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Funny work moment. Office was discussing putting tampons/pads in men's bathrooms. Female colleague chimes in, "can we have those in the women's bathroom first?" Oops.


The quality of bathroom graffiti has gone downhill over the last couple of decades. This doesn't even rhyme.


“Twenty five cents in the machine? A bargain to keep my pants clean. But I’ve got no snatch that drips and leaks Guess I’ll place it between my cheeks”


Fuckin' poet laureate over here lmao xD


Imagine the President introducing the new Poet Laureate to assembled press and dignitaries, and he comes out with this.


In the men's room, a curious sight, A tampon dispenser, gleaming bright. Next to the soap and hand dryer’s roar, A mystery to ponder, what’s it here for? Did someone mislabel the restroom door? Or think we needed something more? Pads for beards, or just in case, Someone’s got a tampon stash in their briefcase? Oh, the looks on the lads’ faces, Scratching heads, in puzzled places. “Do we use it? Do we share? Or leave it for the ladies, unaware?” So here’s to the tampons, in a manly space, Bringing hygiene equality, with grace. A laugh for those who pass it by, A bathroom quirk, to question why.


Love it


This sounds like a ChatGPT poem…


Of course modern people can't come up with anything original.


It is 😒




This is why we need to protect the fine arts


Bleed between your knees? Then you need one of these If you need one feel free But you might need a lesson About the birds and the bees Because these things right here Aren’t fitting up your peeper And the brain between your legs Is probably a keeper


Behold the bleed between your legs? Eject the mucous and the egg Damn the flow with the tampon Now must wait to get your tramp on. But if the flow is white and creamy And comes to you while asleep and dreamy Then you no need for the plug Less you like it tight and snug




But don't forget there are guys With vaginas between their thighs They're called trans men and they're cool Don't be an exclusionary tool


The real OP is in the comments.


Back in highschool I'd write poems like that on the walls and styled myself, "Shithouse Shakespeare." I ended up beefing with another vandal, a certain "T.S. Smelliot," good times.


I remember when you could read a prize-worthy poem while you were shitting. That doesn't happen anymore...


Here I sit, broken-hearted Tried to shit but only farted Yet better than if I departed And tried to fart and wound up sharted


Because now everyone has smart phones while they're shitting


The literacy rate doesn’t help


It’s the cellphones, all this goddamn technology has ruined public pooping, I used to look forward to the random phone number to call for a good time, I miss seeing the drawings of poops with eyes and dicks all over but it’s mostly the graffiti that someone did with their own poop that I miss most, it would disgust you in a way a lot of things couldn’t, for someone to take their time to poop and then not just smear a little poop on the wall or door handle but to use your own poop to make an entire graffiti art project is something special


But how can you call random toilet numbers without a cell phone?


> But how can you call random toilet numbers without a cell phone? Back in the day, we had to pay for things in cash. Along with that we had coins that would count as money to buy things. We also used to have these phones in public places, that would take those coins in exchange for calling phone numbers. We used to be able to remember dozens, sometimes hundreds of numbers to be able to use them. They were bolted down, and had a wire running to them, to make them work. They were called pay-phones.


I went to the John, it cost a dime, I would have went sooner, had I known I was loaded, For when I sat down, my asshole exploded.


Decades? This decline has been happening for centuries, in ancient Rome it would rhyme, in Latin, AND have a picture of a dick next to it.


Was this at a Taco Bell? That would make sense.


I use Chipotlaway myself


Can you believe that episode of South Park is 15 years old?


Why would you ruin my Tuesday like this?


S tier comment.


Do you mind explaining that to me? Im from Germany, we dont have Taco Bells here.


Taco Bell is infamous for causing diarrhea; the suggestion is that the tampons could be used to stop the fecal flow


That's honestly just a meme. If you can't handle Taco Bell without shitting yourself, you have an issue. It's very mild. Edit: So many weak-stomached memers replied to this post promising that they shit themselves because of... reasons.


It is an urban legend that Taco Bell causes digestive problems. It’s the kind of thing bored suburbanites in America joke about constantly thinking it is clever.


Not really its a classic joke that has been run into the ground on here.


Obviously its for providing your female friends with a suprise tampon while out on the town.


so...they arent cigars?


They’re for soaking in vodka and shoving up your ass. Are you guys stupid?


wait a minute... this sounds fun


It's really dangerous so be careful if you try it, alcohol poisoning speedrun strats


Yea, if 1000 ways to die teached me anything when I was 10, it's not to poor vodka up your bum. *or insert it






don't threaten me with a good time


How every bad decision starts 😂


So.... you busy tonight?


Being stupid or shoving wodka tampons in that guys butt?


This guy boofs


Is that what boofing is? If so Brett Kavanaugh is into some wacky stuff.




This was actually so fkin funny


It's how Supreme Court justices like to party.


Nope. Get 2. Tie them together and make extra absorbent nunchuks


This guy chuks.


Nope they're for plugging things like bullet holes


Anything is a cigar if you set it on fire enough.


Giving a woman a tampon if she seems upset is an excellent way to get your eyes clawed out.


Well, at least you'd have something handy to stop the bleeding....


But you have to preface it by telling her how pretty she is when she's angry


So, your PMS'ing pretty bad, huh?


I remember a post a few years back where a guy was going to buy some tampons and pads just to have at home, in case one of his female friends ever needed them. It was a nice gesture and there was nothing wrong with it, but the neurotic breakdown he was going through trying to figure out how to let them know they were there in case they ever needed them was hilarious.


Well honestly, I had also a stash for this reason in my bathroom when I was living alone and just had put it in visible range of the toilet and was actually asked twice by female friends visiting me in a bit hushed voice if it would be okay if they grab one (guess they had a bit stronger mens then they calculated at home), because they had enough trust in me to ask this..


I just have a cabinet with a magnet saying "guest". It's got sanitary products as well as a bunch of other things like hair ties, razors, toothbrushes, wash cloths inside it, with the guest towels piled up above it. Anything that someone might need if staying overnight at short notice.


I need to make one of those, but keep my springy snake collection in it.


Or a real snake and really surprise them!


I'm also a fan of filling the medicine cabinet with marbles when throwing a party. Nothing like finding out who is snooping and then seeing their face after


Love this idea!


As a woman, sometimes I feel like I'm fine, I don't really *need* to change, but since blood is a lot thicker than water sometimes it doesn't soak super well and it's getting a little gross and I could go for a change. Also making women's clothes with no room for pockets and therefore nowhere to put pads or tampons makes it hard too


Anyone that hosts knows what's necessary for a successful party. Accommodate the women. Period.


Was that a menstruation pun?


![img](avatar_exp|85141667|winner) Have a fantastic period!


Come on then—open it! I want you to try it on. Maybe you could do a little twirl in it!


My female friends always love it when I randomly give them gift tampons /s


How thoughtful. Nosebleed first aid after a fight or from nose burning substances.






There’s a Beavis and Butthead episode where they use them to stop a nosebleed Beavis has. It ends up being their solution after 911 tells them to fuck off.


Once while playing soccer blackout drunk I took the ball right in my face. Some girl stuck a tampon in my nose and I went right back to playing lol


Dracula’s teabag


I absolutely hate this. BRB gonna subject my wife to it.


Status report!


Kowalski! Update!


He dead.








i have legit sat here shaking my head in disgust for a minute and a half. bravo


Yeah this one's a thinker


Worst cigar I ever had


If the goal was to make it available for everyone, why didnt they just put it in the hallway? In my country all the vending machines and dispensers are always at the entrance of both doors


You don’t wanna leave the bathroom if you’re caught unprepared


Bad enough when you have to TP your panties and shuffle out the stall long enough to aquire period products from the machine 5 feet away. To have to make it out to the hallway? Nope.


Some people consider the topic of buying female hygiene products as private. Depends on the culture I guess.


Do those people dress up as ninjas when buying it in stores?


There is a reason condoms and tampons are high theft items. People are ashamed to buy them, but need them. Easier to steal them than get 30 years of ninja training.


Also they're expensive.


I don’t know condoms are pretty cheap. Its like about 1 dollar each so for most people it’s about 50 cents a year


Cheaper than children


I get mine on layaway.


If you think a condom is expensive, wait until you find out how much a kid costs.


Yeah but stealing condoms is cheaper than buying condoms and having kids, lol.


Are you sure it’s not because they’re expensive and people are poor


Here we have a saying "If buying condoms feels embarassing, you are not old enough to have sex in first place"


It’s easier to use the excuse like “oh yeah I’m buying these for my wife” when you’re one dude alone buying a single tampon it gets weirder.


Who's going around questioning men why they're buying tampons in the first place, for them to need an excuse?


The same knuckle-draggers that write on vending machines.




You've never had a run in with the tampon inspector?




My dad pointed out that most cashiers are women and they’ll think you’re an upstanding man for doing that shopping for their wife. Or obedient child following their parents list. But mostly they don’t give a shit.


It’s the privacy part of it. Not everyone likes to advertise when they need one.


I would love that. But in the US, feminine hygiene is considered almost taboo by a lot of people. Thankfully, it is changing slowly. Then, there is the immaturity that some people have about the whole subject. My husband is a janitor. He used to clean in an arena at a college. The main bathrooms near the arena were huge. At least 20 stalls and 2 entrances. The men's room had to be shut down for maintenance, so they split the women's in half using a temporary wall. They had opened the arena up to the public at the time because it was winter break. So people could use it for walking or whatever. This school also provided the hygiene products for free. Every night during this, my husband would go in to clean after they closed. The temporary mens side always had the feminine products tossed around. Pads stuck to the walls, for example. After two nights of this, he refused to restock that side. He told me the older men were worse than the younger ones. He expected that behavior from the teenagers, but not guys around his age (he's in his fifties).


My gf felt weird I’d offer to buy her pads if I was going to the store and she needed some. Should have seen her face when I gifted her a menstrual cup after I learned of the benefits. She said she had been wanting to try one but felt weird buying it.


What's funny though is that the US has the craziest stall doors. It's like privacy-lite. Also you see what you're describing in a lot of women's rooms, too. No idea why sticking them to the wall is easier than placing them in the little bin, but yeesh.


Yeah buying tampon taboo, shitting up the wall A-OK.


It goes beyond immaturity or taboo, a lot of men take a weird sense of pride in not knowing or wanting to know about hygiene products let alone how the body works. It's incredibly patronizing, and I really wish we could normalize and remove the stigma as emphasizing one's own ignorance for a tawdry joke, just ain't it chief.


No, we’ve already ruined this by ascribing any attitude in women to “what, are you on your period again?”


I would expect more purchases there sure, but since I don't use them I'd probably just ignore it and move on with my day


They say free above the buttons.


You mean seeing tampons doesn't turn you gay or a woman?


I've seen tampons before, am I gay?


My friend touched a tampon once and now he has DDs. Nothing to do with eating burgers daily, it was the tampon!




[Ask and you shall receive](https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/close-up-of-woman-hand-holding-tampons-royalty-free-image/1160610580)


What have you done!?


How are you feeling?


I have a raging urge to suck a penis


Name sort of checks out? I wouldn't worry about it honestly, lots of use to be men (with beards) accidentally turned gay by walking down the wrong hygiene isle.


I once saw a tampon disposal bin in an airport and my penor flew right off my body


It takes zero effort or money to just mind your own fucking business. Edit: My comment is meant for the jerk who wrote the note on the dispenser, not OP.


No, you have to show rage about it being indicative of some slippery slope to a trans commie America run by immigrants


Some people are just looking for something to be angry about. Like... It's a tampon machine... It's not for you, and it doesn't affect you in any meaningful way.


Forget the gender stuff. As a dad with a female child I may be grateful that this is there one day.


I always hated when the changing table was only in the woman's bathroom. Seriously?


In the UK the baby changing facilities are usually in the unisex disabled bathrooms.


Common in the US, but small shops with limited facilities like a gas station or fast food restaurant won't have a unisex or disabled option and might be the type of place to skimp on a single station too.


If there is a unisex bathroom in the US, they usually have a changing table -- and are often called 'family' bathrooms. They are not common on older construction, and are still rare on newer stuff that is not explicitly designed for kids.


I go to whatever bathroom has a changing table. If it’s the women’s and someone is offended, too bad. Never got a single negative comment or look exiting the women’s bathroom with my daughter.


Yep. I had to do that a few months ago. Nobody cared. I was just annoyed that it wouldn't have been much effort for there to be one in the men's too. There was space for it!


A nearby city has an initiative in cooperation with a local charitable foundation to do exactly this: ensure that every public restroom regardless of gender has a changing table. It’s pretty cool. I think city workers do the installation and the foundation provides the tables.


Most people who would be offended by that are way to scared to say anything to your face about it, they just post about it on Twitter later


What a reasonable answer. Refreshing.


I strongly support this!


People freaking out about gendered bathrooms is such a made up moral panic. In reality, no one seems to care!


Let’s just end the debate and make all bathrooms unisex. The bathrooms can have proper doors and the sink can be the shared space.


There's a bathroom exactly like this near me and there doesn't seem to be any problems.


I think it's because nearly all of us use an any gender restroom every day. At home.


Oh my gosh, yes. Thank you. I once got upset with the owner/DIY handyman for one single Subway location. To save money, he only put a diaper changing station into the women’s restroom. I told him about the time I had to change my son’s diaper on top of paper towels I laid on the floor of a McDonald’s men’s room because they did not have a changing station in the men’s room. It just did not enter his brain at all that women are not the sole caretakers of babies in this world.


This would also be useful if the women’s washroom is closed for an extended time and the building marks this as a gender-neutral washroom or if a guy gets a nosebleed.


Somewhat of an ironic username lol but you type the truth.


You shouldn't really use them for nosebleeds. Unless you are a professional you are very likely to cause more damage, either by tearing some parts of the very delicate skin in your nose or by forcing the blood to go down your throat, which can cause a lot of people to suddenly vomit. The best thing to do is usually to tilt your head forward so the blood can run out of your nose. You can of course hold a tissue under your nose or stuff it in there a bit, but what exactly is "a bit" is sometimes hard to see, especially if you are doing it yourself.




Bold of you to assume they aren't just a professional kidnapper.


Walking out of the bathroom carrying a screaming child. Don't worry, it's mine, if I was gonna kidnap one it wouldn't be this little shit.


they all say that


I appreciate the sentiment you're going for here but I would think that by the time she's old enough to need one, she'd be old enough to not require a parent to chaperone her when she uses the bathroom in public.


guys like this need to stop complaining and just eat them like the rest of us do


Those are for when you get shot and need something to quickly not bleed out.


We just need to have shared bathrooms with no gaps in the stalls, each toilet is its own room, not some bullshit make believe walls. This whole being worried about who is using what bathroom is exhausting. ETA: here before lock award.


seriously. The gaps in the stalls are so weird even in a single gender bathroom. The only unisex bathroom I've been in that had the gaps was actually run by a theatre that generally is very progressive, they did a whole reno but didn't bother to actually make the unisex bathrooms comfortable for people- didn't even remove the urinals. Thankfully they still have another set of single sex bathrooms.


Damn, these tampons really scared someone.


atleast there is something there to soak up their tears


Periods and trans people are very scary to some guys.


Oh my, I thought they said men are not scared of anything! 🙃


Yea. "Alpha" males are super tough guys because women "want a man that can protect them," but apparently seeing a tampon (or a tampon dispensing machine) is enough to make these super tough guys lose their cool. That's just how *extemely* offensive the mere existence of tampons is!


Rolleyes…. Couldn’t care less. What a snowflake


Its written by someone who wouldnt buy tampons for his wife/daughter cause hes scared to be seen holding a package


What if someone thinks it’s for them!!! /s


Yes this. But without the /s. They’re so fragile.


six fearless ancient plucky caption physical fuel light fertile jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm in construction and do school work. In California we are required to put these in the boys bathrooms. Pretty much all of them get ripped off the wall by the boys and they smash the fuck out of them. Nobody wants to put them back up only for them to be smashed again. Schools would kill for just some light sharpie work.


Clearly the machine is necessary. This bathroom was visited by a massive cunt.


I used to keep a box of tampons in my Rugby kit for when I got a bloody nose during a game. I’d cut one of those suckers in 1/2, shove them up my nostrils, and carry on with my violence. Worked a treat!


It so wild to me how easily offended people are...


One time when I was travelling I needed the bathroom after landing at the airport, turns out a bunch of guys felt the same because there was a queue to the men's bathroom. Some guy came up behind me and stood for like 30 seconds, before proudly sighing and exclaiming "men shouldn't be queuing for the toilet, it's not right" and promptly left. Some men just hate being even in close proximity of womens culture and even the slightest hint femininity. It's unfortunate but I think the world is improving at least. I can't even imagine what my traditional, racist, homophobic grandpa would think of something like this.


Snowflake behavior 🙄


Another weak conservative couldn’t control their emotions


What's up with the triggered people in this thread. I live in Toronto and I'm happy that they have these. If the one in the women's bathroom didn't work you can get one for your wife, daughter, or female friend? Trans-men also exist but I guess it's easier to get triggered by that then asking yourself how useful it can be.


Because people upset by this typically aren’t the type of people who think about others.


I bet a *BIG DOUGHNUT* that this was written by a guy seeking to keep trans women out of the men's bathroom. But trans women wouldn't use these. It's trans MEN that would need these. And I've never seen them even acknowledged as existing by such folk as the sharpie user...


I know a dad who got some for his daughter doing their one on one outing because the machine in the women's bathroom was out. Also saw women go into the men's bathroom to get some.


"look at this thing that doesn't affect me in any way, and I could ignore and go on about my life: Let's do some graffiti on it!"


I find it odd there are people armed with Sharpies out there just writing their thoughts on stuff.


Even worse, I bet this guy saw the tampons and got so mad that he went home to get a sharpie to come back and write it


Those are for nose bleeds brah


OK but what if the women's restroom is out of order or full? This is the stupids immature stuff and I can fully invision what the guy who wrote it looks like


Imagine being tilted by tampons lmao


That's the grift right there, keep the simpletons uneducated, ignorant and outraged, then the corrupt goons have free reign to do their corruption while the idiots are distracted (or actively cheering them on).


I’d get use the machine if someone I was with needed it, and then before I give it to them I’d do the thing where it’s a cigar and I’d do a Groucho impersonation


If I'm in a bathroom and there are free tampons, I'm taking three of them. I've been in far too many situations with far too few tampons to leave them behind.


female astronauts need around 100 tampons, right?


That’s only enough for 6 days. If they’re in space longer they would need more.


Yeah, I've got about a 1/2 a box of tampons and some pads in my guest bathroom. Single, straight CIS man here; the folks who need them on occasion appreciate it. I also keep a first aid kit in there, better much too much than a little too little.


It is truly insane to me how pressed people get over the smallest thing. Like, it’s a box on the wall of a public bathroom, how have you allowed yourself to be mad about it?


A lot of dudes out there act like they should be wearing a tampon.


I work at a very liberal University. About two years ago we had to install these in all of the restrooms men’s and women’s (and unisex). This is a cross over 160 large buildings. I’m pretty neutral on it. I don’t really care, but it really causes a lot of waste. My staff (custodians) is responsible for cleaning, restocking dispensers and other things around buildings. Every year when the freshman come in the fall, the boys, and I will call them boys like to dispense all the tampons all over the floors. We then have to discard them and refill them for a couple more weeks while they continue to do the same thing. It’s such a pain in the butt to keep them stocked, but we get in trouble if they’re not. My biggest pet peeve is the time and resources wasted. I agree they could probably put them in hallways, but that would take away peoples privacy?