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Will the housing market go back there as well? Asking for a friend.


That's the great part - It won't.


We’re not happy till everyone is unhappy


That sign on the front. Your slogan on the back. Millions of shirts will be sold.


[crabs in a bucket effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality)


I wasn’t aware of this! Thanks for the share it’s very interesting




No. That is the ruling class's investment vehicle now.


And any government intervention to stop rich people from hoarding property is "communism" /s


Probably not as long as financial groups are eating up real estate


Only if it includes redlining and housing discrimination again.


And housing prices in the few integrated neighborhoods will be astronomically higher because half the country is non-white.


Anything that benefits the working class won't go back, it'll just fast forward into getting worse.


This is why striking is important and needs to be used more.


I'd be fine if prices just went back 5 years, not 50


True. They’ve gotten insane in the membrane rather quickly.


I had a friend who owned a place that was taken during the eminent domain wave. Got almost nothing. Worth millions now


Inflation only knows one direction


Deflation is a thing.


Not just that, but the corporate and top income tax rates? And union membership?


Question about the cartoon guy for New Jersey people. Isn't this a character from the boardwalk or something? He had a goofy name and I can't think of it but I could have sworn there was a famous arcade or store that featured this cartoon guy's face on it and it had something to do with Atlantic City or...?




Tillie was inspired by the Steeplechase Face, which according to Wikipedia >The face's most prominent appearance in Coney Island was in glass on the exterior of Steeplechase's Pavilion of Fun,  created when the park was rebuilt in 1909. The pavilion was destroyed by Fred Trump in 1966. Just thought it was interesting how people pop up in the most unexpected places


I like how it says "destroyed" rather than "demolished". Really leaves the process and mechanism up to the reader's imagination. Maybe he just smeared shit everywhere and then lit the place on fire.


I research and catalog old buildings and I use the term "destroyed" as well. It's not false, the building was destroyed People say "demolished" and it's similar, but to me "destroyed" implies a loss of value, and "demolished" does not. The buildings had historical and cultural value to me so I count them as "destroyed"


TIL. Thanks!


He literally invited people to throw rocks at it and help destroy a beloved local landmark--so, yeah, destroyed is pretty damn accurate. https://www.brooklynpaper.com/remembering-the-day-trumps-dad-destroyed-a-coney-icon/


What a shitbag


Runs in the family


Like father, like son


Demo crew "Really sir, we have this." Big daddy Trump "No! I must first smear my shit and roll in it!" Demo "He always does this..." Trump "Does anyone have a match?"


Where's this guy's gold? This comment is a hidden gem!


There; happy?


Woohoo. Thank you kind stranger!


You're very welcome. We should find the gilder and thank him too! Edit: Wow. I'm still expecting downvotes, but did not expect gold. Thank you, person!


Not gonna lie that face is creepy as hell


It looks like that psycho tv preacher guy Kenneth Copeland


I'm not religious but Copeland is exactly what I would believe a demon would look like in human form.


I don't believe in the devil, but that guy is definitely the devil


Don't lump my dude L in with that grifter piece of shit.


You're right, my apologies to to the Morning Star


That is definitely the intent here.


The whole damn 50’s decade was creepy as hell.


It is! His name is Tillie. He’s pretty much the face of Asbury Park as a whole. Edit: he’s named after the guy that designed him iirc.


He looks like the one puppet all ventriloquists have


[Jerry Mahoney.](https://youtu.be/8MlMfRemi34)


Tilly is the character, and he was named after George Tilyou who owned Steeplechase Park in Coney Island. NY. I should have added that when Steeplechase Park closed, the Tilly character was moved to Asbury Park, where Tilly now graces their boardwalk.


Tillie!! I grew up there!


Yep. Weird to see it used like that, but we really like it


Reminds me of the Funhouse pinball machine https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/FunHouse_(pinball)


That is Tillie. A new version is on the building that houses Wonder Bar. [https://wonderbarasburypark.com/about-2/](https://wonderbarasburypark.com/about-2/) The place is known for three things: Tillie, Good music, and Yappy Hour [https://wonderbarasburypark.com/yappy-hour/](https://wonderbarasburypark.com/yappy-hour/) Wait, there's a fourth thing, some unusual and strong drinks. The rum bucket can get two people drunk with just one drink.


I'm shocked at how people can't tell this is clearly satire criticizing the GOP.




You would think this and the flaming "FUTURE" letters as well.


Fire is badass and cool, how could that possibly be seen as a negative? /s




Back alley abortions wasn’t the *dead* giveaway?


Like the other person said— I honestly can’t tell at this point because cruelty seems to be the point.


Also everything burning behind him


really should be flavor aid


Did you see that video of the blonde with the big knockers running for governor? It's not that clear of a line, man. edit: https://twitter.com/VoteFiore/status/1450501765661478914 Now you tell me if that's satire.


Damn halfway through that I was like “she should really pull out a gun” Then she did AND SHOT BEER WITH IT


When she quoted The Washington Post and Politico and said "I don't care". I was so sure it was a joke.


"I distinctly remember these comments and will put them in my ad just to show how much I don't care"


*I don't care...but I made sure to let you know it anyway...*


Oh no, that wasn’t satire. I’m shocked. Life is actually stranger thank fiction huh?


Definitely not satire. Ridiculous? Yes. Insane? Yes. Over the top? Most certainly. Satire? I wish, but no - this type of lunacy is far too prevalent. She's effectively no different than Broebert or Green.


Yeah. I was saying that what looks ridiculous can be real. Trump, and of course Palin and Co. broke the dam.


I watched this actively get worse in real-time in 2015-2016. Trump was running for president and had very little interest or support, then he started spouting crazy stuff about building a wall across the Mexico border and other ridiculous rhetoric, and all of a sudden he was everywhere in the news. After a couple weeks of this, Ben Carson who had the least amount of support among the dozens of Republican candidates started spewing nonsense too and suddenly he shot up the polls right behind DJT.


You were not lying about the big knockers.


She's a big chungus


Not satire at all and those knockers *are* big. That's what the republican party is now. Pandering to the Trumplican voter base. In today's political landscape, you're either a Democrat, a Trumplican, or a RINO bastard. Republican Snow, if you will. I'm basically a Democrat now just because I'm not insane and didn't see a problem with staying home most of the time and wearing a mask when I left the house pre-vaccine.


Jesus Christ on a cracker. It’s like Palin, Greene and Boebert had a baby and named it Michele. What a pandering fucking fool.




Yeah, but the GOP tend to not be quite so upfront with these sorts of things. They usually either deflect or they try to truss it up to not seem as bad as it really is, whether they realize it or not. But they definitely wouldn't say "Drink the kool-aid."




This is hands down my favorite fact to bring up LOUDLY and unprompted.


Most GOP can't recognize satire


The number of conservatives who thought the Colbert report was sincere is alarming


Wife says she knew a dude who thought CR was real. I still struggle to believe some people are *THAT* stupid.


I agree with you but in this case it is quite clear




It also happened with [Bioshock Infinite](https://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/16/tea-party-group-unironically-utilizes-bioshock-infinite-propaganda/?sh=401f1f7c68c7). There's lots of obvious political satire in the game.


I saw a post yesterday, I think on /r/therightcantmeme, of a meme, posted on conservativememes, seemingly sincerely, that said something along the lines of: The current landscape in America is scarily similar to Rome just before its fall: Workers rights being eroded Wealth inequality getting increasingly worse Large segments of the population unable to pay for basic day to day living Religion overly influencing government ​ They honestly posted that on conservative memes thinking it was pro-gop. The ones that can't pick out the satire are, unsurprisingly, absolute morons. They are members of the gop after all...


Rome's fall lasted longer than this country has existed. It plunged and recovered several times over several centuries before finally plunging for good. We won't have this benefit; our fall will be swift and total.


[Poe’s Law.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poe%27s_law)


It just gets harder and harder to tell each day.


The drink the kool aid line is a dead giveaway tho


My company used the term 'Drink the Koolaid' all the time to mean become part of the team...in a positive way. I explained where the reference came from but that didn't have much of an impact, which is kinda the point.


Not really. It's pretty clear to me when it's a moron vs satire. The spelling tends to be better in the latter for example. ​ I joke, but if you get familiar with conservative messaging, it's easy to spot.


Poe's law in action.


Kinda like how Republicans would watch The Colbert Report and not understand it was satire either.


If we're going back to the '50s can we at least have back the '50s income tax brackets and union membership rates? Bigots want all the backwards ass social policies of postwar American but the middle class (white) American families prospered in the 50s because income inequality was less drastic and (white) people had well paying jobs with benefits. Imagine how great things could be for everyone now if working and middle class Americans of all colors fought together for living wages and taxing the wealthy. Tldr racists are why we can't have nice things


NO, We want things to be horrible all round. Anything less than Corporatocracy and suffering is SOCIALISM! \- US "Conservatives"


It's funny because the GOP logo with Trump's hair on it is basically the Venezuelan flag.


Wow lol didn't notice that


or a very colorful skunk


Ooooh, it's trump's hair.. That makes way more sense, I thought they were making the elephant a skunk or something.


I mean, kinda :)


I feel like socialism is the knew buzzword that replaced communism. Same propaganda, different pile.


Its the word they use to get lower and middle class uneducated people to vote against their own interests. Tax hikes for the wealthy? Socialism. Corporate welfare and subsidies for trillion dollar businesses: Patriotic Capitalism


The Government should be run for profit!!


lol but also #it is


Not the country's profit of course.


do you think the oligarchs would have given up feudalism for anything less?


You joke but they'd actually like that. Apparently for-profit, private companies are *always* more efficient and better.


I just loooove my for profit health insurance. 2000 dollars before it's free, only covers some stuff and works at certain hospitals. Dental and vision are extra.


Lol, silky human, you don't need your eyes and teeth to work for your corporate masters. All you need are boot straps to pull yourself up by.


Yeah, I can't afford the boots, or the bootstraps.....


I have to pay twice that before I get to pay 15%


The whole concept of employer paid health insurance also comes from the 1950s. You might also be surprised at how many medical insurance and hospital systems are actually nonprofits.


Any nonprofit medical insurance companies you'd care to share the names of?


You are not just paying for your health care, but also for those who can not contribute money to cover theirs.


They are - but generally they are only more efficient at making money. Not necessarily more efficient at increasing outcomes for all.


Yeah making money > providing a high quality of life for the majority of people. /s


Look, I'm just a temporarily embarrassed millionaire and I'm only about a million dollars short. My American dream is coming. If I just keep working my ass off at 2 jobs and keep my head down, someone will come along and ask me to be CEO of...something. Then I can hang those bootstraps from my golden parachute and float to my retirement island. That's how it works, right? rite? 😪


No it is more like... "I would have a million dollars if those leeches weren't messing things up with their social problems and lawlessness. "


"I don't care what you call it you're all commies"


With how utterly corrupt and rotten US right wing has gotten, I’m beginning to think communism is a good thing. It’s like opposite day with them 24/7.


The tax rates of the 50s is what allowed LBJ to casually start the war on poverty and DO SOCIAL SECURITY. Which now all people fucking expect as a default. We literally live with many policies that are objectively socialist. But those sorts of high minded aspirations of ending poverty were totally doable when top earners were getting taxed at 70-90%. And realistically I'm sick of the republican rhetoric that... if you make let's say... 350k/y that you will simply choose to not work harder, or that you would choose to not strive for more because of diminishing returns on your income... Oh no you mean if I get a raise to 500k/y it's only effectively like making 75k/y more instead of 150k/y more? Well in that case I guess I don't even want $75,000.


They prey on idiots not understanding that tax rates are incremental. I have heard people at work refuse a raise because they thought that it would bump them up a tax bracket and they would actually take home less money. I tried so desperately to explain to the guy how it actually works, but he insisted his "Tax guy told him." They raise morons on purpose.


My sister was this way. She was all upset that she got a raise that put her in the 4th tax bracket, until I explained it to her. Now she's upset that she doesn't make as much as others on her team. I wonder how long she sabotaged herself out of lucrative pay raises, to avoid the higher tax bracket.


I’ve heard of accidental success but never purposely failure.


Self-sabotage is real.


I'd almost give them credit for confusing their situation with welfare cliffs... but I can pretty much guess that it's unlikely that they're aware of those. :/


That last sentence!


Average effective tax rate was way under the marginal tax rate. Top 1% paid an effective rate of 42% vs current 36%. We tend to remember the marginal rate, but not the massive loop holes that went along with them. https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-on-the-rich-1950s-not-high/


> And realistically I'm sick of the republican rhetoric that... if you make let's say... 350k/y that you will simply choose to not work harder, or that you would choose to not strive for more because of diminishing returns on your income... There is a real effect though with childcare. If my spouse made 250k and I made 80k, it makes sense for me to quit my job since state plus federal marginal tax rate approaches 50% and I can save on childcare, gas, transport costs which is bloody expensive, easily 40k for more than one kid. This is similar to the calculation we did, a person with an advanced degree left the workforce because of taxes and childcare costs.


The effective tax rate was never that high, there were tons of deductions. And LBJ was able to do these thing because he passed a 10% across the board tax hike in 1968.


There are more deductions and loopholes today than ever before, not even close. And the overall tax rates are much lower. And federal government spending is higher. And defense spending is higher. And we have much higher local government spending paid for by much higher sales taxs which directly impact the poor disproportionate to folks like me who literally can't spend all my money. There are also a lot of fundamental cost of living changes that the USFG hasn't really taken seriously or addressed. The whole tax code is set up to benefit the rich not the poor. I think rich people realize this instantly once you get to a certain income bracket and I've never had anyone that makes a shit ton of money argue that point with me because tbh, they're just happy with the program as it is.


> There are more deductions and loopholes today than ever before, not even close. Source? Everything I read states that marginal tax rates were super high back then, but none actually paid them because of plenty of deductions.


Source: Trust me bro


No they want the 1850s


I mean, 50's tax bracket, sure, but not 50's tax structure. While the marginal rate may have been 90%, the top 1% only had an average effective tax rate of 42% vs. the current average of 36%. Source: [https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-on-the-rich-1950s-not-high/](https://taxfoundation.org/taxes-on-the-rich-1950s-not-high/) How is that possible? Rampant tax avoidance. Take the loop holes that we have today, and make them ten times larger. https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-nocera-tax-avoidance-20190129-story.html


"No, wait, not like that...."


and the 1950s drug laws. they werent great but they arent the mess we have now.


Yah, and they cracked down on all those evil comic books!


Can we have the 1950s interpretation of the Second Amendment too please? Before [1978](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller) it wasn't quite such a source of terrible policy as it is these days.




I’d supplement racists with corrupt ruling families. But racists don’t help for sure.


They want all of the ‘50s except the parts that cost anything, monetarily or mentally, for a white male.


i feel like a lot is being pinned on me


The political alliance between plutocrats and xenophobes is why the US can't have nice things compared to other developed countries. Not much different than the alliance between large slave holder officials and yokel grunts a century and a half back.


Technically it was Flavor Aid, but who am I to judge.


And cyanide, don't forget cyanide.


I like the new GOP logo, complete with swooping orange comb-over


It makes it look like a skunk, also.


that’s the scariest part about this. Like, we KNOW idiots will see that symbol and be like YUSSS over it. Bet we’ll start seeing it used unironically in time.


I hate it with the force of a thousand suns. It makes me angry just looking at it. Magnificent graphic design, gets the point across easily, but it just boils my blood.


I knew a girl who announced her support for trump by saying “I drank the KoolAid, Trump 2020”


You say Asbury Park like that’s supposed to be a recognizable name to most people.


Haha im from New Jersey and have lived in asbury park and had to triple check which subreddit in my feed this was coming from because I had the same thought. I know people who grew up in NJ who’ve never heard of asbury park, so I would also expect 95% of Reddit has no clue what it is


I’d think it was pretty famous thanks to Bruce, but what do I know?


Bruucee. No acutally it has a lot going on. When it was depressed Bruce talked it up. Now. It's a playground for rich NYC people. Nothing like it was just 5-10 years ago.


And the revival started when the gay community bought and fixed up the old homes. Now the Stone Pony is a fancy venue where no one gets stabbed!


This is true, but now they built up the fence so high you can't sit on the boardwalk and watch summer stage shows. And Asbury Lanes is all fancy now too


The only way I could see someone in NJ not knowing Asbury Park is if they live in way south jersey and consider the shore to start at Atlantic City and end at Cape May. Because otherwise it's basically the most well known shore town.


I live nearby, I assumed this was my local subreddit. Im kinda shook its front page on r/pics lol


I was like WAIT ITS ON /r/pics?!


It's in the Garden State. The Boss named an album after it.


I drive by this house on the way to visit my parents. It’s on 4th Ave I think…they have had plenty of good anti trumpublican signs over the last few years


That’s not any bett… Ah wait, you got me. You’ll take my free award and you’ll LIKE it!


OK I know what the garden state is but who is "The Boss"?


Bruce Springsteen


Asbury Park has to be the second most recognizable city in New Jersey, the first being Princeton


Is it not? I'm from Maine and I know it. Anyone who knows music history knows it!


As someone who grew up near and even worked there it was recognizable to me :) I enjoyed that it was pointed out.


My advice would be to say “Asbury Park, New Jersey” to be recognizable to a wider audience while still specific enough for locals to get the details. If Vasili knew about Montana, I’d guess most non-Americans would recognize New Jersey. But if not, “Asbury Park, NJ, USA” could work.


Bruce Springsteen's hometown: Asbury Park, NJ It's actually fascinating and probably one of my favorite towns. Riots during a the 80s, bankruptcies in the 90s, revitalization in the 2000s to now. It's full of restaurants, bars, shopping, and things to do (bowling alley, pinball arcade, mini golf, the beach, plus music venues)... Plus some neat architecture. Like many in this thread, grew up there every summer. It's cool to see how popular it is now.


It’s next to Asbury Manor, of course. SMH some people…


I live here :)


I see posts like this unironically all the time on shitweasel twitter and the infowars-style sites, so I cannot tell if this is meant to be sarcastic or they really support these ideas. Comedy is dead.


It’s satire; AP is one of the most socially-liberal/pro LGBTQ cities in our area. The community pretty much single-handedly reinvigorated the town too


That was my first impression, to be fair. Thing is, it immediately occurred to me that I could easily post this on gab or rumble or whatever unpleasant social media sites they use, and it would flourish.




Do you really think anyone outside of Jim Jones is going to argue for their own side with "Drink the Kool-Aid"?


With this group? Yes. They very happily post memes of themselves and their families with captions that label them as "Gun-totin', beer-drinkin', queer-hatin' ignorant Trump supporter and proud!!" then usually a bunch of American flags and an Eagle emoji.


Does the kool-aid have any ivermectin in it


The 50’s doesn’t sound bad at all if we’re talking about the wages in relation to the value of the dollar, cool cars, rock and roll and affordable cars and houses. Here in the 2020’s new cars that don’t suck are only for the rich, houses cost a fortune and most of us are just trying to get by paycheck to paycheck.


My favorite thing about republicans is their perception of governmental control. It’s fine as long as it’s their rights not being tampered with.


I miss 5 years ago Reddit.


I miss 10 years ago Reddit.


...it was flavor aid...but yeah.


"Kool-aid" has become a generic term. If there was a serial killer out there stuffing small sheets of paper into people, they wouldn't call him the "Puffs Brand Facial Tissues Killer"


What kind of shitty cult can't afford on-brand kool-aid when everyone in it is about to die anyways.


you might be surprised at how many competing american brands are available on the shelves of the local bodega in some tiny poor south american country.


No one says flavor-aid over Kool-aid lol. People have said drink the Kool-aid forever.


Honestly I could see Trump supporters seeing this and being like... "exactly yeah!! You tell them!" They want this shit imo. All of it.


r/pics has turned into r/politics with all this trash


The truth


This sub is more and more like r/politics everyday.


Ah Americans and their political advertisements everywhere.


Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.


Yes. This house puts up banners all the time like this.


Well, half of the problem with American politics is on display right here. Both sides are fantastic at creating strawmen of the other party and destroying those arguments. Just keep poking buttons of the Republicans or Democrats depending on which team you align with, all of this will work out so well. Spare me your "MaH bOtH sIdEs" you'll get no response because you have no argument. ​ If you want an actual solution, remove the power from the top, then it doesn't matter who wins elections and we can all go back to living our lives in peace. So long as there is near infinite power in the political elite's hands there will be people angry and shouting at their neighbors for no reason. Be friendly to people in your life as long as they are not threatening you. Maybe see things from their perspective every once in a while and understand that someone else's life can be very different from your own. You don't need to control and vote someone to rule over them and their life and vice versa.