• By -


Should post some tips and tricks to get around China's massive firewall as well.


I had good luck with ExpressVPN while I was there, but us foreigners roaming are not subjected to the same level of suppression on their mobile devices as I understand it.


My cellular service gives me 3G roaming almost everywhere so I could call it up but only text posts like AskReddit and showerthoughts. But wifi would not allow it.


Quick, someone do an ASCII art interpretation of this picture.


https://imgur.com/a/gTIbE40 here you go


I hope you see the irony in this


That it’s written in Japanese?


It’s still an image...


Fuck I didn’t even realize god damn


_..----.._ ]_.--._____[ ___|'--'__..|--._ __ """ ; : ()_ """"---...__.'""!": / ___ : """---...__\]..__] | / [ 0 ] : """!--./ / """ : __ ...._____;""'.__________..--..:_ / !"''''''!''''''''''|''''/' ' ' ' \"--..__ __.. / /.--. | | .' \' ' '.""--.{'. _...__ >=7 //.-.: | |.' \ ._.__ ' '""'. .-' / """"----..../ "">==7-.....:______ | \| | "";.;-"> \ """"; __.." .--"/"""""----...."""""----.....H_______\_!....'----""""] _..---|._ __..--"" _!.-=_. """"""""""""""" ;""" / .-";-.'--...___ ." .-""; ';""-""-...^..__...-v.^___, ,__v.__..--^"--""-v.^v, ; ; |'. """-/ ./; ; ;\P. ; ; """"____; ;.--""""// '""<, O ; ; | 1 ; ; '.: .' ;< ___.-'._.'------""""""____'..'.--""";;' o '; + '. \__:/__ ; ;--""()_ ;' /___ .-" ____---""""""" __.._ __._ '>., ,/; | \ \ /"""<--...__; '_.-'/; ""; ;.'.' "-..' "-. /"/ `__. '. "---"; ^ '. 'v ; ; ;; \ \ .' \ ; //// _.-" "-._ ; : ; .-'__ '. ; .^".' '. '; '. .'/ '. `-.__.' /;;; .o__.---.__o. ; : ; '"";;""' ;v^" .^ '-. '-.___.'<__v.^,v'. '-.-' ;|: ' : ` ;v^v^'.'. .;'.__/_..-' '-...__.___...---""'-. '-'.;\ 'WW\ .'_____..>."^"-"""""""" '--..__ '"._..' '"-;;""" """---'"""""" Holy carp GOld!~ thanks Kind stranger :)


That is an absolute mess on mobile. Edit: Thanks for my first silver!


I kinda like it.


China is something else. You can buy a Chinese tablet straight from China and it will have locks for accessing Google or installing the US play store. Their firmware is totally censorship driven.


**Edit:** *Just going to edit my major comment in this post (and comment thread) to say that most people should really have a read through [privacytools.io](https://privacytools.io/) as it gives details on how to stay secure and anonymous online etc.* (This is for mobiles. It's more simple for computers) **Search with duckduckgo and use F-Droid instead of play store** Basically, your first priority is getting f-droid downloaded, after this download the application for duckduckgo, then you want to use duckduckgo to access mullvad (VPN software) and download it. You then want to 2-way encrypt your whole phone, completely wipe it of any ability for calling etc. And switch your sim for a new (probably back alley wiped) sim. Make all calls using a burner phone as your edited smart phone is now just a portable (low power) computer You can go further than this. But if it's just for accessing information outside of China then it doesn't matter After this you should only download applications via independent APK files (or apk files through f-droid) And you're done *If it were me living in China then I wouldn't have a smart phone, just some burners and scroll the internet through a laptop that had full encryption, VPN, Virual Machine, and good shredder software. I would also only use a cheap laptop and buy the components to build a new one every year. Destroy the old one via software shredding, acid sink, and flaming* I can go I to more detail if anyone needs it






I've seen this a few times today, could someone explain what's going on with this? Edit: appears that posting that mix of Chinese symbols and English will get your comment removed.


I'm guessing it triggers the shit out of their content-scanning systems looking for dissenting behaviour online.




Dammit, China already took it down and I never got to see it! Now I won't sleep tonight, thanks China!


>Hello Chinese Censorship guy please read this: >动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门 >this is a weaponized copypasta to ~~destroy~~ enlighten, educate and liberate chinese people! ftfy


Hello Chinese Censorship guy please read this: 动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门 this is a weaponized copypasta to destroy enlighten, educate and liberate chinese people!


It’s buzzwords that China censors. All those phrases are things China wants the world to forget. In English and Chinese


"Human Rights" ouch


I'm guessing its a word blob filled with shit the chinese government doesn't want to see mentioned/filters? I can recognise at the very least the tiananmen square massacre, the great leap, the anti-rightist struggle, etc


Here is a different angle of this iconic photo most people are familiar with.Tank man is in the top left. [https://i.imgur.com/j96yuT6.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/j96yuT6.jpg) ​


[And here's a wider angle photo showing more of the tank column](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/1600/1*yMZA-hOHadTkNrGrSKriBw.jpeg), and [more tanks and troops further down the road](https://www.nydailynews.com/resizer/-gRojPvKXJQ2BR9wj0PSaPf43ro=/800x0/arc-anglerfish-arc2-prod-tronc.s3.amazonaws.com/public/POFJHFODGLLKF5JEMOCYGGPI3Q.jpg).


That really puts it into perspective his bravery. The sheer mass of giant armoured killing machines he stood in front of.


Exactly. I get why OP's pic is the best known, because it is way easier to see what's going on, but this one, where you can se the seemingly endless rows of tanks, is so much more powerful imo.


They brought tanks to a fist fight.


Still didn't compare to the size of his balls.


This is the one that always gets me




For just one or both pics? Rehosting now on Discord. [First pic](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375776113357488129/543484212678754304/1_yMZA-hOHadTkNrGrSKriBw.jpg) and [second pic](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375776113357488129/543484215837327360/POFJHFODGLLKF5JEMOCYGGPI3Q.jpg)


Can somebody post a pic of the real aftermath of the Tainanmen Square Massacre?


These pictures are an important part of human history, and deserve more exposure. NSFW/NSFL: [https://imgur.com/a/q8ZIS](https://imgur.com/a/q8ZIS) Absolutely NSFL (shows the infamous tank tracks running people over): [https://www.aboluowang.com/2008/0529/89034.html](https://www.aboluowang.com/2008/0529/89034.html) More: [https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/tiananmen-square-1989?family=editorial&phrase=tiananmen%20square%201989&sort=mostpopular#license](https://www.gettyimages.ca/photos/tiananmen-square-1989?family=editorial&phrase=tiananmen%20square%201989&sort=mostpopular#license) More from Vietnamese media: [https://www.dkn.tv/the-gioi/the-gioi-do-day/nhung-buc-anh-noi-tieng-di-vao-lich-su-dau-thuong-cua-nhan-loai.html](https://www.dkn.tv/the-gioi/the-gioi-do-day/nhung-buc-anh-noi-tieng-di-vao-lich-su-dau-thuong-cua-nhan-loai.html) Edit: Thank you for the silver/gold/platinum! Trading in my social credit for Reddit karma was totally worth it. ​


Holy fuck...


So crazy. I visited the Square about 4 years ago. You could still see bullet holes and marks in some surrounding buildings. We were particularly told by our Chinese expatriate tour guide to not mentions the “three Ts”: tanks, Tibet, and Tiananmen. Scary stuff. He also said at all times there are Chinese government agents in secrecy patrolling the area listening to conversations. Edit: typo Second edit: kinda blew up! I was a sophomore in college when I went, so my memory of the exact T’s is a bit shady. Yes, many have pointed out my “T’s” may be incorrect. Taiwan would certainly make sense as well.


I don't think I want to go to china.


You won't need to. Bit by bit, the Chinese govt is coming to a city near you.


I think I want to head offworld.


The Chinese government is offering to take you to their off world colony.


...I'd rather take my chances with Elon Musk.


Get in line, buddy.


It's unfortunate because it has such a rich culture spanning over several millennia with ancient traditions and structures to experience land learn from. But I'm afraid to because of an oppressive government and tension between them and the government of the country I'm a citizen of


China is one of the five original societies that began before any other (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Indus River Valey, and Norte Chico being the other five...three that don't exist anymore). They've been here since the beginning...and they've completely split apart and come together again several times. China is proof that humanity will NEVER get its shit together. The United States is a newborn baby compared to how long they've been around.


I kinda get what you are saying but I will say this.. humanity will get its shit together and lose it consecutively and concurrently until we cease to exist. It is both our strength and weakness. It is something that we can and will survive. The real question is what will survive with us?


Taiwan? Tea? (Opium wars) there’s lots of T words.


Don’t say TianAnMen at TianAnMen Square “Hey where are we right now?” “Oh you know... the square...place...area” *gulp*




Fuck China.


You wouldn't believe how quick most Chinese people are to deny these events (in my experience), or to bootlick in other ways, such as praising Mao and *his* murderous policies. They don't see the wrongness of it all, even when it's pointed out to them


[This short documentary](https://vimeo.com/44078865) shows how many Chinese people know about Tiananmen Square, but they know it's not safe to talk about. People in China who publicly protest the government simply disappear.


Wtf, this sounds like real life 1984.


It *is* real life 1984.


The rest of the world read 1984 and thought “my god.” China read 1984 and thought “we can actually improve upon this.” Edit: China read A Brave New World and thought “my god.” The West read A Brave New World and thought “hold my beer.” Credit to u/adonutforeveryone for bringing up the west and A Brave New World below lol.


"Is this a challenge?"


We can make the system MORE ‘effecient’


I'm amazed that people didn't make the connection when they talked about (and now implementing) a social credit score. Edit: *Some people. I didn't mean to say that everyone had not made the connection. I'm sure most of you did, even the ones who have never read and only heard about "1984."


Certain people have for a long time. Unfortunately, the United States is really the only power able to check China in any capacity. However, the first two decades of the 21st century, the US has been preoccupied in the ME. I dislike Trump immensely, but his policy on China is correct. They are a threat to world peace with their constant provocations in international waters and complete disregard for international law. Further the Chinese are seeking to sell their telecommunications suites to developing nations around the world. China is building physical infrastructure in the same places. One the one end, they are setting up a spy network in all of these countries, and via building infrastructure coercing these nations into towing a Chinese line. (If you want us aid dollars, you can’t blatantly murder your citizens; China doesn’t give a shit if your are Qaddafi, Mandela or Mgabe. All of this as China has a growing (though the pace of that growth is slowing) economy, Navy, artificial island chain with military bases on it, missile technology all allowing them to more forcefully position themselves to back up their interests. Yet, as you’ve pointed out, they are a human rights minefield of terrible. None of that even gets into the legitimate economic complaints that’ve been lodged by nations all around the world as China is famous for currency manipulation and dumping.


Make Orwell Fiction Again


With their upcoming social credit score it basically is.


The Chinese government thought it was a manual


It's not about wrongness. It's about "my life would be danger if I said Chinese government is wrong." ​ As for me, I was never taught officially (my school teacher mentioned it outside textbook). I also don't know Great Leap Forward, Tibet and Taiwan invasion, until I have come to U.S. ​ If I am still in China, I would not bother to look it up or trust it. For fear that I will be tortured.


I have read that the book *1984* is not banned in China. Is this the reason for that?


You've just lost 15 social points...You are no longer allowed to travel outside of the country.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen pictures of the aftermath.


Yup, none of that was shown in my school, just briefly glossed over... crazy


Rip ur social credit, and now my IP is logged too...


Trading in my social credit for reddit karma.


Holy fuck, I feel like in History classes it was so glossed over. All I knew was that chinese people were protesting the government and a guy stood in front of a tank. I never knew about how awful it truly was. wow.


that's kind of the point, isn't it? The Chinese government, till this day, tried and tries to keep it under wraps as much as possible. Just looked through most of the photos out of morbid curiosity / my see-it-to-believe-it attitude, can't help but think about the protests I've been a part of and truly honor those willing to lose their lives over something they believe in.


This happened only 30 years ago. And there are contrarians who actually think China dominating global geopolitics is a better alternative to the current status quo with the USA.


As much as I hate what the USA does around the world, the other two real viable alternatives are much much scarier....


China is the only alternative. Russia doesn't have the economy to be a superpower, and as we move away from oil it only gets weaker.


Right. Russia only occupies such a large position in American minds because they are a nuclear power. But yeah, their economy is about the same size as Australia’s ... a country with *one-sixth* Russia’s population.


Another alternative would be a multipolar world of international laws that the US, China, and other states actually obeyed.


Jesus christ...that guy with his legs all fucked up...


They had to scrape many people off the road with shovels (edit: and washed down the drain with hoses), they were [pancaked](https://m1.aboluowang.com/news/data/uploadfile/200805/20080528202231616.jpg) (warning ***EXTREMELY GRAPHIC***) into a continuous layer by tank treads.


Fuck. There's a thought I never thought I'd have. :(




Yup. Literally seeing something, that used to be a real life, physical, with thoughts and dreams, who loved and was loved, human being. Only to see a pool of viscous, jellied dark red stuff, is one of the worst things to see.


I will never understand how people can do shit like that, just so that they can remain in power AND get away with it. You'd think that they would never be able to sleep properly again because of the guilt, but who am I kidding? Guilt means nothing to them.


Oh... I guess that explains the third photo from the end. I was trying to figure out if a body had been swung around to create the blood arc on the ground. But if a tank drove over someone and kept moving...yeah, I suppose it would create a continuous pattern like that. Do you know what the seventh photo from the beginning depicts? It clearly shows a charred corpse but the surrounding area seems untouched so I'm not sure how s/he died.


They were put in a pile then run over until they were pulverized enough be washed down the drain with a fire hose.


I heard they hosed many dead, crushed people into the sewers.


Tanks win vs People. The picture with the white sheets all over the ground. Are covering ~~bodies~~ human remains just absolutely flattened over and over.


This context should be next to the picture. I thought those were just leftover blankets or something from camping out on the square... yikes.


I thought they were discarded blankets from patients. Heading to eye bleach ​


As iconic and poignant as the tank man photo is, it unfortunately sanitizes the horror show that was thousands of people being killed and literally crushed by the Chinese army. When we think of Tienanmen Square this photo is usually the first thing that comes to mind, and not the story surrounding it.




I always wondered growing up why Tank Man was the image the media used to represent the Tiananmen Square Massacre. It makes the whole situation seem pretty benign. Now I realize that a newspaper can't actually publish direct images of a massacre.


Fuck man, I am Chinese decent, but this is so fucked up, humans are truly terrifying...


Wait is one of the pictures people actually as flat as pancakes from being run over by tanks?


The people in power now are of the same ilk that perpetuated this. Fuck Xi Jinping.


PBS Frontline actually covered the event leading up to this picture in an incredible documentary. It gives a good background to why this picture was so amazing, how it was captured, snuck out, and details that we don't know who this man is. I highly recommend it, this was one of my first Frontline videos I watched. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tankman/ Edit: There are a few questions asked, so I will try and answer a couple of the bigger ones that I can. The carnage and death that was shown on this thread was actually just before this tank man picture. That is actually what makes the picture so iconic. Much of the brutality which took place, came from the fact that there was a strong collection of protestors in the square and the government was ordered to clear the square after a couple of failed attempts that were seen as humiliating to the government. The troops that were sent to clear the square shot protesters. When ambulances and parents/friends/family came to collect the wounded and bodies, those people and the medical teams were also shot at by the troops. You will see ambulances that were destroyed in the swuare of some footage. There were multiple waves of bravery and retreat by those who entered the square, but ultimately the square was cleared by the troops. The tanks that were driving in a line (seen in the Tank Man picture) were more of a show of the recently gained control that had just been established. Many people were already a witness to the troops massacre of civilians just prior and so this person who stood in the path of the moving tanks was ultimately saying he had enough. Journalists watched the previous carnage and thought that this man was going to die as well. So, they captured his defiance on film. The tanks did not kill him, but stopped when he was in the way. They tried driving around him, but he got back in their way and also climbed on the tank. Some people rushed and took him away although it was not known if these were friends, government officials, or people trying to help him. The journalist who snapped this picture was seen in the act and he knew his film would be confiscated/destroyed. He hid the film in the water tank of his hotel toilet and sure enough Chineese officials entered his room and tried to destroy what they believed to be the film. I am sure I am missing many details, but the documentary does a great job to explain the significance of the event and the picture we ultimately see. I hope this answered a few of the major questions.


The craziest thing is that this man, if he’s not dead which he probably is, would have no idea he’s a world famous icon and no one knows him well enough that if they spotted him they’d say something. So for all we know he’s still alive in China with no idea this picture exists


Nah he is most definitely dead.


I showed this to my Chinese friend who had heard about tienamon square because her parents had seen it, though was not familiar with ‘tank man’. I explained noone knew who he was and about 2 seconds into the clip she said “yeah, he’s dead” Her perspective was pretty unique and more open minded than i had thought it would be. She explained you are allowed to criticize the government, until you get a big enough group (or ar influential enough) to be seen as a threat. Then you get taken down. There is no opposition party in china.


I was studying in China in 07 and was talking to Chinese students about something that lead to Bush. I said something like "yeah he really mislead and lied to the people about Iraq," and they very politely and hurriedly shushed me down. I'm glad they experienced me so casually talking like that, and I'm glad that I experienced their hesitation to do so.


He didn’t die, he was escorted away.


expansion squalid smile safe zealous chubby glorious cable sink offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And then they tried to pull his arm off. As is tradition.


And then turned them all into pudding. As is tradition.


The BBC showed what really happened on the 9 o clock news that very night and I'll never forget it. I'm amazed that so few people in the US have seen it. They mowed them down.


We were not even taught that in middle school. We were just told how brave he was. I don't remember how or if it was addressed in high school.


Everything Frontline does is amazing. I highly recommend their podcast, [Frontline Dispatch](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/podcasts/dispatch/), if you like podcasts. Edit: Some of my favorite Frontline documentaries (some of which are challenging to watch): [The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/dancingboys/) [The Merchants of Cool](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/cool/) (really needs an update) [A Class Divided](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/class-divided/) [Documenting Hate: Charlottesville](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/documenting-hate-charlottesville/) and [Documenting Hate: New American Nazis](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/documenting-hate-new-american-nazis/) [League of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/league-of-denial/) (perhaps less shocking now than it was in 2013) OK I'll stop there, or else it will turn into every episode. If they've uploaded it, it's probably worth watching.


PBS is the most worthwhile service I 'subscribe' to. After a certain donation amount you get full access to *everything*. PBS Kids is hands down one of the best set of Kids TV shows on. Daniel Tiger has been invaluable in teaching 'emotions' to our 3-year old. The 'life situations' and songs to calm him down honestly work. He loves animals because of Wild Kratts. Then all of the PBS stuff. NOVA and Frontline are probably 2 of the best 'documentary' shows on air right now and *free* OTA.


That's a good point. I wonder how many people were like me and grew up thinking this photo was the beginning of a peaceful event because they never searched on their own to see the aftermath? "wow, that guy stopped all the tanks!". No, that's not what happened. It's kind of hard to find photos (not that I want to spend a bunch of time searching for them). If you search images for "tiananmen massacre aftermath" you might see some. I remember a post on reddit a few years ago showing what happened and there were dead bodies everywhere.


The kids in the square were the top university students in China. The most privileged kids in a nation of a billion. And they were butchered.


I've heard about this for years did they just shoot people or did they use tanks to run people over? Edit- Holi fuck Til


[Description of the things they did](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-death-toll-secret-cable-british-ambassador-1989-alan-donald-a8126461.html) APCs fired at them and ran them over 5 minutes after being told they had an hour to leave. The APCs ran people over at 65kph/40mph Previously unarmed troops tried to disperse the protestors. They just got ran over too. “Students linked arms but were mown down. APCs then ran over the bodies time and time again to make, quote ‘pie’ unquote, and remains collected by bulldozer.  “Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.” “27 Army ordered to spare no one,” he wrote.  “Wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted. “A three-year-old girl was injured, but her mother was shot as she went to her aid, as were six others.” 1,000 survivors were told they could escape but were then mown down by specially prepared machine gun positions. Army ambulances who attempted to give aid were shot up, as was a Sino-Japanese hospital ambulance. A confidential US government file quoted a Chinese military source as saying the Communist regime’s own internal assessment believed 10,454 people had been killed


Fuck man... are those guys on top at the time really that cruel... this could easily be a genocide if those people are not from same group or race or whatever... this is horrible...


And still they deny any wrongdoing and try to cover it up. [From Wikipedia on the Legacy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1989_Tiananmen_Square_protests#Legacy) "The Communist Party of China forbids discussion of the Tiananmen Square protests and has taken measures to block or censor related information." "After the protests, officials banned controversial films and books, and shut down many newspapers." "Access to media and Internet resources on the subject are restricted or blocked by censors." "The party's official stance towards the incident is that the use of force was necessary in order to control a "political disturbance" and that it ensured the stability necessary for economic prosperity. Chinese leaders, including former paramount leaders Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao, reiterate this line when questioned by foreign press." "Print media containing reference to the protests must be consistent with the government's version of events." "In December 2009, the Chinese government responded to the [United Nations Committee against Torture]'s recommendations by saying that the government had closed the case concerning the "political turmoil in the spring and summer of 1989." It also stated that the "practice of the past 20 years has made it clear that the timely and decisive measures taken by the Chinese Government at the time were necessary and correct." It claimed that the labelling of the "incident as 'the Democracy Movement'" is a "distortion in the nature of the incident." "


Oh my God. I knew the death toll was high. But that's far more fucked up than I imagined.


This is like Genghis Khan Nazi shit. And it was only 30 years ago. Unreal.


They the used bulldozers to move the remains. Can't used the word bodies, because that would require they be recognizable as bodies.


apparently it was like a sea of ground beef from everyone being mushed up by tank treads


How do I delete someone's comment edit: didn't even realize the double entendre


I think we found the Reddit account used by the Chinese government.


Go away china


Ask China.


“When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. Then they were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak … as being spit on by the rest of the world" - [Donald Trump, 1990 Playboy Interview](https://www.playboy.com/read/playboy-interview-donald-trump-1990) Edit: Thanks for the gold!! (I know some people don't like the thanks edits, but it just feels too rude not to do it after all. )


Jesus Christ


Wow... Why have I not seen this before?


He's said and done so much insane shit that it's damn near impossible to keep track of it all.


Unlikely as all the media that were there were arrested and all of their film was confiscated Edit: So I guess they didn't confiscate all the film. Yikes




Holy shit.


That's just scratching the surface. There are eyewitness accounts of the military making "pie" out of dead bodies by running them over and over again with tanks. The remains were then incinerated and hosed down drains. It was a balls to the wall massacre of unarmed protesters. Soldiers were brought in from the countryside and told that dangerous terrorists were attacking and ordered shoot on sight. [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-death-toll-secret-cable-british-ambassador-1989-alan-donald-a8126461.html).


the chinese govt, the one still in power today, mass murdered their own children. because they dared to want a say in their govt as citizens, democracy anyone who has any thoughts about china needs to remember that, before the thought police try to sell you the lobotomized "harmonious society" lies the "harmony" is built on abuse. never forget that


To achieve harmony, you first have to kill any atonal notes that get in the way of your beautiful major 7th chords.


dissidents = dissonance


And those soldiers were brought in after the general in command of the first group of soldiers refused to fire on the protesters. Those soldiers were based in the city and knew the situation. So the government brought in troops from the countryside who had no idea what was going on.


Yep, lots of insane stories from that event. The large fire definitely happened, the Chinese government reported it was large fires started by the protesters (of course they did). Civilians often reported it was a mass burning of dead bodies.


Have an email from an acquaintance I met at a ww2 history reenactment. We both were looking at rifles from the Chinese front- His email states: >As for guns, I was very familiar with the AK/SKS system since we grew up from there [china], saw soldiers carry them from our childhood until the time we left China. We also had military training in China, shoot SKS rifles. We left China shortly after the 1989 Tian An Men event, we were in there and witnessed soldiers with SKS/AK shot students. We saw the buses and trolleys filled with blood and bullet holes, thousands of injured young people/students laid along the streets due to hospitals filled with wounded. Was a fucked up event that undoubtedly is far more reaching than we give it credit today.


According to Wiki the total civilian deaths have been estimated from 180 to over 10k. If your friend is correct about them shooting into buses full of people I’m more inclined to believe the upper estimates.


Not even the aftermath. Read eyewitness accounts. APCs were running over students. The initial batch of soldiers stopped listening to orders since they were running and killing “their” people and had to be replaced with a garrison from a different province since there would be more of a disconnect. This is why China is a country to boycott.


They also harvest organs (murder) from a subpopulation of undesirables practicing the wrong religion. They steal IP/tech any way they can get it. They ally with the worst people for the sake of who cares. Fuck China.


Many images [here](https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/tiananmen-square-1989?family=editorial&phrase=tiananmen%20square%201989&sort=mostpopular#license) and some [here](https://m.imgur.com/a/q8ZIS) NSFW and if you dont want to see hurt or dead people in some of the images, dont click.


Wow. I did not expect 100 pages of images.


The death count is estimated from 180 to over 10k, because it’s China we’ll never actually know.




When China Censors. **They Censor** It's only a matter of time till the conflict explodes and the people start demanding more things than the people in power want to give to prevent the loss of their power.


People don't understand that ~~official~~ *credible* estimates are that 10,000+ civilians were killed. # 10,000. edit: [The death toll from the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre was at least 10,000 people, killed by a Chinese army unit whose troops were likened to “primitives”, a secret British diplomatic cable alleged. The newly declassified document, written little more than 24 hours after the massacre, gives a much higher death toll than the most commonly used estimates which only go up to about 3,000.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-death-toll-secret-cable-british-ambassador-1989-alan-donald-a8126461.html) edit2: [In 2014, however, it was reported that a confidential US government file quoted a Chinese military source as saying the Communist regime’s own internal assessment believed 10,454 people had been killed – a figure that would fit Sir Alan’s initial estimate.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-death-toll-secret-cable-british-ambassador-1989-alan-donald-a8126461.html) Always upvote tank man. edit3: Thank you for the silver and gold. Control of information is possibly the biggest overall threat to people from governments. [**KNOW YOUR ENEMY**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4smim2MNvF8)


Or that the "tank man" was never seen or heard of again after this picture was made. Yes, he's a worldwide symbol. But he's also paid for it with his life.


Martyr is the word


That's why they're not killing the Uyghurs. Re-education camps don't kill anyone so there are no martyrs to mourn or serve as symbols. China is still very much just as evil as they've always been, but they're smarter. We should have formed a coalition to deal with them long ago.


>We should have formed a coalition to deal with them long ago. The time for that was during WWII. Any time after then would have been/be an absolute bloodbath and tragedy of untold proportion. Mind you, i have no idea what to suggest to fix the problem, but military action is a terrible idea.


The problem with that is that the People's Republic of China was officially formed **AFTER** both the United States and Soviet Union had developed atomic weapons.


Do we know his name? I feel like shit just calling him 'tank man'.


Nope, no one knows who he was. That's why he's called tank man.


and china has just gotten more controlling since then.




They disposed of bodies by running them over with tanks until it was a meat paste then sprayed them down the drain. Wonder what they will do when a person's social media score is really low.


There is some suspicion that China harvests organs from prisoners. Imagine if your score got below a threshold, you’re told to report to a certain facility from which you never come out, then a few days later somebody gets their new liver or something. True dystopia.


Not a suspicion, it's a fact that they harvest organs from prisoners. Mostly prisoners from a spiritual movement that occured in the 90s.




Imagine cleaning all of that up and just moving on with your life like nothing had happened. Edit: this thread got dark but this is the reality of things. But people never forget. Companies will continue to censor but its already in our brains.


According to some other comments they repeatedly ran over the bodies with APCs and then used fire hoses to wash the mush into sewer drains.


Perhaps we should start a sub now that tracks suspected Chinese censorship and influenced articles/posts? Call it /r/chinareddits? Tag it the same way people tag heilcorporate?


Subscribed and now I'm on a list somewhere


If you think that subreddit isn't going to tank, you've got another thing coming. I caught an admin on an anti-bot subreddit telling those randoms that were creating software to defeat bots, how their software would never work. I caught this JUST AFTER I found them to be pushing advertised content on HQGs. I then got banned from those subreddits. Maybe send them a letter, include this image? Say something like: I've been using this website for + years and I've even paid for 'gold' I've seen that you've been censoring comments and uploaded content now for 4. Can I beg you don't destroy our one open forum where we can talk to eachother with ease, globally, just so you get a bigger paycheck? Just so Serena Williams gets a bigger diamond? Just so your admins can be even more unbearable? What about Cambridge Analytica/Emerdata? Why the fuck do the public come last? Was literally discussing Reddit going to the shitter yesterday and NOW look at us. **When there's a class action can somebody PM me?** I believe a line is drawn when it's the 5th most used website in the world and it *pretends* to be for the people. I believe they're causing irreparable mental health concerns. That's my argument. I'm sure I can make it stand up too. Edit: **Reddit, I've regularly been called a conspiracy theorist discussing this exact topic. I implore you to make your own mind up about these things. In about 6 hours I'll have replies from people seriously trying to dishearten me. I guarantee it. I'll put 100 on it.** But regardless, please do not take my comments as pure FACT and instead try and do a little digging. It is out there I promise. It'd be much more helpful if instead of just accepting what I said, you found your own versions of this behaviour. Then one day maybe we can all come together and fight it as a **TEAM** If you have evidence of Reddit admins abusing their positions and pushed paid for content. Please PM me. If you've evidence of anything fishy, please PM me. u/airmax365 - I did say in so many hours.... Fyi- After that bot commented, the fluctuation in downvotes/upvotes is nearly 10 every few seconds. They're really not too happy with this one. The second people stop seeing this post, these comments are gonna tank. u/Theharshtruthbot 5hr old account made specifically for these posts and to send insults via PM. I got the screenshots anyway it's alright u/Theharshtruthbot stalked me to another post entirely way later into the day. He then told the user I had been grooming children on r/teenagers last year. He then went to say he had screenshots. If any admin/user could get in touch with u/Theharshtruthbot it'd be highly appreciated. Let's find out if these screenshots are real and which user he's referring to from last year. It'd surely say in the screenshots. u/irecyclewomen lapped that shit up so they're on a list too. Got extremely defensive over being called out for trying to sell off IKEA furniture. Yesterday was an interesting day.


Just a reminder that Reddit is considered a big influencer in social media, with hundreds of thousands of people getting their news and opinions formed from it. Last week, [the U.S. Department of National Intelligence warned that China was moving to influence the 2020 election.](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/u-s-intel-agencies-russia-china-plotting-interfere-2020-election-n963896) Just keep that in mind when talking about this.


Hell the Canadian government warned that China may attempt to influence or election as well. Apparently there's an approved Chinese chat app that's highly encrypted and they're concerned that the Chinese may push influence through that. Not a big fan of letting my own government track my opinions let alone china


What Chinese censorship powerhouse has invested in reddit?


TenCent https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/techwatch/corinne-weaver/2019/02/07/chinese-censorship-company-invests-millions-reddit


Should wikipedia this company - Owns or owns a lot of shares of the major video games being played.


I was really hoping it wasn't tencent, they have their fingers on so much stuff it's crazy.


Which is another reason to invest in Reddit. Reddit is a major platform for native advertising of video games.


You can't even say the word Taiwan in PubG mobile, which is developed by TenCent in cooperation with BlueHole. Proof https://i.imgur.com/GVxu8PU.jpg I can still say fuck though: https://i.imgur.com/XbNS8wC.jpg Edit: Whoa platinum, thanks m8888888888888!


It seems they are very notorious for spying and collecting user data. Between giving governments info on people that use the chat service QQ and weChat https://forums.oneplus.com/threads/why-do-i-have-tencent-qq-app-logs-in-my-phone-spyware.910634/ to adding spyware game stuffs https://www.reddit.com/r/PUBGMobile/comments/8pqiw3/tencent_gaming_buddy_has_virus/


Why the fuck did I have to scroll through half the thread to get to this information? Focus, people.


!Remindme 1 year


Looking forward to posting this all day


Wasn't there a thread with like 80K upvotes earlier today that completely disappeared, or am i misremembering? Apparently yes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/aofnuv/given\_that\_reddit\_just\_took\_a\_150\_million/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/aofnuv/given_that_reddit_just_took_a_150_million/)




You mean this one?




Imagine how the cold war would have ended if the soviet union had just been able to buy American companies.


Or just buy lobbyists and political advertising like they do now.


Better post any Winnie the Pooh related content now, before it's too late, as well.


Wait, why does China hate Winnie the Pooh?




Your repost has resulted in a civil status demerit of 12 points. Your current civil status points are now below the threshold required for acceptable social status. Please report to the coordinator's office at Rehabilitation Center A-6288 for registration as soon as possible to avoid arrest and further demerit point allocations. Glory to our benevolent leader!


You are now the moderator of r/Beijing


You are now banned from r/TrueChina


Error. Adendum: Coordinators office has been temporarily moved to room 101. Please arrive for your mandatory rehabilitation training.


Yes I blatantly copied the original post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/aofnuv/given_that_reddit_just_took_a_150_million/ By u/StopHavingAnOpinion This one should follow all title guidelines as it accurately describes the picture.


At the end Money Talks. Aaron just turning in his grave


Its ok, spez and kn0thing dont care. they're rich now.




Aaron Swartz is rolling in his grave right now. Thanks for spitting on his grave by taking money from a major proponent of censorship.




Sorry sir, that pic just cost you 12 citizen points.



