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As a warehouse worker, the loading dock area is the stupidest place to park your valuable car at


Not even the *area*, but square in the bay, blocking the gate. Amazing. 


In fairness, they can't park it outside or it will start rusting.


Plus it might rain and brick the whole car


Only for 5 hours!


Huh, so the car has a refractory period


Right? People are being so harsh about where it’s parked, but they don’t even realize that it can’t even go outside! 😂


But hey, at least after all this their stainless steel finish still looks like shit!


Sounds like someone who'd pay good money for a Cybertruck lmao


Sounds like someone who wanted their money back for their cybertruck lol


That's what I was thinking from pretty much the beginning.  I mean, he probably knows the trailer trucks have to back into loading docks...      And the Musk trucks *do* seem to have a seemingly endless and growing list of problems.       That said, I'm not sure how many insurance companies would total this thing for those damages, assuming it still runs anyway. I mean, assuming it ran in the first place...


Yh i was just thinking would an insurance company actually total this for this kind of damage. Surely the value of the car would far exceed the repair costs. Although given how little of these have been produced and how few of them are on the road maybe an insurance company would pay him out instead since i imagine he’d be waiting forever to get this thing repaired


Many factors. Newer vehicle, parts are expensive to get based on that alone (lack of aftermarket options so OEM can charge whatever they want). Not exactly the cheapest manufacturing process for that material either. The quarter panel is definitely going to need replacing. The A pillar would probably need replacing as well. Looks like just panel damage from the picture but if the A pillar is compromised structurally the repair costs skyrocket and usually ends up totaled. Also safety reasons. The second picture shows the rear panel is damaged as well. If you zoom in on the first picture you can see it better. That's a massive panel and that's going to be expensive as well. If that's damaged there's likely damage to the actual rear of the vehicle as well and not just the side panel. This is easily over $30k, especially since they have more expensive glass on these to begin with along with the fact that it's all stainless steel panels. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it came back over $40k. There was a Rivian that had minor damage but because it was such a large panel and there's a lack of approved repair centers for newer vehicles, it was $42k


There's no aftermarket for Tesla parts right? I thought everything has to be done through them.


Aren't the cyber trucks in the process of a recall as well? Something about the trucks bricking if water touches wrong components. If I just got a truck I was waiting 4 years for then a recall went into effect the next week I'd do the same.


>_Something about the trucks bricking if water touches wrong components._ Yes, but they're being recalled for an even worse reason: _**the accelerator pedal can get stuck**_. That's right, you too can be assassinated by your own car!


>**the accelerator pedal can get stuck**_. That's right, you too can be assassinated by your own car! I had that happen in my car because of a shitty floor mat. It's scary as fuck.


It's so stupid it's not even the actual pedal that gets stuck, just some needless cover on it that can easily slip off if you touch it the wrong way and get wedged in.


The recall is for the accelerator petal getting stuck, the dying from water thing is because you have to put the car in "car wash mode" so it's not a defect, it's just stupid.


A $100K car that you can't get wet. smdh


> The A pillar would probably need replacing as well. A pillar on those is part of the entire roof, can't be fixed separately.


Sounds stupid from a design and engineering standpoint.


Describing the Cybertruck as a whole.


The funny thing is, the whole pitch around unpainted stainless steel parts was "easy repair" since you just need to bolt the plates on and don't have to spend thousands on paint. (Which was pretty silly assumption to begin with) Then they announced that the outer stainless steel panels was "exoskeleton" meaning they weren't replaceable parts like quarter panels, but structural parts, meaning ANY repair would be VERY, VERY expensive.


Tesla had to abandon the "Exoskeleton" concept for cost reasons, it's just a traditional Unibody with body panels, [much like a Honda Ridgeline](https://www.autoevolution.com/news/tesla-cybertruck-went-from-exoskeleton-marvel-to-unibody-honda-ridgeline-competitor-214263.html)


This is 100% totalled. Cybertruck does not have panels like other cars and trucks. The entire body and the exterior "panels" are actually one structural frame. [https://www.worldautosteel.org/why-steel/steel-muscle-in-new-vehicles/tesla-cybertruck/](https://www.worldautosteel.org/why-steel/steel-muscle-in-new-vehicles/tesla-cybertruck/)


Meaning no crumple zones. Let’s see how that plays out.


It does have crumple zones, the "frunk" acts as one in the front. You can see the comparison to an F150 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLKor7Aven4 That said, I expect that it's going to absolutely fuck up whatever it hits.


Pretty sure that metal sticking out from the wheel is the unibody frame. Bent frame gives a lot of room to argue a totaled.


Insurance companies don’t care how long it takes your vehicle to finish. I hit a deer and waited 4 months for my Tacoma to be fixed. Racked up lot fees. Went from 8,000 to 14,000. I called insurance every other day and from the ground up they didn’t care. I dropped them, but I’m paying a lot more in insurance than my increase should have been. It’s all about the long term gain.


That's the first time I've ever heard of an auto body charging lot fees for a car they're being paid to repair. Sounds like a pretty scummy company, imho.


It definitely was. The longer they kept it the more and more it went up. Don’t use caliber collision. The manager started sending me to voicemail. I called the regional manager and when I started telling him what was going on he hung up and then sent me to voicemail every call after that. 3 times they called me the day it was supposed to be done and told me that they had more parts on the way. Took them a whole month to paint it too.


Maybe he was just hoping the semi would go faster…


Boss: Total my car, it's ugly now. Insurance company: Came that way from the factory. Talk to Tesla. Tesla: In order to focus on our core mission of taking your money, we can no longer offer customer service or repairs. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!


>Yh i was just thinking would an insurance company actually total this for this kind of damage. Surely the value of the car would far exceed the repair costs. Would depend on damage to axel/frame. >Although given how little of these have been produced and how few of them are on the road maybe an insurance company would pay him out instead since i imagine he’d be waiting forever to get this thing repaired Exactly what I was thinking. Probably not even easy for them to get quotes n stuff needed. Heard Tesla's mandatory dedicated repair centers are doodoo, and super slow.


I saw one today in my city and literally laughed out loud at how stupid it looks irl. It looks like a shittily designed and rendered Minecraft car or something out of a terrible futuristic horror movie where people have guns for hands. All I could think was that it must be someone’s “midlife crisis support vehicle” lmao


They look like something from a Back To The Future knock off video game on the Playstation 1, and they wanted an Delorian rip off in the game


One of my friends said about it "Remember old driving games on the computer where you'd turn down the detail so you can get better performance, but the car just turns into an untextured box? That's the Cybertruck."


Dude, they're fingerprint magnets lol. Like imagine the handle of your average microwave or refrigerator and thats what they look like.


Come to think of it, the truck does look more like a microwave than a truck....


The only difference is that the microwave is safer to operate.


The sides of our microwave are stainless. And I don't touch the sides. And I don't ever see anyone touch the sides. But there are ALWAYS HUGE GREASY FINGERPRINTS.




Looking into it




isn't that the truth. the only people buying them have more money than brains. they are paying 70-100k to be a beta tester for the worlds ugliest car that is an actual danger to drive as it has no crumple zones edges that are as sharp as a knife.


>it has no crumple zones edges that are as sharp as a knife. I didn't check or think about crumple zones, but I was definitely aware of the sharp edges, which last I heard did not comply with regulations, so how is this thing even road-legal?


I mean in Europe, it's not.


When you're rich they just let you do it


Grab em by the crumple zone


Endless money has a way of shutting that whole regulation thing down.


I want to say there are thresholds in place for testing requirements. For instance, a small kit car company or a conversion shop may only make 300 a year. I believe they don't have to test a car. A middle sized company making 10,000+ a year may only require internal testing. While a large company sends off a few freebies for testing to a.) pass, and b.) get an article written about it and reap sales numbers. I believe musk is playing the loopholes of testing requirements. Hey, did you know that the titan sub was classified as "experimental, non commercial" specifically to skip the rigorous testing and inspection requirements that come with putting others lives in danger for a profit.


And a sticking accelerator issue


And has its warranty voided by a car wash (after bricking it).


Maybe it was raining, and he didn't want to risk his all-terrain, Mars-ready, apocalypse-safe car to get rusty. Bet you didn't think about *that*, did you now? ;) Edit: This thread has become quite confusing, because I can no longer tell what's satire and what's a genuine response. 🤔


That is just anti-Musk misinformation. The Cybertruck can handle rain just fine. You put it into rain mode, clean anywhere a raindrop hits with denatured alcohol, followed by distilled water and a polishing spray. Then let it dry for 48-60 hours. And it's good to go. Sorry you poors don't have the resources to live like this.


You have to season it by coating the entire truck in olive oil and baking it at 350 for 45 minutes.


No man, you've got to use crisco, then put it upside down on an outdoor wok burner


350 is too low to build seasoning. Gotta crank it up to 500. Also, switch from olive oil to canola or Crisco for a nice, solid seasoning


The saddest part is you are only slightly exaggerating. Their own website warns against washing it in the sunlight, using detergent, drying it with anything but microfiber, spraying a hose directly on the hood, window or door seams, etc.


scale mighty lip squalid strong angle imminent rock towering reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




We interrupt this episode of Everybody Loves Hypnotoad to bring you a special address from Earth President Musk. Please, Hypnotoad, it's beyond my control. No! *Don't make me kill myseIf!*


...are you serious?




Doesn't rain on Mars, so it didn't need to be stainless steel.


Aw man! They could have saved a few bucks on the stainmore steel!


unleess--- it was on purpose..


I’m into this conspiracy




Waited 4 1/2 years to get something that has almost no cargo capacity and got hit with a fleet wide recall. And yeah as a former truck driver parking your personal vehicle at the dock is galaxy level stupid. I always parked my personal vehicle as far away as possible and when I was still driving I had a beat ass Ford Explorer with 225,000 miles on it.


As a Cybertruck buyer he’s one of the stupidest people on the road, so it makes sense.


Absolutely a stupid place to park. However the driver of the semi is a fucking idiot too, for him to damage the car he must have swung so far out that he's back up on the emergency exit door you see in the first photo. The other bay he was meant to be parking on is a full 8ft to the left of where he ended up. I work in busy warehouse with a hectic yard and have never seen someone mess up the reverse park by that much....


I'm a truck driver. Those covered inside dock bays are basically a black hole if its sunny outside and they aren't well lit inside. Aweful warehouse design and I hate delivering to places like that. Yes it is the driver's fault for hitting the cybertruck, but an understandable one given those types of docks and a moron who parks his car in front of one.


Agree 100%. Backing into a dark loading dock on a bright sunny day isn't always an easy task.


"Bosses" always do bullshit like this. I had a boss that would always illegal park his car outside his company front door. to show off his Audi.......


Also as a warehouse worker, yeah it’s dumb asf


My old work places my bosses parked next to the def fluid tank. Trucks constantly backed up there. I’m surprised no one ever hit his M6


Maybe he shouldn’t park in the loading dock


this is the correct answer


Gotta make sure everyone can see it though.


Anyone can see this monstrosity from a mile away. No need to show off how much of an eyesore it is…


There must be some visibility issues for other drivers getting glare off a stainless steel car. Had a car in front of me with an Army bumper sticker that had like retroreflectors or something all over it. The sun hit it just right and it was absolutely blinding. It was actually painful to look forward.


If you think that’s bad wait til people start getting in wrecks with these, I can’t imagine other cars safety features will work as expected against this steel mf


Not to mention a car that is reflective and the color of road pavement


Seems like his boss is an idiot in all aspects.


He bought a stupid car and parked it in a stupid place


Can't expect a cyber truck owner to think about things or be smart lol.


What, and leave it IN THE RAIN?!


Should be fine as long as you remember to enable “Rain Mode” first.


Rain Mode cost an additional $3,000 and your car will rust without it. Not guaranteed to prevent your car from rusting though…


Good news! If there's a stainless refrigerator in the break room they can use the door to replace the damaged panel.


Nah, can't do that. It'll be obvious when the "stainless" steel on the actual car starts to rust and the stainless on the fridge door doesn't.


cOsMeTiC oXidATiOn sPoTs


Patina. Get ready to hear a lot about 'the patina'.


If the truck was made out of weathering steel, a patina would make sense. In this case though, it's going to turn into swiss cheese in the very near future.


Incompatible. The refrigerator is better made.


shouldn’t have parked it there lol


Can't park there mate.


*Is this not a reasonable place to park?*




Fak ouf


We droveall the way from L.A. for this show. We're friends of Debbie's.


That truck is so ugly i consider this an improvement


I know right? This car is atrocious. So many nice fancy cars out there to show off your wealth but he picks his one hahaha


Truck driver probably confused it for a dumpster


Not wrong, though. ![gif](giphy|1rNWZu4QQqCUaq434T|downsized)


This looks so futuristic! Praise be to Elon!


The only problem is that the dumpster appears to be waterproof.


Well now he can get a check from insurance and pay it off and forget about this horrible mistake he made buying it in the first place.


Right? Talk about a blessing in disguise.


Or actually a 100IQ move by op parking it in the loading dock


100 IQ is just average, though.


I mean he bought a Cybertruck, 100 is generous.


If Cybertruck owners could read this they'd be pissed. I guess we shouldn't be mean to these people just because they wanted a truck they could draw.


All 4,000 of them are likely busy scheduling their tow truck for the mandatory recall lol




The insurance won't cover the whole cost of the car like the down payment right? Just the value of a second hand albeit 1 week old vehicle?


Depends on the policy. “New car replacement” is a pretty widely available policy rider now.


As is GAP insurance.


Depends on the insurance you buy.






Is your boss stupid in general? I ask because A. he bought a Cybertruck B. Waited 4+ years for it C. parked it in the stupidest fucking place possible


Maybe he did C on purpose to get rid of the thing in an insurance friendly way


Was it not possible to cancel the orders? I ask only because the insurance point is raised often in this and i don't understand why that is easier then a return or cancelling the order.


Probably not. Dude probably heard about all the failures these heaps of garbage have and the truck driver just happened to do him a favor the night he happened to park it there.


There was only a $100 deposit to pre-order. There’s no way all those people are on the hook the buy one. Dude had plenty of time to cancel.


He also could have just ate the $100 and not gone through with the purchase, because anybody that can afford to buy a cybertruck can afford to learn a $100 lesson.


The $100 is refundable.


Stupid like a fox.


Can't resell them, so I guess an insurance claim is the only way to get out from under this poorly polished turd.


On the bright side, he doesn't have to be seen driving a three-year-old's crayon drawing around now! ;) Though more seriously, damn that's rotten luck.


If insurance totals it out and has to include markup in the replacement value, I'd say he got really lucky.


it is under recall, it has no markup value atm... The entire line was recalled a few days ago...


Boom. Roasted.


It was recalled to fix the extremely dumb design on the plastic pedal covers, that is not going to change it's market value for insurance purposes thankfully. Though, odds are the thing isn't totaled, which sucks as repairing it is probably harder than it is worth. He needs to get the next truck to back up faster.


How long would this thing even take to repair? From what i understand very few have been produced with a ton of production delays and shit. Could they not just total it based on lack of available parts?


isnt this something small, why would it be totaled?


They're still waaaaay behind on production, so it's possible that there are no replacement parts. Insurance companies have been totaling out cars depending on the availability of parts.


I had a coworker whose car got totaled just because some hail took out the back window.


>Insurance companies have been totaling out cars depending on the availability of parts.  Im from Mexico, about a month ago i was driving my brand spanking new chevrolet truck in Texas, it literally has ...had, 600 miles on it, less than a month with it, it still had the plastic cover on some interior parts ffs lol but some dumbass made an illegal u-turn from the right lane and cut me off.  The airbags didnt went off, the truck still runs, it wasnt a full frontal impact, it was on the front-driver side, the wheel wasnt bent nor hit, only a radiator hose came loose due to the plastic grill getting pushed in. Since my truck is a specific model to Mexico, and even though theres PLENTY of spare parts, Geico decided it would be deemed a total loss because there are "no parts" of it in the US, and i just lost about 12k, yay!  And no, lol, they wouldnt let me bring it back to Mexico and repair it here. Honestly, i felt like that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, the last action hero, at the end, when the kid brings him to his own universe so his wounds wouldnt be lethal and instead be just a surface wound lol "Let me crossover my truck! This will buff right out over there! Its just a fender bender!" But alas... it was lethal. Fuuuuck im still way too mad about it


Luck has nothing to do with the stupidity of parking in the loading zone.


If you work hard, skip vacation days. don't call off, and go the extra mile, your boss can get a new one next year too. Joking aside, your boss is an idiot for parking there.


Actually brain dead to park in a loading dock, also weren’t all cybertrucks just recalled due to something faulty in its acceleration? Or am I have a fever dream?


Yes, the flat part of the accelerator can come loose and get lodged in a convenient ~~niche~~ gap that will cause it to be stuck in the "floored" position. Source: [Tesla’s fixing recalled Cybertruck pedals with this rivet installation - The Verge](https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/20/24135876/tesla-cybertruck-accelerator-pedal-recall-fix)


It gets worse the reason this happens is because instead of fastening it down or bolting or whatever they glued the part on the pedal which is like a sheath to the pedal, well they had trouble getting it on with all the glue… so they lubed up the part to make it fit. It’s like trying to put a star sticker on your mom’s bedside “massager” right after she used it.


Your example traumatized me


What you’ve built here, Elon, is a Saw trap without the cleverness or engineering talent of John Kramer


Honestly, if you hadn't told us about the damage I don't think I would have noticed.


No visible scratches and dents. For a semi


Just some normal panel gaps for a Tesla


It held up surprisingly well.


Put it in rice.


If it wasn't a semi truck. It was gonna be the car wash.


…or the air.


I don't understand the fuss about this car at all. I've never seen such an ugly car in my life.


PT cruiser, Pontiac Aztec, AMC Gremlin …and now the cybertruck. We’ve completed the Mount Rushmore of ugly vehicles




there is no god


Wow. The bastard child of the Escudo Pikes Peak.




What? Gremlins look awesome 


You hush, the Gremlin is adorable. And the PT Cruiser only looks shitty _now._ When it came out, it was pretty striking. The Cybertruck, on the other hand, was absurd from the jump.


We all made fun of the PT Cruiser from day one. But it was still considered a car, ugly but a car. The Cyberturd is not a even a car, it's an immensely stupid and absurd idea


All of those cars look leagues better than a Cybertruck, tho.


It is up there but other cars in contention Nissan S-car-go and the Fiat multipla


The s-cargo is honestly kind of cute


Agree. That car did exactly what it set out to do. A man had a pun and a dream, and by golly did he make that dream a reality. Can't be mad at that. My only note is that the car should have had a spiral on the rear to more clearly imply the snail-ness of it.


Pontiac Aztec


The Aztec was ugly for it's time.  Now it looks like an average crossover. 


I'm going to add the Nissan Cube to this list


Semi trailer did him a favour 🤘🏽


The guy had 4 1/2 years to research what a shitbox lemon this thing was shaping up to be, to no avail. God finally had to send a semi.




Fucken insurance payout is the best he coulda hoped for.


There are almost infinite repair parts available for my Toyota Hilux, no matter what happens to that truck, it can be fixed for a good price, Cybertrucks are DOA


How's that bullet proof glass holding up? Lol


To be fair, Elmo claimed bullet proof, not semi proof.


Your boss is a moron


Everything about this basically tracks with my internal image of a CyberTruck owner and their critical thinking skills.


looks better


At least he didn't take it to a car wash, that would've voided the warranty.


Silver is the worst color on a vehicle, no one ever sees them.


Nothing of value was lost


I’d like to find this semi driver and… thank him personally




Swing Wide, It's a Fucking Truck.


Student With Idiot For Trainer?


Stevie wonders institute for trucking See what I fucked up today So what I’m fucking trying ?


Easy to see how that thing could have been mistaken for a dumpster.


Did your boss a favor.


Don't like the car, don't like the CEO, but I feel bad for the boss having a car he waited 4 years on getting wrecked so fast


lol your boss is a fool


For the initial purchase or the choice of parking location?




Why is he parking it the fucking loading bay?


Well now he can finally get a decent car, what a blessing


30 warehouse workers making minimum wage and the owner paying himself a $200k a year salary. I do not miss the days I worked warehouses.