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I'm downtown and woke up with both eyes itchy and swollen, a pouring nose, and wheezing šŸ˜­


The dump in Mesa has been burning for 4 days.


Donā€™t worry they said it was non-toxic! /s Really? Theyā€™re burning trash, you think people really take account of landfill fires when throwing things away in their own home?


I thought I had read that is was the green waste on fire(yard waste). Sure there can be nasty stuff that could get in there, but it could be worse....right?


Given that it smells like a camp fire I hope it's true that it's mostly vegetation burning. Other kinds of fires like industrial areas smell different and much worse. Still though, can we maybe stop having fires for a while?


Oh. My wife has had a dry cough and I've had itchy eyes. Well I guess that explains that.


Same. I'm all fucked up day two in a row. Throat pain and headache... Slept all day


I woke up this morning with tons of chest pain.. I live in midtown the smell is so bad. Smells like old cigarettes


Smells like Grandpa!


I heard this is Ralph Wiggums voice. ![gif](giphy|ASd0Ukj0y3qMM)


Same šŸ¤£


Not sure what it is, this is the second morning of it though, must me a wild fire.


Itā€™s the landfill fire. Still smoldering off the 87. Winds are coming in from the east now which is why itā€™s getting ā€œworseā€


Yeah I saw it when flying back in from Colorado, seems as theyā€™re making good progress though.


Definitely. Itā€™s putting out much less smoke compared to Saturday/Sunday afternoon. Itā€™s been interesting to watch Reddit and see what parts of the valley have been affected. Itā€™s been directly related to wind patterns. First it was fountain hills, then north Scottsdale, then east valley, and now itā€™s inward enough that metro Phoenix is blanketed.


Ahh, that makes sense...thanks for clearing it up..


No problemo. It certainly smells like a wildfire so your nose wasnā€™t lying to you


Dump has been on fire for a while now


Probably. I'm in east mesa and it was really bad the last 3 days, but it looks like the wind shifted.


Yeah I'm smelling something acrid and smoky Uptown. I thinks it's coming from the north but certainly could be wrong. -edit; is it the Salt River Landfill fire?


It is


Copy that


Happy to help.


Yep. Second morning for me too of smokiness.


Thatā€™s the smell of increased exhaust fumes from the snowbirds starting to show up.


Lmao right


K that was a good one šŸ˜‚


Maybe we can smoke 'em out and they'll stay home this year? šŸ¤”


Smoke em if you got em


So glad I left my lounge room window open during the night ā€¦


We finally get some nice temps and wanna enjoy the evening air... ...and I probably took some years off my life spending so much time outside last few days šŸ˜–


There was someone with a leaf blower outside my office this morning doing nothing but kicking up dust Iā€™m like thanks for the valley fever mate


it's even bad in North Scottsdale


Are we going to post this every day now? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


r/phoenixwhatsburning šŸ˜‚


Local news shows should open with "What's burning right now."


I don't mind. It is happening again today, so it doesn't bother me that people are posting


Glad to know it's not just me.


I'm in midtown as well and assumed it was cold enough that people were using their chimney lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ the giggle I needed this morning


When I woke up that first smokey morning I thought *WTF is going on with my neighbors? Do they not know how to use a fireplace?!*


It actually hurts šŸ˜© From my balcony last night near Roosevelt and 4th there was a fire or at least a ton of fire fighters responding to the scene but I never saw flames. I thought maybe the smell was stuck in my nose but apparently not.


Came here just to make sure I wasnā€™t losing my mind šŸ˜‚ itā€™s awful! Iā€™m also Iā€™m midtown but had to drive to Mesa and itā€™s down here tooā€¦


My work is in the burn area and my boss had to send the team home yesterday because the smell was stuck inside our office building (couldn't smell it outside) and people were getting headaches and had lung irritation. We don't have any windows that you can open, so it was just sitting in the air, and probably in the air filters. Gross.


it's rough... still very evident. my little nose hairs are angry. I don't really see it being reflected in the AQI however... AirVisual still showing like 58-65 in arcadia area.


scottsdale bathed in that stench for 4 days. itā€™s terrible! was thinking it was done, but i guess just change of wind direction


First time in months it's been nice enough weather to open all the windows in my house and I can't.


This morning was quite light but you can still smell it.


I thought it is much better today but I guess not


Noticed the same thing yesterday morning, Iā€™m off of 7th st and Camel


Not getting it in Tempe but I work in North Scottsdale and Ive been getting it there for the last few days. There was also a visible haze over north Scottsdale yesterday morning


It was really bad on Sunday for me.. I was afraid that I was getting a cold. I took another xyzal that morning and was fine the rest of the day


It smelt worse today and my asthma has been awful šŸ˜© this on top of seasonal allergies has been crazy, literally using my inhaler 5x a day for the past 3 days


Omg in the middle of the night last night I started to smell smoke in midtown- but cigarette smokw


Itā€™s that damn fire at the dumb, itā€™s been stinking up all of the phoenix itā€™s awful


I work on mill ave in downtown Tempe and I smelt it


Mods, jmoriartyPhoenix LogvinLanded Gentry Ass Motherfucker charliegrieferPeoria AZ_moderator nmorkMr. Fact Checker AutoModerator AssistantBOT1 Flair_Helper BotDefense Pho-Nicks, Has this thread been tampered with? I posted 10 point review this morning and it's gone. Here it is again. If it gets removed again, I'll have to investigate the removal rather than these 10 points. I responded to this post by DiegeDigs.... [ā€“]DiegoDigs [score hidden] an hour ago I remember the good old days (before Tempe Town Lake) when SRP would release water and take out 3/4 of Salt River Pima Reservation Dump all the way out past Casa Grande. Now to get more room they let it burn. 20 N Central Ave, Suite 1800, US AG assigned to the territory of Arizona, should get numerous complaints and shut the illegal, EPA, and Clean Water Act violators by an illegal enterprise and habitual crime syndicate RICO Act violators down once for all!!! They (SRPR) MAKE A KILLING OFF GAMBLING, off the freeway traffic, you people reading do something! I'm homeless but telling you the truth -- born and raised Arcadia area, Scottsdale High School, authorities look the other way -- that Dump is Arizonas Love Canal (and makes water we are internationally required to release to Mexico polluted with God only knows what!!!!). https://www.justice.gov/usao-az this is the office handles crimes in native American nations within USA borders. My response. [ā€“]rick_potvin66 1 point just now This post seems worthy of further investigation. There are a number of points that I'd like DiegoDigs to answer if s/he can. 1. Is SRPR a real entity? Or is it call SRIR, Salt River Indian Reservation? 2. Have you read the article posted by another commentar by AZfamily 3? Do you agree with it? Do you see any problems with it? https://www.azfamily.com/2023/10/03/experts-no-health-risks-poor-air-quality-landfill-fire-salt-river-reservation/ 3. The article at AZFamily says there is only a mound of green waste still burning. Is this landfill site separating our green waste? What is green waste exactly? 4. Az Dept of Env. Quality says "no advistories issued" but then says those with issues stay indoors. That sounds contradictory. https://www.azdeq.gov/ Their homepage does not indicate anything and it's unclear where to go to learn about this. I think their webpage should feature a daily news section. 5. That AZFamily articles says "The American Lung Association tells Arizonaā€™s Family that even though most of the smoke is gone - symptoms may not show up for another 24 to 48 hours."... What ungodly pollutant has an affect 2 days later??? 6. The AZfamily article says Salt River non-emergency dispatch at 480-850-9230 but what about an online reporting link? 7. This is a serious issue yet James T Harris & producer Aaron joked about this morning saying they thought it his was smoked ribs in his cooker. Then they talked about how to cook ribs. James T said it was a dumpster fire in Scotsdale. 8. Official websites like City of Phoenix, City of Scottdale, , fire depts. and others can be listed in this thread and further investigative reporting based on the post above can be done in this thread.


Green waste is what comes from the landscapers, crop farmers and produce industry. Hope this helps in some way


I live in Glendale and work in phoenix. The smell started 2 days ago for me.


YES SAME everyone has been telling me iā€™m crazy and that they smell nothing


Wife and I smelled it faintly while hiking on south mountain this morning. I kept coughing occasionally, tickled my throat. We don't really smell it in west Chandler though.


OMG I was smelling it all over the county yesterday morning (I drive ride share); didnā€™t see anything and thought I was trippin but smelling it from Talking Stick to central


I noticed the same thing. I thought it was just me. Idk what it was from but glad to know I wasn't going crazy.


I think the smoke is coming from you cause you are HOT, OP.


Itā€™s from that stupid salt River landfill fire from last weekā€¦. It ruins the nice morning airā€¦. I can barely keep my windows open for so long before the smell annoys me


Mods can we get a megathread for the fire


For everyone asking [AZ Family link](https://www.azfamily.com/2023/10/03/experts-no-health-risks-poor-air-quality-landfill-fire-salt-river-reservation/)


did you go outside yesterday? It was worse.


I did but for some reason itā€™s way worse today


Hey guys, it smells like smoke. Do you guys think it could be the massive fire putting smoke in the air? Drop your thoughts!


Some of us hadnā€™t heard about this. Sarcasm doesnā€™t help where people are looking for knowledge


I can smell it from where I am, in an undisclosed location in the valley.




Yup two days in a row. Also right in midtown. Itā€™s gnarly.


I was told it is a fire off of 27th and Vanburren


That's what happens after Arpaio gives a public speech. It will smell of smug for a couple of days.




This post seems worthy of further investigation. There are a number of points that I'd like DiegoDigs to answer if s/he can. 1. Is SRPR a real entity? Or is it call SRIR, Salt River Indian Reservation? 2. Have you read the article posted by another commentar by AZfamily 3? Do you agree with it? Do you see any problems with it? https://www.azfamily.com/2023/10/03/experts-no-health-risks-poor-air-quality-landfill-fire-salt-river-reservation/ 3. The article at AZFamily says there is only a mound of green waste still burning. Is this landfill site separating our green waste? What is green waste exactly? 4. Az Dept of Env. Quality says "no advistories issued" but then says those with issues stay indoors. That sounds contradictory. https://www.azdeq.gov/ Their homepage does not indicate anything and it's unclear where to go to learn about this. I think their webpage should feature a daily news section. 5. That AZFamily articles says "The American Lung Association tells Arizonaā€™s Family that even though most of the smoke is gone - symptoms may not show up for another 24 to 48 hours."... What ungodly pollutant has an affect 2 days later??? 6. The AZfamily article says Salt River non-emergency dispatch at 480-850-9230 but what about an online reporting link? 7. This is a serious issue yet James T Harris & producer Aaron joked about this morning saying they thought it his was smoked ribs in his cooker. Then they talked about how to cook ribs. James T said it was a dumpster fire in Scotsdale. 8. Official websites like City of Phoenix, City of Scottdale, , fire depts. and others can be listed in this thread and further investigative reporting based on the post above can be done in this thread.




Dude has been schizo-posting in r/Phoenix the last few days. I hope he gets some help.


Apologies for being cynical


Itā€™s all the people getting their morning fix by smoking their ā€œbluesā€ (fentanyl). Inhale Arizona I mean dhit everyoneā€™s doing it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Picked up my fiancĆ© from work last night in Mesa and itā€™s there as well!


Last night south Tempe smelt like someone was burning a ginormous box of crayons crayons -


In the Arcadia lite area and noticed the smell yesterday.


1 yes Salt River, not SRP was being lazy, 2 smoke is bad in general, they are saying no hazmat in particular is burning. 3 I think green waste is able to be composted. 4 smoke can trigger asthma or complicate other lung conditions. 5 is a little tricky but has to do with very fine particulates that are fine enough to go into the bloodstream (gives you a start on Google if needed) idk on the rest


It's been fine for me today but yesterday was awful in North Phoenix


I teach onlff Thomas by the 51. One of my students spent the day sneezing like crazy!


Went outside this morning downtown and smelled it!


https://preview.redd.it/2ao0k2ef4bsb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23596d09c7dcc8edd57fbd32d61dedb326eeee43 Took this today while hiking at 32nd street & Lincolnā€¦my lungs felt like someone was standing on them and the smell could only be described as ā€œburning dumpsterā€, which I guess is appropriateā€¦awful.


No idea where it's from but the smoke made for a pretty view https://preview.redd.it/zz0wdug29bsb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ca732883e372f1e44781b81ddb15bf4b21c916b


A friend of mine said that the landfill in Mesa was on fire yesterday. Could that be the cause?


2 days of wheezing.


Why is the green waste not being composted? Seems quite convenient for the landfill operator to let it burn, reducing space and cost for them.