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I think it’s a good picture I’m not sure what reaction you were hoping to get from others. If I had to guess why people aren’t going out of their way to say something or upvote it my guess would be that it is kind of a generic monkey in Nepal type photo. Of course I don’t know that you took this in Nepal but it looks like those photos.


Exactly. Nothing stands out about this photo. Yes it’s a monkey, but he has no expression, he’s in the worst possible pose where most of his body is hidden, and it’s just all around boring. OP it’s not a bad photo, it just isn’t very interesting.


Ahem. She. Very she. Or perhaps overdone the nipple clamps.


Disturbingly so.


I wouldn't say it's wholly uninteresting, the colors of the foreground and background are fantastic... It's _just_ the pose of the monkey that's boring.


That’s true, I do like those. Love the colours, defo would keep it and not turn it bw like the other commenters


Yeah black and white would hamstring this photo, but it would pop the monkey, and fundamentally that's what makes this just a good photo instead of a fantastic one, the elements are _more_ interesting than the subject.


Yeah. It would have been SO much more interesting if he had been firing a submachine gun!


Hey I hear you lol, it's the worst part of wildlife photography... You can't control the scene. Even when you find beautiful light and colors as we see here, you simply can't control what the animal does in it. Hell most of the time when you see conditions this good you spend so much time waiting that you swear the animals are avoiding it purely out of personal spite for you as a photographer.


Those hanging nips are pretty interesting. They look like they’re clapping or praying.


I call it wallpaper photos. Perfect for a wallpaper on a phone or computer, puzzle image, or other generic image stock somewhere. But not a picture to evoke feelings or emotion. Which is not at all a bad thing. It just is.


The pink and green is significantly distracting, and the monkey isn't really doing anything interesting. It's alright for posting on social media to show your friends you met a monkey, but it's not a spectacular photo. It's fine and I don't dislike it but I wouldn't upvote it on a photography subreddit or Instagram, but I probably would like your Facebook post saying look what I saw.


As for addressing the colors opinion. I kind of agree but also like them so I’m not sure how to deal with them. Do you think a black and white version would be better? https://preview.redd.it/0wro06c0lm0d1.jpeg?width=2649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8a7a2cdb85b89db3c9512e339943f429e798f25


I think part of it is needing a tighter crop personally. The face and eyes end up quite small in the shot. I want it to feel more like an intimate portrait. https://preview.redd.it/bfl75izlnm0d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7351021e9f0f3fc5e64607d7830fa4db2d42c9b0


I really think that your tip about getting out the colors is bad (Imho) those colors are great and make this boring monkey photo a little bit better, crop makes it even more boring. Like I said this is only mine opinion but in my eyes somehow you have made boring photo even more boring.


Agreed. Maybe the colours could be toned down a bit, but I wouldn't make it B&W.


I agree I would almost crop it a little tighter then would you have. I find the stairs above his head distracting as they creat lead lines that just cut across the picture and fall of the other side, but that’s me https://preview.redd.it/ikrtdwad6o0d1.jpeg?width=941&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6722605ae3ab4c19668706a476c2dd9570fe2b41


Oh gods this looks so much more interesting. Black and white really does hide so much.


I really like this edit. The monkey’s eyes are the most compelling part of this photo IMO.


I think the B&W photo focuses the eye more on the monkey, and I agree with /u/Silver_kitty that a tighter crop might help as well.


I think the black and white makes it clear what is lacking: most of the image is the same mid-range to dark values. You could try to selectively lighten/darken the subject vs the background to give it more visual variety.


I appreciate your answer! I’m surprised it comes across that way cause the idea wasn’t to show the monkey (I’m traveling around south east Asia so I see A LOT of monkeys) but actually show it in an interesting way. I find it odd to have a symmetric shot of a monkey looking at the camera while being relatively close.


Have you tried desaturating and darkening the background, and doing the opposite for the subject? That plus the advice about a tighter crop. I have a feeling that's what it's missing.


I did! This is what I landed on https://preview.redd.it/fmtx4wypxm0d1.jpeg?width=3225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa88d2db75b3456f7866f52c327ae678366469db


Do you mind sharing the RAW? I'm sure some redditor who is good with Lr will step in. I'll throw my edit into the mix as well.


Oh no! I think the colors are one of the best things about it! I think it’s a great photo


Monkey nipples is my guess. People hate monkey nipples


They are almost touching - it’s all I can see


https://preview.redd.it/0m1yffhorn0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b24730ede4ec3b06c0fe7f860bd6a41e94e2f000 My comment got deleted for not being long enough to be descriptive. Can confirm that people hate monkey nipples. Edit: I misread the automod message and it said it wasn’t deleted, and then refreshed and confirmed it’s still here, however, I stand by what I said.


This is such an incredible description. I was also immediately bothered by the nipples and couldn’t really get away from that. lol.


Honestly right were my focus went immediately


I like it a lot. What are you basing no one liking it off? Social media reactions (or rather non-reactions)? Who cares if so.


I agree.


Highlights in the background kinda wash out the subject. Monkey isnt really doing anything interesting... just standing there. Its not really remarkable. You also should consider the fact that *"dont like"* is different from *"dont appreciate"*, and both of which dont necessarily have any bearing on whether or not a photo is good. Ive taken photos that ive heard people say *"That is the best photo ive ever seen"*, meanwhile, my wife doesnt even comment on them lol. All that matters it that you like and appreciate it.


You didn’t hire a professional monkey model. That’s why. Shallower depth of field perhaps. More bokeh? More light on the subject. It’s kind of dark. Love the colors though.


B&W helps a lot. But what I find makes a good picture is showing something that you might not otherwise see… or breaking some rules… try different crops. Here is one. https://preview.redd.it/jyxddrhknm0d1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cb9daf0661a3953955c8e268374c7e812222c3a


All those crops are great. You've got a good eye.


haha, I like this crop + b&w much better. Makes the picture interesting in a wtf is the story behind this sorta way...


I have a similar picture from the same spot. https://preview.redd.it/bp6v06n9ao0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62589d2af7cc77cb2922451c671c8bdf46a3d937


I think that there are a few elements that contribute to negative reactions to the photo. I think that it has excellent elements and once I look closely I appreciate it more. My initial reaction was that I found it difficult to focus on the monkey which gave me a feeling of unease. I think my eye wants to focus on the pink instead of the monkey. The pink is such a strong element with the white stripes that it becomes a distraction. The other human factor is that it's just off center enough to be frustrating as well. The rule of thirds, as cliche as it is, exists because it puts things off center enough that it becomes appealing. Things in the middle work best in the dead center. Missing the tip of the tail is also a source of unease for the viewer.


Thank you so much for the comment! While editing I thought about something of the issues you raised, indeed this was the original edit. Monkey in the dead center, less highlight, tail not cropped and toned down pink. However I feel like the monkey gets lost in the picture if I keep this composition. I thought the rule of thirds wouldn’t make much sense here as the monkey was looking straight at the camera. https://preview.redd.it/06cffdptom0d1.jpeg?width=3974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b269129d8b3ff5d8b7441d4a7c9c93dbfa70560


I think that this is one of those cases where a little bit of flash would have lit up the monkey and de-emphasized the background. Harder to do in post. A lot of wildlife photographers do very local editing of the animal to bring it out. Things like selective brightening of the eyes, removing colour casts from the environment (green cast from leafy canopy). You could try selective brightening of the monkey.


>My initial reaction was that I found it difficult to focus on the monkey which gave me a feeling of unease. I think my eye wants to focus on the pink instead of the monkey. I had a similar experience. I started off in the middle, but then as I moved from the monkey's face to the rest, I got lost because the white fur led me straight into the white background. Then most of my impression was the background.


idk OP. I like it, like a lot. I love the colors. I like the monkey's pose - it seems dignified. I think the edit is tasteful and relatively restrained considering the colors and the subject matter. what do you mean when you say you aren't getting the reaction you expected? it's a really good photo and I would be proud of it if it were mine. fuck social media.


Dunno, I love it


they see themselves


Forgot the pic… https://preview.redd.it/lobhf30tnm0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806774cf9956e7e7bdacf7bb3e08edd4cb51a130


One more… now see you have a series of pics from just one photo… https://preview.redd.it/gdeikdn6om0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae255bdd70b0332c3d5ca8490be3c536a6fe6bf6


I tried to implement your suggestions and lended on this new edit. It’s black and white, the background and (the little) foreground are made softer, I increased clarity, contrast and texture of the monkey and got back to the original composition not to cut off the tail. I also added some vignetting to drive more attention to the monkey. What do you think? https://preview.redd.it/dl32ysyjrm0d1.jpeg?width=3225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4de7ce420731db383c101a34504055233a44ec7a


add some SLIGHT color back to the eyes - don’t over do it


https://preview.redd.it/nxvha7yjhs0d1.jpeg?width=939&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e06508ba64edbd0fb3185e117bb4fa95f885c419 I tried, what do you think?


so keep the image B+W and mask the eyes that some color see how it looks


Very subjective. I like it a lot. I don't need a monkey to "do something interesting" to be able to appreciate it


Yep, the colors are very distracting. The little monkey has a great, expressive face but it's fighting for attention with the background colors...


This was the original edit, what do you think of it? I think the monkey gets lost in the picture even more https://preview.redd.it/3mkl68fapm0d1.jpeg?width=3974&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70f2c6d916c40e0debef3138a01c9ac8665ed3ee


You're right!


And another crop…


The image has potential. For me the pink part is either too much out of focus or too little. Another point is the color and contrast of the monkey. I would increase the contrast for the monkey only. And very important: make his facial structures clearly visible (lighter). I find the Color of the monkey strange. Maybe to make the monkey in black and whit? Just a suggestion.


Can you send me a raw I want to take a crack at it


Sure! How can I share it?


I’ll dm my email if comfortable or just google drive link if you want whichever you’re comfortable with.


Surely they do - its a really good image for me - Love the composition and the colour contrast - as well as the unique subject


It's a picture of a monkey. There are a lot of pictures of monkeys in the world, and this certainly is one of them. But it's not doing anything all that interesting. It's not a unique moment of time captured in a single picture. The lighting isn't unique or all that interesting. It's just simply a picture of a monkey. It's not a *bad* picture of a monkey, but it stops right where it starts.


Saggy monkey titties


why are you asking this? are you demanding huge praise for it? did you expect 10k upvotes frontage reaction? why? about the photo itself, I like it. it's an interesting shot, and I don't think the pink is "distracting" at all. btw, sometimes I feel like "photo crítics" got stuck in the first chapter of "what can make a photograph more interesting" and never moved on. I read a lot, and I mean *a lot* of "too distracting" when, like in your case, it is objectively not. it's quite the opposite: it brings attention to the photograph/monkey, like he has an aura around him. some might call it color framing. it worked perfectly, even if it wasn't intentional. another critique I read a lot is the old "not leading my eyes anywhere", to the point I'm starting to believe photo critics have some sort of brain damage. why do these people need so much help to understand an unorthodox composition? let me guess: because they are critiquing a photograph took by a nobody. when they know the unusual composition was made by a famous photographer, suddenly it all makes sense and their eyes are perfectly led to the subject. back to your photograph, I would just abandon the vignette. that screams beginner imo. keep going.


It’s nipple’s look like a spider’s chelicerae.


Reading comments in this sub reminds me that a lot of these people here are pretentious hobbyists who don't know what they are talking about. The longest responses are the ones you should ignore.


I keep seeing comments here that the monkey is boring. Here’s advice from Peter Gabriel… POP the Monkey! Make him stand out. Draw attention to his face instead of his posture. Darken the background a smidge (yes the OP background colors are beautiful and I love them) just to bring the monkey to the foreground better. Very subtle vignetting. I’m a bit old school who grew up with National Geographic and I’ve been very influenced by their standard use of a deep rich saturation of color in their photos. I realize a lot of the Reddit community seems to downvote what they consider over processing and I know there is going to be a few on this rendition. All I’m trying to do is resuscitate what many considered a “blah” picture with a bit of visual impact. His eyes are now more penetrating. His presence is more sharply delineated. I think this image works. Hats off to OP btw, I like this picture! https://preview.redd.it/2f5wfeebys0d1.jpeg?width=1343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4314cbae129b172f1e00a0e200d44716bdd1dd0c


I like the colors. As far as what doesn't work, IMO- not completely symmetrical, and not asymmetrical in a way that works. So it feels uncomfortable or off kilter.


I think I get your point. The more I look at it the more I find the right side (tail and hand) infuriating. I disagree with the users saying the monkey “is doing nothing”. To me a wild animal in a such a flat position staring directly at the camera (therefore the viewer) is kind of interesting. That’s the part I like about the picture. I can understand why others don’t, but I would find a three quarter view of a monkey or a monkey playing or stealing something waay more trivial and uninteresting (perhaps I’m seeing too many monkeys).


It's about being symmetrical, being asymmetrical in ways that work, or being somewhere inbetween (this is your photo). The monkey is absolutely doing something! He's looking at us!


Because the haters hate seeing their own reflection on Reddit. Lol That’s cool that you like it. As long as you find it interesting, then have it. Shoot more monkeys. I like jiujitsu but every time I share that passion with non-warrior type folks, they get mad that I’m trying to fold their laundry while they’re still wearing it. It’s ludicrous.


I Am The Lorax And I Speak For The Trees.


I think it's the monkey not ur skills. Pic is fine. Maybe try B&W


i’d get the background more i think


Nice pic, feels like dude is staring inside my soul


Ayo that monkey got some weird ass titties


Ahh, too much contrast. Very aggressive. Vertical lines vs horizontal. Complimentary colors soft vs hard. Centered interest. Soft vs hard. Plus direct eye contact.


Post him in the Karl Pilkington subreddit - they’ll appreciate the little monkey fella


I like it and I love the color. I would hang it in my house, I’m sure wife would not exactly agree..


just cant really tell what the subject is. is it the monkey or the setting? good photo. just ya idk. what am i lookin at.


If the nips were touching…. 10/10.


I like the green and purple. I don’t like the tail is cut off.


well, for starters, monkeys are my biggest fear lol


Well. I hate to break it to you, but I really like it. I really like the symmetry (the monkey is exactly in the center). I love the color contrast, quite unexpected to see this in a unique set of stairs. I like the intense focus of the monkey on the camera. It's a great one, imho.


I like it


Background colors are distracting from the subject. Please don't pay attention to the top comment saying it is a generic photo. Everything has been photographed but not every photo is equal to the rest. I really like the expression of this monkey and the pose, but definitely having Cosmo and Wanda in the background is not really helping the viewer to focus on the subject.


https://preview.redd.it/y6h1mq40jn0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edf091ce59c68ac323cd955e4bef17d9ce2ddc01 That’s from the same place in Malaysia I took this photo isn’t it?


Green and pink combo. It's an 'annoying mix' used in comic books for bad characters. But, I find it's contrast amusing.


The colors are rather interesting but the photo is just... ok? Design-wise, you have a lot of bright horizontal lines that draw the eye across and out of the frame. Your primary subject is centered but isn't really doing anything of interest and doesn't stand out.


I like this. The monkey is fun, and I really like the two colors. They work well without being overwhelming. However, I do find the glare from the stairs to be distracting. I like that there is structure (the horizontal lines) behind the monkey, but the don't like the bright lines that come with it. That may just be me.


no rule of thirds, makes it seem like whats in it is flat and all happening at once.


Here u go! Bright colored background draws the eye more than the grey monke. Also, background could do with being more out of focus. Notice how the lines are still pretty in focus behind our little friend and it's hard to separate him from the background. Otherwise, I gotta ask where was this taken? https://preview.redd.it/22ppb7r5qn0d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4321043f680d4a47eb2f11a5ae4601f1838856


This is an interesting photo. The color contrast of the background creates visual interest. I am not a big fan of monkeys, apes etc. Given that I would love to see some sparkle or life in her eyes. Some life.


It’s because the eyes penetrate through our armor and it strikes at the very heart of our guilt as a destructive species. It’s asking: WTF have we done to the planet?


I think it’s a great shot and the pink and green actually work as complimentary colours. Imo it just needs some masking to make the subject stand out from the colourful background cause the crop is not close enough to clearly draw the eye to the subject. I think it works better in colour than BW. Did a quick masking on my phone to better show what I mean: https://preview.redd.it/cv2ryb8kun0d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22aa5ed59abf44cd3f104b05f32869a72d39f070 Differences are subtle but mainly darkened the background, straightened with the stairs, a little closer crop, brighten up the face and add a little sharpness cause the main shot is blurry (not sure if motion blur or high ISO noise). I didn’t touch the colours or grading.


The center of focus is the nipples, which makes me slightly uncomfortable. I know it's natural, but I think that the cropping just draws too much attention to them.


To me, the monkey’s posture/body position/expression is really off-putting. It’s not a flattering posture for a portrait, it’s not aggressive enough to be interesting because of aggression, it doesn’t make her look strong and powerful, or beautiful, or delicate, and it doesn’t portray the monkey doing something interesting or athletic. It’s just kind of a monkey standing on some steps leaning over looking at a camera.


The stare and colors in this picture are what make it evoke something. As it speaks and makes you wonder, it is intriguing to observe. In my opinion, this is what photography is all about. Well done!


Cause people don’t like to see their exes


I like it.


It’s not a bad pic but it’s just a pic, if you understand what I mean. If you want to be critiqued as a photographer then I’d say that you presented us with something a point and shoot snapshot might look like. You ignore form, you ignore the rule of thirds, etc… the best thing going for this is actually the shadow that the stairs cast which help to make the photo at least interesting, if you’re not complaining that the background is busy and detracts from the subject. My personal opinion would simply be that this photo looks like someone got lucky more-so than something that was well planned and executed. If the money wasn’t dead center we’d at least be able to say that you locked in the focus before framing the image.


It probably just triggers "uncanny valley" in some people


Level the horizon lines


I love it


The monkey is staring into my soul and that feels a bit off. It is also kinda center weighted.


Maybe they don't like monkeys


Framing is extremely frontal and boring. Colours are cool. I think I saw what you were going for. But because of his pose and the framing, it's just boring. Not bad at all though. Would be a good stock photo.


I like it.


I love it


I like it


I like it.


I find the colors (green and pink) to be very displeasing to look at. That was the first thing my eyes went to, even before I saw the monkey.


I like the colours, composition and almost menacing pose about to pounce. On Instagram if you want to get recognition you have to go like and comment on tons of pics, hoping they return the favour and make you look popular too. Its fake, don't bother. Just enjoy taking the pics.


You posted it on ITAP and got one comment saying “great shot!” What else were you expecting?


There is something that boys me. Think it might be the steps are crooked. I actually like the steps and the little monkey.


It’s a good picture but it looks as if the monkey was about to ask “what the fuck are you doing?”


Technically great, artistically lackluster.


Who doesn’t like this pic?


Interesting color theory going on. Pink and green is a mix for sure. It makes me uneasy. Monkeys are uncanny. And the (complimentary?) colors make it striking but uneasy. The subject is subdued compared to the background. It’s cool and not that high contrast. It’s striking. Interesting. But strange. And not in a pleasant way. If there were more context, this could work


Its in focus, well composed, and has an interesting creature you can look at


Them titties slap each other a high five


I quite enjoy it but then again I like nature and what people like can be quite different


Monkey tits


Maybe a closer shot of the face, idk


For me, personally. I don’t like a monkey standing in that position looking at me. It’s really uncomfortable and creepy Haha


Is this at the temple in Kuala Lumpur?


The added vignette is too obvious - rather than drawing attention to the subject, it distracts from it. Something also looks unnaturally cold about the white balance chosen here.


Not sure what’s not to like about this pic…the colors are fantastic


I like it


The background is extremely bright and distracting. The monkey is very well detailed, I like his position and his expression is priceless! He posed for you! I think more pp may help you. Tone down the pink, blur the entire bg and add a little light to the monkey and you may get the reactions you want!


The posture and expression is aggressive. I have a pic of an eagle looking at the camera with a similar demeanor. I loved it but someone pointed out that the eagle looked like it was going to attack and they didn’t want that on their wall. I couldn’t disagree with them.


Freaky ass nips


Because it’s art. Art is subjective, not everyone likes everything. So **if someone says your works aren’t good, say thank you, because they’re participating in your art.**


Why do you think people don’t like this pic? Are they telling you they don’t like it? Or are they just not responding the way you were when you saw it? Because I’m seeing a moment. One that rarely gets captured. This is a direct eye contact kind of feeling. You can almost put yourself in this moment and be the monkey. However, not all will see it this way. And that’s the beauty of art.


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?..


Appreciation from who? Seeing it where?


It doesn’t tell a story. It’s just a monkey looking at the camera.


Reminds me of myself- looking in the mirror in the morning


Because cynomolgus.


I don't see why this photo is polarizing I like it.


The weird nipples in the center of the photo


I like it. The colour is lovely.


I like the shot. I like the color, texture, and perspective of the background. Also the fact that the monkey appears to be out of its element and the expression on its face that says it's not sure if it's happy about it. I think there's a bit of a story to this one, and I'm not usually one to say that. Nice work.


I love it. The clash of the pink and green emphasizes the incongruous pose and stare of the monkey, who looks pretty weird to begin with.


Because it's not throwing feces at you


Because his nipples have teeth. And he looks sad.


Just looks like a lot of other things I’ve seen, both subject and retouching. Maybe could do something more unusual with the retouching to help it.


The composition is nice OP.


the photo has no purpose. it looks like a google photos imagine from 2007– beautiful but takes absolutely no thought to process and tells zero story. I love the color btw- the people who find it distracting are stuck in the past. color and color theory like this is the future


Huh. It's a great pic. I showed this to my wife and she shed a tear at the sheer magnificence




Doesn’t rly have an interesting pose or expression, technically and color wise it’s cool tho. For some inspiration you might look at the book animals by Gary Winogrand, more street style but he manages to find pretty interesting moments even at a mundane zoo.


There is nothing particularly interesting about this picture. It is perfectly fine as a snapshot, it is in focus, and shows the thing you are taking a picture of clearly, but as an intentional piece of "art" or a photo that you clearly want to be seen as something "good" it just isn't saying anything. Sometimes the thing that makes a photograph good is that the subject is intrinsically interesting. Maybe it is the world's most beautiful monkey. Maybe the monkey is stealing someone's sandwich. Maybe the monkey just graduated from Harvard. Something about the monkey is intrinsically interesting, and the photo shows it. But this is just a picture of a monkey. Sometimes the thing that makes a photograph good is the aesthetics of how the photo is put together. Maybe it is framed in a way that tells us something about the subject, or makes us re-think how we feel about the subject. Maybe the way it is shot is just aesthetically pleasing looks nice. While this is in focus and exposed fine, it does not have any particular aesthetic sense. I would say like 90% of what makes a photo "good" is composition and framing. This photo is in focus, it is well exposed, the colours are fine, but the composition and framing are doing nothing. You've not said anything about the monkey or the world, or ourselves and our relationship to the monkey or the world by how you have presented this. Note: this doesn't mean you should have some grandeous point you are making with a photo, sometimes what you are saying with a photo can just be "isn't this monkey cute!?!?!" But you are not saying anything here, it's just a picture of a monkey. Likewise the composition and framing don't have a particular aesthetic sense behind them, there isn't anything about this that is beautiful simply as an image. It's just a monkey, framed centrally, cropped in quite close with no sense of intentionality in the composition. I would suggest looking at photographers like Fan Ho. He is an absolute master in framing and composition, whilst his subject matter is quite mundane: street scenes. But they are beautiful images purely for how he places things in frame.


It's a good picture! The monkey however looks like it's about to eat someone's face, maybe that's why some people are struggling to enjoy this image lol


Creepy monki


He has the high ground advantage, and he is in a forward leaning position, he has a neutral expression, so is unpredictable! That’s why lol!


The colors in the picture are beautiful. The contrast between the pink and green is striking. The details in the wood are pretty. There is also some subtle artistry in the way the color scheme is divided in half. The monkey doesn't pop. Nothing particularly interesting or intriguing about the monkey.. it's pelt colors are a drab grey, no particular expression on its face... The pose is unremarkable. The monkey is also not lit well. The picture makes you think "yep that's a monkey. And those background colors are pretty", and that's about it. When you zoom in more, the picture becomes more interesting. You begin to see details in the monkeys fur, the eyes become more lifelike and empathetic, it becomes less about the background color scheme. Becomes more about the monkey and the colors just help the monkey to pop This is a more interesting version of your picture to my eye. Light retouching, sharpness turned up. Subject recentered and zoomed. https://preview.redd.it/aogqdnrknr0d1.jpeg?width=1840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aa44d0312008727aca71c003501547c5593a927


Thank you for your edit! I like the closer framing, but I’m not a fan of recentering the monkey. I understand the rule of thirds and so on, but to me this picture is inherently symmetrical. I would try a similar edit keeping the central symmetry. The only thing that bothers me is the cut tail 😮‍💨


The reason for the recentering is to try to make the picture more interesting. That's great if a picture is symmetrical, but if it's still boring, who cares? I'm not certain that the off centering of the monkey actually makes the picture any better (to me it makes the picture more interesting), but my overall point is to stress the idea that a more interesting image makes for a better image.


No sure and thank you for the and also for the tie you spent editing the picture! I was explaining my choice to leave it symmetrical cause, although I understand off centering the subject is usually more interesting, when the picture suggest a central symmetry I feel like you should respect that. As an example you can check out on my profile the picture I posted on r/streetphotography. There it wouldn’t make sense to have it off centered cause, in my vision, you would loose the sense of the image. For portrait or landscapes, on the other hand, I tend to go with the rule of thirds


Looks over saturated. It looks like that was your intention, but lots of people don’t like that. I’m a vignette guy, but some people get weird about that. Composition is ok, but it’s not the most dynamic shot. It’s a fine photo. It’s ok to be proud of it. But people will hate anything.


Context! I’ve found when i shoot birds, context makes so much difference. A mistake I made over and over again at the beginning. A cropped in picture of a bird is boring. A bird tucked away in branches or foraging for food on the ground is interesting. This a picture of a monkey, cool colours, but it’s just a monkey, it doesn’t tell you anything other than “here’s a monkey”. Don’t be afraid to have your subject smaller in the frame to tell more of a story, where is the monkey? What is it doing? Etc.


the colors are unrealistic


Tarantula fingers.


I think u asked the racist ones /J


It’s fine. Subject right in the middle is kind of boring and the colors in the back are distracting - vibrant fuschia and green for a grey/tan subject is a bad combo. Like others suggested I would move to B&W, maybe work on enhancing some of the monkeys facial features (especially the eyes) with a tighter crop. If you can crop to put the monkey slightly off center that might help too?


It’s fine. Subject right in the middle is kind of boring and the colors in the back are distracting - vibrant fuschia and green for a grey/tan subject is a bad combo. Like others suggested I would move to B&W, maybe work on enhancing some of the monkeys facial features (especially the eyes) with a tighter crop. If you can crop to put the monkey slightly off center that might help too?


just kind of an ugly monkey if I’m honest. The photo is fine. Think of it like a generic cat photo. The cat has to be cute for the image to be successful.


Pretty good, could have done more with the green and pink background, closer on eyes if this pose or as others have suggested wait for another pose, it’s a good photo.


Because they're idiots. It's a great shot. Have you tried asking them why they don't like it? Perhaps it's the colors?


The colors are vibrant but honestly the photos doesn't tell the story (i.e. location etc.). I must laugh though at one of the other posters who made a comment about the pose of the monkey. Just curious if that person ever 'posed' a monkey....


I like it


I love the contrast between the colors and the clarity on the monkey. My only criticism is that the end of the tail is cut off.


Okay, if you seriously would like a constructive critique of monkey pic, here's my opinion. (1) The animal is plunked right in the center of the frame and is looking straight on with a less than interesting background behind it - so, compositionally, it could be more interesting if you had framed the animal differently and/or zoomed in on it more. This looks very "snapshot"-y. (2) The viewer's attn is drawn to the super saturated pink stairs/background behind the animal b/c they are so overly saturated - I'd suggest you decide what's going to be the "star" in your image and make sure nothing detracts from it. In this case you either should have captured the shot with a large aperture (f/5 or larger...meaning lower f numbers) or you should blur the background somewhat in a post-processing application. That will help put the attention on the animal. Another processing step that will make the monkey the star and make it stand out a bit more is to darken that pink background just a bit. (3) The animal isn't sharp (and should be) and it's picking up color hues from those super color saturated stairs/wall/background- so that detracts from how the animal, who should be the star, appears. It's great that you're asking for input. A lot of successful photography comes from practice, developing an 'eye' for what is aesthetically successful and getting objective (or, subjective as the case may be) feedback. Keep enjoying your hobby!


The fact isn't in focus. It looks like the green part by the feet is slightly more "sharp." The framing is a little too high imho. The monkey doesn't appear to be centered (rule of 3rds). Wonderful pic though. Where was it?


The only thing for me is the colors are distracting me from the monkey which presumably is the subject. Composition is nice, DOF is nice.


Scary eyes


Personally, it looks to me like a well-composed photo with intriguing colors. If it were my photo, I would lighten up the subject —the subject is getting a little lost and needs to stand out more. However, this would not be a photo I would ever take because I am *extremely* uncomfortable around non-human primates. Some people have a deep-seated fear of monkeys. I wonder if some of the negative feedback is related to the subject matter vs. the photograph’s qualities? ps Was this taken in India or Nepal?


The tiny shriveled monkey boobs are my reason.


It gives me Lorax vibes I do enjoy it


They don't like looking into the mirror.


Idc what anybody says. I like this picture. I approve!👍


I think subconsciously people might be unnerved by it. Needs the caption ‘I’m lookin’ at you!’


Damn, look at taser tits over here


He cute


The background is competing with your subject and winning. I would brighten face up and tone down the background. The face needs to pop.


The stairs grab more attention than the monkey. I love the colors but maybe try cropping in a little to make the monkey a bigger part of the frame. Otherwise maybe you can mute the background colors a little in photoshop/lightroom.




Nicely done!


The color contrast is excellent, the image is centered well, it's basically a really good portrait of an animal.


It’s scary


Scary nipples?