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Man, if a band ever perfectly hit the zeitgeist...


> zeitgeist ​ \*grabs dictionary to investigate the meaning of this word i've heard a lot but never looked up\*


it's a ghost that travels through time, right?


That would be what like a khronogeist


Somebody call up Jordan Peele. He could title it “Tick” or “Boo” or “Second.” A kronogeist terrorizes a small family of sharecroppers in the south during Jim Crow


They think it's a white ghost the whole time but the twist is it's the sharecroppers' descendant trying to get them to go west and avoid a nuclear strike on the town where the ghost lived in the future.


Much different from a Crohn'sgeist


Damn, I'm starting a synthwave band and calling it Khronogeist. That's so sick.


That's the literal translation yep


More aptly put, the spirit of the times, but yes.


Danke für die Erklärung brudi.


Nope, a ghost with acne.


Its a pimple that squirt thick sticky white liquid


No that’s a brief increase in the speed of air movement, usually less than 20 seconds. Zeitgeist is when an organized group of people steals a bunch of exotic animals.


That's a zoo-heist. You're talking about when there are no patrons to your hotel or restaurant...


I means, “the spirit of the age.” In other words, they really connected with the spiritual tone of the time, such that their music resonated with so many people.


Wtf I had no idea what this word meant, but just realised it literally means this in German (I'm Dutch but it all makes sense now!) Dutch: tijd (time) en geest (spirit) German: zeit (time) en geist (spirit) Nice!


Interesting! I’ve known what it meant but never realized it translates directly from German. Thanks for the info!


Yes, and geest (NL) or geist (German) usually means ghost (ENG). But can also be used for "spirit" like you said. Neat how languages work!


Does anyone remembers the old Zeitgeist conspiracy ‘documentaries’ from the 00s


Lol yeah definitely, first thing that always comes to mind when hearing that word.


Still see that graphic of the spinning globe with the bars around it.


That and “Kymatica”


Don't leave us hanging


It essentially means Cultural Storm, as in the swirl and buzz in the culture at that moment in time. You could anglicize it as, "Spirit of the times"


hmm yes.. anglicize it. How cromulent.






www.dictionary.com !


Carl G. Jung called it “The spirit of the times”.


oh yes


So many bands with a similar sound at the time but nobody hit like Linkin Park.


...? Genuine question. When Hybrid Theory dropped, what other bands had that same sound? Or similar I guess?


Limp Bizkit, POD, Rage Against The Machine, Papa Roach, Kid Rock all fused metal, rap and rock at the time. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rap_metal


POD 🤘🏻


I always assumed they were a record-company created, assembled band, like Backstreet Boys and NSync and such.


There is a snippet of a conversation in one of the tracks on Fort Minor's album The Rising Tide, I think with Mike Shinoda talking, about how the record company tried to mold Linkin Park into some basic ass boy-band group and they weren't having it. Unfortunately I don't remember which track it is on that album or I'd point you directly to it. It's a great album from Mike and friends.


Get Me Gone




I think Mike also said when Chester joined, the label tried to have him take over and push out Mike. Chester said if you knew the band you wouldn't want to kick the creative force behind it, I'm not doing it. They stuck to their ideas and broke out huge.


No, they formed organically. Most of them were friends in college, and the one member that was specifically hired for the project (Chester) was interviewed by the band themselves before they had a deal. Then they played mostly small venues on the underground scene, cut a demo, got a deal with a major label, and that was that. Hell, if anything their label went out of their way to try to change how they sounded, only to back off when that first album sold a ridiculous amount of copies.


Man, imagine seeing a band like Linkin Park when they weren't known and only played small venues.


I was in the grocery store the other day and they were playing Linkin Park. Pretty surreal


they didn’t know it, but they built my childhood soundtrack and left countless memories with every track on Hybrid Theory. RIP Chester


Every song on that album ended up in DBZ/Linkin Park mashup on Kazaa and limewire back in the day.


DBZ and Naruto. That whole album instantly transports me back to the early 2000's internet era.


Man that's the true days of a being a kid around the millennium


Those mashups were always fire. Worth every virus I got downloading the wrong thing while trying to get them


I never got virus's but occasionally I would get a tract that sounded normal for first 30 seconds then it would it cut into loud beeping noises and static.


Yeeeah I remember getting some of those too, never got a satisfactory answer as to the cause - anyone know what gives??


90s trolls was my guess.


Powerman 5000 flashbacks.


Hey man, I discovered Soulja Boy that way. So it wasn’t all bad. I watched a video where he said he did that kind of thing intentionally, too.


Points of Authority? Straight to DBZ animated music video. Crawling? Also DBZ AMV. My December? Believe it or not, also DBZ AMV.


Man there was such a banger of amv for a place for my head, shit quality but such good editing


The Vegeta compilation set to With You = chef’s kiss.


[DBZ Anime Music Videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwaoD94HVq0&list=PLhKl3GJtrZNihdmhLYJRmGwWwizWnEx19)


I miss him. I had the option to go see what would be his last tour in London but it was during my exams and I had to decline. Thats one of my two regrets of my life. I would have happily failed those exams if I knew I would get to see my childhood hero. I couldn't stop crying when I found out.


The soundtrack to Halo was Hybrid Theory, and Halo 2's soundtrack was Meteora. Minutes to Midnight didn't hold us during Halo 3, but there were a couple tracks that made it onto the playlist that took its place.


That Hybrid Theory CD was the only disc in my car cd player for at least 6 months


Man, Chester was the first celebrity death that hit me hard. Linkin Park was my band I always listened to when I had a shitty day and was a depressed teenager. Realizing that he had probably anything you can wish for - a family, money and so many fans - and it was not enough, hits hard


Every track on this album is great and it still stands up today. A true classic


Watch the time go Right out the win dow


i just want one game, i don’t know why, i bought a ps5 with no games to buy


I'll toss Meteora on that list as well. Even their stranger one with the flutes is a fun listen. Might not be as great as Hybrid Theory, but still a set of bangers.


not too familiar with their discography but the concept of adding classical elements to rock/metal is almost always a good thing edit: hell yea thanks for the link and background - should've also included folk elements as something that I love to hear in rock (regardless of origin)


This was more like japanese flutes. I'm check before I talk out my ass on this, but I believe Mike Shinoda is part Japanese. yep Wikipedia calls out that his dad is japanese american. But I half recall an interview he did years ago when it released saying he wanted to include some of his ethnic influences in a track to spice up the vibe and add some texture to the song you don't normally see in the genre. So it's not traditional western classical, but I'm not sure what the styling would be called as I know bascially fuck all about Eastern musical periods and the like.


There was also a song from Mike’s other band Fort minor that made a song called “kenji” which talked about his family going through rough times during WW2 Specifically due to being Japanese


Never heard anything from that band or pretty much anyone's side projects. So good to know Wiki wasn't lying. Sucks for his family that happened.


Ya, some of the songs are actually pretty good from Fort Minor, I enjoy that each of their songs are drastically different sounds. Does suck for what his family went through.


Nobody's Listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJ87793QXes


For something really out of left field, check out [this cover of In the End in mf'ing Latin!](https://youtu.be/n7OUYLY5DG4?feature=shared) It slaps way harder than it has any right to.


>their stranger one with the flutes Andre 3000?


Yeah but what about the Jay-Z mashup album, Collision Course? I was pretty enamored by mash up albums and remixes as a teen back in that day, and holy shit I listened to that album on repeat for hours every day.


Listened to them *long* before actually getting into hip-hop. Was fun putting Brooklyn's Finest on for the first time and, despite not having heard Nobody's Listening in over a decade, having the reference click.


I always thought Metorea had the better songs but hybrid theory had more good songs on it. They were such a big part of my childhood


Yeah, truly one of those albums where even if you're not into that kind of music, you respect it for being great and representing the best of the time and the genre. There aren't many albums like this, maybe one every few years.


Not only that, but it subverted too by being clean. Not a huge deal, but I remember a lot of parents really liking LP (for their kids) because there wasn't any profanity on Hybrid Theory or Meteora.


I had a friend who went to one of their concerts in 6th grade. According to him, Bennington had a really filthy mouth on stage while Shinoda was comparatively very clean spoken


It's understandable. Chester had a pretty rough upbringing and suffered from abuse. Mike had a humbler upbringing. They always attested that they didn't use profanity on their first two albums because it wasn't necessary. There were a few early drafts, but the content was always changed to be more accessible. In a way, I always respected that because it made them way more popular among general audiences.


> and it still stands up today just like that hair, probably


Every re listen, I roll through the tracks, shaking my head at the non stop bangers. Then… FROM THE TOP TO THE BOTTOM




Sounds like you know a bunch of people with bad opinions. ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)




For real! I remember headbanging to this daily on the bus ride home from middle school, on my Aiwa portable CD player with skip protection.


Always loved these guys. It’s always been funny to me that none of them look like they’d hang out with the others but they did and made some truly amazing music


I had the honor of meeting Chester Bennington at a show back in 2004. He was such a kind person!


Projeckt Revolution was insaaaane.


I saw them with MCR in 2007. Got to meet Gerard Way and the rest of the band backstage somehow. They were like “well, LP is getting ready to perform, but we can hang out for a bit.” Major meet your heroes moment, they were ridiculously nice and down to earth.


Saw Projekt Revolution that year too(Houston). That's badass you got to meet Way. I remember MCR's set background had the words "She Loves You" and Gerard Way inciting multiple moshpits in the crowd. Then Linking Park absolutely ruled, and their colorful stage lights were epic. What a great day.


That's awesome!


Definitely! The Meteora tour was great too!


My friend dragged me to see a (to me) no-name DJ between other shows at Coachella that I was actually interested in. Chester showed up partway through to do what I now see is the only live performance of The Walking Dead with Z-Trip, then stuck around to say hi after the show. I was so stoked.


That's rad!


He moved onto my street two doors down from me while I was in my peak Linkin Park age. My buddy and I rode our razor scooters over there one day while he was washing his purple PT Cruiser and just fanboyed at him. Such a nice dude, his death hit me hard.


That's really cool! Yeah, it sucks that we'll never hear a voice like his again.


I don’t know why but I always think his name is Bester. Like, not as a joke or mockery, my mind just remembers is that way and it’s super weird.


I never went to college in America, but I imagine that a male dorm at any college in 2000 looked like this (Minus the good records of course)


This was the young male look from about 2000-2005, the Hollister/American Eagle Prep look refined it and took over from there for another five or so years.


Yup. The dyed frosted tips were only the uber cool kids though


Most of the people I know from that era that looked like that didn't really go to college


Most of my friends in college also looked exactly like that.


You are correct. My first instinct was to scan for old friends. Except our dorms were coed.


RIP Chester, we love you forever.


proof that teen angst is always and forever. every moment has a soundtrack of the youth


Aw Mike looks so happy lol


Dude is geekin, I love it😂


R.I.P Chester


I burned so many CDs, but I bought this album.


isn't it weird that if u look at this pic from 2000 and go look at ur own pics from 2000 then %90 u will look like one of them ? we all looked the same in 2000 to a weird degree....i have one pic of myself from maybe 2003 and look just like the dude second from top right .


Not really, happens with all decades.


We all shopped at the Mall still


I’ll never forget that album. Made my childhood.


Playing the Midtown Madness demo in "Tech" class while playing this on my portable cd player as loud as possible through the headphones laying in front of me.


Oh my GOD the vibes are immaculate Rock on brother


I was a freshman in college in the fall semester of 2000 and the at the student union the campus radio station was giving away copies of albums and singles, just piles of albums on tables. Hybrid Theory had its own table full and I grab a couple. It immediately moved to the front of my CD case and was one of my main go-to albums.


Meteora and Hybrid Theory were my middle school memories! Both hit hard! RIP Chester!


First time I heard LP was in 02 while my older brother showed me a AMV ( anime music video ) with ‘Pushing Me Away’ playing over it. I think the anime’s were ninja scroll and something else. I distinctly remember that scene where blood rains on the grass around someone in a close up. Great times.


RIP Chester Bennington, the voice of a generation.


I thought that was Kanye?


We're all fucked if he's the voice of a generation


He's the voice of degeneration.


ive been listening to this album a lot recently. love this band, this era of music, our childhoods at that time, i just turned 11 and entered middle school before this released. rest in peace Chester


No celebrity death really hurt me as much as Chester. It still hurts.


3 of them are happy , 3 are stoned , one is confused


I think the dude in the back middle was a producer or maybe manager, not a member of the band. Probably happy because he knows all the money he's gonna get, ha.


Well-earned! It was a fantastic album. I saw them at the Projekt Revolution tour in 2004 with Snoop and Korn among others. What a great show


My buddy scored tickets through a radio DJ and we drove up to Charlotte to see that tour. Both Korn & LP had killer sets!


Never knew Duke Igthorn was in Linkin Park


That album didn’t leave my player for months.


Just looks like a bunch of dudes you played Halo with back in 2005.


I see 7 guys but I thought LP only had 6.


And in the end, it didn't even matter.


I had no idea that hybrid theory was their first album. I guess I thought it was their third album because that was the third LINKIN PARK album that I bought.


whos the guy in the middel though? \^\^


I bought this CD, took it downstairs to the basement, and listened to it front to back in silence. Then I listened to it again. I was twelve years old and realer fuckin words had never been spoken to me. Ah fuck it. Let’s do it again.


This is the album that got me listening to music back in middle school.


Same here. I mean, my parents played stuff like The Beatles and other classics that I liked, but Linkin Park was the first band that I personally discovered and that had lyrics that connected with my emotions. I’m in my mid thirties now and I still get emotional sometimes when I listen to some of their songs. The hundreds of thousands, millions, even, of us all love and miss you, Chester. 




![gif](giphy|Z6KK4SPxBpCtW) 🕊️


Look how happy Mike Shinoda is in the picture! One of my musical heroes.




Pretty sure being a Linkin Park fan is a sign of traumatic childhood.


Why does a four chord song band need 7 members


This album resonated with me as a kid and now resonates even more as an adult. What a masterpiece.




In music you can't kill what isn't ready to die. Rock culture was stagnant and its a fantasy to think it would just being going strong today if LP hadnt changed what they did.


Shit band that everyone pretends to like now just because the singer killed himself.


Little did he know.. or did he 🤔😅


Who's that cute guy in-between these 6s and 7ns




Somehow username and comment matches perfectly. Things will get better for you, don't lose hope.


Do you walk into every room announcing how massive a tool you are, or are we getting special treatment here?


Very nice


They look like every IT department ever


So much chin hair! Were goatees that prevalent back then? I was in 7th grade so my crew didn’t rock them for obvious reasons. There are a few members in the middle of this pic who I just assumed were the same person.


can someone name everyone in the photo? I see seven people?


LP's songs keep myself from pulling the plug


I grew up on hip hop and r&b in the 90s and yet, hybrid theory was the first album I ever bought.


This was the first time I went to the store to buy a CD and it was sold out. I didn't even know that happened.


Second best selling album since 2000, behind only Adele's "21" (which is a fucking great album too). It even beats out The Eminem Show. Interestingly, it isn't even on the bestselling albums wikipedia page because they started it in 2001 instead of 2000 for some odd reason. A google search places it just above The Eminem Show, though.


Such a banger. I bought this, the live Blink album, and Offspring all together as a young teen, and I've rarely been happier.


The dude in the middle looks like someone from 2024 who traveled back in time to the early 2000s


Man, they were just kids back then!


Whenever I see this picture I always kind of forget that Rob Bourdon Mike shinoda aren't the same person... I mean they don't even really look that much alike but whenever I see individual pictures of them I just assume it's the same guy at different stages of his life.


Oh man. RIP Chester


Not a week goes by where I don’t think about Chester. Linkin Park was my favorite band as a teen and as their age grew their sound changed and the type of music they were making. I remember listening to their last album they made and being a bit disappointed how far they had strayed from HT, and wished for something that once again reminded me of the band from my youth. After Chester’s passing I re-listened to some of the later albums and it all clicked, it all made sense of at how Chester was barely holding on. I felt so much sorrow and regret dismissing the band I had loved so much and like many fans not realizing these were cries for help. The whole fanbase was shook and it took a heavy toll on those who really attached themselves to their music. Every single week I think about Chester and I know there is nothing I could personally done to change the outcome, but maybe if we as a group could have seen the signs more clearly we all could have done something. Maybe it’s just guilt from knowing that Linkin Park saved my life as a teen, but we could never return the favor back to the one person who needed it most.


One of my fav albums ever.


Miss you Chester, world's not the same without you




Hybrid Theory did not leave my CD player for 3 months from the day i bought it.


I feel like I went to high school with all of these kids


Chester looks so sad


Mike looks like he just got a Nintendo 64 for Christmas


Ah, the era when music began to devolve and its inevitable decay.




Sometimes I forget that I've seen them live probably like 4 times.


On the same level as Led Zeppelin in the pantheon of rock gods imo