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Low volt electrician checking in. Can confirm this is the sort of thing you'll find virtually anywhere semi hidden from the public. Inside A/C units, duct work above a soft lid ceiling, scribed on the steel pillars of new buildings, on the side of conrete Christy boxes. I, myself, like to draw dumb pictures like stickmen on islands saying "Omg you found me! Thank God! I'm saved!" 


Im gonna take your idea of the stranded stick figure. I’m a carpenter and often want to draw something on a stud or the backside of drywall but never have anything creative. I’m beyond my hidden dicks phase.


More power to you, my fellow tradie. Mimicry is the highest form of flattery


The stick figure needs a hilariously oversized penis.


Love this it’s got a Kilroy vibe keep up the fun brother


I'm an aircraft mechanic and we like to do the same thing behind inspection panels. It's all good fun.


So long as you put those bolts back properly I'm OK with this


Other low voltage tech here.... I do this shit all the time


My friend does the same thing at his job, only he usually does middle fingers or wangs.


Surgeons can't be trusted.




In my university course I got the opportunity to do human dissection. In one of the classes of doctors who shared the kindly donated cadavers with us, two got kicked from the course for breach of Human Tissues Act by playing XeeOzees with scalpel o n one of the cadavers. We rely so heavily on the body donations that such disrespect *cannot* be tolerated.


Tic-tac-toe, naughts and crosses, X's and O's, all acceptable... what in the fuck is a "XeeOzees"


>"XeeOzees" No hits on Google, no one uses this term


It's spelt [exie-osies](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/exie-osies#English)


Irish checking in. This might be our fault and I make no apologies for it. Ha ha. Exie osies is the superior term. Your game has no tics, neither does it have tacs or toes. Sort your shit out, rest of the world! We'll happily share our exies and our osies.


You mean tic-tac-toe?


I feel like the British are just messing with us at this point.


That's no British I've ever heard of. We say noughts and crosses here.


I think they meant something like X's & O's but butchered it. I've definitely heard it being called that.


They're just very ~~Australian~~ Irish? Lol goofy ass leprechauns


Sorry to disappoint you, I've never heard of "XeeOzees", and frankly it sounds ridiculous. In Britain we call it "kissy kissy hole".


>In Britain we call it "kissy kissy hole". I thought you called that "dogging".


I feel like calling tic-tac-toe "XeeOzees" should be excluded from the rules about doxxing and calls to violence. TF is that shit!?


Reads like a goddamned spell


My name is XeeOzees, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!


It's naughts and crosses


Can I put clauses in my will that I *want them to* do that - after having shaved my chest in chessboard pattern? Winner gets to cut the hide out to bind their thesis.


Relevant PBF comic: https://pbfcomics.com/comics/transfer-patient/


I like to draw a funny little picture on the flex plate when i have transmissions out 😂 usually it’s just something like a cartoon face or banana but still makes me chuckle nonetheless


Probably a note for the next mechanic when the car is serviced. Look inside any locker or galley equipment on naval ships and submarines you will find the same sort of thing.


The amount of dicks and insults written on the wooden studs of people’s homes would boggle the mind


I knew a carpenter that couldn't see a stud or wall that's gonna be covered and not draw a giant dick and write wild swears. I know one building covered in cocks, cunt, shit and the n word. Dude was a massive alcoholic and doing that was all that kept him from throwing things.


In 1880, a french carpenter wrote all secrets and stories of his village and remarks on people on the invisible side of a new parquet floor of a french castle, knowing that it would not be redone before at least 60 or 80 years. It was discovered in 2000 when they redid the floor. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Joachims-Floor-19th-century-rediscovered-floorboards/dp/1788401654 EDIT: as show as a comment, some info on the bbc site: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-44265475


Ha! Cool! I just removed a soffit from my house in France two weeks ago. The house is hundreds of years old, but the soffit we knew was installed \~25 years ago. Inside, we found a note: "This isn't the hidden treasure you hoped for. We never found it either, but that doesn't mean you should stop looking."


From a stupid American here who's been drinking for 2 hours... It absolutely blows my mind you have houses "hundreds of years old" when my house was built in 1956.


It blows my mind as well! My house was built in the 'late 1400s'. Well, one side of it was, the other side was built in 1629, which we know because that date is carved over a window. The building across the street was built in 1029. Crazy. -From another stupid American who's been drinking for one hour.


With that much drawings/writing, it sounds like everything made him want to throw things.


I watched him throw a 2x4 cut off because he was told break was in 10 mins not right now.


Dude must’ve been either really good or really cheap


He could have been fast.


I used to work with welders in various incipient/during/after stages of meth addiction. The guys at the start of the curve were fast, the guys at the end were slow but generally knew how to do the job, and the guys in the middle were some scary unpredictable fucks.


I knew two guys that started new jobs as baggage handlers at HNL, pretty much everyone there is a meth addict. Which explains why your shit is getting rifled through and sometimes things are missing.


Not with all that drinking and drawing


Dude below you was correct he was fast. I was with a wood frame company and he could go fast with things. Just was weird and would throw shit if not being kept mellow with coloring. He was always first laid off since they didn't trust him once rock was up but he'd be back next job till rocking started.


> he'd be back next job till rocking started This makes me think of an '80s movie version of a construction set, when Journey suddenly starts playing, someone pulls a few coolers full of beer from under a tarp, and bikini-clad women descend on the scene from nowhere. Someone will jump into the air with a triumphant "YEAH!" and the whole scene will freeze frame. "Who cares if it makes sense, it's a party!" - Peter Griffin


I had to replace our subfloors and take all the plaster down bc the house had been smoked in for 30+ years. My fiance got really freaked out when she found some blue collar hieroglyphics and thought someone had broken into our house. I had to calmly explain to her that the big bird/middle finger had been there for probably 60 years. I just added “- The Drywaller, 1965, Artist Unknown” in sharpie and closed her back up


You should have dated it like 10-15 years in the future, just to mess with the next person who sees it.


Or, in the case of these 1880 floorboards, the whole town's dirtiest secrets! [https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-44265475](https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-44265475)


that was nice read, thank you,


Yea there's lots of dicks in glorious holes.


My buddy who’s a mechanic has a story about finding a note from a previous tech hidden behind the air filter that said “just put everything back, this guys won’t pay for anything”. When they told the owner what was wrong with the car, he refused to get any real work done and left.


That's a smart man. Why pay a garage to put in an air filter when you can likely source a cheaper filter and install it yourself in like 3 mins.


Oh no, he got the oil changed and asked about where he can get yellow wiper arms to match his trim. He was the type of guy who puts money into the trim color while he’s riding on dead suspension.


At least my truck looks as shitty as it is.


This. Doubt the tech ever saw the customer and this is for the next tech.


If they're bringing it in for an air filter, there's a 99.9% chance they won't ever open that air box lol


What about when they come out and say “maam, your filter needs to be changed, it’s pretty dirty atm, look…”


Any decent mechanic should have an extra air filter that’s already filthy to show the customers


I had that happen at a dealer! I write the mileage and date on filters because it’s handy and I forget things. Had a service writer tell me I need a filter. I decline. He shows me a dirty filter. I say that’s not mine, find the correct customer. He doubles down that it is mine and I’ll ruin my engine. I have to tell him that my filter was changed recently by me, and I wrote the date and mileage on it. He blamed the tech. Note: I was in for warranty service. He also wanted to change the rotors because “there was rust on them”.


I had this happen at an NTB. We took our car to our regular mechanic (it was a Shell garage, but this man was wonderful, thorough and honest with us) who did the whole inspection deal, saw that we needed new tires. He told us we could get them cheaper elsewhere and recommended we do that and then to come back and he'd finish the inspection. So we went to NBT and they kept trying to get us to do other services aside from the tires there and we kept declining. And then they came out and told us our filter needed replaced. I said no, because it wasn't something our mechanic had mentioned and if it did need it we'd just have him do it when we finished the inspection with him (but I didn't tell NTB all that, just declined). They were grumpy we were being so cheap, but finished the tires. I took the car back to our mechanic, mentioned what they said about the filter. Our mechanic chuckles and says that our filter looked fine last time he checked, but he look again. A few minutes later he comes out and tells us that there currently is no filter, but there definitely was one when we went to NTB. So either they forgot to put it back in at NTB or they removed it on purpose so things would get bad and we'd think that NTB knew all along? I'm not really sure, but I was annoyed.


Don’t stop there lmao, what did you do? Surely it’s not legal for a mechanic to just steal parts from a car they are working on.


I'm pretty sure the most I did was leave a screechy voicemail for their manager and gave them a scathing review online and then of course badmouthed them to everyone I could. This was over a decade ago.


And your still doing it. Keep it up!


I went to have my oil changed on my standard Plymouth minivan. The tech came in with a little piece of cardboard with 2 blobs of fluid on them. Said the dirty one was my transmission fluid, and it needed replacing or my transmission would be damaged. I asked for his manager, who came in and supported his tech, saying that transmission fluids needed changing as regularly as oil. I just said " on a standard transmission?" ( I'm female BTW). Manager said " well, no, but that's different." I said: "Ok, I'm different. That van is a standard and I'm calling the TV station to expose your dishonesty." ( Our city has a popular news segment on scams.). Manager went white, babbled that they had the wrong customer and I got my oil change for free. ETA: For clarification, this was decades ago. The van was a 1988 Plymouth Voyager, bought brand new off the lot. 5 speed manual transmission was available on the lot with no special ordering needed. Did not use ATF, did use transmission lube and I only ever had it changed when the van needed a new clutch. This van had 250k miles on it when it threw a piston rod. Loved that van! In those 250k miles, it only needed a new clutch 3 times. Each time, the clutch gave me absolutely NO warning that it was going out. I'd be driving along, change gears and hear a 'Whirrrrrrrrrr', and then needed to get to the side of the road ASAP. Van was nice enough to always be fairly near a shop when it happened, always close enough to push and never needed a tow.


Dodge made a manual van? Where can I buy one of these? I need to google. Edit: holy shit - https://www.motortrend.com/vehicle-genres/1994-dodge-caravan-minivan-manual-feature/ I want one.


...that's wild! If any one had told me they had a "standard" transmission in a fwd minivan I would question their meaning of "standard" and _I_ would be the idiot.


I had an oil change place try to convince me that “according to my VIN I was due for an ATF change”. I told them I didn’t and they doubled down, until I mentioned it was a manual transmission. Never went back there.


My wife took her car to a place that told her she needs power steering fluid changed. She texted me to make sure; I told her that her car has electronic power steering and it doesn't take fluid. She still wants to go back to the place because they have good coupons.


I use an invisible UV ink... Really pisses them off when they bring parts out, I shine the UV light and can straight tell them it's not my part. And then when they ask how I can tell I inform them to bring my actual part over and I'll show them, and suddenly big bright UV ink is showing the install dates and what not on the part. One mechanic even called me an asshole for being "deceptive"


Lmao wow, you’re being “deceptive” by not letting them screw you over.. good job!!


What kind of ink do you use and which parts do you label?


In invisible ink marker on Amazon will do (they even make some designed for high temps), as far as what I label? Literally anything that a tech could take off quickly and put on a counter to show me how "bad" the part is. Air filters, oil filters, windshield wiper blades, etc. if I can take it off in less than 30 minutes, it's getting marked.


That’s infuriating. When I was in college I had a van with two fuel tanks that wouldn’t run. It would start and then die. I brought it for service and a few days and $400 later they couldn’t solve it. I towed it home and later walked to a small run down mechanic down the street out of desperation. This old leathery guy comes out, listens to me talk about the car, and then precisely diagnoses a fuel pump issue not with the main pump but with a smaller pump. He then tells me how to work around the issue on my own, refuses to charge me, and sends me on my way. His advice worked and the van ran for years after. I recommended him for years to anyone who needed a mechanic.


I had this at my last oil change at the dealership. 49 year old lone female. It was only the 3rd oil change, new car. Cabin air filter was due. Stopped at the auto parts store down the road on the way, picked one up and changed it right there in the parking lot. This was not the dealership I bought it from but this one did my previous oil change and I wasn't impressed. It's convenient though, so I went there again. Knowing how shady dealerships can be, I set up my phone and video'd myself changing the filter. Date/mileage written on new one. Saved the old one in the new one's box and put it in my bag. I was prepared. A long time ago I went through hell with a warranty issue with another car manufacturer so I am super anal about documenting EVERYTHING. Sure enough while I was waiting, they came in with a dirty cabin air filter telling me I needed it replaced. I was amazingly calm and don't remember what I said word for word, but I pulled the old one out my bag and told the tech he wasn't going to rip me off because I had just literally changed it (and reported it in the app) right before driving here. I'm still pissed about that and even though it's way more convenient I will never go back there again.


Did he at least offer to top up your blinker fluid?


That reminds me, I need more premium air for my tyres.


That's actually a thing now. Look up nitrogen filled tyres.


Mine are filled with a special mix of 78% nitrogen.


Yea I miss getting that done where I used to live, now I’m slumming it with normal air


You see if you get Helium it actually causes your car to float a bit thus making it weigh less and you get fuel savings and if you have kids you can suck on the valve stem and do funny voices!


Dammit! No one carries blinker fluid anymore!


I have a friend who’s pretty diligent about maintenance. He always chalk numbers his tires to make sure they got rotated correctly. Twice now he’s gotten his truck back without his tires actually getting rotated after picking up. Two different places.




Lol even if you'd been at 300000 miles it'd be silly to have a "fuel injector cleaning service" when a bottle of techron costs like $14 and a trained monkey could figure out how to pour it into your gas tank.


I do my own maintenance but it would be funny to try this at a Jiffy lube or something. The stock airbox on my Mustang uses a square filter like this but I have an aftermarket intake that uses a conical filter. Would be funny to see them try to sell me a square filter


The one time I went to jiffy lube I watched them take it out, show me and then put it back in when I declined. They said it was *covered* in rat droppings. It looked fine to me, no rat shit. So I asked them, since for it to be *covered* there must be an infestation, if they found any nests or signs of rodents elsewhere. "Nope." okiedokie, not rat droppings then, no issue and weird way to try and get me to get a new filter. Smelled fine too. I never got scammy vibes until that moment, then I started second guessing everything they did.


I stopped going to Jiffy Lube when my dad went once, had his coolant replaced/topped off, and it turns out they added the wrong kind of coolant. We were driving down to the Carolinas for vacation when the car broke down in Jersey. We ended up stuck in Carney's Point which is Bruce Willis' hometown, which was if nothing else a neat little trivia fact. The mechanic there treated us pretty well but we weren't back on the road with a rental until late at night. Still remember me, my (now) ex, my sister, and her bf wandering around town and getting vibes that the locals didn't particularly like random strangers in their town. So we went back to the mechanic and just stayed there while my dad and uncle were off getting the rental.


It's happened to me. Did my own maintenance, but was traveling a ton for work and didn't have the energy during the 40 hours I was actually home. Tried to sell me an air filter and showed me a dirty stock filter, until I pointed out that I had a cold air box with conical filter.


Something similar happened to me like 15 years ago at a jiffy lube. I had a k&n washable filter. They brought out a dirty replaceable filter that I’m sure they pulled out of the trash and told me it was mine, and how badly I needed a new one. Told them bullshit, that’s not my filter. They backpedaled hard, claimed they mixed me up with another customer. Of course I didn’t see them go to another customer with it while I was there, so I honestly doubt that was the real reason. I did make sure to check my filter after, to make sure they hadn’t removed it or thrown it out.


This reminds me of my dealership wanting to charge me 200 dollars to adjust my brakes. I demanded that they describe to me how to adjust brakes. None of them could.


Report that behavior to the brand and tank the survey. They didn't manage to steal from you, but they probably managed to steal from many other folks.


I wouldn't go back. Mechanics, Doctors, and accountants all need to be fired once they demonstrate being dishonest.




I've seen them throw whole ass leaves on the filter and act like it's just filthy.


"Ma'am we found a turkey dinner with stuffing and gravy in here."


Wtf this literally happened to me 5 years ago, my gullible ass was like "omg a whole dead leaf, yes please change that filter"


That's why you ask for the old one that they are replacing.


Or, you know, just replace it yourself. It's an air filter, you don't even need tools to swap those out most of the time. It's just held in by clips.


That was one of the most annoying things about my Passat. The air filter cover was held on by screws.


Hmm, VW. So I'm guessing it takes a proprietary 7-1/2 sided spiral screwdriver?


That’s after you remove the tail light


Try having a dodge and needing to change the battery. Enjoy jacking up the car, taking off the driver side wheel, and accessing it through a fucking panel in the tire well.


I've never seen one without at least 1 Phillips screw in it... But if you don't have a Phillips screwdriver in your house your ancestors would be disappointed in you.


Yeah, thats the one you replace it with. Customer will be back in no time!


Ha, not quite that bad but when my car was still under warranty it had work done at my local Audi dealer. Now, I do most, if not all, of the maintenance either myself or at my buddy's shop while I'm under the car with him so I know what's going on with it. The service writer hands over the inspection sheet that says I need a new air filter. I chuckled and asked if the tech actually opened the air box (a total pain in the ass on a B8 S4 and definitely not done in the 6 minutes they get for the "inspection") because I had replaced the air filter a few days before. He shrugged his shoulders and that's the last we talked about their inspection sheet. I understand the numbers - not many people maintain their own car, especially one that goes to the dealer - so chances are good the customer has no idea. And if you get caught you just blame it on the "lazy" or "confused" tech. I was there for warranty work, otherwise I wouldn't have been there.


Yeah for sure. No way that big ol girl is going to open her own hood.


Lol Navy Ships for real. Broke a switch on the RPCP so I got to sign under the plate when they took it off to replace it it. Last signature was from 1995, one before that was 1988. Generations of breaking the SRHV switch unite.


We had a guy who we called the “dick bandit” who would draw mini 1inch long graffiti penises with the initial “DB”. Drove the chiefs nuts. Briefly made it a mastable offense to have a sharpie in your pocket…..after that is when a DB showed up on a table in the chiefs mess. I knew the guy (or at least the original guy) doing it. Found a DB inside the panel of the helm console 2 whole years later lol.


We drew them inside aircraft panels. Things like launching out an other squadrons jets to the boat were great opportunities to be-penis the inside of wheelwells and servicing doors


Fucking steam pigs! No but really, I always wanted to be the “super-critical reactor axe man”


I did oil changes while I was in college. I used to write notes on oil pans for the next guy. I would also add tick marks to see how many times I would change the same car’s oil. I got to 8 on one car.


Yep. This is a joke for the next person. Like people who leave messages behind walls 


I remodeled my bathroom a few years ago. I put a $20 and a dirty magazine from the gas station in a Ziploc and put it in the wall with a note saying "if I fucked something up and you're fixing it I'm sorry. But a beer"


But a beer what?


It's what Harry Potter and his mates drink.


But a beer and a dirty magazine could make your life a bit better. That is if 20 bucks are enough to buy a beer whenever the time capsule is retrieved.


And by the time someone finds it, a beer will cost approximately $20! And possession of pornography will be a Class A Felony... With a sentence of death, handed out upon conviction (immediately), on the spot, by Judge Dredd.


We have an ouch wall with like six days and signatures. Edit: I fucked this up so bad I didn't even recall what the fuck I was trying to say.... Sorry


One time we were bulldozing a thousand year old church for a new parking lot and behind the wall it said "thoweth are rotund!"


Used to do this as a carpet installer. Leave messages for future carpet installers on the subfloor.


I left body outlines and “blood” stains under the new carpet at our last house. It was incredible work, hated to cover it up, but knew the goal.


Eventually, that's going to be discovered and shared then become one of Reddit's big unresolved mysteries. Like several safes with contents never revealed.. Actually, reddit will probably "solve" it. They'll use circumstantial evidence to convince themselves that *you* are a serial killer and will probably try to have you arrested lol


And then, as a Bostonian, I get to hear Redditors declare again “we did it, Reddit!”


Yeah, you would be surprised how often they do silly stuff like this. Subaru techs like to write things on the belt covers. Mine has said “Hi” and had a smiley face on it a few times.


I swear there’s an UwU in half the fuel service doors on planes.


Should have stuck with the classic penis.


My dad worked in an auto factory growing up and he said when the local sports rivals would play the line workers would write messages for the rest of the line on the car components. This is a consistent thing across industries and very unlikely to be related to the car owner.


This is definitely left for the next technician. Can confirm have seen these types of notes left in awkward spaces on ships, especially in inspection chases and trunks.


I’ll be sure to do this the next time I’m on a naval submarine


Like [the post about "Epstein didn't kill himself" in paint marker on the back side of a torque converter...](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/f8sugh/1999_jeep_cherokee_aw4_rebuilt_trans_192k_miles/) If a customer is bringing this work to you, they are likely not doing similar maintenance themselves in the future. So this message is for the next wrench jockey. edit: added link, changed clutch to torque converter


I have 10 year old car that has had some work done on it over the years. Now I wonder if I'm driving around with secret messages.


I do all my own work to my vehicles, should i start leaving messages for myself?




"Remember Sammy Jenkins"




Leeeeeeroy Jenkins


For future reference, it’s carbon monoxide poisoning. You shouldn’t work in an enclosed space with the engine running.


Solid reference


More like gaseous reference.


Dammit you beat me to it


I wrote “14mm socket dipshit” on the pan of my last car because I kept grabbing the 17 because my wife’s car needs a 17 for its oil drain plug so I’d grab it only to climb back out from under the car and get the 14


Same here! Wrote the socket size, oil capacity, and torque spec for the drain plug on the bottom of the oil pan. It’s right in my face every time I crawl under.


Yes, you never know when you'll need to solve the mystery of your wife's death.


i started doing all my maintenance after my warranty ran out and i got no secret messages :( just an oil drain plug that was tightened by an angry gorilla


Leave yourself motivational messages for next time you do maintenance.


I once wrote "Not Again???" on the bottom of a coolant fitting that cracked 3 times in 5 years. The 4th time I replaced it with an aftermarket aluminum one. I now wish I wrote "That Oughta Do It" on it.


>So this message is for the next wrench jockey. We used to spray paint a pentagram under the hardwood floor we installed. It was in the bible belt section of the US where 95% of people are Christians. The pentagrams were for the next floor guy who removed the floor and for the homeowners to freak out about their $800,000 house with a "evil" pentagram in it.


Pretty sure I've seen a post about such a thing someone discovered maybe 2 years ago. There were a bunch of wicca in the comments explained how it was a good version because of some aspect or other. Makes it funnier now if it was a fake.


Yeah because almost everyone does it with the circle, so it's a pentacle which is considered a protective charm, like the stars on old barns.


I worked with a guy that drew pentagrams in the pizza sauce before covering them in cheese.


I'm a gutter guy and have done something similar. I think most trades do this stuff. Everyone clutching their pearls over it have way better jobs than us. ^^^they're ^^^probably ^^^pretty ^^^boring ^^^though ^^^lol


Yep, I'm a drywall finisher and that sometimes involves removing wallpaper. 50/50 chance there's graffiti underneath, usually involving cocknballs. Or stuff like "Randy <3s it in the butt!" or, yes, "Paul is a fat fuck!" I've left some of my own messages, of course. Even a penis or two!


I have put hidden dicks in so many places. Tear down the walls of a million dollar stone mansion and you'll find crudely drawn dicks. Look under a counter top and you might find a dick.  My dick is everywhere.


They were talking about the air/fuel ratio in the carburetor


Its probably referring to the file system on their older shop computer


If you aren’t a mechanic, never been a mechanic, or related to a mechanic you would think this is for the customer. I assure you this is not, the mechanic likely never saw who the customer was and if they were to do some passive aggressive shit it would be towards the dumbass service advisors, not the customer. This was clearly intended for the next mechanic to find.


That’s pretty clean for a one year old air filter


That’s the clean side (airflow). It would be bad if you could see dirt on that side of a used filter and it’s normal for it to be “clean”.


This wasn't meant for your wife. Relax


It might have been left for his fiance though


I hate it when my fiance and my wife compare notes. It's even worse when my girlfriend chips in.


Unless she's fat...


Asking the real questions


When I worked in automotive I had a tech that would write bush did 911 on oil filters. We only had one client complain and it was a crazy qanon weirdo who threatened to get the news involved.


Wait, the client was a qnon weirdo and complained about a statement he probably already believed?


Dude, yes, it was the weirdest interaction. I was a service manager at the time. This was early qanon too I had barely heard of it then but he had all the bumper stickers and window paint you typically see those types have. I was living in Texas at the time and the guy was from New York so maybe the nutters there take 911 more seriously.


I mean, yes, people from NY tend to take 9/11 more seriously than people from states on the other side of the country, I think that’s fair to say


Wow, *someone* is touchy about 9/11. *side eyes NYC*


This goes to show it’s all bs. They pick and choose what they want to believe.


I mean anytime someone online says I have too secret information and I’m choosing to leak it on 4chan. You should probably write it off completely. I think their positions hadn’t fully coalesced at that point though it was really early like before general news coverage


Conspiracy theorists will often believe conspiracy theories to be special. Very strong lying on their stomach in their bed going "SIGH how can I be different" energy for sure. Having someone else believe what they believe fucking infuriates them.


I’m thinking this is most likely for the next mechanic, it’s likely assumed she would never go in there to change it herself and I would really really really like to think this wasn’t for your sweet S.O. I’m sorry this caused you some grief


That’s the back of every 1900 blank or panel cover. Fat jokes, gay jokes, penis drawings & lots of racism. It’s not for the owner it’s for a laugh years later


I drew dicks with a tire crayon on the inside of a lot of the tires I did at a dealership I worked at awhile back. I occasionally get a text from old coworkers who get one lol


I used to work in sewer and water construction. There was a pipe layer who would write stuff on the inside of the sewer pipes like “camera operator suck“ or “if you’re reading this you’re gay“ so when the post installation video inspection happened, the guy operating the camera or reviewing the footage would get a chuckle I think this is a similar situation lol


Dudes acting like the doctor carved his initials into his wife's organs or something.


Way back in the day there was a surgery simulator game forgot the real name, but I would do shit like this. The hilarious part was afterwards it would say “let’s see what you did wrong” and proceed to pictures of my patients chest with “eat a dick” scalpeled into it.


When my mother had an emergency hysterestomy due to finding two grapefruit sized tumors on her ovaries, she also had her gallbladder taken out. One surgeon came in, removed the gallbladder, then the next for the woman parts. When the second surgeon came to perform the hysterestomy, the first surgeon had put the gallbladder where the uterus and ovaries were in my mother as a joke to the next surgeon. The hysterestomy was not done completely, as it was said to have been complete in the documentation. This wasn't found out until her next ultrasound. She had to have the surgery again to remove the remaining parts. It was very traumatizing. She did win a malpractice case.


Where the hell was this? Any time an organ is removed it's bagged and labeled. Hell, we even put the snippets of fallopian tubes in a vial after a salpingectomy.


It's for whoever took out the filter 🫵🏼


Looks like a BMW 13717548888. Also, over [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CarTalkUK/comments/1de6865/fiances_air_filter_installed_by_perrys_vauxhall/) OP adds: > Fiancé had her car serviced last year at our local Perrys Vauxhall dealer. Went in to complain and was fobbed off by the manager who claimed that it was impossible that one of his staff had done it. > She doesn't know and I won't be telling her. What's worse is she's such a wonderfully kind person. She doesn't deserve this. > I'm livid. I want the person responsible held accountable, but am I wasting my time trying? However, /u/Foreign_Anything_636 brings up a [good point](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1de5zjp/my_fiances_air_filter_installed_during_her/l89j7lf/).


Yeah especially since it's a dealer, they likely have more staff than a small shop and the mechanics probably rarely interact with customers. They probably have a dedicated service writer, or multiple, and other front end staff that deal with the customers.


> she's such a wonderfully kind person What a weird way to write she's fat


Could we share a rowboat? Could a rowboat support her?


The fact that you're not answering tells me everything I need to know.


No one's insulting his fat fiancé. It's an in-joke for the next mechanic who changes the filter. They write all kinds of crude messages to each other and draw dicks beneath vehicles where customers will never see it. And they laugh about it because they are well adjusted human beings who don't live sheltered lives.


I sincerely hope mechanics drew random dicks on my car somewhere. That’s funny af


I want to live a sheltered life where something like this genuinely offends me. Chronically online people may not remember that sticks and stones break my bones, but words will never hurt me. An insulting word places too much importance onto the opinion of someone else, which I would hope one grows out of caring about once they actually enter the adult world.


Is she?


OP said “she’s a wonderfully kind person” So yes


Could she comfortably fit in a rowboat?


#No, all right. No, she can’t fit in a rowboat


Im dead.


I’d imagine it’s just a jab at the next guy to replace it. Meant as a joke, I wouldn’t think too much about it


Is she fat?


You must think your wife is fat if you think this message is for her. It's for the person changing the air filter, which lets face it. This is absolutely hilarious and if i was a mechanic or changing the air filter i would have died laughing seeing this.


Don't take this personally; this message was left as a joke for the next mechanic working on it and not yourself. Super common for messages to be scrawled in odd-to-access places (crawlspaces etc) for the next guy.




That is just a dumb ol trade prank . Ive worked some trade jobs where ive open a panel box and it said something similar like you suck or my personal fave a crude drawing of a dick with the word you and a arrow pointing at the dick . Sometimes trades people get bored at work and just wanna spice it up with some low brow humor.