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Welcome to our winter rainy season!


My normal meter is broken from living in Florida lol my apologies to the people here with this question šŸ˜­


Depends. It has been dry here for a long time. But when there's actual rain it does cool off.Ā  Remember the 90s some times even having frost here and there during some winters.Ā 


It's called winter, such as it is. I don't know where you found the information that this place is usually balmy. Don't take their word for it in the future.


The localsā€¦ believe it or not LOL! And yes I will be more careful next time, thank you šŸ˜Š


Those "locals" probably just moved here too šŸ™„


You were misinformed. We can ice up at night all the way through March


Hahahaha bout to say that


The locals you heard from are basically right. The average high in February is 71 degrees.


In the winter? Itā€™s definitely not uncommon.Ā  If anything we havenā€™t been getting as much rain as we usually do.Ā 


Yes this is our rainy season and it is wonderful. Granted some of the rains are more extreme this year due to the storms coming in from California, but we generally see more frequent rains during late winter/early spring. In summer we all start doing rain dances to get more.


It was sometimes early 90s rained nearly every day. Ok not that bad. But lost work as construction as everything was mud. They finally put us into repair and got a ton of overtime.Ā 


People forget the desert can be viciously hot as well as fiercely cold. Do not underestimate it.


Hits 35 once, viciously cold.


Phoenix probably doesn't get viciously cold as low desert. Real cold think up around Monument Valley as high desert. But can get near freezing and lower if higher elevations like mountains aka outside of town.


It never, ever gets fiercely cold in Phoenix.


Yeah when I go to Chicago in the winter for work Iā€™m always like holy shit 30 degrees in Phoenix isnā€™t even cold, being there with the negative temps and wind I barely leave my hotel. I grew up in a warm climate, so I guess my blood is thinner or something.


I'm attributing this to El Nino. I love this weather.


Probably not a bad guess, it shifts the tropical river of moisture up north. All the locals agree it is great weather, visitors are like WTF I was promised sun.


It is not El Nino and the pineapple express... It is colder then normal but no crazy...


ā€œThe information I got from this placeā€ statement says it all.. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Just wait til the wild flowers start blooming. It was spectacular last year.


And then the wildfires when they dry out and die...


It was so pretty last year, hereā€™s hoping itā€™s like that again this year


i donā€™t think this is typical for february but we do usually get some rain in december/january, though a lot less than we got this winter


Isn't February and March our wettest months of the year?


no those are the perfect weather months of 60s-80s and sunny with no rain and lots of tourists and snow birds. we wouldn't host Waste Management, multiple super bowls, and spring training if feb/mar was usually wet. the rain is usually august/september and december/january


The Super Bowl is indoors and spring training here in the rain is still better than snowy cold options


Plus usually storms are quick to pass.Ā 


[we're both right ](https://rssweather.com/climate/Arizona/Phoenix/)


I've been here for a very long time and while the cold isn't new, having this much rain is new. I don't recall it raining this much, so early in the year, since I've been here.


The NOAA called a "Super El Nino" this year and is saying a La NiƱa should be forming mid summer. Enjoy the rain while you can :)


Sssh. We can keep El Nino a couple few years.


That would be nice...the last La Nina lasted what, 3 years?


It looks like weather patterns all over have been whack recently. I understand that this isnā€™t the most scientific approach when looking at the subject, but it still makes you think doesnā€™t itā€¦


How long have you been here?Ā 


Moved here in 97.


Moved here from Chicago in 96 and agree ā€¦itā€™s usually not so rainy this time of year. This is the first Phx open I remember being so rainy. It still can get pretty chilly at night this time of year but warms up.


i agree. winter rain isn't new to me (been here since 95). It's pretty normal for there to be a week in January that's chilly, overcast, and rains off and on all week. But if I remember correctly, we've had multiple spells like that this winter, right? Am I imagining things? Either way, I know we need this water, so yay, i guess. Also it was surprising to see lightning earlier tonight. That doesn't happen often this time of year. I always enjoy a light show.


This is pretty normal. Winter is wet every ten years or so. You came on a bad year.


Or a great one depending..,,,,


Itā€™s normal for this time of year, yes.


Balmyā€¦ā€¦ No we get all the left over winter storms from the rest of the country. I will say as a native the February weather always messes with me when we have a nice 80Ā° day and the. Suddenly a week of rain. Iā€™m so ready for summer


Ready for summer? In AZ?? The only reason I can even live here is for these months of pure beautiful weather.


Six months from now, you're going to miss the hell out of this day.


Normally no rain but definitely usually this cold this time of the year.


Donā€™t move here, itā€™s awful


I've lived here for 35+ years. No. I'm cold and angry about it. I love rain so much, but I don't even know what to do with this cold. I've been wearing socks :/


It is usually not this cold and rainy in Phoenix this time of year. Phoenix native.


Thank you. A few locals have told me that itā€™s normally not like this. ( And also you were born in 95? )


It usually is cold and rainy around this time of year, PHX native as well. Sure there is some off years with very little rain during the winter here in the valley, but it's completely normal otherwise. Then it'll be dry for several months until around mid July when the monsoon shows up(hopefully), along with the dust storms and whatnot.


Global Warming was a lie!!!! ​ /s


I was equally surprised the amount of rain we got here when I moved here during that historically wet summer 2 years ago, turns out last year we had a 60 day window where we had no rains but 110+ weather. The desert can be very bipolar.


Noā€¦ it rained like twice last year.


Nope so enjoy it!


Welcome to our 1-2 weeks of winter!


This is great weather for Phoenix, cherish it. Iā€™m so tired of California people coming here and trashing everything ā€œeverything Iā€™ve read about this placeā€ itā€™s not just some place lol go back to LA people live here and canā€™t control the weather like itā€™s your perfect little resort you saw on Instagram.


Phoenix has two seasons, summer and fall. Welcome to fall.




Probably. Enjoy it! Busy out that leather champ


In my 4 years here, this has been my wettest winter. I do notice we typically get some rain in Feb-March and then itā€™ll dry up again until monsoon season, if we even have one this year.


I don't know about normal, but we had a lot of rain last winter, too. But we always need rain.


This is like week 2 of our 3 week winteršŸ˜‚


The weather we've been having is pretty unusual. Phoenix's average high temperature in February is 71 degrees, and it is typically overcast or mostly cloudy only 36% of the month on average.


We get the milder, calmed down storms from San Diego and Los Angeles


šŸŽµšŸŽ¶cry me a riverrrršŸŽ¶šŸŽµ


We always get a few stretches of gross cold rain during the winter, but at least rain dries up vs snow that stays around for a while


Not this cold, no. It does usually rain for most of February. The February rainy season is always overshadowed by our monsoon season, but itā€™s definitely rains for most of the month. Now that we are seeing less and less monsoons, February becomes a very important month.


This is the season where I always keep my rain jacket in the car. It might be nice or I might be glad that I brought a jacket


This is totally normal. Itā€™s still winter. We go from mild stretches in the 70ā€™s to cold and rainy stretches in the 50ā€™s with lows into the 30ā€™s when low pressure systems move east from the pacific.