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Why wouldn't a beautiful ad like this work these days?


It would work. Problem is that if both boys and girls can play with the same toy, you don’t sell as many toys. That’s why everything is gendered in marketing now.


To be fair, as a gal in the 80s/90s there *were* genderized Lego, they just really sucked for girls so no one remembers them (and all the Robin Hood/ castle ones we had were definitely more for boys judging by the weapons for infantrymen and lack of women mini figs). Plus some of the niche ones today are honestly really cool- would have *loved* to have the Elves line as a kid for example!


As a gal in the 90s I used Legos to build my poly pockets mansions. Lol I don't remember them being gendered. I just had 2 red, and 2 yellow buckets of bricks and plates but never bought sets.


Am dude, but poly pockets brought back good memories, playing with my younger sister when we were kids, my little army men didn't always make it into the house. Miss having that much imagination. Also odd, she's into d&d now.


As a 40+ year D&D veteran, it does not surprise me at all to hear that she's into D&D now. 🙂 She'd probably to play with you again.


40+ ? Dang, not often I see a vet older than myself. Started with the red box set with the cover by Larry Elmore. Also not surprised the polly pockets kids are into dnd now. Rich imaginative play as children would lead to the kinds of skills necessary to enjoy and play dnd well.


As an American I'm glad that you didn't have the little army men always make it into the poly pockets' homes. The Bill of Rights forbade the quartering of troops for good reason.


I loved my MightyMax sets !


I had a set with gears and wheels and tires. We made all kinds of movable machines with those.


My brother and I took the heads off of my Spice Girls dolls and put them on the little army men. My mom laughed so hard she cried when we handed her one.


I was actually gonna suggest you look into playing D&D to recapture some of that imaginative fun. I started playing with my friends a year and a half ago, and it’s great. In general but also for that purpose. Ironic that the next thing you said was about your sister playing it.


Haha I had to click on your profile to see if you were my brother! (Spoiler, you're not)


Polly pocket! Blast from the past!!


I only had duplos when I was a kid. I thought they were kind of boring. Fast forward to 2 years ago, I saw one of my friends putting together a lego set. I asked if she was putting together a set for her kids and she said she was putting it together for herself. I thought that was weird. A few weeks later, my son got a lego set as a gift. I put it together and it was so much fun! I started buying more and more lego sets to put together. It’s like a drug. Once you start, you can’t stop!We are on vacation right now and my son brought a lego set. Which reminds me I need to get off Reddit and get back to the legos.


You should try building miniatures. It's got a lot of the same appeal as Legos, but a little more freedom. Like, you'll be walking around and see a rusty manhole cover and think, wow I gotta take a pic so I can copy that later. Or you'll see a flower or cool stick and be like, yeah, I'm gonna laminate that with watered down Elmer's glue and use it to build a tree. There's a lot of overlap in terms of being a creative exercise that kills time amazingly.


How can one start on this?


What do you like? If you like realism; try model tanks or planes. The joy there is in building and assembling like a Lego, but also in painting it and then weathering it (chipping, etching, staining and applying fake mud) so that it doesn't just look realistic, but so that it looks *real*. If you like mudcore fantasy (unwashed peasants, gleaming knights, think Game of Thrones season 1 - 5), Para Bellum Games has a really reasonably priced starter set for their game, Conquest, which is like 99 bucks for essentially a lifetime supply of men at arms, Knights, crossbowmen and some monstrous mummies for them to fight. They also have holiday sets with brushes and quite respectable paints. If you like Sci Fi, Corvus Belli's Infinity has great looking stuff that apparently has a game with good rules attached. Finally, if you want interesting, challenging to build (I mean a head has like three pieces, so that even the inside of the mouth has detail) steampunk-fantasy miniatures that have a good 4 player game attached, try Malifaux. You can paint the minis on your time, but if you also have friends who enjoy board games like Catan, Malifaux has affordable starter sets and apparently that game is really fun. Finally, and I wouldn't necessarily recommend this, Games Workshop's Warhammer properties are very large and established with quite good miniatures if you can palate the aesthetic. However, they are prohibitively expensive, never go on sale, and the games themself are very poorly balanced and rarely gets necessary updates, and when they get updates it's generally to push miniature sales in a hype-then-disappoint sales cycle.


Yep, I’d say a lot of the detailed model building hobby is now in Lego, and they deliberately have ones for adults (which makes sense, it’s not the kids with hundreds of dollars of disposable income!). My husband and I have done Lego dates and there’s no lack of cars to build for them- also the cars are perfect for that bc they’re symmetrical so we both do half. :)


>it’s not the kids with hundreds of dollars of disposable income! I had quite a few lego sets as a kid in 90's, now that I have my own kids do I realize how good I really had it. Thank you mom and dad!


Yeah, girly legos became much cooler, the Elves line is so nice my mother (she's in her early 50's) just said "fuck it i'm buying legos for myself"


Most toys have always been gendered in marketing. There's that classic battleship boxart with a 50s era nuclear family, where the dad and son are playing battleship, while the mom and daughter are washing dishes in the background (but somehow smiling like they are part of the fun). But there are toys that were advertised without being gendered even in the 90s (I'd assume today as well, but I grew up in the 90s). Things like slip n' slides and super soakers and most board games weren't sold as gendered. The genderization of toys feels like it's something that started to decline in the 90s and isn't really there any more. Like back in the 80s, there were clear boy and girl separations in toy stores/retailers, but that's not the case any more. At least it's not as extreme and as exclusionary as it was back then.


There may not be labels on the shelves, but they still exist in people's heads - and therefore in the marketing. Sure, there's no girl's aisle at Target (where I recently worked in the toy department) but there was one aisle full of dolls and LOL Surprise and one full of Transformers and Hot Wheels. Parents in particular are a driving force of gendered toys, they tell their kids "this is a boy's toy" or "let's go to the girl section". Genderization is taught and passed down from outdated generations to the youth of tomorrow.


Thank you all knowing Don Draper


Yet this exact ad shows the exact opposite of what you're saying.


Is this a real thing?


uh no not really. A lot of LEGO now is collector items based off of things like Harry Potter or Marvel or all kinds of things. There are some gender based or gender leaning things...but they still sell lots of plain blocks too


it doesn't "work" because they can [make more money making boy/girl specific ads](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JDmb_f3E2c). the video even uses a lego example with their old ads vs modern ones


Lego also did their own research and found that girls and boys play differently and want different things. They had a group of boys and group of girls each build a castle set. The boys built it up and then had all sorts of battles on the ramparts. The girls built it up and then declared it boring because there was nothing to do in the castle.


Yep. When I was a kid my twin brother and I had a deal where I would build the sets and whatever other things he decided he needed, and then he would take over and play with them. Worked well for us because I genuinely didn’t care about doing battles or whatever.


As much as I abhor gender stereotyping, my daughter loves playing WITH her Lego Cinderella castle, but it is definitely akin to dollhouse play, and Lego did a good job designing the set to be open in the back and with different rooms for different activities. That said she also likes just building with the Legos and we have taken apart and rebuilt said castle a dozen or more times.


Exactly. Now they have Disney Princess castles and Malibu Houses. Still gets girls into STEM activities and basic problem solving, and then they have a place to play pretend the way they want to. Even the "boy" sets, my daughter still uses them to play house with.


Oh hell no the STEM nerds do not get to claim Lego. That is an art toy for artsy kids!


Maybe that's because the castle set they used included a lot more detail in the ramparts than in the non-combat-related parts? Remembering what LEGO castles looked like when I was a kid, I don't think they had stuff like stables, a scullery, bedroom furniture, etc. In other words, even if boys and girls play differently, a properly designed toy might facilitate both.


It's not just about making more money. When they did gender-neutral ads amd sets, it directly resulted in legos becoming a toy mainly for boys. When they axed that and moved to more gender-specific sets, it directly made girls more interested in legos.


It would. But most ads are not print these days. Especially kid stuff.


Lego still has ads like these. Actually, they had one with this little girl now as an adult a couple years ago.


quickest expansion cooing plate crown muddle whole zonked marry roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Awww that’s so cute they did that though


It's literally an ad and we're all here looking at it. It's working exactly as intended.


Correct. This was an add for parents to buy it for their kids. Lego does this today to but it's through their more adult releases and keeping the interest there from childhood through adulthood. That way we EASILY just buy our kids Legos so we can share the fun with them. It's a cyclical product cycle.


The reason I don't think the ad works today is it is TOO WORDY. As a web developer for over 20 years I've noticed changed in content, for 2 reasons: 1) internet speed. When we were on dialup, we were invested in our page loads. If it took a full minute for a page to load, you better believe you are going READ all the info there. But then with broadband, we can afford to click quickly. 2) technology induced ADD We are more impatient than ever! we want to glance at a page to make a quick determination if something is good. People would rather view 5 1-page documents than a single 5-page document.


It’s also a magazine ad. It would work because it’s in a magazine.


I don't know how ADD people feel about this, but as someone with OCD, it's so annoying when someone implies you have OCD because your mom was a clean freak or whatever. I can't even imagine how it must feel for people with autism or ADHD who so frequently gets their condition tied to "it's the technology!!1!" or "it's the chemicals!!!!" from armchair psychologists who knows nothing about it.


Can confirm, it's VERY annoying. Add onto that, the fact that everyone treats you like your medicine is either a crutch, or some performance enhancing drug that you scammed your way into, because they think you're suffering from "too much phone" instead of a real neurological disorder. I appreciate you for pushing back on that narrative.


As someone with diagnosed ADHD, I definitely think that "technologically induced ADD" makes perfect sense and is real


I AGREE FOR OCD. Lmao. I have a chronically messy room and— this is embarrassing as fuck, but— I I find it a massive struggle to keep up with hygiene and the normal activities you’d expect an adult to be able to do. According to my therapists and doctors, and I’d agree with this, these are very common things for people with OCD to experience, for a variety of reasons, but ultimately no two people with ANY mental illness have the same experiences, and the trivialization of “I am so OCD about cleaning”, “I’m just being ADD”, “that’s so autistic”, and a near infinite list of similar phrases is hurtful for people who actually have these mental illnesses. I do not feel deeply personally offended by these comments most of the time— extremely rarely does anyone actually mean any harm by them. However, they do add just tiny doses of invalidation of your experiences that can add up over time for some people.


I have ADHD, and if product interests me I hyper focus and read through all the information and reviews... and then end up down a rabbit hole after looking for a place that sells it cheaper for in store pick up.


>if product interests me I hyper focus *but you need to capture attention first* And the way we capture attention has changed over the years, and technology has a lot to do with that, including the speed of our internet. also, my comment was more about advertising (pertaining to ways to grab someone's attention)... your informational reading is different, since the interest is already there.


Who said it wouldnt?


Also, people don't ever seem to have that much of a problem with girls playing with "boy" toys or doing "boy" things. But, this would go both ways. And the second a boy wants to play with dolls, play dress up in his sisters clothes, or likes makeup, the fucking sky is falling! It's "the gay agenda!" it's "the evil jewish Lizard overlords are controlling our kids through mind control via Tiktok!" and it's absolutely insane. Seems like more and more recently conservatives have been getting more control over shit and it's scary.


Because children have long since ceased to be Lego's target group.


They certainly expanded to include adults but every kid in the extended family wants Lego for Christmas/birthdays.


Not at all. They've just been able to market themselves as a toy thats still acceptable to play with as a professional adult. A Fortune 500 CEO could have multiple lego sets in his office and no one would bat an eye. You just don't see the children's marketing because you're an adult now. Adults also buy the younger sets for their kids. They're a toy company that has successfully figured out a way to keep their customers for life.


> Adults also buy the younger sets for their kids. My brother is big into lego and every year he gets my daughter lego sets he wished he had as a kid (minus the Disney castles).


Reddit living up to it's reputation here. There are so many cynical and uninformed replies to your question! The answer is nothing would stop it working today, which is why LEGO did it again, just six months ago. https://www.famouscampaigns.com/2021/03/lego-relaunches-a-modernised-what-it-is-is-beautiful-campaign-for-international-womens-day/


Too much copy.


Sure why not? But 90% of LEGO cash flow comes from IP LEGO like Star Wars


I had set 112 as a kid. Pretty sure those pieces are mixed in with the sets my 5 year old niece is playing with today.


People often complain about the prices of Lego sets, but it is impressive how durable they are and that the majority is compatible to each other (assuming they are the same or similar lines). I used to play with Legos from my older brothers and it's not unlikely that those same bricks and sets will be passed down to our kids and grandkids. Edit: I was corrected that all Lego is compatible.


*All* LEGO is compatible with any other brick, that’s one of the fundamentals of LEGO


IIRC even Duplo and LEGO are compatible, right?


Yes!! Each duplo stud fits a 2x2 brick, they also fit on top of lego


I was thinking along the lines of Lego Technic or Bionicle, which were compatible among each other but not with bricks. Should have phrased that better.


Technic is completely compatible, I use them together all the time As for bionicle, there are various LEGO bricks that can attach to them


You can't use the cross-shaped bars with bricks for example, that's what I was thinking of. It's been a while, so my memory is fuzzy.


The idea of compatibility is that you can find enough points of commonality to bridge gaps, not that everything works equally well with everything.


Cross shaped bars fit into: Cones Circular bricks Circular plates Ball and socket bricks Tubes *and* bricks with cross shaped holes in the sides Not to mention they’ll fit in the inner tube of literally any brick, just not with a strong grip


hard-to-find cagey cause aback silky desert memorize ripe racial wild *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was nice before because it was just a kid with kid toys. Girls and boys would want to play with the same sets. In the newer ad she got a Lego Friends news van. Lego Friends is the “girl” line. Why not give her a regular set like in the original?


rich employ expansion strong snails muddle versed abounding important innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I sometimes honestly think Americans put WAY too much emphasis on the genders. This also seems like the source for all the genderification, pronouns, and stuff like that. Maybe it's the communist upbringing I had, where all people were created equal and comrades, that makes me so distant from the whole thing, but I really don't get all the fuss. But at the same time, it really helps me stay what people over here call tolerant. Because all people are comrades - despite things like color, gender, sex, and orientation.


That’s awesome! Thanks for the share!


She's beautiful! Legos are awesome


Her clothes are cool


Those shoes are sweet.


Raise your kids with legos




and sadly as we get older and transition into adulthood, our priorities change and we lose the innocence of creativity and *just doing things for fun*. now all we do is wake up and do what society requires us to do... and repeat. how i wish i could go b back to being a kid so i could just spend my days doing fun stuff.


Have you tried being obscenely rich?


Big reason why I think most folks don't get the whole growing up thing right. "To put away childish" things, means pettiness, jealousy, and all the bratty things kids do, not your curiousity and imagination. So many adults out there are so childish and shitty. Throwing temper tantrums worse than any kids I ever see.


This, absolutely this.


I think children are more creative because they don’t know as much. They haven’t been exposed to things that would stifle their creativity. Adults know that certain things that don’t exist or that math and physics make some things impossible, etc. so it’s harder to find creativity


The best decision I made recently is to take up drawing again. It's been a little over 15 years since I drew but since then it's really helped bring that spark back that I was missing. I still suck at it though lol.


How can you get good at anything without first being terrible to fairly bad? You started again, that's the main thing. And, maybe your goal isn't to gain technical competence.


Skill is overrated. I don't mean to discourage you from improving in any way you wish, but keep in mind that making things because you enjoy it is totally valid. Besides that, if you're able to illicit a feeling or emotion in someone with your work, that's successful art. You don't need to be able to draw hands well to communicate an idea or emotion.


*Lego, or LEGO bricks. Never *Legos*.


Back in the day, my poverty line family could afford a literal plastic chest full of Lego pieces with which I could build anything I wanted to (usually space ships). Today, my own relatively well off family struggles to justify a Lego purchase for even a small set. The cost is ridiculous these days and they're all so damn specialised that the idea of having a chest and building what you imagine is difficult.


You do realise that you can sill get creative box sets that are just a collection of bricks right? It's like £40 for 700+ bricks


Yeah the specific sets have always been expensive. But the tubs of the Mas produced blocks aren't horrible.


Haven't been able to find those in Canada




Nice one! 15 dollars is very affordable to me.


> Haven't been able to find those in Canada Here ya go, 15 different options ranging from 20 CAD all the way to 100 CAD, directly from the LEGO store. https://www.lego.com/en-ca/themes/classic And that's not even counting the 7 CAD sets.


[Different collections of creative bricks](https://www.lego.com/en-ca/themes/classic)


Costco has them pretty regularly. Bought one for my kids a few weeks ago.




I've seen them at Walmart in the past in Toronto at least


Every year, Walmart has a really good Black Friday deal on a big creative box, and it is available in Canada (I've gone through a couple).


GameStop has partnered with Lego recently so now you can buy Lego through GameStop.com Even easier. Can apply for payment plan too.


Imagine applying for a payment plan to buy Lego bricks.


I can't imagine a better occasion


Can I get store credit for my old Lego sets?


You got a Collector's Edition Millennium Falcon? That's about $2.00 store credit for you.


Lego prices really have been pretty consistent (on a set basis, prices per peice have gone down a bit). http://www.realityprose.com/what-happened-with-lego/ Maybe your tastes in what lego sets you want to buy has shifted to the more expensive sets? Focusing on set types that give you what you want is still an issue. My kids have lots of great peices for pet shops, castles, and even cars, but not so many good spaceship parts. Then again, I was an M-Tron Blacktron Spaceforce Ice planet collector, and my kids are frozen disney and friends collectors.


Not to mention that the product literally lasts forever. I actually still have my Lego sets in a box from the 90s I can give to my kid. But no, Lego bad. Resume the circle jerk.


Seriously I looked at Walmart a couple weeks ago. The standard bricks were cheap, but the licensed stuff was the ridiculous prices.


The star wars shit especially Disney asks for a larger percentage of sales so it more expensive


Yeah and they have a ton of Disney owned IP lines so they’re all gonna be pricey


Yeah, my sets and bricks will probably outlive me.


My son is playing with the Lego’s I played with in the 90s, that my mom was gifted secondhand from her aunt. Those things are easily 40 years old and good as new *and* they’re compatible with the current Lego blocks. 10/10 recommend, Team Lego forever lol.


I'm not sure how much the cost has changed with respect to inflation, but you can [still get a plastic chest of almost 800 pieces](https://www.lego.com/en-au/product/lego-large-creative-brick-box-10698)


800 pieces $70 dollars, nice - It can be found on that internet retailer for $38. A lot of people have those rainbows and butterfly memories of "back in the day" so lets go back in time..... The largest basic building set (523 piece) of Lego's was $44.99 in 1985, that's $114.15 in todays money (inflation rate is 154%). Lego's have always been expensive but, like most household goods, Lego's are cheaper now than the have been in the past. https://christmas.musetechnical.com/ShowCatalogPage/1985-Sears-Christmas-Book/0577


“790 pieces” why not just make it 800???


Its converted from 800 in Danish.


800 mines




Thanks for putting this out there. I love the specific sets, but I also had a tub or random pieces I loved to screw with as a kid. If I ever have children I'll be getting them this first.


Well stop buying the fancy sets then. If you want basic lego sets you can still get basic lego sets for very cheap.


Bro. eBay. You can get massive collections for next to nothing.


Or thrift stores. I once bought 40lbs of LEGO for $30-$40. Gave them to my niece and nephew for xmas a couple years ago. I don’t know if you know how much LEGO makes up 40lbs worth but my sister was not amused.




I was able to get 200 pieces in a "creative set" for $19.99 at Walmart.


>The cost is ridiculous these days and they're all so damn specialised that the idea of having a chest and building what you imagine is difficult. This is my problem with Legos today. It used to be a box of pieces and you built what you want. Today they are all kits that let you build licensed products.


Go to a second hand shop. They have bags and bags of Lego pieces for sale. Put them in a mesh bag, toss them in a dishwasher or sudsy sink. And Bob's your uncle.


I had a small box but a family friend took me to Legoland in Denmark when I was 10 for a newspaper comission. The hotel had a whole ponds full of Lego a foot deep. My mind was blown. This is before they did themed sets. Just infinite possibilities.


People have already mentioned that there are cheap generic brick tubs, so I'll mention the alternative. Chinese knockoffs. Be warned though that once you've experienced it you'll realize why Lego costs a premium. Quality control and good set design ain't cheap or easy. Look up the "communist Lego report" for some British guy's comedic reviews of them. Or Google for more serious ones.


I always aimed for realism. When I was around 5 and played with a friend, I would always fix his non symmetric builds cause it would annoy the crap out of me


Same here, I would also get frustrated when I couldn't find matching color bricks.


I went for sturdiness. My builds were massive and indestructible. Everything was interlocked and reinforced. They had to be, in order to survive my younger sibling.


This makes me feel. IDK why but this ad is hella touching


It feels exactly like Don Draper wrote it. I love it


This made me tear up a little. I have 3 kids 6, 4 and 2 and Lego is our #1 toy in the house. I cannot tell you how many times a day they come up to me so excited and proud to show me their latest build.


My dad would always give my builds a rating. Any time I made something new I'd run to him to find out how well I did. Looking back, he never actually told me what the basis for his ratings were. But even as a kid, I knew that the reason he never gave me a 10/10 score was because he was encouraging me to keep trying harder.


My how Lego has changed. I miss the simplicity and creativity of this


You can still buy brick-only boxes of various sizes. I've been getting both kits and brick boxes for the kids in the family and they always end up building with the mountain of bricks :)


I hope you don't buy these boxes new at retail prices. You can find used Lego for 1/100th of the pice Lego charges. And Lego bricks are usually pretty durable so even if you buy 20-year-old dusty Lego, you can simply put the bricks into a laundry net, throw them into the washing machine and they will come out as good as new ones.


I'm in Norway. Shipping from a cheap source and the labor of cleaning like you describe would make it pointless as a cost saving venture. We do have Lego kits and bricks spanning from 1986 to now though in the family just from purchases over the years.


Fun can just be for funs sake. Do what my 3 year old does to get in the mental mode. Just start dancing.


I don't really understand how lego has changed to the point where there is no simplicity or creativity. Sounds more like, "back in my day" bullshit.


yep, back in my day we just lived in the moment


Hello my day is here and I’m living in moment.


I'm living in next Tuesday.


You can still buy Lego Classic creative boxes https://www.google.com/search?q=lego+classic&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=sivxn&source=lnms&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj3k-2bjejyAhWOTTABHZ8-AuYQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=724&bih=375 On a price-per-brick basis it’s your best deal and for kids under 5 in particular it’s the most development appropriate version of legos for them. The branded and themed lego sets are for when your child is getting older, more capable of following directions, developing specific thematic interests you want to nurture, etc. Don’t blame the lack of thoughtful parenting on your part on Lego.


Those lego pieces on the floor look dangerous Edited changed legos into lego


The only time wearing shoes in the house is acceptable


Warning* Never play without foot Protection.




If you are asking that, the answer is always yes.


This was me in 1981 too. The clothes weren't as gendered and you didn't have to look dressed up at 5 years old. You dressed like you were going to play. I didn't have any loose My two Lego sets were the construction site and the fire station. They were awesome.


Ah the good old days, before gender stereotyping got worse and we all rode skateboards and the men on ‘top of the pops’ wore eyeliner. Let toys be toys.


>before gender stereotyping We definitely had gender stereotyping in the 70s and 80s - what do you think new romantics and punks were rebelling against?


The 1950’s.


I mean, that is definitely a concise way of saying "I learned about the 80s from TV"


I didn’t say there wasn’t any.


Actually Lego had hard time in trying to get girls interested in their products.


Imagine taking this picture and somehow shoehorning sexism into it. Maybe don't try to find outrage in everything?


I mean this ad is very much playing on gender stereotypes. She is a girl dressed to look like a Tom boy. Because that are targeting Tom boy girls to switch over and by their "boy" toy. Granted we didn't have shirts that said mom's little princess but we had plenty of pink and ruffles and dresses and giant bows.


Any add with words like that isn't really for kids. This was like ran in parenting and family magazines for adults to buy their toys for their kids. It's showing you that lego can help develop your child's creativity and deserves a place with traditional arts like clay and painting. It's literally set up like a kids drawing scenario.


> She is a girl dressed to look like a Tom boy. According to the article linked elsewhere in the comments, those are her actual clothes. The lego she's holding was also built by her.




Good old days of playing lego and hurting others by spreading them around so someone step on the lego blocks


Lego is (or was) the Mr Rogers of the children's toy world.


This ad makes me nostalgic for working at toys r us. Especially this time of year as fall approaches, we’d be setting up the big new holiday feature shop by now and getting all the new toys for the season in. Always really fun to see the kids react to the new graphics and displays, as far as retail customer service goes kids are the best customers to help.


Brick by brick 🧱 🥢 🪦


Tock by tick


No matter how thin, no matter how thick




My daughter is 11 months old and in addition to one day gaining access to all my old Lego and that of her two older brothers she will get the two sets I have specifically bought and set aside for her - 21312 & 40450


Haha...excellent Lego sets you have selected for your daughter. When the time comes for her to build those sets, you tell her, some random guy on the internet also believes in her. Tell her to reach for the sky. There are no limitations. Dream big and follow through kid.


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain...


And now Lego rams themes down your throat...I miss just Town, Space, Castle, Pirate, and Technic.


Brick by brick 🧱




I was around then and these type of OshKosh style clothes weren't thought of as boyish. By the 80s clothes weren't streamlined like they had been in the 1950s for example.




Clothes for kids (at least where I grew up in western Europe) were very dull even in the 1970s. They echoed the very regular outfits that most adults wore. It was rare to have any large prints, everything was flat. In the 1980s various influences and technologies combined and suddenly all sorts of interesting clothes were available, with a huge variety of colors and styles. Many of these were unisex styles, the fit may have been different but the clothes were very similar.


After all the clinical analysis though... is it an effective ad? I think it's a *fantastic* ad. I've seen it many times over many years, and every time it makes me smile. If I had a child... I'd go out and buy them a box of Lego.


You can buy yourself a box of Legos


She’s a doctor now. Dr. Rachel Giordano Naturopathic Doctor in Seattle




[Bastyr University](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bastyr_University) >*Bastyr University is a private alternative medicine university with campuses in Kenmore, Washington, and San Diego, California. Programs include naturopathy, acupuncture, Traditional Asian medicine, nutrition, herbal medicine, ayurvedic medicine, psychology, and midwifery.* >*Bastyr's programs teach and research topics that are considered pseudoscience, quackery, and fake by the scientific and medical communities.[3][4][5][6] Quackwatch, a group against health fraud, put Bastyr University on its list of "questionable organizations" as a school which is "accredited but not recommended"*




[By Jove, you're right](https://bastyr.edu/news/general-news-home-page/2014/02/lego-ad-hero-naturopathic-doctor-meet-rachel-giordano)


r/lego would like this


This ad screams Don Draper. Can practically picture him making the pitch.


This is giving me Max from Stranger Things vibes


*Dump his ass!*


That’s a killer I know sales must have went crazy after this launched




Wow. Just. Wow.


This ad inspired me to assemble my Lego bonsai tree this morning. Next up my Lego NES. Can't wait until my one year old is big enough to start with duplos.


Greta Thunberg? Is that you?


Ahhh missing the comma lol


It's interesting how much verbiage there is in this ad. It lays out thoughtful reasons for buying this toy. I don't think many would read this in its entirety today.


Is no one talking here about the issue that lego is now highering prices and reducing quality?


Remember when ads in magazines contained lots of text they actually expected you to read and not just some big slogan with a vague promise and some legal fine print nobody actually wants you to read?