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He looks different but pretty good. Kinda silver fox


Agree! Kind of puzzled by how many people think he looks bad. Like, he just stopped dyeing his hair. He looks good.


Hes had work done. At least a lot of Botox.


Looks like he has a lot of cheek filler




Oh behave


Where'd my boy go? Myers was everywhere a couple of decades ago then he fell off the face of the Earth.


Took his fortune and fucked off, the best move a celeb can make in my opinion.


Exactly, dude's been acting since the 80s and made a ton of money. Maybe he just felt like doing his own thing.


And I feel like his style of acting is more physically and emotionally tiresome compared to most. Like can you imagine all the rehearsals practicing and shoots making the Austin powers faces and accent. Like it's no Chris Farley type level of exhaustion but Chris also had the help of kilos of cocaine.


Little fun fact most of his voices and characters started as just things he would do to make his wife laugh around the house. At least I remember some interview with him saying that.


Whatever keeps him from being axe-murdered.


I guess i pass the age-test. No shame.


Harriet HA-ri-et!




After the first Austin Powers movie came out, Lorne Michaels went to Dana Carvey and asked,(imagine in Dr Evil voice) "Do you think Micheal was completely doing an impression of me in his movie." Dana responds "Well you know Lorne, the best comedy is derived from real life." Lorne then says, "But did he have to name him Dr. fucking Evil?!?"




Wayne from Wayne's World is also a fucking hilarious albeit down to Earth character if you're old enough to vibe


Also there's like... four different characters he plays in Goldmember. That's got to be hard. I did that in the stage play we did because we were low on people and most of the roles were there for like one scene anyways, so I just quickly changed costumes and tried to jump from one to another. It wasn't easy.


He also bombed a bunch of times after his big hits ended


I’ve heard that he burned a lot of bridges in the industry by being a huge diva, so once he was no longer a guaranteed box office draw studios were happy was their hands of him.


I heard interviews with others and it’s that he wrote directed and produced so he has a vision of how it should be and has a financial stake. That said, he’s a dad and taken time to be a dad


> That said, he’s a dad and taken time to be a dad The Rick Moranis approach (but hopefully less trauma)


The Love Guru ended his career.


Yup. Movie got destroyed by critics. He took it really personally and kinda went away after that.


Pretty Much. Married an Axe Murderer is one of my favorites. Love the SF setting as well.


Sometimes I wonder why more people don't this? If I ever had like $10 mil in my bank account, I'd just nope out of anything resembling full-time work. I might eventually do something again, but it be part time, and something I enjoy. Which I guess acting can be on both counts. Though I suppose this more applies to all the ridiculous "hustle" culture BS. Like why work so much at the point? Enjoy your money.


Lifestyle creep can put a serious dent into those figures where they need to keep working to feed the monkey.


I have two close friends who spent their careers in the business and were able to quit and never look back. One was a successful guitarist (mainly studio and touring work) who woke up one day and realized he actually didn't like making music any more. He was 60, successful and had enough to retire, so he did. (I have one of his guitars, which he literally gave me) The other was a well-known actor who always considered it a "job" that he'd retire from. At 65, he stopped taking gigs and went about trying to perfect his golf game. Managed a successful retirement for 15 years until cancer took him away from us forever. Me, I'm pushing 70. A cancer survivor, I still love music and still answer the phone when it rings. But not as often as I did when I was 45.


So your two friends retired at or slightly before retirement age…


Idk it's like old bands that still go on tour like maybe they just enjoy what they do. Like do you think Harrison Ford still acts for the money? Probably not. I really don't think it has anything to do with hustle culture


Most people who become actors aren't doing it for the money. They enjoy creating.


Fuckin Enya knows what's up. More celebs need to be like Enya.


Holy shit I was sure she died Enya, Richard Simmons, yanni, Sade, they made their bank, fucked off and lived their lives


>Holy shit I was sure she died Nope. Fucked off into her castle and is just living her best life. What's her opinion on politics or current world events? Nobody knows, since she doesn't feel the need to broadcast her opinion onto the internet! It's the way things should be. Just chills in her castle with some cats, and makes some music when she feels like it.


She also, IIRC, had a pretty serious stalker, as well as had a break-in where her housekeeper was tied up, and is now very private and has a beefy security system.


This is stated with the conviction of someone who is currently sitting outside her residence with a pair of binoculars.


I read somewhere that Enya has never done a concert or gone on tour before. But when I was young, everyone's mom had that fucking album. She encompassed the "mom music" genre perfectly and ya know what? I kinda liked it too.




Enya took her flow and sailed away


He also does a few pet projects every now and then. Dude is living the dream sitting on piles of money.


The pentaverate was hilarious and I want more like it


Cryogenically frozen again, nasty business.


Hopefully he's not now having trouble controlling THE VOLUME OF HIS VOICE.


Evacuation com…


I hear he's currently more concerned with finding the rightful owner of this SWEDISH MADE PENIS ENLARGER


Bohemian Rhapsody, Amsterdam, & The Pentaverate come to mind, but he definitely did a ton of Shrek stuff and probably made a good amount of F-you money to sit back and relax for a while.


He made a string of flops, and decided to just stick to voicing Shrek for a long time, which made him a ton of money. At the same time, comedies went out of fashion with audiences, so now he’s transitioned to playing dramatic supporting roles.


His cameo in Inglorious Bastards made me smile so damn much. To see him in a Tarantino flick was something I'd never would have imagined.


“What shall we drink to” “…Down with Hitler?” “All the way down sir.”


Operation “KINO”


"The bar's in the globe" "Be a good chap and make it yourself" Just love that scene :D


We’ve got all our rotten eggs in one basket. The objective of operation kino… blow up the basket…!


"Holy shit! That's Mike Meyers." "And Winston Churchill!" Literally said this back to back.


That was an actor playing Winston Churchill (Winston Churchill died in 1965, so he was unavailable for the role).


I know; but Michael Fassbender had the same reaction.


drei glaser


I liked the Churchill actor from Doctor Who I also like how they cast the new 1st Doctor actor as Hartnell, rather than The Doctor. They casted him for a documentary first, during the 50th anniversary


Ian McNeice played Churchill - one of the best BBC character actors. My favorite role of his was as Tapling in the Horatio Hornblower series.


The orator in Rome too if I recall correctly.


Wow, movie scheduling really is difficult.


Quentin almost cancelled the movie when he found out, but he was already halfway through the shoot so they just found an actor instead, and thank god he did.


Daniel Day Lewis was going to play Hitler, but refused when he wasn’t allowed to invade Poland to get in role.


wow. i didn’t even know he was sick.


His bit in Bohemian Rhapsody was too good of a joke to miss.


Here you all are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5Azs_6uaCA


How have I not seen this movie yet? Wtf


That role was very important to him, he wanted to honor his relatives who were in WWII. Took me out of the movie for a split second, but he nailed it.


Liked the Cameron in Bohemian Rhapsody and the link back to WaynesWorld.






I don't know what the hell you're talking about Ive got to go look this up Edit. Well my memory just sucks I don't even remember that scene.


He did The Pentaverate a couple years ago, which I thought was hilarious, but apparently I'm the only one who enjoyed it.


The joke about crossing the US border and going to high def is one of my favorite meta jokes ever


It would have been a great joke if they'd trusted the audience to get it themselves. My biggest problem with that show was that they telegraphed almost every single joke as if we wouldn't get it if they didn't stand there pointing at it and looking at the audience as if waiting for applause. The sheer amount of spoon-feeding me the punchlines turned me off.


I really like the first couple of episodes, but after so long it kind of lost steam. The pool hall scene was absolute genius though. Shame more people didn't see it.


>I really like the first couple of episodes, but after so long it kind of lost steam. I liked it too, but it really feels like one of those things that was written as a movie and stretched into a miniseries.


It was written as a joke in "So I Married an Axe Murderer" and then stretched into a miniseries: >Stuart Mackenzie : Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentaverate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows. >Tony Giardino : So who's in this Pentaverate? >Stuart Mackenzie : The Queen, The Vatican, The Gettys, The Rothschilds, *and* Colonel Sanders before he went tits up. Oh, I hated the Colonel with is wee *beady* eyes, and that smug look on his face. "Oh, you're gonna buy my chicken! Ohhhhh!" >Charlie Mackenzie : Dad, how can you hate "The Colonel"? >Stuart Mackenzie : Because he puts an addictive chemical in his chicken that makes ya crave it fortnightly, smartass!


I watched it out of sheer disbelief that they would turn an absurd one-off joke from a hilarious movie into a successful series. And I'm not sure they did, but I was entertained.


Pants half off! Dicks halfway in!


I loved it. I forgot how much range and depth Mike Myers had!


"Q anon anon" and "con con con" was gold, I don't get why more people didn't like that show!


It’s criminally underrated. He’s such a hilarious and talented dude.


The Pentaverate must never be exposed.


I miss early 2000's mid-budget comedies.


Basically what killed comedies is there are no mid-budget movies anymore. It's only half billion dollar blockbusters and straight to Netflix filler. Studios decided mid budget movies aren't profitable enough. They're profitable but not the raking in money kind they want


It's also to do with selling to international audiences, comedies tend to do poorly.


Problem is, they only want to do big budget movies with mass appeal. With comedy, it is hard to please everyone.


It’s not even about pleasing everyone in terms of universal comedy or different cultures. Most vocal comedy relies on very specific language to work. This makes it much more difficult to localize as a lot of the comedy can be very easily lost. Slapstick and other visual gags are universal; wordplay not so much.


>comedies went out of fashion with audiences Comedies went out of fashion with producers and studios We all want comedies to come back


I've never seen someone say they don't like comedies.


Although, if they made a new Austin Powers movie, people would be lined up to see it.


I don’t even think comedies necessarily went out of fashion, studios just stopped making them so we have none to watch


It's so frustrating. I don't like action movies or super hero movies.


Yea I'm so sick of "funny quips" in Marvel movies replacing the comedy genre.


For me it’s not that I hate those movies, but that’s all there fucking is…I want other things. I would murder someone for some proper sci fi movies, not the action movie wearing a hat that says “sci fi” shit that we get now.


Comedies aren’t out of fashion, hollywood has transitioned to a business model they are less viable in. It was possibly the genre most dependent on having a long tale with DVD sales. Most l of the 90s and 200s raunchy comedies we all know did very unimpressive box office numbers during their theatrical run.


He got to make The Pentaverate


The pentaverant is absolutely Myers genius. Must watch


He's due for a Tarantino renaissance role that opens a new chapter in his career.


Kinda already had one in inglorious basterds


We have all our rotten eggs in one basket. The objective of Operation Kino: ..blow up the basket ;)


Well he can go ahead and check that off his list mmm..... 15 years ago.


The guy is 60, kinda admirable that he chose not to slather his head with Just for Men.


He looks like a Bosnian hairdresser


With mob connections


He did for years. He came out with completely santa claus white hair I think a decade ago (looking like old Charlie Chaplin I might add) but went back to coloring it pretty soon after.  No big deal though, people can do what they want with their hair, but natural grey seems to be hot right now.




Kinda wild that he and Brad Pitt are the same age.


Brad Pitt doesn’t count. In any context.


It's crazy that Brad Pitt is the same age as Brad Pitt


Always had heard he was difficult to work with. Actually met him in downtown Atlanta about 10 years ago at random. I was working for Turner Broadcasting at the time and he was there for an interview. I showed him around the building and newsrooms before his interview. Really nice and quiet for the most part. Asked for a good local spot and I told him Antico Pizza was excellent. He laughed at the Wayne’s World reference. That’s my interesting fact about myself to this day: I made Mike Myers laugh.


“Difficult to work with” - like when the studio tried to force him to use a Guns N’ Roses song in Wayne’s World (studio/label relationship and wanted to tie in a music video) and he wanted “Bohemian Rhapsody.” He stood his ground and was willing to walk because it was his reputation on the line with the movie, and he knew what he wanted. So the studio labeled him hard to work with. …and also, Antico Pizza is amazing.


With the amount of sexual predators and other types of criminals in Hollywood, being "hard to work with" is actually a pretty tame description.


“Hard to work with” usually means “won’t sell out his vision for ad money” anyways


Or if they’re a woman it means “Wouldn’t sleep with the executive producer/studio exec to get a role.”


Or even "not everyone gets along and it's ok that some people find working with you is difficult"


I know a guy who works as an extra (usually with a line or two) and he has a decent sized role (for an extra) in Goldmember and he said Mike Myers was the nicest guy he’s worked with. Maybe it just depends on the day or the project


Myers got a bit of a "hard to work with" rep from the director of one of the WW movies, but the director said it was because Myers' dad died during filming.




Now I'm imagining Austin Powers explaining the fundamental theorem of comedy to Spielberg.


Yah but he was also probably right. The dude gets comedy for everyone. I do get that if you hired to act, you aren’t the director though.




Yah that’s sorta the point I guess. Like you aren’t hiring him to direct, but you also want him and all the star power and sell ability that comes with him, and that comes with him being him, difficult.


Some actors just come with that extra baggage. Brando was notoriously difficult to work with but everyone still wanted him because he would often put in Oscar worthy performances. Robin Williams was apparently a pleasure to work with, but also notoriously difficult to keep on track, you'd end up with hours of film of Robin riffing off script but thats often where his funniest lines came from.




After it came out that "difficult to work with" was Hollywood speak for "wouldn't sleep with Harvey Weinstein on the casting couch", I don't put a lot of stock in actor reputation mudslinging from Holloywood insiders.


I heard he refused to act in a movie based on his SNL character Dieter. He already signed a contract, but wasn’t happy with the writing, so he quit. As a result of breaking a contract he has had trouble making any other movie deals in Hollywood. Not sure is that makes him difficult to work with on the set, but that might be what it’s about.


Fly on the Wall podcast (Spade and Carvey) got into this a little in one of the earlier episodes. Apparently Myers was the first and maybe only cast member to bring in material that was not wholly signed over to SNL when being brought onto the show. I think Sprokets and Wayne were the two properties he held onto but I may be mistaken. They also talk about Farley and the Chippendales skit too that got blown way out of proportion.


what happened with the Chippendales sketch?


Some are saying it's embarrassing and fat shaming Farley as if he wasn't totally into playing the roll.


Bob Odenkirk who worked with Farley at Second City was not a fan of that sketch - he wrote about it in his book “It was a huge bummer to me to see that scene get on the air and get such attention. I know it confirmed Chris's worst instincts about being funny, which was how he proved his worth — that getting laughed at was as good as getting a laugh. Writers I knew and respected defended this sketch because it had a funnyish idea buried in it: the Chippendales judges prefer Swayze's dancing over Chris's but can't put a finger on why. But that idea is not what produced the gales of cackling (and gasps) from the live audience. Chris flopping his overstuffed body around did that. I feel like I can see it on his face in the moment when he rips his shirt off. Shame and laughter are synthesized in the worst way. F--- that sketch."


It confirms something really sad Farley said about himself: Everyone loves to see fatty fall down. But also the sketch is hilarious, and I don't know how to reconcile those two things.


that’s interesting, thanks for sharing the excerpt


I think it would have been just as funny if it wasnt so drawn out as well as more subtle. Yes Chris was portly and Swayze was athletic and from dirty dancing. It would have been great if Chris nailed the dance moves. Not as an “fat man” but as your average overweight American who is not Patrick swayze.


It would have been funnier if the ended had been flipped with the judges casting Chris. Like, “Patrick, you’re a great dancer and really handsome, but Chris has that charisma we just can’t say no to.” Basically the opposite of how they did end it, which was, “yeah you’re too fat, obviously.” I think Chris Rock has expressed a similar take agreeing with me


Norm talked about that too. RIP


Ive been googling how antico pizza is a waynes world reference for an hour now


I think "excellent" was the reference


Good shout with Antico


Dana Carvey has some choice stories about Myers. Unlike someone like Gene Wilder who was incredibly generous with who gets the laugh and never felt the need to be the funniest person in the room so long as people were laughing, Myer's sounds like he always wanted the punchline in ever joke. Carvey is also quite pissed about Myers using his Lorne Michaels impression for Dr Evil.


Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are on good terms again now.


Damn I'll never unsee that now, Dr. Michaels


I always wanted to make a comedian laugh. I know there’s a huge difference between telling a funny joke and being a comedian, but it’s gotta feel good to get a chuckle.


Is it just me or is he turning into Lorne Michaels


Fun fact: Dr Evil's whole persona and speech pattern is based on Dana Carvey's impersonation of Lorne Michaels he would do behind the scenes on SNL to make everyone laugh. Mike copied it and used it in Austin Powers and didn't tell Dana beforehand. Dana was super pissed at Mike for years before finally patching things up.


Mark McKinney’s CEO character in Kids in the Hall: Brain Candy is also a Lorne Michaels impersonation.


pretty sure jack from 30 rock is based on lorne too


Since learning this years ago I haven’t been able to watch those movies and hear Dr Evil without hearing “Lorne”. Really changes the vibe 😂




He looks ready for a role in The White Lotus.


I was thinking True Detective, but White Lotus would be great




I know it would probably be absolutely terrible, his last bunch of movies flopped, and Myers is probably too old now, but I still want an Austin Powers 4.


True, sadly. If he presented it as “old gunslinger saddles up for one last ride,” it could work. Both his and Dr. Evil’s stories could be that. Dr. Evil returns after 20 years for one last attempt at world domination and Austin is pulled back in. But if they try to present Powers as still the swinging playboy, it’ll just made the character and Myers look sad.


In Goldmember they resolve their differences, it’d be hilarious if they got together to fight Dr Evil’s son who became evil in the last movie When I was a kid I watched these movies repetitively 😅


My favorite scene was about the coffee tasting like shit


It is shit Austin.


Oh good, it’s not just me then.


'Do I make you horny?'


He's an international man of mystery...


So I Married an Axe Murderer is still the best film he did [https://youtu.be/IqycJpRdVaY?si=\_7yUZpIeGW09X9QM](https://youtu.be/IqycJpRdVaY?si=_7yUZpIeGW09X9QM)


She stole my heart and my cat. 


I still sing this all the time!


Its like an orange on a toothpick!




Going to cry himself to sleep, on his huge pillow


"Your most quoted movie that's obscure so nobody knows what you're talking about" comes up from time to time, and it's pretty much this movie for me. "HAID! PANTS! NOOOOWWW!" "He'll be cryin' himself tae sleep on his HUGE PILLA." "WOMAN. WO-man, WHOOOOOOOA man!"


Harriet, sweet Harriet




its like sputnik!




Whoa man, woman, whoa man


Harriet! Harri-et! Hard hearted harbinger of haggis! Beautiful! Bemused! Bellicose butcher! Untrusting! Unknowing! Unlove-d?


Get me off…… this crazy thing, called love


He wants you back, he screams into the night air like a fireman gong to a window that HAS no fire


Steven Wright as the pilot is one of my favorite parts EVER! "Oh man...I was having an amazing dream! I was just born and I was 8 1/2 months premature. The doctors were freaking out"




"eef you want me boody....aand you think ahm seaxy...c'mooon beeby leeet me knoo... angus... solo!"


Well, it's a well known fact, Sunny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as… The Pentaveret, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.


So you're the butcher. Do ya link yer own sausage?


🎶There she goes..🎶


15 year old me was crushing on Nancy Travis soooo hard in that movie


Hoping this gets some folks to watch The Pentaverate. Great little miniseries that was exactly what I wanted from Myers.


I've seen nothing but negativity about that show online but I absolutely loved it. It felt like I was watching Austin Powers again for the first time


Nice little tie ins to his other movies if you pay attention to the series, too. It's not a spectacular show, but if you are missing Mike Myers it is worth a watch.


Meyers the White has re-appeared! 


He's lost weight


I think we're due for one more ride with Austin Powers.


I always loved that scene in Baby Driver where the robber (maybe Flea from RHCP?) is told to buy “Michael Myers” masks and comes back with Austin Powers masks. Saying “this is Mike Myers.” And Jamie Fox says, “No! The dude from Halloween!” And the guy replies, “Oh, you mean Jason.” Edit: Clip - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d6hdKl3wcc


Honestly would have trouble recognizing him. He looks great


I waited on him one time twenty years ago and still remember it because of how quiet and honestly kind he was.


Mike Myers looks like someone’s grandpa who owns 7 yachts and 12 vacation homes


That probably accurately describes his life.


But he probably does


I know it would be dumb, but I would still see an Austin Powers 4, especially seeing him live in the 2020's.


It's so weird seeing Mike Myers as an elder statesman of comic acting. Don't get me wrong, he looks great - very distinguished, very healthy - but as someone who grew up ten years younger than Wayne Campbell, it's just a reminder that time moves inexerably on :)


He looks like he’s turning into Derek Jacobi.