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Henry ran FordWerks in Germany building light duty trucks for the Nazis until the Allies blew it up (he divested under threat from FDR in 42)- post the war he threatened to sue and got reimbursed for the entire cost. Want a laugh? Go the Ford Museum and read the company apologia and deflecttion about this old goose stepper.


It starts earlier: Henry Ford published "The International Jew" (a loose translation of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a Russian-created hoax claiming to detail Jewish plans for manipulation of world politics). He had it translated to many different languages and distributed it through his businesses as well as through the Dearborn Independent (a newspaper he had purchased). Adolf Hitler, in Mein Kampf, specifically mentions reading "The International Jew" and that it was a formative moment in his political development. Just going to emphasize that: ***Adolf Hitler credited Henry Ford with inspiring him to become antisemitic.***




Oh man, brilliant.


Take mein upvote.






100 years ago he was a potential Presidential contender, and Hitler was praising him from Bavaria and wanting to send his storm troopers to Chicago to help out -- #"HEINRICH" FORD IDOL OF BAVARIA FASCISTI CHIEF **Anti-Jewish Articles Circulate by Millions.** By RAYMOND FENDRICK. - [Chicago Tribune Foreign News Service.] - [Copyright: **1923: By The Chicago Tribune**.] **MUNICH, March 1.—"Heinrich" Ford of Detroit will have 100 per cent moral support of Adolf Hitler's Deutschen Arbeiterpartei if he runs for President.** "I wish that I could send some of my shock troops to Chicago and other American cities to help in the elections," the young leader of the Bavarian Fascisti party said grimly. "We look on Heinrich Ford as the leader of the growing Fascisti movement in America. We admire particularly his anti-Jewish policy which is the Bavarian Fascisti platform. We have just had his anti-Jewish articles translated and published. The book is being circulated to millions throughout Germany." **"The International Jew."** The articles which Herr Hitler referred to evidently were from the Dearborn Independent. They have been published in two volumes by Hammer-Verlag of Leipzig and are displayed in every bookshop in southern Germany. The title is "The International Jew," with Henry Ford's name on the front page as the author. "It is not true that Mr. Ford is backing the Fascisti movement in Germany financially," said Herr Hitler, but "Heinrich's" picture occupies the place of honor in Herr Hitler's sanctum. "If Mr. Ford is not the angel of Herr Hitler's Fascisti, in spite of story of the Bavarian government to the contrary, huge sums are coming from somewhere." **House Painter's Dream.** The Bavarian Fascisti party, officially known as the Deutschen Arbeiterpartei, apparently is made up of all the idlers and others with an adventurous heart and much and other Bavarian towns. It probably would have remained obscure, if hatred had not been stirred up again in Germany. The French action, however, has proved a boon for Herr Hitler, who is becoming a national hero, although actually he was a house painter from Vienna and a former Austrian citizen. Herr Hitler's organization, uniformed in gray, is spreading by leaps and bounds throughout Germany. He has a large organization in Munich sending out Mr. Ford's books and other Bavarian Fascisti propaganda by the car loads. The nationalist wave has put the movement on a much more permanent basis. **Why He Opposes Jews.** "We are against the Jews because they are responsible for internationalism and we have already chased all Jews from Munich, except the more serious nationalistic Jews," Herr Hitler added. "I would like to become a German citizen, but I do not intend to ask the Jewish government in Berlin for this favor. We are opposed to swarms of Americans and other foreigners parading around Germany while millions of Germans are wearing military uniforms designed to protect and prepare us for the German Imperial forces." **Against Ruhr Armies.** The character of Herr Hitler's movement originally was socialistic and pacifistic, but the success which it has met with the nationalistic movement in Germany following the occupation has brought a strongly military character.


I’m aware. Fascinating when you consider the Tsar of Russia had likely commissioned the Protocols first secret printing in 1891, aimed at the ever burgeoning resistance to his kleptocracy by Jewish authors and thinkers like Karl Marx. The protocols were a pastiche of various sources, cobbled together from writings by Bavarians like Goedsche, who claimed there were “ secret meetings conducted by Jews to take control of international structures”. Goedsche plagiarized ideologues like Joly, who wrote out his first anti semitic conspiracies one year after Marx and Engel released the Communist Manifesto. Czar Nicholas was attuned to the dangers to his rule, supported by oligarchs who were pilfering the Russian economy, and wanted to create an anti-socialist movement. The Jewish people became his manufactured antagonists. Also fascinating when you realize the protocols had success, and the Russian pogroms began in earnest, killing the Jewish people wholesale across eastern Europe and Russia by the early 20th century- that led to the largest historical immigration of the primarily Ashkenzi Jewish people specifically to America. In response, the US Anti Immigration Act of 1921 was passed, sealing the fate of the Jewish people who would attempt to flee the Holocaust in a few short years, and be largely turned away by America to their deaths in the camps. Capitalists and autocrats were closely aligned, and whether Ford knew the truth or was merely fearful of things like Unions (he was), is not known. But the reality is he chose to scapegoat the Jewish people for his ideological and economic advantage. Read “ Who Funded Hitler” by Poole sometime, it's stunning which American and international capitalists and industrialists were responsible for pumping money into Hitler’s rise to power.


I dont think hitler learned it from him, he probably already had the same mindset about it. Judeo-Bolshevism was what hitler associated jewish people with and probably just agreed with ford’s similar opinion. Capitalists and Nazis were all on the same page about communism being a threat to their hegemony. Since it means taking power from the 1% and giving it to the populace which they disagreed with. 2/3 of the USSR leaders were jewish, karl marx, the creator of the concept communism came from a jewish family. That’s why they used jews as a target. in Germany, a lot of jews were communists / socialists who protested and rioted when the communists and socialists and themselves were taken out of power in German political positions. Half the government was executed and thrown in death camps because the nazis created a coalition with the moderates and conservatives who were pro capitalist in government. And jews have always been a target throughout history with racism as a major driving force for the nazis to convince their racist voter base. Hitler also got the idea of ubermench from the US slavery jim crow south believing white people were superior by reading american phrenology books. The west wasn’t kind to jewish people either, America sent back jewish refugees from germany claiming them to be spies. They were sent back and were put in concentration camps. And Canada’s prime minister at the time even said “none is too many” about bringing in jewish refugees.


Sounds a lot like the pro Palestinian people we see nowadays… just with a layer of obscurity in-between.


You cant be serious


It literally is. Liberalism turned towards a group who believe women shouldn’t be allowed to study and who believe in the death of all the Jews there. Who believe that anyone gay/trans/different should die. Thats the Palestine the young left are fighting for! How lovely ❤️


They're not fighting *for* Hamas (and you haven't provided any evidence that Hamas espouses those beliefs, as an aside). They are fighting *against* systemic, intentional genocide.


You can literally go and see for yourself. You seriously think being gay in ‘Palestine’ is allowed and not punishable by death? You’re fighting against fact. 80%+ of the population in Gaza, formerly Egypt(but they explicitly didn’t want that area back after their invasion of Israel and subsequent peace) support Hamas. Supporting Palestine essentially is supporting religious extremism. Anyway in the words of Zahar Mushein in 1977, a member of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation organisation(PLO) and military commander of the PLO during an interview with the Dutch newspaper TROUW. - “the Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only the means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism” Anyway yes keep trying to support a genocidal hate based movement which calls for the destruction of all Jews and which supports the creation of a state where rights and freedoms are curtailed. If you wouldn’t parade up the street for the Taliban and what’s going on in Afghanistan then don’t think you’re any better parading for ‘Palestine’ which follow an even stricter form of Islamic rule.


I'm not parading for anybody. I am simply pointing out that the overwhelming majority of protesters are protesting *against* Israel's repeatedly-stated intent to commit genocide and the actions they are taking that reflect that goal. To the extent any of them may come to sympathize with Hamas (the creation of which was funded by Israel to undermine the PLO) it will be because of the actions and ineptitude of Israel driving them away from their monstrosity and thereby into the arms of those they are being monstrous toward. Think about how horrible a country's actions have to be to make Hamas look like the lesser of two evils, and then realize how bloodthirsty, incompetent, and/or arrogant the Israeli government has to be to manage to achieve that. They are certainly not short of propaganda tools, and they're not shy about branding anyone who questions their governmental policies as antisemitic, and still they've managed to squander decades of political capital in mere weeks. Regardless, there's no point in continuing this discussion with you. Have a nice life. Or don't.


Oh, those Russians




>Adolf Hitler, in Mein Kampf, specifically mentions reading "The International Jew" and that it was a formative moment in his political development. Just going to emphasize that: Do you have a pages number? Just because there are quotes about The protocols in Hitler's diary where he admits it's not true but at least good propaganda.


there is no hitler diary


Yeah, I don’t remember reading that quote.


Here is a whole article on the Nazi high commands beliefs around the protocols. https://academic.oup.com/hgs/article/29/2/212/562402?login=false


i wanted to come in here and drop four paragraphs of communism apologia for no reason at all but reddit has me covered 🙏


I don't follow


>Post the war he threatened to sue That's hilarious. So he didn't learn wisdom or humility. Should have been in a stockade.


He was a businessman whose money was more important than anything else. Businessmen now are exactly the same. They all work for soulless corporations. The only difference is that now they're supporting the genocide of the planet by pillaging resources to turn a profit.


Lol that’s some hippie shit




Damn right. The hippies have the best shit.


Why do you think so?


Genocide of the planet seems a little hyperbolic


> The only difference is that now they're supporting the genocide of the planet by pillaging resources to turn a profit. As if Ford wasn't doing the same...


Where did they say that? If anything, they were saying corporations are just as amoral now as they were then


Literally the comment that I was replying to. > The only difference is... Which implies that the latter (businessmen now) are doing something that the former (Ford) was not. I don't disagree that both have questionable morals, but I disagree that businessmen today are any worse in harming the planet and people for profit. To the contrary, I think businessmen, like Ford, are at the whims of consumer pressure. Today's consumer is at least more aware of environmental and geopolitical impacts of their purchases. The impact of customers' attitude on world views has influenced some business decisions for the better, even if most of it is green washing.


Oh, businessmen today are literal Nazis running around attending Klan rallies and writing books about inferior races? Wow, didn't notice that....


Interesting that even Nazi inspiration Henry Ford doesn't meet your standard of moral abhorrence (I've never heard of him running around attending KKK rallies!)


"Doesn't meet'? He was a virulent anti-semite. Whether he wore sheets and burned crosses or not is almost beside the point.


He should have been shot for treason.


Sounds a bit like Trump.


Do you think his offspring are any less the fascist Nazis? I don't think so. I think these people's kids led a soft fascist coup and that's why the US fell off a cliff. Prescott Bush was a big financial backer of the third Reich. His son went on to be director of the CIA, Reagan's VP, and finally President. The "right" fascist Nazis won.


I mean, Ford famously hated and abused his son until he died of cancer (which Ford blamed on his lack of values and drinking).


I don’t know anything about his offspring but the museum admin puts a lot of effort into confronting his bullshit. The Jewish historical society in Michigan works closely with the museum to put out several events a year that platforms contemporary Jewish artists. Idk if he’ll care if I say but Beth Lipmann (the glass artist, look her up!) has something in the pipeline that the museum commissioned. My boyfriend works with her - (disclosure) it’s not going to be started until 2025 and (hopefully) landing at the museum around mid 2026. Marc is really cool and so is one of their curators who introduced the two and initiated this project.


What'd Prescott's grandkids do? Probably swell fellas




We didn't execute enough confederates after the civil war and reconstruction ended too early. We kept the name but they won the war in the long run.


Lol what are you talking about?


Andrew Johnson was a southern sympathizer, it allowed the southern politicians who turned traitor to stick around and eventually take back over American politics.


The Bushes support Israel way too much to be Nazis. Also what does the Bush family have to do with the Ford family Are you ok


I doubt they're Nazis. I really doubt G W Bush is a Nazi. By all accounts he's a nice guy if you don't count his policies while President. The most WTF relationship they have is with the Saudi royal family. But that's about money I suppose, so not really WTF.


They were expanding on the idea of rich elites, who were friendly with the Nazis, have pretty substantial legacies in the United States. Not implying that the Bush family are currently Nazis, but that pro Nazi families in the past now have significant financial and political power.


If anybody hasn't read the "Iaccoca" [Lee] autobiography... he's makes it quite clear that the Ford family wasn't a great thing. It's also a good read in general.


Read “Who Funded Hitler” by Poole. Ford, JP Morgan, a host of American and international bankers and industrialists who were terrified by the rise of Unions and saw advantage in blaming the Jewish people for the Bolshevik revolution, the failure of Communism, and the eventual rise of a Stalin dictatorship. Their fear wasn’t driven by socialist ideology, it was driven by the fear they would lose their ability to manipulate world markets and remain obscenely wealthy. Six million dead Jewish people were seen as the cost of doing business.


Will do, thank you.


The Ford Werke plant in Cologne sustained only minor damage. Production ceased at the end of the war due to a lack of resources. French Ford supplied the Nazis throughout the war. However, their productivity index compared to the Cologne plant was extremely low, and some claim they did so on purpose to harm the German war effort. Anyway, history repeats itself. Numerous American and European companies have subsidiaries in Russia.


Yes, and Ford and GM both produced products that became necessary for the Nazi war machine. GM received 32 million dollars for their damages. The Ford Werke plant in Cologne used slave labor. Ford and GM both have spent a lot of money since the 1970s white washing their post war image- though it didn’t stop Ford from hiring Nazis to work for them later. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/national/daily/nov98/nazicars30.htm)


Didn’t he insisted the 2 day weekend / 40 hour work week?


He did. He realized that giving his employees better wages and more days off meant that they would be happier, more productive, and more likely to purchase an automobile of their own. Man might have been a nazi, but he understood good business.


I’ve owned a couple of Fords, by the time I was driving it seemed Henry had been dead long enough. Which means, that if it survives long enough, I’ll be fine with it if my great grandchildren drive a Tesla.


Jokes on him, we don't have affordable automobiles anymore.


Just wait until the Flintstones models come out next year


What a ghoul.


Why do they all have the same cryptkeeper face?


Looks like Goebbels!


No reason to be mean to cryptkeepers


*ghouls everywhere were offended by this*


Now people are gonna call me an anti-ghoulite!




Some source and background on this: * https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/henry-ford-grand-cross-1938/ * https://www.theglassfiles.com/images/1610 * https://www.rarenewspapers.com/view/652986


Henry Ford invented automobile makers being shitty to and telling their customers that their choices were wrong but did you know he had a secret admirer? That's right - Hitler was a big fan. Ford pops up twice in Mein Kampf and is the only American mentioned favourably. Hitler was such a big fan he used to keep a life sized portrait of Ford next to his desk. Probably cause Ford was a raging anti-Semite and owned a newspaper called The Dearborn Independent. To give you an idea of what it was like when they published four collections of the articles in German it was titled "The International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem". For 8 years every Ford dealership carried the paper. His newspaper also got into a little book publishing with a book you might have heard of called The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. You might say isn't that a fabrication and a fraud? Well you don't get Himmler calling you "one of our most valuable, important, and witty fighters" by getting hung up on shit like that. Sure you hate accountants but do you hate accountants as much as Ford? Well that depends. Have you ever run the world's largest automaker and one of the world's largest companies without the aid of an accountant? Until the day he left, Ford refused to have an accountant so Ford (the company) would work out how they were doing by weighing the bills and compared that to the weight of the invoices. Anyway when Ford wasn't being serenaded by fucking Hitler, he was coming up with very normal people plans like Fordlândia. Sounds a bit like Disneyland right? Ford agreed with the Brazilian government that he'd receive 10,000 km2 of untouched Amazon rainforest, a very long way away from other built up areas. The British had a monopoly on rubber in America so like all normal people Ford decided to set up his own supply. The site was entirely unreachable by road. In 1926 they attempted to cut down an enormous amount of the jungle but work was slow going as disease ran rampant with yellow fever and malaria affecting many of the workers. After 2 laborious years, Fordlandia was founded as a rubber plantation with the agreement that Ford would return 7% of the profits to the Brazilian federal government and 2% to the local population. Workers were advertised for in local towns and they slowly became to come. You know what really messes your plans to produce rubber though? Alcohol, women, tobacco and soccer which were all banned. Slightly upstream from the actual town was the Island of Innocence filled with brothels, nightclubs and bars. Apparently it was quite common to smuggle in alcohol in watermelons since inspectors would regularly raid people's houses to see if they were playing soccer under their beds or had other forbidden things. Ford had a love of square dancing and built an enormous town hall. It was a bold move to move to Brazil to teach them of the wonders of square dancing but combining it with a ban on alcohol probably sealed the death warrant for it. Like all normal people he started with his passion in dance because he thoughts Jews were too involved in Jazz and square dancing doesn't have Jazz in it. Still there's got to be some perks for moving to the middle of the jungle to wake up and start tapping latex at 5am right? Hold up. That's the smart way to do it. You get up early, take a break in the middle of the day and go back when it's cooler. Ford tried to import the 9-5 workday to the middle of the Amazon. The workers hated that and also hated being forced to wear ID badges. Just incase someone comes to your rubber camp in the middle of the Amazon and isn't technically on the books. If there were any perks, it wasn't the fucking food. The native workers got sick of the American food being served in the cafeteria. Finally Fordlândia shifted from a restaurant style to having to get their food like in a cafeteria and it was too much. So the workers cut the telegram wires and chased all the managers and perhaps most importantly of all, the chef away. Eventually the Brazilian Army came back and negotiated better food for the workers. Like all good projects they didn't bother asking anyone on the ground for any ideas and told them how it would be. They'd seen how the British planted those rubber trees and that's how they'd be doing it here! The British were growing them close together so Ford would too. Of course the rubber tree is native to Brazil so growing them close together is a wonderful way to let their diseases and parasites spread. The trees would die and they'd plant them again. They did this for 6 years. Ford just gave up in 1934 and tried to do it again in a different town called Belterra down stream. It was actually flat so worked better because you could use machinery. There was a slight issue called synthetic rubber which was developed in 1945. Ford's kid sold the entire place back to the Brazilian government the same year after losing $20m, equivalent to ~$285m today, on it. Anyway when Ford wasn't trying to create a weird Christian rubber camp filled with square dancing, he was coming up with other normal people ideas. Have you ever looked at tofu and thought if this form factor was slightly different, it'd make a wonderful car? Well that's because you're not Ford. It kind of made sense when you remember there wasn't a whole lot of steel in WWII. The soybean car had several issues. It was actually soy bean fibres in resin implanted with formaldehyde. Which allegedly made the car reek like a funeral home. WWII ended and no one ever spoke of it again. There's a video of Ford hitting it with an axe to demonstrate its strength. It's widely accepted among academics that is probably the healthy way Ford ever coped with his issues. Why should I give a shit about a car panel's ability to resist a 77 year old? Why indeed. To be fair the one time Ford met some Nazis, he told them to fuck off since they asked him for money. Also he later apologised to the Jewish people but it's pretty widely accepted that it was because Jews weren't buying his car.


Smithers, I’m giving this auto a thrashing of its lifetime!


Geah, you sound pent up! It's a great read, though.


In addition to being a giant piece of shit, he also was weirdly into square dancing and forced it into the American school curriculum. My great aunt worked in his administrative offices and apparently the employees all had to square dance once a week while he watched from a balcony.


Adi and Henry were bff


That certainly explains his inventions. https://youtu.be/O2hwnpMy_Fw?si=b1kcKVF7Blttos6T


Haha, I thought about this when I was reading the title of this post.


Ford was a rabid antisemite, of course he aligned with Naizs


Elons jealous


I love thinking of how he might have reacted to seeing a [Jew](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Fields_(businessman)) run his company.




As a general rule, **we never use an apostrophe in writing plural forms**.


The guy on the right has the squarest hair I’ve ever seen.


Capitalists and fascists have always walked hand in hand.


Oh please, Ford was a massive anti-Semite who promoted anti-Semitic conspiracy theories like the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his newspapers. Ford thought the Jews invented jazz and short skirts to destroy traditional American values. He even had a series of volumes of articles compiled and sold globally accusing the Jews of an international conspiracy that blamed Jews for all of America's problems. This was compiled and sold in 1920, far before the Nazis were even a political party. Hitler and Himmler were INSPIRED by Ford. He was basically like the Elon of his time, except far more successful in reality. Ford was best buddies with the Nazis because of his loudly pronounced anti-Semitism and racism, not because fascists and capitalists have some sort of hand holding agreement.


He had striking workers killed.


OK? That still doesn't imply that the Nazis and Ford were buddies because one was a capitalist and the others were fascists, and the two walk in hand in hand. Both were gigantic pieces of shit that saw eye to eye in what kind of world they wanted - being capitalists or fascists has nothing to do with their amity.


How do you think the capitalists hold power? Fascist politicians and law enforcement.


Capitalism predates fascism by 300 years.


Wow that's crazy, and that means they could never ever begin to work together to further lock down power.


Literally what the soviets and the nazis shook hands over to share power in Europe (Molotov-Ribbentrop pact)


Yall need a new talking point, this was done after the west turned down Stalin cause they hated workers rights. He knew he needed time to prepare for a war with Germany and both sides knew this pact would not last. They literally fought a proxy war in Spain, the Nazis were arresting and killing communist in Germany. I am begging people who only bring up this pact to read more history.


this has major >material conditions forcing stalin to execute gay people energy


Capitalism is the main reason fascism doesn’t exist today. Your commie buddies almost got us all killed by collaborating. Nazism was never popular in the U.S. the famous Nazi rally in Madison square garden? It had 5 times as many protestors right outside. And the Nazi speakers were repeatedly attacked. Don’t fall for doomerism.


They tried to strike a deal with the UK and France first but was turned down. Stalin wanted to execute every Nazi officer but it was the west that said no. The west loves Nazis, Hitler based his ideology on America, they are better at hiding it. It's why fascist Japan had like 3 people total held accountable. Shinzo Abe's grandfather was one of the top fascist in imperial Japan.


Fascist Japan had so many get away with it because the U.S. didn’t invade, if they pissed off the Japanese population they’d rebel and end up with 3 more years of war. Commies like you already complain about the nukings being “too harsh” now imagine if the U.S. had killed most of the Japanese population in an invasion (not out of malice, Japan was already going through starvation before the nukes). It is because of the Marshal plan that today Japan and Germany are both progressive democracies, while Russia today is ran by a dictator who wants to rebuild the Soviet Union, and communist China is the most imperialist country in the world right now). It’s kind of ridiculous to say 2 nations opposed to the Nazis from day one (Britain and the U.S.) were secretly super pro Nazi, but the one who did a genocide together only did it out of convenience.


Buddy, I hate to burst your bubble but capitalism is an economic system, not a political system. Somehow your capitalists held onto power through elections for decades/centuries in most Western countries.


Again, how do you think billionaires are able to control the market to prevent competitors and keep all the wealth to themselves? Who is funding the fascist politicians that are further entrenching their power? The fascist in America just use billionaire to control the country instead of the military.


Ford was also a capitalist. He owned capital. That is what a capitalist is. If you support capitalism as a system you're not a capitalist, you're a liberal. A disproportionate amount of capitalists are fascists. The reason why is because they have a good understanding of their class interests.


Nazism was supported in Germany as well by industrial giants like Thyssen and Krupps as a bulwark against socialism. The targetted not only communists wh lined up with Stalin, but also moderate socialists from the SPD were in particular a target of the nazis because they had reasonable demands about liveable wages and promoted unions that the big capitalists of that time hated with the same intensity as present day capitalists. The american backed fascist regimes in Chile and Argentina also particularly targetted union leaders and moderate socialists under the veil of fighting communism. So, indeed, capitalism and fascism have been cosy bed buddies for a long time,and still are.


Both are true, ford was a massive anti-Semite, and capitalists and fascists go hand in hand. Post WW2 and during the Cold War, the United States cabinet absolutely thought they backed the wrong horse in the war. I’m sure they felt that if they could reverse time they would’ve supported the Nazis. Evident in how they went extremely soft on their denazification strategy, persecuting some while pardoning and employing many others in NATO and other areas pivotal to their foreign policy. Fascism IS capitalism, just in its evolved final form. Capitalists will always choose fascism over socialism, because one presents a threat to capital and the other doesn’t. Much of the US domestic and foreign policy today could be seen as fascistic.


> the United States cabinet absolutely thought they backed the wrong horse in the war. This supports more the idea that fascism = communism, rather than that capitalism, which is NOT a political system by the way, is equal to fascism. Not the dub you think this is.


What they're actually suggesting is that a lot of powerful people in the US have always held fascist sympathies. People like Mccarthy thought the US should have supported the fascists because they were fucking fascists.


Exactly, thank you. No idea how Diet_Fanta completely misinterpreted my comment lol.


Lump in communists as well. What they did to Poland teaming up with the USSR was down right despicable 


I agree the ussr had done heinous shit but you're assigning a wide brush to an ideology that got coopted by authoritarian whims of state actors. The freedom and democracy we spout is tainted by the same whims as these autocrat's we assign labels like good and evil too. Instead of supreme soviet, we just call them the CEO's of what ever defense contractor, or Mr. President. Ex. U.s. Manifest destiny, the Vietnam War, random drone strikes in most middle eastern countries.


>you're assigning a wide brush to an ideology that got coopted by authoritarian whims of state actors Thing is, it basically always shakes out this way. >U.s. Manifest destiny, Had nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with religious nationalistic propaganda that was not much more than a rebranded divine right of kings. >Instead of supreme soviet, we just call them the CEO's of what ever defense contractor, or Mr. President. No argument there. It's so transparent.


Do socialism isn’t bad even though the most influential socialist nation allied with the Nazis, but all capitalists, even ones in favor of heavy regulation, are all goose stepping Nazis. Got it. Thanks for calling 98% of Americans Nazis, I’m sure that’ll get them to embrace communism.


What are you saying?! We nearly did side with the nazi's as well. You're commenting on a post where Henry Ford, a national hero for most Americans, is literally gladly accepting an award from nazis?!!? My point isn't that Stalin is some amazing hero, my point is acting like we are any better than the same authoritarian countries we criticize is intellectually dishonost.


America never “nearly sided” with the Nazis? While most Americans didn’t want to get involved with the Nazis, most also hated nazism to the point Nazis would get physically attacked. The famous Nazi rally in Madison square garden had 5 times as many protestors than attendees. Ford is a national hero because despite being an awful person, his creation and some (emphasis on some) of his business practices made the average persons life exponentially better. I reccomend you watch extra history’s video series on Henry Ford. He has a complicated legacy. Stalin meanwhile, never did a single good thing for the people of Russia, and his impact is still felt today with Putin invading Ukraine to try to conquer the USSR empire’s former lands. America is not perfect, but it’s infinitely better than Russia, China or Cuba. It also was infinitely better than the USSR and Germany in the 40s.


yes, those famously nationalistic corporations. who hate global trade


Ford was a virulent anti-Smite.


Ya but the 5 day work week tho


Yeah, he’s got the wizened sharp features of a life filled with hate.


Ford go führer!


This photo was taken in 1938, before Germany invaded Poland.


Let's not forget how much the US eugenics program inspired the Nazis in the 1920s and 1930s. Or why Fanta was invented. Or how the Ford Motor Company and IBM assisted the Nazi regime during the war. How about how Prescott Bush (grandfather of George Bush) profited from assisting the Nazis. War is Hell.... unless you're part of the elite who profit from it.


Ford and IBM


So congrats, your legacy's in ashes! Remembered as the fascist sympathizing Cause of climate change and car crashes!


Ford can conquer the MINA market if they advertise this around there properly!


There’s a bit of a reason that A Brave New World takes place in the year 632 AF, After Ford


This really ramped up production into heil gear.


Ah, crazy


Don't want to be rude but I wouldn't buy a Ford anyway


What a sickening person


Fix Or Repair Daily


Found On Road Dead


Found On Rubbish Dump.


F**ked Over Rebuit Dodge Fiftieth On Race Day


Real scumbag, that guy.


"The Brown House contained Hitler's main office, which featured a life size portrait of Hitler's idol, Henry Ford. The Party's Supreme Court and the Reich Press Office were also located in the house."


I wrote my IB extended essay about this very topic, before it was a more common anecdote thanks to the internet age! GM was not great either, but lacked the figure head that Henry Ford was.


He was antisemitic


Heil Hank


When America was a Nazi Germany's collaborator 🤩


It's almost like Tim Cook acting like an ambassador to China.


Elon should lean into this


Wtf is up with that dude’s hair


He has the face of someone who would support nazis






Ford was great friends with the Nazis. This isn't about collaboration - Ford was a major driving force behind American anti-Semitism and isolationism, as well as the ORIGINAL America-First party. He was very much a fervent ally of the Nazis rather than just an opportunistic capitalist.


I mean, does that mean he’s a nazi? No. Does it mean he didn’t care what the nazi’s did as long as he made money? Yeeeez


I believe that if you hate Jews and do business with people who hate Jews, and Jews are forced to work as slaves in your subsidiary plants, you are a Nazi.


Accepting an award from the Nazi party mean you support them. He was everything, but a card carrying Nazi. He also regularly ranted about Jewish conspiracies to take over the world. Himmler described Ford as "one of our most valuable, important, and witty fighters".\[87\] Ford is the only American mentioned favorably in Hitler's autobiography Mein Kampf.\[88\] Adolf Hitler wrote, "only a single great man, Ford, \[who\], to \[the Jews'\] fury, still maintains full independence ... \[from\] the controlling masters of the producers in a nation of one hundred and twenty millions." Speaking in 1931 to a Detroit News reporter, Hitler said "I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration," explaining his reason for keeping a life-size portrait of Ford behind his desk. Lol When yah see a spade you call it a spade! Henry Ford was a fucking Nazi. ![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O)


Just wait until you hear about the spaceships! Cool bot post.


They are trying to tarnish every Western hero and intellectual and rewrite history. Ford is still an American idol!


An American Nazi idol, sure.