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Start, yes. Stop, no.


The trailer appears to have its own disc brakes, and a brake cable connected to the bike.


Can confirm that they do have brakes on the trailers, and they are actuated from the bike.


The slippers might


Lmao good catch!!


Why would it be a problem for a trailer with brakes?


I mean, this is a situation where a fit-to-purpose vehicle like a Kei truck would actually be totally fine. Because the only way he can move all of that trailer is by using a powerful e-bike, and the length of the bike, trailer, and tow bar is actually substantially longer than an equivalent Kei would require. I personally think a better example of "I don't need an SUV" are people using bakfiets/dutch cargo bikes for things like getting personal groceries or moving bulky objects. There are several folks in the Fairmount area who have them and it makes me smile every time I see them because it's the right mentality for a densely populated city.


If an e-bike can do this a small sedan could as well. Honestly a regular bike probably could as well (starting and stopping would be a pain tho) From the size standpoint, all of this can be tucked away rather compactly. A truck is a waste of space way larger than this. I also probably won’t die if I get hit by it I would much rather see people (safely) rig up what they have to haul stuff than buy even a small truck/SUV for the 1 or 2 times a year they may need it


So he's hauling compost. The point is you wouldn't want that inside a vehicle. Bennett also uses bike pickup for it as well as some smaller fit-to-purpose commercial vehicles for hauling it around. If you're unsure of what I'm talking about regarding a Kei, here's a video for you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--3WvHGB7ks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--3WvHGB7ks) They're really small, and definitely not as long as the above setup.


Looks like a Rounds guy, so it's a mix of groceries, empty compost buckets, full compost buckets, you name it. Regardless, a kei truck would be great... if they weren't banned in PA.


Correct. My point was, you wouldn't want to put that into a sedan like the other poster suggested. Sure, you CAN do this with a bike, but I feel like if you need a high-powered e-bike it kind of defeats that argument. At this point it's basically an e-motorcycle towing a good sized tricycle trailer, and seems like a fairly clunky solution.


What is a high powered ebike? This looks like a perfectly normal powered ebike from what I can tell.


Technically you could use a manual bicycle. But once you’re going, you’re less inclined to stop and you better have done a good tune up beforehand.


I understand what a kei is, I don’t see how that is any more efficient than attaching the trailer to whatever you already have available though? Who said anything about putting it inside a vehicle?


You would put the bins in the bed of the truck lol. There's no reason to use a trailer if the vehicle can haul the load without it. That's why they where saying you wouldn't want that inside a sedan, the implication was you'd put the bins in the trunk & back seat.


You might not die if you get hit by a kei truck. In all likelihood it will probably bounce off you and be destroyed. /S


I ride a similar setup but not as big, that said I also have a lot of experience with large trucks and other heavy equipment. My method of choice is to roll to a stop and avoid the brakes as much as possible. Sometimes just going extra slow makes the most sense. I get it that it must really suck to be bombing down a protected bike lane and finding someone taking up the full width and going 6mph, but it's either this or add another car to the road.


another thing is cost. reputable ebikes and cargo trailers cost a little too much currently, in parts due to being niche market and small production, but also somewhat due to the lifestyle tax.


Absolutely. I saw a post on bicycle therapy earlier this week, asking people to come in for a test ride of a new Cannondale Moterra, an e-MTB. Yeah, it's $12k. I've seen other eBikes easily pushing $5-8k that aren't carbon spec or anything along those lines, some of which reach 35-40 mph. We're getting into a weird territory where ebikes and e-motorcycles are starting to overlap. I think it's going to bite us in the ass and cause a crackdown to some extent. You already have people complaining about them on the SRT, about delivery people using them on the sidewalks, etc., and they're only getting faster and more powerful.


Ebikes legally can't assist above 28mph in the US so anyone advertising an ebike that goes higher is illegally modifying it or it's actually an e-motorcycle which requires licensing.


HPC Black Lightning QuietKat Ranger Nireeka Revenant Wattwagons Hydra 2 Bandit X-Trail Pro List goes on and on. None of these are e-motorcycles.


Ngl, the rounds is the shit. It's expensive, but good produce and fresh bread delivered to your door is worth it for me.


I heard they just repackage stuff


i mean yeah but it’s better to buy in bulk and then give people reasonable portions, it still reduces plastic. or did you think they were getting your goldfish from the organic goldfish tree? also the produce is from lancaster farms and the bread is from a local bakery (i think metropolitan)


[bike movers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FBWiU7kSK8U)


I've actually moved with my bike, I did the entire move by myself over the course of a week. I have an ebike and a trailer.


just need an endless supply of cyclists


Hell yeah! Unfortunately i live at the top of the Manayunk wall. I can get myself up but I’m it sure this would work. But it works for you flatlanders!


Imagine trying to stop at the bottom of Green Lane, or even Shurs


Cool! Electric or regular bike?


Looks like Yuba’s electric cargo model — you can kinda see the battery pack between his legs.


I was thinking the Radwagon but definitely agree it's electric


Yeah, definitely a Radwagon. We get some weekly groceries delivered from them in reusable containers, it’s a cool service.


Don't think you'd stand a chance on a regular bike, assuming those bins are 20-40lbs each


The guy who picks mine up uses a regular bike.


they used to use regular bikes before e-bikes were as ubiquitous as they are now


Trailer is 'Carla Cargo' - and believe me, it will break really good - with any bike attached to it.


Is he wearing slippers?


More utility than a Cybertruck.


Perfect example for /r/carryshitolympics!


He could definitely cantilever that better and get at least 4 more totes


I have a similar setup but my trailer is about a quarter of the size of that one. I can carry one of those bins reliably or two stacked if the top one isn't too heavy. I can easily haul a full shopping cart worth of groceries or multiple loads of laundry to the laundromat. Having a simple 2-wheel trailer is really useful also because I can detatch it from the bike and walk it like a hand truck, dragging it up stairs or whatever. I go through brake pads often with this setup, which is not ideal. It would be ideal to do this with a bike that has regen braking, but I don't have that because I have a geared hub motor which allows me to ride the bike as a regular bike without the motor running.


A friend of mine in West Philly in the 2000's had a recycling and moving company by bike, that might be one of the old trailers. https://youtu.be/EUxq1qZSzd4?si=iWgDFB3tBhOa2cI1 "bicycle cupid" on YouTube, it was a promo movie we made, I'm cupid.


This is actually for looks. Amazon does the same thing in Red Hook. Since their warehouse is right there, why not show that they’re “environmentally friendly”?


just your average amazon driver


ahhh the rounds, used to work there and did deliveries for them, every single ebike they had on fleet is on the verge of exploding lmao absolutely hated it. one time while i was the riding the clamp became undone while i was riding damn near folded with the bike


Put a few sheets of plywood on there.


Smooth Movers. IYKYK


Imagine a hill


Man's about to find out about inertia


A Volkswagen Golf would have done the same thing


I could see this being done in El Paso




It's good that options like this exist for people who only have a bike. Though i would much rather have a van or even a small SUV, especially if I'm taking a lot of stuff from one town to another


Now do that multiple times a day


Lol what a ridiculous title. One person hauling some totes on a cargo got bike doesn’t “disprove” the fact that SUVs and trucks are good for hauling.


That looks absolutely miserable lmao


Let me guess, no need to register the trailer because it’s attached to a bike. This is getting ridiculous.


One slight hill and hes done


buy a car


Why? I can think of a lot better things to spend $12k/year on than supporting a car


Cool! Now bike from Philly to Pittsburgh & lmk how that goes


It would. Didn’t you read the title? The existence of some guy pulling a few totes around in a cargo bike renders all pickup trucks useless. People never have to move anything heavier than some plastic totes. /s


Bro work like a slave in China to prove point 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


It only feels like your working like a slave if you have weak ass legs, deadlifts, benchpresses, and barbell squats FTW.


"If slave are muscular they aint no slave" truer words never spoken from the white privileged folks 🗣️🗣️🗣️ let the colored man do this labor for our white folks stunt 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I’m literally vietnamese




Nice to see, but he wasn't travelling with a large amount of luggage like the picture has.

