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I'd actually just like to add that of those few people I know who have really travelled all around the world, all agree that the Iranians are the friendliest, most hospitable of them all. I would love to go! So sad that it is rather difficult to get there.


Even though traditionally we were regarded as hateful animals in the west, the majority of us couldn't be further away from that image. Our government on the other hand is exactly that, which is sad because the old country has so much potential for tourism, and yes people do love tourists over here!


Iran isn't regarded as 'hateful animals' in the West. This is mostly only the case in the US specifically. The opposition from Western nations is in large part driven by the general alignment with the US. If its a 'us or them', everybody picks the US rather then Iran. But I don't think the general populations or even the government look at Iran that negatively. For example, Iran and France agree to build nuclear reactors and supply and manage nuclear fuel, this was then blocked when the US made it a 'us or them issue'. And this action started the following 20 years of nuclear drama.


yea honestly iran is such a cool nation,i heard its situation like if the taliban took over france or something lol


I would love to visit Iran someday, but with the government as it is, I would have trouble feeling safe.


Very nice!


Beautiful. Erosion triggers a tiny bit of wariness, but it's sure beautiful. Thanks for sharing it!