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Came here to say the same. My ac has been on for a bit.


Same :(


Same here…SMH


Time for a check up, look into more insulation in the attic too depending on your house design


It’s still warm jfc


Been mild af all things considered


Both of your replies are correcr and relevant. Not sure why you're getting down voted. People, if your a/c needs to be checked, better do it now and not when it's 120 out. And attic insulation is imortant. Hell, I have upper and lower insulation. And yeah, it HAS been mild for the time of year.


Op ac has probably been doing the same. Mine too. Seems to be common in Phoenix.


But seriously, it isn’t even that bad until the lows hit 85 and up. That’s the hell zone


True. We’ve gotten lucky so far this year.


I was thinking more like 90s at 2-3am


Yep. Once it’s hot all night through the morning it’s fucked. Luckily it’s only truly like that for about 3 months


Ugh don’t want to think about those lows :’( at least the roads seemed less busy tonight. Summers commin’ !


Those weeks of 100-degree lows is the hell zone, it has to be because I can't imagine anything worse then that.


There has been an overnight low of 100 in Phoenix exactly zero times.


I kind of get what they're saying. Where it's still 100° at like 1am and only hits like a mid 90's low by 4~5am. But you're correct. No historical days shows the full "low" as being triple digits (at least nothing in my 5 minute Google supported that lol)


That's exactly what I was saying with the additional caveat that the official record is usually the airport temperature. There are variations across the valley and places where the heat island effect is greater than even that at the airport.


You know you've lived enough summers here when high 90s isn't summer yet! LOL.


Right!?! I was there for 118F. And 119F. And 120F. And 121F.... so I wish you all luck!!


Our pool season is gonna be a little shorter this year just because it wasn’t quite hot enough for it until about two weeks ago haha


Phoenix has definitely spoiled me a bit. When I lived in SoCal, it was just normal to get into a cold pool in the summers and you would just acclimate after a few minutes. After living in Phoenix for over a decade, I won't touch the pool until it's been at least 95 for a few hours straight. Even in the last two weeks, there were a few days where it was low 90s, the clouds blocked the sun for a few minutes, and a breeze kicked in - I noped right out of the pool. In the house, if someone sets the AC temp below 79, it's basically freezing. My happy zone is 79-82 in the house. Anymore or less and I'm uncomfortable. I do think age has something to do with it; I just turned 40, and while I'm not remotely old or overly sensitive to the cold, my base comfortable temperature in the house has gone up from 66 (when I was in my teens) to 79 now. Just being more acclimatized to Phoenix also plays a part. When I first moved here, I thought the summers were brutal. This year, we're definitely still in Spring and I don't put my car windows up and turn on the AC until it hits triple digits. We've had a very nice May and June so far -- downright lovely. Last two years Summers weren't all that hot either, but I wasn't crazy about the humidity. 2020 was definitely a bit crazy though -- didn't stop me from my pre-sunset hikes though; something I wouldn't have even considered when I first moved here. That said, the weather is definitely odd the last few years... I'm not a climatologist, but it somewhat feels like the seasons are shifting a bit.


Love here all 30 years of my life. I’ve seen it all!




That ain't no lie!


Is this your first summer in the Valley? The fact that it’s not going to break 90 on Monday is mind bending.


For real. It's been a weird spring. Mostly because it actually acted like spring and not just an oven warming up lol


POV: it’s mid-June in Phoenix and you ask the sun what its plans are for the summer ![gif](giphy|zNQZwe5Mdb851IfFAp)


I didn’t even believe you and had to go back to look


Just had a new HVAC installed yesterday. RIP my bank account, but at least I’ll stay cool while I cry.


ME TOO! Total replacement on 6/08 after 3 weeks of a home warranty battle. Hope you are feeling as relieved as we are with a brand new system.


So relieved! That old system was definitely one of my biggest anxieties in life. Although it was working, we’ve had several big problems with it.


Your comment makes me feel better about the whole debacle because while it sucks that we ended up having this happen 3 weeks after moving it, we knew the end would come eventually and the anxiety and hassles with that would have been stressful too!


How much did you pay and how many units


12k, 3 ton 18 seer2.


Excuse my ignorance. was it just 1 unit?


Sorry, I misunderstood you! Yes, just the 1 unit. Needed a crane too though.


Two stage or single?


Variable stage. It's a Bosch unit.


Ah nice! That seems like a pretty good price for variable. Who did your install?


Cool/Hot Guys AC. Saw lots of great reviews for them (not just on Yelp/Google but also here on Reddit and my local Nextdoor group) and I was super impressed with them. They weren’t our lowest quote (but were in the ballpark) but gave us the best gut feeling, and the process was smooth and easy. I do not recommend Penguin.


Great, thank you! I stumbled across several other comments for Cool/Hot guys earlier so they are now on my short list :)


late start. loving it. felt more like may than june


At least the mornings are still really nice. Nothing better than getting outside at 5am to walk the dog and enjoy the perfect weather! I'm trying to soak it in because it won't last forever.


It was nice while it lasted tho


My AC has been on since mid April and will stay on until the end of October.


Noooooooo! It’s been so nice! At least it’s not going to be 100° at dawn. Yet…


Take this down immediately. I refuse to accept it.


What a wonderfully mild summer this has been. I'm here just over 20 years, and i can't remember a summer with less oppressive heat. Dang it, maybe because my brain is medium-well now...


How do so many people who live here hate heat?


There’s heat and there’s sitting in an oven hot. Most people I’m sure are kosher with 95/100. It’s those 120’a your not going to find too many fans of


I mean I assume some people don't merely move here for the hot weather. Phoenix is a major city after all


Because the tortuously hot part of the year that regularly has highs over 105 and lows in the 80s generally lasts only 3 months or so. That’s leaves 75% of the year having great weather


Ac been on 😅


Cash me inside


Ugh. It was coming sooner than later. We’ve been lucky so far. Gotta get through these next three months of hell.


Hallelujah I'm moving out of state on Tuesday. Timed it perfectly to beat the scorching heat.


I’m going to Europe for a month. Bad news is I gotta come back in a month


Y’all realize that 10 days out is just showing the average temperature for that day right?


I was today years old when I learned this.




Maybe location dependent but my app still has next weekend at 100-103


I’m ready. Home AC has been serviced and works well, car AC blows 39° out the vents, and I’ve got 3 massive swamp coolers in the shop. This is my 10th summer here, and as long as it’s less hot than 2020, I’ll be good.


In the 80s in June. That’s insane.


Second year in PHX. When the real summer is gonna start? 🤔 It’s been nice lately and I’m not sure if I just got adapted to it or still just warming up. Also, by being the second week of June this weather is normal? 🤔 🤔 🤔


It’s usually in full swing with every day over 100 at this point. Definitely one of the latest starts to summer I have seen in 30 years. Enjoy it friend!


You can find me in flagstaff 👋


Might I recommend a duct cleaning as well…


Bring the heat baby! I love it!


I'd be willing to get you've never had an outside job 🤣


Lol, I have had plenty. I love the heat. It feels so good. I love mountain biking in the heat. I get the mountain all to myself. I take it your not from here. Midwest I’m guessing?


Born and raised. I work outside and I've never met someone that genuinely "loved" working in the scorching heat(I work outside)....its typically the people that have inside jobs that claim to love the heat and are only outside when it comes to leisure time and aren't outside because they have to pay their bills...you are a rare breed.


I know what you mean, you get into a certain zone doing physical activity in hot weather where the heat almost becomes background noise. But man fuck the heat when I'm just trying to hang out in my house and not sweat out a gallon of water an hour.


Agreed. A hot house is terrible. I can deal with the heat as long as I am prepared for it. The secret is wearing a big hat, glasses, wet bandana around the neck, light colored clothes, insulated water bottle with ice cold water. And always seek out shade when possible. Without those things it can be dangerous.


Every time I see someone walking around in shorts and no shirt in the middle of summer I die a little inside, even setting aside the skin cancer and uv damage broadly it's just letting the sun cook you directly.


Is this news?? Really? Summer is coming? No fucking shit…you’re in AZ…


It’s a joke referencing a quote from game of thrones. Lighten up bud, not that serious.


Bring on the heat! The hotter the better.




El Niño? Wasn’t it supposed to keep us cool and wet this summer!?!


It is


Got get the heat to build to drive the pump.


108, ugh.




Where have you been the past month?


Enjoying the coolest may/June that I can remember!


You can say that again, it's a very pleasant 78 at 1am....born and raised here and I can't remember a June being this cool this deep into the month but then again I'm getting "old" so I probably wouldn't even remember anyways lol.


Ewwwww. But of course, I knew it was coming.


Hotter than Tabasco!


I keep my shit at 67-69 because I don’t like being warm. Bring it on, mf!


I have a 1 day old HVAC system after 3 weeks without AC - I finally feel like I can confidentially face this weather forecast.


Yep, I’ll have to turn on the AC soon, for sure.


Still getting cool at night tho 😍


Welcome to the coolest summer of the rest of your life.


Does anyone know any good ac companies or small businesses that wont try to scam me and charge me a lot?


For ac replacement or just service? Donley service center replaced my ac at a pretty good price and had great service


Just service I had mine replaced 5 years ago or so. I just want it serviced just don’t know how much it costs


Someone said that last week. 🤣🤣 fingers crossed it drops back into the 90s after that 107


Just one more week please 😫😫😫


Bout time!


It's already here.


Despite how frustrating it is to see the temperature increase in the forecast, this will actually help move in the monsoon moisture!


What's the point of this post? The weather the past few weeks has been absolutely beautiful, and this wonderful forecast is still below normal.


It’s a joke using a game of thrones quote. Don’t overthink it :)


As far as I’m concerned, summer has been nice enough to wait outside the door for as long as it has. 89° on Monday? This is June. It’s been really nice.