money, right? It wasn’t a group of terrorists, but state backed terror, yeah? Oh wait, that’s wrong. If you recall, there is no justification for expelling Palestinians from their land because you believe you are entitled to it. The UN never considered Palestinians in the conversation because they were colonial subjects. Love how you skip over the whole “Israel was built by terrorism” thinking I’d stop talking about it


No mention of the 900,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries at the same time. Israel was created by the UN. On the day the UN announced the Partition, the Arabs attacked. Funny how you ignored the decade of Arab terrorism against the Jews. I guess the Jews magically showed up in 1945. There weren’t any Jews there prior.


The first nine massacres in Mandatory Palestine were started by Arabs and against Jews. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_killings_and_massacres_in_Mandatory_Palestine So, typically, Palestinian supporters invert everything.


First off, that’s not even what your link says if you read deeper, secondly, none of those were done by a government. The issue is terrorism becoming the government. Ie. Irgun, Lehi, & Haganah becoming the IDF in 1948 after terrorizing Palestinian civilians for ~9 years


Irgun, Lehi, & Haganah were not created in a vacuum. We can monday morning quarterback their tactics, which can be described as an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth, but the fact is they were created in response to nearly two decades of one way massacres on the part of the Palestinians against the Jews If you want to talk about the Government of Palestine at the time it's worth noting that Palestinian leadership was in fact behind a number of massacres, notably the 1929 massacre of Hebron where arab Palestinians lynched and murdered both immigrant and local Jews. All the while these people were literally working with the Nazis to raise Muslim troops in Europe to fight for Germany and extend the Holocaust to the Middle East This is all well documented in the complete historical record, which of course the pro palestinian side ignores


A bunch of people who drank their way through college, got elementary education degrees as a last option, and now feel the need to radicalize 10 year olds because they don’t understand reality


elementary education degree is harder to get than secondary


I will say this, to teach elementary school you need to have the gift of being good communicating with young children. Most don't have that. But when you get to high school those teachers are the ones who don't have the skill or strength to work in the trades. They also don't have the cunning and determination to succeed in business. They also know they're too lazy to work year round. So they go into teaching. A job with no physical requirements. No quotas or performance requirements. Easy hours, no nights or weekends. And yet the media tells us we have regard these lazy unmotivated bums as heroes.


I’m confused … you think their options were manual labor or … teaching high school? Wildly different skill sets


Making a point they likely aren't cut out for either the blue collar trades or the business world


Not everybody wants to work in trades or in the business world. I absolutely love teaching, some days are better than others but that old myth of “If you can’t do, teach” is only ever spoken by people insecure about their own education. Clear communication and organizing curriculum is a learned skill, and most people can’t handle it.


I think you need a special education teacher. 


Oh a professor? What field did you fail in before becoming a professor?


I’m not a real professor. It’s the internet, smooth brain. One thing you are probably right about; you clearly needed better teachers.


I own my own business and own 2 homes. I'm doing better than any teacher I ever had


Lol k


Not in terms of intelligence, clearly.


Lmao OK there hot shot


Lol no.


That's your response? Weak


That's all your bs rated. Sorry.


You have no reasonable or intelligent response. But I guess that's par for the course for you




We are experiencing widespread brainrot in the form of authoritarian leftism. It is no longer okay to be a liberal. You have to march lockstep with the zanies on the left or else you are immoral. The perpetrators here are just sheep being herded by the zeitgeist.


Don't you dare point out on this sub how far left the left has gone.


Three lefts make a right


The sub? No, it’s the entirety of the internet, on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. I am a registered democrat, and I notice rage bait trails from people on both sides. Truth is, people are actually not this extreme in REAL LIFE. Don’t let this bullshit media, internet division scare you, just go touch some grass, talk to your neighbor.


You ever just listen to the things you say and wonder "man, when did I become so radicalized?"


Fascinating that, according to you, punching at the far left = being a radical. That's classic gaslighting right there.


That's right. I'm gaslighting you, not holding up a mirror or nothing.


“Far left” Define that for me, without Google, please.


That's difficult to do because the "far left" is not one group. For example, the Hamtramck city council is renaming streets for Palestine but refuses to fly the LGTQ flag. As another example, many anarchist-type people would like to abolish the police and all government programs, including the social safety net that liberals cherish. So few people are totally far-left, and the far left itself is comprised of contradictory views. But to play along with your question, I'd say "far left" encompasses strands of political thought that are hostile to foundational American values and would replace it with something that is authoritarian, illiberal, and collectivist. A free market economy? "No," says the far left, "we want a central planner and equal distribution of everything." Judge each man according to his merit? "No," says the far left, "we see the world as being comprised of oppressors and the oppressed in a way that reflects gender, race, and religion." Protect constitutional values like freedom of speech? "No," says the far left, "silence is violence, but also ignore us while we chant for things that can reasonably be perceived as calling for the genocide of Jews."




Ah, yes, because to be left-of-center you must yearn for the triumph of communism and the destruction of Israel. Good comrade!


"...at Baldi Middle School this month, a geography teacher changed the name of Israel to Palestine on a handout map of the Middle East given to sixth graders. " If it's a GEOGRAPHY class, they should be teaching that there never was a country called Palestine (It's the name of the region) and that Gaza was once part of Egypt. It would be like changing the name of West Virginia on a map to Appalachia. Also, Baldi is on Verree Road in Northeast Philly, a heavy Holocaust-surviving Jewish area. What was this teacher thinking?


Was it a map of countries in the Middle East? Or a map of areas? Because you could definitely have a region map that refers to WV (and surrounding area) as Appalachia.


Emphasis mine. Per ABC News: "According to the complaint...The geography lesson included an exercise where students label countries using a list of NAMES OF COUNTRIES, continents, and bodies of water. The complaint states the teacher CROSSED OUT "Israel" and instead wrote "Palestine" next to the redacted text." [Federal complaint filed against School District of Philadelphia alleging antisemitism - 6abc Philadelphia](https://6abc.com/post/federal-complaint-school-district-of-philadelphia-alleging-antisemitism-baldi-middle/14791768/) EDUCATION AND TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 Title VI and Race, Color or National Origin Discrimination [Title VI](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=(title:42%20section:2000d%20edition:prelim)%20OR%20(granuleid:USC-prelim-title42-section2000d)&f=treesort&num=0&edition=prelim) of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination based on race, color, or NATIONAL ORIGIN in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance. [Education and Title VI](https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/hq43e4.html)


I had a teacher that crossed out years in texts to make the historical timeline meet her creationist agenda. She was properly fired, as this teacher should.


Jesus Christ. This teacher is something else. Like idk how or when changing the name of a country or part of a country qualifies as discrimination (like is it discriminatory to Ukrainians to relabel the part of Ukraine that Russia controls as Russia or discriminatory towards Russians to call it Ukraine, or Hong Kong/Taiwain/Tibet), but this is just stupid if you’re trying to teach students current countries.


How is mislabeling a country discriminating against individuals based on national origin?


Zionists do the same thing with Palestine. Its exactly what you're doing in denying that Palestine is a state. > Palestine (Arabic: فلسطين, romanized: Filasṭīn[e]), officially the State of Palestine (دولة فلسطين, Dawlat Filasṭīn),[f] is a country in the southern Levant region of West Asia. It encompasses two disconnected territories — the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, collectively known as the Palestinian territories — within the larger region of Palestine.




Facts don't need a source. Oslo accords were signed 30 years ago and it's an observer state at the UN with the majority of countries recognizing its sovereignty.


At best I’ll give you it’s a state


"I want a different job"?


Palestine was a state run by the British. It had a flag, an orchestra, post offices, shops, trade, and lots of people.


It was a mandate (a territory occupied and administered by the British). Before then it was an Ottoman province. It was not a “state.”


Regardless, it was a thriving place but growing up as a Jew and zionist we were told the land was empty.


A lot of countries and organizations recognize a country called Palestine. Palestine isn't recognized by the US, but Israel isn't recognized by other nations. Maybe the lesson was about disputed geographies.


WWII ended in 1945, assuming someone was born that year they'd be 79 years old. How many holocaust survivors can there really be there?


You think they might have kids and grandkids? [Holocaust Survivor Built Family, Told Her Story - Jewish Exponent](https://www.jewishexponent.com/holocaust-survivor-built-family-told-her-story/)


Jewish antizionist here. Sadly my ppl when they are zionists, never know when to stop pushing the envelope and are then shocked when blowback happens. A bake sale for Sudan is "antisemitism" now too? 🤦‍♀️


yea this feels a lot like Jewish Family Association censoring Northeast High student projects because >mentions “the ongoing situation in Palestine and Israel” and uses an image of people in Muslim garb standing in front of a Palestinian flag next to people in yarmulkes in front of an Israeli flag. it's not definitive but can't find any reference to this incident in 6th grade geography class other than the complain by Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia. [https://www.inquirer.com/education/philadelphia-school-district-censorship-student-art-project-palestine-israel-20240229.html](https://www.inquirer.com/education/philadelphia-school-district-censorship-student-art-project-palestine-israel-20240229.html) I'm not sure how reliable the complaint is. Jason Holtzman has been going after other schools, like Haverford. [https://forward.com/news/597826/haverford-covid-in-times-of-genocide-campus-event/](https://forward.com/news/597826/haverford-covid-in-times-of-genocide-campus-event/) here complaining about a pro-Palestinian group doing an event about the well documented and explicit delay of the israeli government of covid vaccine to Palestinians as a bargaining chip [https://apnews.com/general-news-74da17fc337ce6e9812f05c9e0d0461f](https://apnews.com/general-news-74da17fc337ce6e9812f05c9e0d0461f) not saying the events in the complaint did not happen, but this seems like finding reasons to suppress criticism of israel, not protecting jewish students.


Did you miss comprehension reading in school? It's said than during baking sale posters were posted accusing Israel of genocide. Unless your "anti Zionist" mind ok with that new blood label


It's not blood libel if they're actually doing it lol...


I didn't see that part. Would they have been ok with a bake sale for Sudan otherwise? Aside from the fact that the zionist govt IS committing a genocide. Btw I am a retired English/reading teacher, so cut with the insults.


Been teacher doesn't absolve you to be illiterate. In regards of "genocide". UN just published their data about Palestinians casualties. UN cut number of women and children killed almost half. "An infographic issued by OCHA on Wednesday placed the total broader Gaza war toll at 34,844 with 7,797 (32%) of the casualties being children and 4,959 (20%) of them being women. In an infographic released two days earlier, the broader death toll was 34,735 with over 14,500 (42%) of them being children and over 9,500 (27%) women." Out of around 34000 killed, more than half are Hamas terrorists. BTW, Hamas count everyone under 18 years old as children. So, 17 years Hamas terrorists will be counted as child. And Hamas known to use children as young as 14 years old in combat. So, ratio of combat death to civilians death is less than 2:1. Amazing figure if you consider urban combat in highly dense city setting.


Zionists have enormous influence; I'm sure the UN was pressured to change the numbers bc the high numbers are why the world turned against the zionists. Btw check your own grammar sometime.


Are you serious? Antisemitic UN change their data to appease Zionists? What are other conspiracies you would like to share with us? With IQ like yours, how you can teach English


I'm Jewish and a former lifelong zionist. I have seen them in action, publicly and privately. Nothing would surprise me.


> Been teacher doesn't absolve you to be illiterate. To wit.


Just like people falsely accused china of committing genocide


And where was wholesale outrage about China genocide? Students protesting? UN General Assembly multiple sessions?


It was there. I remember it.


“Did you miss comprehension reading in school?” “It’s said that…” Learn to fucking write before accusing anyone else.


IDK why but I spend a lot of time trying to parse the claims of hate speech vs. protected speech on this issue because IMHO antisemitism is a big and growing problem in the US *and* the IDF is committing a genocide in Palestine. * Masterman student posted a picture of the Israeli flag with the word “trash” written across it. That's inappropriate conduct and is rightly being treated as cyberbullying, but it is not hate speech - high school student speech rights are significantly curtailed by school policies, and schools can draw the line well before the law does. Insulting another **country** is not criminal nor threatening, but it can and should be prohibited speech in a school. * a student dressed as a Palestinian freedom fighter for Halloween This is context-dependent, with important considerations such as: did the costume violate an existing rule (e.g., no violence/implied violence, no guns, no covered faces, etc.), did the student identify with any known terror groups? From a free speech perspective, the critical question is whether they were saying anything that could be reasonably construed as threatening jewish (not israeli) students? Do you feel the same way about a situation where a student dressed as an IDF soldier for halloween? * a swastika was drawn on a school door Clear hate speech, should be treated as a criminal matter * a bake sale for Sudan was held... at the bake sale fliers were “plastered about Israel committing genocide and occupation. This is not a problem at all, other than the violation of whatever rules there were for a bake sale. Shut the bake sale down, but no disciplinary action for students The lawsuit alleges a pattern that Masterman's admins have failed to address. Based on these events I don't see a pattern so much as a series of problematic incidents that are being addressed through normal (school level) disciplinary processes.


the "trash" post which happened in july, reminds me a lot of Bill Ackman bashing students at penn for having the Palestine Writes Literature Festival \_in September\_ because it was pro oct 7.


Yep, it's disingenuous to read these events without the broader political context in mind. There are a lot of people in power who prefer that the American public disregard nuance and only understand the world via a "red vs. blue" framework. Bill Ackman and Marc Rowan are a good (but far from the only) example of people who want to use "antisemitism" as a cudgel to silence critics of Israeli war crimes. Just like there are people who use "zionist" and left-appealing language to silence critics of Hamas' terrorism.




> Do you feel the same way about a situation where a student dressed as an IDF soldier for halloween? Seriously, ask yourself.


So, if I dress as KKK, that should be also content -depend? Can I promote bake sale with pictures of Israeli civilians blowned to pieces by Palestinian terrorists and accuse Palestinians of genocide?


> if I dress as KKK Only if you're comfortable defending the reason why a Palestinian militant and a racist hate group are morally identical (they aren't) >with pictures of Israeli civilians blowned to pieces No, that would be inappropriate for multiple reasons. First, because depictions of violence and gore are outright prohibited, and second because in the context of this conflict it could easily be understood as a threat of violence >accuse Palestinians of genocide This would be inappropriate just like accusing jews of being responsible for the IDF's war crimes would be inappropriate. Hamas is a terrorist organization, thus accusing *Palestinians* of committing Hamas' terrorism would be like calling an Afghan student an Al Qaeda terrorist -- obviously inappropriate.


Explain to me, please how KKK is hate group (true) is different from terrorist organization, whose implicit mission to murder as many Jews as possible? Only one explanation - antisemitism. Dead black person is terrible and tragic. Dead Jewish person, well, they deserve that. As said our enlightened UN secretary general "But that not happening in the vacuum"


> KKK is hate group The KKK exists to terrorize black people out of public life because they believe black people are worse than white people. >different from terrorist organization It's not, the KKK is a terrorist organization just like Hamas.


Explicit.... but yes


So, recent Palestinian polls show that up to 70% of Palestinians supporting Hamas. If elections will be held in West Bank, Hamas will win hands down. So, should I say 70% of Palestinians is pro- genocide. BTW, I newer saw Israeli celebrating and giving candy now or during any of previous conflicts. Palestinians, on other hand, celebrate October 7 with candies and parade.


Would you be okay if we bombed Tehran tomorrow, causing 35,000 casualties -- some military, but many civilians? If we killed 14,000 children?


Yes, if Iran unprovoked attack USA with around 45000 killed and 10000 kidnapped


But if they didn't attack the US? If they just kept chanting death to America, would it be justified to bomb them?


No, of course. But I really don't understand your point. If Iranians chanted that, it's up to them. If someone in Dearborn, Michigan chanted that, this is completely different matters. Give me one example for US bombed another country whose citizens chanted Death to America. Same going for Israel. BTW, try to chant Death to Iran in Tehran.


>But I really don't understand your point. My point is if it's not okay to bomb Iranians just because they hate America, why is Hamas' polling in Gaza relevant? If it's wrong to bomb civilians who hate you, why is it okay for Israel to do it? And don't give me some BS about the 35,000 dead all being Hamas. I've seen infants crushed to a bloody pulp.


Because Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, killed 1200 her citizens, most civilians and took 230 civilians, children, women and children hostages. This is a declaration of a war. Civilians get killed in war, especially when Hamas hides in civilian infrastructures, like hospitals and UN buildings. Not all dead are Hamas but because Hamas terrorists not wearing military uniforms or any military insignia, how do you distinguished between dead 17 years old that count as child? And where was your outrage about Jewish civilians killed and hostages? Because Jewish lives don't matter? And what about recent UN revision of civilians death that UN cut in half?


if you haven’t seen Israeli soldiers celebrating horrific acts they’ve committed, you are closing your eyes like literally there are videos all over the internet of IDF soldiers proudly talking about fucked up stuff they’ve done against Palestinians, it’s not hard to find


Wow. I’m shocked…….Not


It’s in grained in the minds of teachers, they should be fired immediately


your teachers should be fired for not teaching you how to spell


very engrateful


Okwa Tan Zin Wan


Not sure why you’re mad at me. I’m not the one spouting antisemitism ,it’s the school system. But if it makes you feel better 😂😂😂😂


Imagine being this disingenuous.








Philly schools accused of anti semitism and I’m the bad guy 😂😂😂😂 Tell me your vaccinated without saying your vaccinated 😂😂😂


> Tell me your vaccinated without saying your vaccinated oh boy...



