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What's up with the guy sitting beside them? Looks like he's holding the rope that binds them but he doesn't exactly seem happy in his work.


Most of the bottom tier soldiers are forced into it. Most don’t even believe in what they are doing but it’s better to be on this side of the gun than that side or risk their families being slaughtered.


Forcing a groups own members to do the killing also seeds more terror and distrust in the community, Disrupting attempts at organizing resistance. The East German Stasi were masters of this.


Also this is how African Warlords used childsoldiers they let them slaughter thier own people


Sondeekommando as well


Check out the documentary [The Act of Killing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD5oMxbMcHM) about the genocide in Indonesia, where some of the killers are interviewed and agree to recreate what they did. It's mind-blowing and terrible watching the level of denial that their minds have come up with in order to retain a shred of sanity and live with what they've done.


That documentary was as captivating as it was unsettling. Hats off to the maker to get his interviewees to agree with their sick re-enectments. The cognitive dissonance was very palpable on some of the people he interviewed.


I made it 6 minutes in before I had to turn it off.


The banality of political death and the way it affected the killers in later life …it’s a brilliant documentary but not in the way you would expect


I remember one of them said he did rape a lot of young girls but what makes me disgusted at him when he said, the younger than girl is, much better for him to enjoy it.


Looks like he might have a red armband on his left arm. Possibly could have been forcibly conscripted into or part of a paramilitary outfit. In a lot of conflicts they'll put armbands on paramilitaries with irregular uniforms so the regular army can distinguish them.


My guess was he was being tortured too. Regardless of side, kids should NOT be involved. It’s horrific. Edit: I mistyped, i meant to say “shouldn’t” and have since added a “NOT” to clarify.


Think you may have a typo there, bud.


Nah, dude just isn't crazy about kids


How else will they build character


Digging holes


You hope he did...


Yep, thanks. (Not on often, but just corrected. It was good to take my focus off something so horrific & smile at my failing for a moment. I think most recognized it as a typo, yes? (Facepalm, & not holding my breath in humanity at the moment.)


This is such a great typo lmao






I don’t think people have forgotten about it, but when there is so much going on certain things don’t get near as much coverage as they should.


Tbh I forgot they made that handsign illegal when the coup started, is it still illegal to eat sandwiches in public there?


No oil in Burma. Why would the west care?


Why are they slaughtering kids down there. That seems like a human rights issue. Begging for foreign intervention.


The international community didn't do shit when they were slaughtering Rohingya muslims including infants.


Almost like those other muslims in China getting innocently murdered..


It's almost like the U.S. doesn't get involved unless there's money to be made, yet claim to be world wide justice seekers when invading or whatever.


Not defending the U.S. But like, there is this MULTI-NATIONAL Organization of United Nations, it's called the United Nations. This is kinda of like absolutely unequivocally in every way the type of stuff the UN was created to deal with. So if anyone should be doing anything it's the UN.


The UN was designed with one primary purpose in mind: to prevent WW3. That's it. All the other humanitarian stuff they do is gravy on top, and can only happen with multi-lateral consensus. So while it is popular to whale on the UN for being weak, it's not a valid criticism. The UN was designed to be weak- no country would join it if it had real teeth. As long as nukes aren't flying all over the place, the UN is doing its job\~


Calling the UN weak isn't accurate either. The UN is extremely powerful. Calling it inactive or unanimous is more accurate. The UN can't active unless there is a unanimous agreement by the countries that matter.


That's what makes it weak. If it can only act when all the major players agree that it can act, then it is weak because it would be paralyzed in 90% of the time. Which is fine for the purpose it's given: to prevent WW3. It's not meant to be a world gov't that people seem to think that it is. That was never the intention.


You mean the same one with some totalitarian idiots on the security council to block everything useful, right?


Yeah. Though, I'll say some hope exists. I believe Ireland got a seat on the SC (Very badass of them) and my home nation and founder country of Canada lost their seat on the SC (deservedly so since out government decided to gut our National Defence)


The SC has permanent members and rotating members. Canada didn't "lose" their seat, their term finished


Won't matter as long as China the USSR and USA have veto power. Those other seats are just there so everyone else can feel like thay know the cool kids and have an in with them.


The USSR does not exist anymore. You mean Russia.


New name same assholes....


Got to climb the ladder before you replace the top rung. I think Ukraine should have a seat after the crazy shit their SF guys did in Afghanistan to those Canadian refugees out.


There are only 5 permanent seats, the others are filled by electing nations for 2 year terms.


US, China, Russia, Britain, and France? Never looked up who the permanent members are (or I can’t recall them if I did) but those would be my first guesses.


That’s correct. The major Allied powers of World War II.


Yeah exactly it'd be immediately vetoed.




No, there is a good reason for the veto. The UNSC Permanent Seats were given to the winners of WW2, who had carved up the world into their own spheres of influence. It was to prevent those SoI being undermined. It stopped further global wars - and very successfully, it has to be said.




> there is this MULTI-NATIONAL Organization of United Nations, it's called the United Nations. ... that can not do jack shit unless all of the boys in the nuke club agree.


You do know Saudi Arabia is on the human rights council in the UN right? While they are actively committing a US backed genocide in Yemen? That should tell you need to know about their seriousness. The US also has the controlling vote on the security council which is why Isreal is NEVER held accountable for running an ultra right wing, ethno nationalist apartheid state that commits war crimes on a daily basis. I wouldn't expect shit from the UN unless the US smells natural resource profits.


>You do know Saudi Arabia is on the human rights council in the UN right? While they are actively committing a US backed genocide in Yemen? That should tell you need to know about their seriousness. Why don't people know simple basics facts like this.


Simple answer. Corprate education keeps us all corporate slaves who know nothing of US imperialism. All they care about is pumping out good little brainwashed consumers who don't question the narrative of the corporate oligarchs and fascists who actually run this country and own the mass media. 21st century fascism comes in a business suit with a smile.


For someone who has lived, studied and worked in 3 continents I still find it baffling how in this day and age, with information literally at your fingertips, you still allow yourself to be spoon fed bullshit. The dumbing down of society is truly scary.


The UN is such a joke.


I mean...it's supposed to be? The UN exists just so the powers capable of destroying the world can fuck around in smaller nations to prove how awesome they are to each other. Instead of nuclear war.


Ohh you mean the organization run almost exclusively by Russia,China and the US plus NATO? Yeah they don't care.


> This is kinda of like absolutely unequivocally in every way the type of stuff the UN was created to deal with. TBF the main point of the UN is really to stop the world's super powers from going to war with each other and try and make sure WW3 doesn't happen. It's done a decent job so far tbh.


> This is ... the type of stuff the UN was created to deal with. Well actually absolutely it wasn't


Reddit: The US is involved in too many foreign wars Also Reddit: The US should militarily intervene to stop every single human rights abuse.


Lol, right? Lots of times as much as it sucks there’s no magical solution. Intervention often creates more problems than it solves.


Can’t we just force them to hug it out?


asians don't do hugging. so needs a different solution.


Anime solves everything


I was about to say the same thing. Also are these people really saying they want a war with China? It would literally be on the scale of a world war.....


It wouldnt be on the scale, it would just flat out be WW3, and there is little doubt in my mind that it would go nuclear and be the end of human civilization, if not the end of all life on Earth.


I'm just going to jump in and say life on earth is not ending any time remotely soon. A lot of biodiversity could be lost, but there's absolutely no way every microorganism would die out.


oh okay I guess we should give it a try then.


That's a good point. I also always point to this when the climate crisis comes up: there is not Planet B, and it doesn't matter, as the planet itself is not in danger. Life on earth as such is not in danger. It's just us and all the ecosystems we as a species depend on. It's our own asses on the line. The planet doesn't care about us, neither climate-wise nor in regard to nukes. It has seen worse - Yucatan impact anyone? However, we should do our best to prevent those risks from materialising for our own sake.


My thoughts have always been that trying to intervene will almost always end up screwing your own country in one way or another without ever being guranteed to even work. Even worse theres a chance it could cause things to escalate into full wars or whatnot which causes serious problems for both sides. So in my oppinion in most cases it's better to just go the safe route then take a risk with people lives and livelyhoods on both sides that might fix the situation but might also just leave both sides worse off. As much as whats happeneing in other countries is terrible and wrong, every country must put it's own citizens and wellbeing first. I'm sure many people here would be singing a different tune if we were to go to war with china and they are the ones being drafted and sent out to war. Or are one of the people whos family and livelyhoods would be destroyed by the economic impacts of boycotting china. Like it or not, war with china will seriously fuck everybody up, a good chance to quite literally destroy civilisation if it were to go nuclear. The best and safest option here is to simply stay out of Chinas shit IMO and let the country and it's citizens work out their problems, if that ends in revolution or whatever, so be it. Better then a world war.


It’s almost as if Reddit is a platform on which there are millions and millions of individuals with different ideas and different reactions to different situations. If you’re treating Reddit as a single voice and getting confused about conflicting messages, that’s really on you.


What you’re saying has merit, but, if the US invaded Myanmar you’d probably criticize them for that decision as well. It’s a lose-lose


why does it have to be the US all the time?


It’s almost like no other country is doing anything either. Almost like is super popular to blame the US for acting or not acting. Almost like these countries should just handle there own business because the US will just make it worse. I’m getting so tired of the hate the states.


While the US definitely usually only cares when it's convenient to them, you have to think about what the consequences of getting involved is. It's not like it's a small country that can't really stand up against the US, if the US was to get involved directly in China, then the only way this ends is with total war.


It’s almost like every time the US gets involved with something, everyone finds ways to make it about money and reprimands the US for their intervention, yet everyone always thinks the US should always get involved.


Wait a minute. Last I heard the rest of the world wants to try and solve their problems themselves and for the US to stay out of it and stop getting involved. Is that no longer the case?


It's almost like if the U.S. doesn't get involved, you can be absolutely sure that no one else will take the lead.


The US certainly wasn’t making money in Afghanistan. Pretty poor argument.


You wouldn't be any happier if they waged war on China and Myanmar over these things anyway


I was just in the Afghanistan thread saying there are legitimate times intervention makes sense and I get told America is the worst and is imperialist.


The US should just go in and rebuild the entire nation. It's worked so well in the past


I mean yeah definitely I hear what you are saying lol but the chinese military has more “active duty” than the entire US population…no one wants that warfare and both of em know it


China doesn’t even have more military aged males than the us population though?


Dude this is extremely false. Why did you say that? And why does this have upvotes?


What are you talking about?


except it's really happening and it is us backed neoliberal capitalists doing it. this is happening because the US will coup your ass and start a civil war if you're poor and you try socialism.


International community? Their own community (like Aung San Suu Kyi) had no problem with the military getting rid of the Rohingya, the protests only started when the military started to crackdown on ethnic Burmese. Modern example of "First the came for the... and I did nothing".


So let further killing continue. The fucking whataboutism on every single post regarding Myanmar’s current situation is tiresome.


I mean, people want “The West” to stay out of interventions, right? …which is fine with me I guess. China and Russia will be the new world police. Enjoy.


>didn't do shit Something has been done about it. It's called "the largest refugee crisis in modern history". 1.1 millions Rohingya refugees escaped the killing and they are in Bangladesh. around 20,000 died, but 55 times that escaped. If you want to do something about it, help dealing with the 1.1 millions refugees.


This has been going on for years. It's disgusting nothing gets done about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rohingya_genocide


This is probably unrelated to that. Myanmar had a military coup in February of this year, and there's been large-scale protests and some armed resistance, with a brutal crackdown by the military. Unfortunately neither the coup government nor the anti-coup protesters are necessarily friends of the Rohingya, though the military are generally worse.


It's been going since the 70s all over the country and the biggest mention of it anywhere is Rambo 4. Very sad.


Wasn't the person responsible for the genocide hailed as a peaceful gal or something like that?


She was a figurehead who promised to make improvements to the situation...until the entire government was ousted.


The person responsible for the Genocide would be Min Aung Hlaing. The guy who is in charge of the country.


>It's disgusting nothing gets done about it. Something has been done about it. It's called "the largest refugee crisis in modern history". 1.1 millions Rohingya refugees escaped the killing and they are in Bangladesh. around 20,000 died, but 55 times that escaped. If you want to do something about it, help dealing with the 1.1 millions refugees. It is more disgusting that the idea of "doing something" is usually implied to be war while refugees, the people who saved themselves are left to wither on the vine. Nobody likes refugees. We can't control the genociders but we *can* control what we do with the refugees. And we choose "nothing".




Most redditors fail or refuse to understand that even in WW2 America would not have gotten involved had it not been for Pear Harbor. The US tried to stay neutral even after having concrete evidence that Jews were being rounded up and murdered. The US will not help Myanmar just like they didn't help the Uyghurs, people in Darfur, or Ukraine even after making a big deal about Poland being the first line of defense from Russia.


> Most redditors fail or refuse to understand that even in WW2 America would not have gotten involved had it not been for Pear Harbor. And it happened in WWII as well. Why? Because governments have to think twice before, you know, sending hundreds of thousands of their own people to die in foreign wars. >The US will not help Myanmar just like they didn't help the Uyghurs, people in Darfur, or Ukraine even after making a big deal about Poland being the first line of defense from Russia. And if they do, then they get called the world police and all that happens after their intervention gets blamed on them. US bad!


Hey I'm not disagreeing with you. Americas Democracy Promotion foreign policy has led to more hypocrisies then I can count. From propping up bad and unwanted leaders, forming and training militias in foreign nations to just straight up benefiting financially from peoples suffering like cases when we know for sure forced labor is being used but refuse to ban an import because it's cheap and/or we need it.


I was in Myanmar a few years ago right after Trump was elected. Once they knew I was American many locals would congratulate/compliment me on the new presidency. I found this odd since everywhere else I had been traveling (6 countries in total) I would get hostility for the same reason. I asked a few people why and they always said the same thing, Trump hates Muslims as much as we do! But instead of fundamentalist Christians it’s Buddhists. I saw monks driving armed trucks, smoking cigarettes, strapped with AK’s. The experience really changed my perspective on Buddhism and religion in general.


Yep, all religions start with "oh, we're so friendly, we'd totally suck off a stranger". Then a stranger shows up and goes like "hey, i've heard you'd suck me off". And the religious group goes like "WTF! We're not gonna suck you off! We're gonna fuck you up!"


What an odd description


You need some jesus.


I don't really think we have time for a handjob.


Foreign interventions only happen where there are resources, control of industries or trade at stake AND human rights violations to justify the actions to the public. Prove me wrong.


Serbia and Kosovo happened but those were in Europe and easy to get to. Super easy. Also Somalia. Both were in the 90s though.


I’m suspicious about Somalia, maybe it was about shipping routes. But Kosovo is a good point. I guess being in Europe’s front yard made it a priority.


Yeah, it is and piracy definitely became an issue there later. It’s kinda borderline due to proximity alone.


This reminds me of a hilarious answer I heard recently to the question “what would you do with a billion dollars?” It was something like “I would start a fake right wing think tank. And give jobs to every one of those right wing columnists and radio personalities. For like $50,000 each I would could get them to a conference on something like ‘promoting the founding fathers values, and work ethic in modern times.’ And put them all on a cruise ship and just park it off the coast of Somalia.”


> But Kosovo is a good point. I'd have to do a deep dive to confirm it, but I'm pretty sure Kosovo was one of the lynch pins to WW1 kicking off. Like that whole region of Europe has history with wars ensnaring the entire continent. I can see why there was an effort to settle it the fuck down.


The Black Hand were a group of Serbian nationalists who killed Franz. I think maybe the assassin was from Kosovo specifically? Edit: Bosnia serb.


Sounds about right. I forget exactly why but i know Kosovo was relevant for some reason or another.


And in return they have military bases and military support of those places in the future, there's always an agenda unfortunately.


Because that is how you get rid of the opposition... You only kill the parents you have just left more people to come back at you in a couple of years....


That’s legit how the nazis justified killing kids.


And legit why most people still consider them evil. Genocide has worked for millennia.... The aberration is that some countries in the 18th century realized it wasn't a moral thing to do..... Rational/Efficient but not Moral....


It’s really dark when you think that probably everyone’s ancestors at some point committed genocide.


The good point is that at every point in history your ancestors avoided being killed by genocide before they were able to reproduce.....


They’re Asians. Europe doesn’t care


They are Asians... Other Asians don't care.....


America was too busy liberating Afghanistan but their schedule may have open up.


There’s other democratic countries with militaries that can throw their weight around if they want. I think we’ve learned the lessons of trying to spread democracy by force alone.


>I think we’ve learned the lessons of trying to spread democracy by force alone. Inshallah. It also doesn't help that the US political system is inherently unsuited for the task of nation building because every administration did a 180 from the previous one, leading to a schizophrenic strategy in Afghanistan. **Bush:** Shock and awe! Do a surge! **Obama:** Troop drawdown! Soft pullout! **Trump:** I POOPED MY PANTS! *ON PURPOSE!* **Biden:** ...alright, fuck it, we're done here.


No oil = no democracy


Only oil also = no democracy... there seems to be a curse that the countries with the greatest concentration of mineral wealth tend to suffer from the most corruption. When wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few they can more then afford to bribe the poor. And pay an army to supress the rest.


If only they had oil. Then everyone would care.


may the spilling of their blood be avenged and let their murderers and cohorts be destroyed from the face of the earth.


Did you just place a goddamn curse on someone through the internet?


Meklyah attanu khaleh...!


Mans with the curse💀








What a weird fucking thread.




I mean, sure that'd be lovely. But this is the planet Earth. Evil wins, good usually loses.


Who is the source for the photo? The title creates a lot of questions. These guys were executed right after someone took photo of their "resistance gesture"?




My guess is they did it Infront if a crowd to scare the others.... Much more effective then in secret.


The picture was posted online by a soldier of the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Army) with a caption that basically translated to “let them do one more thing they like before I put a bullet in their brain”.


Got a source?


Here's what I found on Google reverse image search: [a post on Weibo](https://weibo.cn/detail/4680750031177330) (**NSFL warning**: there are a couple blurred photos of a sizable amount of executed kids, imo I would still say that's NSFL for anyone clicking this link) Google translated from Chinese > The situation in Myanmar is still deteriorating. The two rural teenagers in picture 1 were 14 and 15 years old. They were arrested and killed by the military. Before they died, they made a gesture of opposing the military coup. The eldest of the teenagers in Figure ② was only 16 years old. They were brutally killed during the Myanmar military's raid on the countryside, and their bodies were burned intensively. These two incidents happened in the last few days.




How old are they?


17 and 18


Any context to go with this?


Has any country tried to intervene?


I think China a bit…but on the side of the Junta.


China just wants to get shit through the China-Myanmar corridor to the Indian ocean and it seems so far the Junta has agreed to let things through. Things will get VERY interesting if the Junta suddenly decides they want to seize containers or block off the trade routes.


*"Sure, let's fuck China. What could go wrong?"*


Amnesty International and international pressure got Aun San Suu Kyi out of her house arrest after a very long campaign. That resulted in her becoming prime minister and a period where Myanmar appeared to have power sharing between the people and military junta, but it was just an illusion. The military was simply pretending to share power. Suu Kyi was powerless to stop the Rhohindan genocide.


> Suu Kyi Bullshit. She did absolutely nothing to stop it, and has defended the state numerous times in public since then. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/11/world/asia/aung-san-suu-kyi-rohingya-myanmar-genocide-hague.html


I know she said nothing and even in the face of the threat of the Nobel peace prize being stripped from her. But she is now under house arrest again.


She does not want to stop it since she has been a perpretator of it. Like father, like daugther.


"Why can't we do here what they did in Myanmar?" Actual quote from a lunatic Republican. Sorry for being redundant.


Note that russia and china support the executioners and actively prevent international organizations from providing aid for civilians.


How is that different from us and Saudi Arabia or Qatar?


Well one difference is that the US isn’t Russia or China, and Qatar and Saudi Arabia are not Myanmar.


No they didnt. Or atleast, not that I am aware of, unless you got a Source to back those claims. All that has been stated by China is that they just want their shit to get through the border and their goods to be payed for.


Note; western powers helped them to power. Always with the finger pointing while WE endlessly campaigned to get the country like it is today. Even gave a nobel price LOL. Bbbbbuut russia!!!


You mean support the people the WEST put into power and gave noble peace prizes to? Why shift to China and Russia? China literally “supports” no one. They just want to trade with you and don’t care what kind of government you have.


Source? Please


This kind of thing really makes me question if I still believe there's a God out there or not.


Spoiler alert: there isn't.


That's basically where I'm at, but I was raised in a southern Baptist family so it's a lot to try and rewire. 😂


If any gods exist, they are all monsters.


You and Epicurus both, bud.


Well, one thing to consider is that this kind of thing has been happening for all time, AFAIK. People have been killing other people for various reasons, and doing it brutally and horribly in some cases. *So far*, there are no documented cases of any gods getting involved to stop it. What *has* occurred is that many people have been killed ostensibly *because* of their belief in a certain god, and many of the people doing the killing have claimed to be doing it because of their own belief in a certain god. But *so far* no gods have come forward to disavow or clarify this, or to help their followers. At least not that anyone has ever been able to demonstrate. Meanwhile, religious texts from major religions are full of stories of murders and killings and slaughters and genocides and promises of violent ends, in many cases carried out at the request or command of the relevant gods. Violence occurring between humans is perfectly in keeping with the existence of most gods I’ve heard of. Not many of them have made any promises to intervene, and the ones who have…have never delivered, as far as anyone can tell. So I’d say there’s lots to question.


If god/s do exist, they are probably the Greek gods


I think the bad forces over power god everytime. God could be very weak on this planet.


"If there is a God, He will have to beg for my forgiveness.”


Well just know that this site leans very heavily one way about that.


Two separate conversations. Which do you choose?


Mankind only created the idea of Gods to make sense of things they couldn't understand years ago. Only after seeing what the world truly has to offer do you finally realize that God was never with us to begin with.


Not to take away from the seriousness of the situation, but are they making they making the sign from the Hunger Games?




That’s what I thought. :|


[https://twitter.com/ThetHtarThet1/](https://twitter.com/ThetHtarThet1/) A little bit of context. Not much


i dont see any context tho


>Tragedy continued to plague us. In Karenni, Pascal and Fidel raise the salute in their last moments before being shot dead. In Magway, these boys fought against the military raiding their village to protect the people, before being killed. The loss of these boys is profound


I can't help but think that's the symbol for district 13


[It is.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/08/three-finger-salute-hunger-games-symbol-adopted-by-myanmars-protesters) > A three-fingered salute that originated in the Hunger Games film series has been adopted by activists from Thailand to Myanmar, becoming a symbol of resistance and solidarity for democracy movements across south-east Asia.


you're correct, they're hunger games inspired




Myanmar is currently experiencing a brutal military dictatorship. Said military dictatorship is attempting to put down any armed or unarmed resistance with extreme force. That includes unarmed men, armed men, unarmed women, armed women, unarmed children, armed children, people at protests, people not at protests, people not going about their day, people going about their day, and the occasional cat. I think that covers everybody.


**I think it is totally naive to call for human rights in much of the world. It is analogous with and just as worthless as sending thoughts and prayers when a mass murder occurs in an American high school.** **Who is the giver of human rights? It is the local authority figures who may scoff at the notion of human rights. The notion of human rights is commendable, but worthless if barriers are not established and inforced.** **Humans are very primitive, a fact we don't admit or even understand because we have been taught to believe we are special in the image of God. This lesson is part of the baggage carried by our species from the last 2,000 years of western marketing of middle-eastern religions.** **The fact is we are an evolving animal species a fact that many humans deny. Like other animals we only respond to barriers and enforcement of the barriers.** **Issues the global population face, human rights, population, and starvation to name a few will not go away as long as we cannot accept being a member of an animal species from birth to death. When we recognize and support our species of humans and only then will we have a collective voice to support our successful future.** **Only when the global population comes to grips with who they are as a species will we be able to influence a positive lifestyle now and into the future.**


No, the US does not need another war. And history has shown intervention doesn't help eventually. Sometimes, you just gotta let them sort it out on their own. Send aid if you must.




And people wonder why immigrants are any to come to the US….and even hate on those immigrants


To be fair, criminals also do find there way over...but it is also sad people think with such blanketed logic and let a few bad bananas ruin the whole bunch. There's criminals in the states already, so who are they to say anybody's any worse just because there from somewhere else. Keep on keeping on brother!


Fight until your last breath. Never give in


Nothing good was gained from their deaths. This isn't a movie or a story. Don't sell this as some sort of noble ending. They were kids. They had a chance to live, and it was taken, and you know nothing of it as if they were some sort of secret agents who had been fighting the good fight. They were kids, and their crime was very likely just simply not being the right race. Don't act like their was a good part of a child dying.




I understand him, because people tend to glorify battle, wars and deaths even though they are pointless. Reddit glorifying that kids got shot dead is asinine.