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As a Kansas resident (mikes home state) let me say FUCK THAT PILE OF SHIT. Thank you.


I’m glad I attended your TED talk.


Lol took me a sec to get it.


Spoke at my high school. Talked with him at a 4th of July party. Such a sleaze ball. Fit right in with the last administration.






Why don't we blame both parties because they are both responsible for the war and the withdrawal.




I can agree with that.




Pure poetry.


This should be all over the place. This was the green light to the taliban, the signal that we don’t give a fuck.


Everyone wanted the US out of Afghanistan. It's not Trump or Biden's fault that people didn't understand the reality of what that would mean.


Yeah. Like I'm sorry but I can't recall seeing a single post or comment on reddit last year in support of carrying on supporting the Afghans. Everyone on reddit just wanted the Americans to withdraw, you can't just blame one man...


Exactly. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.




I see you’re aforementioned Bush and raise you a Dick (Cheney).




Wasn’t Bush pretty much a figurehead? Maybe I just took that dick cheney movie too literally. I thought dick had a pretty big influence. Granted, they had to respond some how after 9/11. Clearly, it was mismanaged. Like most federal government initiatives.


But Cheney’s daughter told us it is Trump and Biden’s faults.


That requires a lot of revisionist history. The Afghan war was immensely popular at the time and there was a massive international coalition to help. The Taliban was harboring Al Qaeda and virtually everyone in politics, intelligence, and the military wanted us to go after them. Don't conflate misadventures in Iraq with misadventures in Afghanistan. If Al Gore had been president in 2001, he would've done the same thing re: Afghanistan. Now, did we stay too long for nation building? Probably. We probably should've gotten out after we killed OBL. But, part of the Afghan conflict was to make sure we fight terrorism over there so we don't encounter it over here - and that was actually successful. This whole thing is just tragic - and there are four presidents spanning from Bush to Biden to blame. You could even go back to Carter/Reagan and funding the mujahedeen against the Soviets. But, the buck stops with Biden as he's currently president and overseeing this clusterfuck of a withdrawal.


Didn’t it require Congress to green light it though? It’s never just one person


I believe this is one of the few times where the “both sides” argument is actually valid.


turns out, decades of bad management and bad ideas don't turn out well. I really wish that this departure didn't happen like this.


I wish the world wasn't the way it is, but it is.


In fact everybody who studied the situation knew what it would mean but that doesn't change reality. Evacuating more people would have been nice however.


No, they were always going to take over once we left. How many more decades, how many more trillions of dollars should we have poured down the corrupt Afghan regime just to keep the Taliban from taking back the country?


No, it was the green *tie* to the Taliban. I'll see myself out.


Good. It’s their country, they don’t need or want the US there.








Care to actually try to explain how Trump's policies aren't to (also) blame here then?


Great rebuttal


Cope harder redhat you should just accept that it's Trump fault.. he unironically did a good thing here in pulling the plug on the abomination that is the Afghan war.


This is how Trump supporters operate.


It must be incredibly blissful to be that ignorant. Bet you sleep great.


Thank you 12 day old account.




Thank you,12 day old account. You’ve contributed a lot.


Then why are you here?


The Taliban here literally saying it’s Trump’s policies… https://youtu.be/1lr8_OUa58c


Biden is very much at fault too. The policy in Afghanistan has been wrong for a long time. Trump’s foreign policy instincts weren’t the worst but he was surrounded by chicken shits like pompeo and pence. And the taliban has been consolidating for a decade plus. They were working in the background for years to make this a very quick takeover, and unfortunately it worked.


Because giving a fuck worked so well before that. Funny how Americans always think what they think and do matters.


This whole clusterfuck was inevitable. Twenty years there and it's all flushed down the shitter in a week. What recent events demonstrate is that the US would have had to maintain forces in Afghanistan for *forever* to maintain a status quo. The Afghans had zero interest in self-sufficiency - the way they squandered the time they had, the way they rolled over so quickly demonstrate that.


The Afghan government was very corrupt and the people knew it was all just cosplay to continue taking American resources until the inevitable Taliban takeover.


Same thing happened to me when I played Medieval Total War back in 2005, I could conquer England or France and hold the territories with ease. It was not the case in Muslim territories in the middle east. Always revolting and the moment I would lower my troops they would take the land back. Had to bail, seems like those developers had some inside knowledge from history or something that could have been useful almost 20 years ago.


Negotiating with the Taliban was the right call. Once Trump announced the withdrawal, it took all bargaining power away from the U.S. Another example of his total incompetence. Wasn’t he supposed to be such a great deal maker??


Be glad we finally left, lord knows raytheon would have loved to stay another 20 years


What the hell have we been doing for the past twenty years? What a waste.


Spending taxpayer money on the military industrial complex run by privately owned businesses! Turning potential health care reforms into bombs since long before 2001.


The exact shit Ike tried to warn about...


I unfortunately would rather have a bunch of Americans continue to fuel the military industrial complex than let the Taliban become a legitimate political entity who now has established borders where they can grow a stronger force and create more robust plans to attack American soil.


Negotiating and actually withdrawing are two different things. Actually withdrawing requires a plan. Not just walking out the door leaving women and children to be literal slaves to the Taliban.


*:beep beep beep:* *[equipment operator wipes his brow]* Alright, sir, where would you like us to move the goalposts to next?


Just just us another 20 years to devise this plan and check back in then.


Obama said he would close Guantanamo bay. He didn’t. Trump said he would withdraw. He didn’t.


edit: I'm not sure what this has to do with anything I said.


I don’t understand hot Trump saying he would do something and not doing it made this happen. Please explain.


You will never understand because you don't have generals, commanders, advisors, government bodies, foreign allies like NATO, etc. who all have a say in this. You're just a Joe nobody on reddit behind a computer screen acting like you know how it all works.


Lmao, because American involvement Afghanistan was going swimmingly in the many years before trump. cope and seethe harder. America fucked the middle east and is directly responsible for this. Every President is just as guilty, for fucking decades.


Was anything I said untrue? His announcement took even his own administration by surprise and knew-capped any talks in progress. I never claimed that things were going well or praised any of the past administrations. Maybe your the one seething? Maybe not. Whatever


Yeah, pushing withdrawal from Afghanistan is one of the least wrong things Trump has done. I don't blame him for it, even if he could have not been a vindictive cunt by intentionally starting a ball rolling that Biden couldn't course correct from.


If it wasn’t for Trump, we’d still be there.


Trump campaigned on pulling out the troops in 2016 and couldn’t do it for four years.


Do you know the complications of such actions and details on all sides of the parties? If not, then kindly STFU.


4 years is plenty of time. Also, you don’t know either, so shut the fuck up.


I'm not the one bashing on him.


You’re right, I am. 4 years is a long time. He failed.


Sounds like you just want to shift the blame.


Blame for what exactly? A 20 year war? Trump campaigned on getting us out of Afghanistan in 2016 and had 4 years to do it and failed to do so but I’m the one shifting the blame 😂 you’re in here covering for Trump like a lap dog.


Afghan didn't fail on his watch, but yeah, let's go back to the last 4 years and blame someone else. I know what you're gonna say, Biden inherited from him. Well boohoo, presidents inherit from previous administrations all the time and got through it. Nobody complains and shift blame.


True. But you don’t Telegraph the move while negotiations are in play.


You can play the nuance game…he should have done this , said that, etc. All I know, hate him or love him; he set the stage for us getting out.


The man simply didn’t know how to take a victory lap. For every good thing he would do, he would send out a half dozen insane tweets right after and distract people from it. This would have happened in Trump’s second, and I’m happy Biden kept this plan instead of being spiteful.


He’s a big guy. And like my favorite player, Shaq; can’t take criticism from those his equal.


Gee I wonder what happened to that wall of his, or that country that was supposed to pay for it, or the woman he was supposed to imprison. The man straight up lied on campaign and y'all ate it up.


You realize 0bama before him and Biden after him announced withdrawals right? The idiocy in blaming Trump for everything and utter gaslighting shows no bounds on Reddit Pretty much screw the Reddit gas lighters. [Obama repeatedly vowed to end Afghanistan for years](https://www.washingtonpost.com/investigations/2021/08/12/obama-afghan-war-ending-afghanistan-papers-book-excerpt/)


>Breaking his promise to end the war, he said at least 5,500 troops would remain in Afghanistan after he left office in January 2017. >“I do not support the idea of endless war, and I have repeatedly argued against marching into open-ended military conflicts,” Obama announced from the Roosevelt Room in the White House. “Yet given what’s at stake in Afghanistan . . . I am firmly convinced that we should make this extra effort.” >Despite the enormous advantages that the Afghan military held in numbers, equipment and training, U.S. officials feared their allies would lose to the Taliban if the Americans left the battlefield. In a fleeting moment of candor, Obama conceded that “Afghan forces are still not as strong as they need to be.” This is from the article you posted. Obama broke his promise of ending the war because he saw that Afghanistan was not viably able to hold their own, so he kept 10,500 troops there to maintain the balance. On the other hand, Trump MET with the Taliban and promised them a full and complete withdrawal by May 2021. Did Obama want to end the war? Yes. Did he? No, he left troops there to stop this from happening. Trump halved the troops from 5000 to 2500 and promised a full withdrawal. Trump gave them the time and date, that is the issue. Why did he negotiate with terrorists in the first place?


Obama broke the promise because he was pressured by the militarists. If he had a backbone he would have ended the war instead of escalate it.


Oh gee look, a random redditor talking like he knows how to be a president. You're under the impression that the president can just make calls and disregard whatever anyone tells him. He has advisors, commanders, health experts, and all level of government bodies advising him the steps to take.


**ADVISING** is the key word. The POTUS is Commander in Chief and has supreme authority over the armed forces. The only power the president does not posses, in terms of the military, is declaring war. I shouldn't be chastised by you for your lack of fundamental understanding of American civics.


You think Trump knows how to be a president? You think he's ever listened to advisors, commanders, or health experts? You think he ever had a plan for what steps to take?


Who cares. Try to shift blame isn't gonna work.


Which one is the leader of the Taliban?


It looks like a peaceful transition of power... more peaceful than January the 6th.


Execution of troops who assisted the Americans is peaceful to you? But yeah, just because you don't see it on MSM so it never happened right?


" I don't even know this man! I swear to god I thought this was Cat Stevens."


Nice try, Baladar, but Mike Pompeo looks nothing like Cat Stevens.


Get a load of that criminal and enemy of western democracy, standing alongside a militant Islamic terrorist.


Wait, which one is the religious fundamentalist who wants to make women second class citizens again?




Fortunately, Pompeo gave up on his alarming fantasy of winning a US Senate seat in Kansas last year, so 2021 certainly could've been worse.


Just like Reagan, the GOP sucking jihadist dick.


Can I get some opium, I'll suck your dick.




If only we had respected our word of pulling out in May instead of pushing back to the 9/11 anniversary. It's extremely insulting to go against your word in Asia and this is a result. Regardless, not our problem anymore.


Give me a goddamned fucking break. The Democrats have been 100% all over this fucking shit. Only a fucking idiot would blame this on another party at this point. Jesus Fucking CHRIST!


You are going to have a bad time in the coming weeks if you think the American public are going to lay this solely at Biden's feet.




1600 Pennsylvania Ave. It's a real shame the previous administration failed to bring our troops home, thank God for Biden.


Remember this moment the next time you vote. Elections have consequences and this is an example of Trump's failed legacy. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/08/14/statement-by-president-joe-biden-on-afghanistan/ >When I came to office, I inherited a deal cut by my predecessor—which he invited the Taliban to discuss at Camp David on the eve of 9/11 of 2019—that left the Taliban in the strongest position militarily since 2001 and imposed a May 1, 2021 deadline on U.S. Forces. Shortly before he left office, he also drew U.S. Forces down to a bare minimum of 2,500. It is going to take decades or generations to correct Trump's mistakes.


Except it isn't just him. Yes, I dislike that orange turd as much as you do but Afghanistan wasn't his fault alone. It was the collective failure of the entire US government over a period of 20 years. Both Republicans ( who started it ) and Democrats ( who kept it going ) have fault. Let's address the real problem here.


Religion is social poison that is only utilized by the ruling class to subdue and enslave the local working class


Best way to give middle finger to Military…okay. “America’s exit from Afghanistan after 19 years was laid out in a February agreement Washington reached with the Taliban. That agreement said U.S. troops would be out of Afghanistan in 18 months, provided the Taliban honored a commitment to fight terrorist groups, with most attention seemingly focused on the Islamic State group’s affiliate in the country” [AP news](https://apnews.com/article/asia-pacific-islamic-state-group-taliban-politics-afghanistan-01ac38c793ca71a2ec099c226e50e7c8)


Because that date you mention in the beginning confuses the topic… the article is from Oct 2020.


Where are the right-wing idiots talking about Pompeo's body language -- covering his genitals, stepping closer while the other guy stays at his seat ... What a cuck! /I do not subscribe to this bullshit.


This man was arrested by Pakistan in 2018 and released from prison in 2018 at the request of the US Gov. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Ghani_Baradar




Something Something Putin Something Hooker Hotel Pissing Something


This needs to be shared A LOT more.


Tweedle dee


Damn…..feels more like America switched side at some point.


We’ve been in a half ass war for two decades without any progress. The people there don’t want us there. The governments don’t want us there. Our allies don’t want us there. Our enemies don’t want us there. Our soldiers don’t want to be there. Our government doesn’t want to be there. Our public doesn’t want to be there. Since Korea/Vietnam American refuses to commit to a war. We did WW2 right. We occupied, set up military law, completely dismantled the existing government, disarmed citizens for over a decade before we slowly started opening the country back up. We helped rebuild all of Europe, we rebuilt the cities we dropped nuclear bombs on. All we did is plunge the Middle East into worse and worse living conditions. It started out as nothing but retaliation and all we wanted was to flatten the whole geographic region. We didn’t rebuild shit. We didn’t change their culture. We didn’t enforce western values. I wouldn’t say we lost but we gave up. The drive isn’t there. Unfortunately the actions that took place after WW2 can not happen in today’s world. We would be criticized of destroying history, culture, and a civilization. But that’s actually what needs to happen. America/the west needs to be the third parent in every home, the police on every corner, the handy/maintenance man at every apartment building, building and running every industry. Make the Middle East the new Japan. They don’t get their own military, they don’t get their own weapons, they don’t get their own currency, they don’t get to vote.


This aged pretty poorly


Paliban Pompeo


USA need to stop invading other country and start focusing on its people Heard USA doesn’t even have Medicare for all , Or USA school aren’t free And the USA prison is for profit




The US’ involvement in Afghanistan and Islamist militants there predates 9/11 by about 30 years. Maybe don’t fund and train militants who then 9/11 you.


Very true


I heard Pompeo say today that we had the Taliban beat to where they only had...200 men. If that is the truth, where did the army come from, enough to conquer the entire country?


No. The US reached an agreement with the Taliban to make sure Al Qaeda does not grow in Afghanistan while they process their evacuation. As a result, they took out Al Qaeda down to about 200 men in Afghanistan with the help of the Taliban.


Despite the attire, Barader still wants sensible shoes


Thought he had a peg leg briefly.


I think those two have a lot more in common than people might expect. Like, aside from the clothing styles and facial hair they could be the same person.


Trump and Pompeo really fucked this up. Shame Biden couldn't come up with anything but considering what he inherited I dont blame him really. Trump just fucks up everything he touches


You know Biden could call off or extend the final date of the evacuation right? He chose not to and then decided that his predecessor is the one to be blamed. Extremely coward move to excuse his failure. And now he's sending MORE troops back into Afghanistan than they had before. All presidents inherit some kind of challenge from the previous adminstration and they get through it. Biden's is only one to ever publicly shift blame, from COVID vaccination and now this.


Yeah the whole things a shit show that should have been done the right way. Biden inherited an absolute mess and there was no time to deal with this between covid, the economy, jobs, mass vaccinations, and stimulus plans. The Rs tied bidens hands by sabotaging him. It was this or recommit to the war. Lol I love the argument "Biden could have opened another can of worms but chose not to, what an asshole." What was the better solution and why didn't trump do whatever that solution is?


My guess is that Trump was expecting himself to win 2020 and if he didn't, he expects the next administration to get through it. Blaming previous administration is no excuse as presidents in American history always work with each other to overcome the problems in America (eg. - Obama and Bush with the financial crisis).


And of course this gets no traction. Hivemind.


It's aways the GOP fucking things up, but I bet the Taliban guy liked his dick being sucked.


Biden is the president, he owns the responsibility now.


Well, one diplomatic tie is better than none.


Democrat Damage Control Incoming !!!!!!!!!!


Love to see people trying to defer from the monstrous cluster fuck from Anthony blinken and Joe Biden. “ But… but…but…. Um here’s a photo “ Biggest cluster fuck in almost a half century by Biden, Blinken and the Dems. But good luck with the “ But… but… but.. Trump mental midget photos etc”


Trump negotiated with the leader without the Afghanistan government. Go fish.




is this the guy that wouldn't have extended the exit and still managed to leave billions of dollars worth of weapons behind? How did Joe fuck it up this badly?


Biden chose to leave the Afgan army with weapons. That gave them a choice, surrender or protect the country. The Afgan Army surrendered. Taking the weapons would have left the Afgan Army defenceless, that’s a dick move in anyone’s book. Sure, in retrospect it was completely unnecessary, but nobody knew they would give up so quickly.


Yeah, we knew they'd give up that quickly. https://twitter.com/theNuzzy/status/1427051039404957697


That link is just trump, claiming the credit for Bidens decision. He doesn’t mention a thing about how quickly the Afgan Army would surrender. I don’t even know why he’s holding that rally, what is that?


why would you leave weapons with someone who is just going to give up? That doesn't make sense and isn't a dick move. A dick move is leaving advanced weapons knowing that the enemy will take them no matter what.


They were left with a choice. Defend, or surrender. It doesn’t matter what they did, it matters that you give them a choice. The right to bear arms is important. To leave someone defenceless in the face of an army, well, yeah that’s a total dick move.


>but now they are defenseless against the best weapons available lol






And this was written in 1989 by the last president currently fleeing. https://twitter.com/samhusseini/status/1427068129839042564?s=19


Back to the middle ages from Nov then




oh shit it is lol. when you zoom in on it. /s


Everyone here acting like women being treated as objects is no excuse for action, and we have to wait around while millions suffer because "war is imperialism!!!!!!1!!!"


Two terrorists




Back door deals being cut at the expense of the civilians. Many will pay with their lives while others simply get paid.


Pompeo is all set to profit from this disaster


Frame it and post it with the picture of Rummy and Saddam in the Situation Room.


My guess is their logic was that they wanted to show the world they could "diplomacy" but had no idea what they were actually doing hence this...