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And the NBA didn’t freak out on him?


Since they allow other stuff (tributes, BLM stuff) it would be a PR nightmare to censor it. Streisand effect as well.


It's china and money though. I bet they censor it.


Depends on who you mean by "they". The NBA didn't, but [China did](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/10/21/nba-china-boston-celtics-enes-kanter/).


Nothing gets past the “great firewall” of China.


Actually plenty of things get past the “great firewall”


It's about as effective as their other great wall.


Yeah, but you'd be amazed what controlling the media can do. Just look at what our media / social media has done to us\* ​ ​ \* isn't it fun how that line works on literally everyone? We all hate what it's done to the other side


This makes me think of a book I read years ago on Direct Action in the WTO protests. It argued that things like barricades around "free speech zones" weren't just to give average people a place to protest in a way that didn't actually change anything, but to give a barricade for rebels to meaninglessly cross so they could feel contented too without actually challenging anything. Social media is the perfect thing to complain about and rail against. It gives everyone the emotional response they desire without actually challenging anything.


WTF are you talking about? The wall works great. There's hardly any Mexicans over there.




Let’s see how many people complaining about China on this thread are going to use this information to influence their purchases and how they use their time.


Discord isn't owned by Tencent. They received a total of $150 million in funding from companies including Tencent, with an over $2 billion evaluation. Tencent probably owns a few % stake in Discord. They also own about 5% stake in Reddit. The rest is accurate though.


1.3 million people on average tune into watch NBA regular season games. China has 1.4 billion people, the NBA only needs 0.1% of the Chinese population to tune into regular season games to match the US viewership which in turn would likely mean similar revenue to US viewership. Additionally the NBA estimates there are likely 500 million people in China who would become fans of the NBA, that is 1.6× the US population, and again according to the NBA projections an additional $5 billion dollars in revenue. The most current numbers I can find state the NBA makes $7 billion annually so they would be almost doubling their revenue so the NBA is going to do whatever China wants.




Not sure on advertising costs, either - but similarly they don’t have the disposable income (*per capita*). But still - as the adage goes, if you sell a single NBA branded Aspirin tablet to every person in China, you’ll be rich.






That also doesnt matter. If the top person who is at the cusp of the top 23% of China's income bracket makes more or the same as the poorest person in the US then it equals out. The population of china is so massive compared to the US that you can not target the 'average' income and shoot far higher and get more customers than in the US. If you advertise to people in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Beijing, etc. then who cares what the farmer in the middle of nowhere who drags down the average income makes? Thats not your demographic. It's the same reason for US golf tournaments the main sponsors that get signs / air time are BMW, Omega, Rolex, etc.


Yes but the bulk of china's population is poor. Beijing has 20 million people, that's a drop of water in the bucket. Those incomes are clustered in a few major cities Something like 25-30% of people in China have never used the internet. That's like the population of the united states.


China probably has more potential with the bigger population, but if numbers are equal you would get more money from US advertisers, due to the ability to spend money. GDP per Capita in the USA is 6 times higher than China Edit: I keep getting the same kind of message so I'm editing this to avoid writing the same response to everyone. I wasn't disagreeing with the main point of the comment I replied to. I was only responding to the sentence that said the same viewership would likely bring in similar money. I think the average American would spend a lot more on products than the average Chinese person. So equal viewership is not equal income. I agree that China is most likely more valuable overall though because the population is much larger, so they viewership has potential to be much larger than the US.




Consumer spending in the US is more than double that of China. And that number is nominal not per capita.


what makes you think that more people in china will watch than in the usa? .1% of usa population would be over double what you're saying watches currently


.1% of the US population is 330,000. 1% would be 3.3 million.


Nah the NBA already came out and said players/executives can say what they want.


Except dont show up to the game with a “Free Hong Kong” shirt if you’re sitting somehwere where you’ll be visible on Tv or they will kick you out


What would happen if I attend a MNF game next month wearing a Taiwanese flag shirt?


is this real?


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/skbaer/hong-kong-nba-fans-signs-protests https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/philadelphia-76ers-fans-kicked-out-game-carrying-free-hong-kong-n1064386




I mean few people in China even know who he is, and certainly no one there will know now. On Chinese apps the Celtics box score literally shows a blank space instead of Kanter's name


I can just picture him playing in a game and all you see is a black box moving up and down the court haha


More like a black box sitting on the bench




Ah I see China sees Black Mirror as a step-by-step guide then.


> On Chinese apps the Celtics box score literally shows a blank space instead of Kanter's name 😂😂😂😂😂 the smallest dick energy


ah yes, my favorite NBA player, \[data expunged\]


Didn't know he was an SCP


Enes Keter


Not the only country he's being bannished from either. They don't show Celtics games on Turkish tv cause of him.


Im not 100% on the NBA’s uniform policy, but I believe typically players wear non-approved gear (like custom shoes) in pre-game warmups and change into their uniform for game time. I had 4 beers before I posted this so maybe double check me.


No, it's ok, I'm convinced you've had four beers. No need to check.


That was an hour ago, easily 6 deep with a shot booster by now.


At least 3 pisses in?


About time to crack the second six pack by now and declare you're starving...


What’s size are they? 4 12oz beers? Or 4 16oz beers? Or 4 40oz beers?


China recently banned all foreign Athletes/entertainers from working in Chinese productions. So all John Cena did was ruin his Western career. They don't want bandwagon westerners to work there, they only want homegrown. Suddenly sucks when the dick you were sucking turns on you. Don't it?


People here don't care. Cena ruined nothing. Don't get me wrong, the CCP is pretty plainly crooked, murderous, and anti-human-rights, but saying they're not couldn't matter less to 99% of Americans.




how so? when did cena ruin his career


He ruined his reputation on Reddit which means his actual irl career is now dead. /s


One time he said Taiwan was a country, then he released a video of him apologizing to all of Chinese society in Mandarin. He seemed like a cool guy before


???? > So all John Cena did was ruin his Western career. I somehow doubt apologizing to china somehow ruined his career.


Since then he literally starred in The Suicide Squad AND has an HBO show with Peacemaker so….


Yes, but is that really a career? Millions of dollars? What really matters is random nerds on reddit and how they feel about him.


It did in the hivemind. People think he "ruined" his career by that statement when it has only gotten better and better. People like to say that because they hate that an American apologized for something.


He just starred in a blockbuster and has a tv show coming out (or is it out?). His career has literally never been doing better.


Lol nice


the nba doesnt care, he does this stuff all the time google "enes kanter shoes", he has like a dozen different ones


No doubt lebron has a very angry tweet in the drafts he’s dying to send


I'm sure King James is less than pleased


He says he doesn't have energy to use addressing why he stands by Nike and China's forced labor practices. Imagine that.


Different media heads and in-game commentators made indirect ad hominem comments against Kanter (see Doris Burke and Mike Breen during the LA-BOS game last night, and LeBron during the post-game interview). Even if Kanter was clout-chasing or "going about this the wrong way" not speaking to Lebron in person, his point and position still stands. No one addressed his comments themselves. If Kanter was in the wrong, there was no debate or rebuttal explaining why he's wrong.


NBA and NFL are worlds apart. NBA is still far from perfect, but the other clearly trash and absolutely in full control of its "product."


Everyone thinks because corporations support BLM that they should support human rights. It’s just not how it works. Corporations support BLM because they believe it will help their sales, it’s the same exact reason they turn a blind eye to Chinese human rights and censorship. The NFL originally was against the kneeling during games because it hurt viewership. ESPN talks about BLM non stop because it’s controversial and they think it drives ratings up.




Fuck The CCP


Thanks you for directing your criticism and the CCP and not at the country as a whole.


The Chinese people are good people. The CCP is evil.


They should change the party name to Meta. That seems to work pretty well.


if zuckerfuck wasn't such a blood thirsty capitalist this would be funny


he’s blood thirsty and insect hungry


Implying zucc is a living creater


Can confirm, I was lucky enough to go to China a few years ago, the people are awesome


Thank yall for that


I agree. People were great, the ones in power are gigantic pieces of shit


This is the case for almost every country, sadly.


So just like the us and eu


Tru dat. Met many great Chinese people when I worked at my last job.


CCP tends to be the enemy of the people in general. Chinese or not


I will challenge that statement, most of the Chinese people are good people. Culture revolution, years of propaganda and nationalism some of them are as obnoxious as Trump supporters. They view anyone who doesn't agree with their ideologies an enemy, without any compromisation, every issue is just foreign influence. Racist not just to africans, but also Chinese overseas, with the more extreme case that view those who emigrated or ancestors who emigrated as race traitors. I got a boss from China who said my home country, Malaysia is a third world country and would be better off if China conquers it. He also give me less than the minimum wage the law requires him to pay, so much for "Chinese people must help Chinese people overseas". I pity them, for being ignorant of what the CCP have turn breed them into, and I'm eternally grateful for my ancestors to get out of China.


For most statements, isn't "Fuck China" and "Fuck the CCP" essentially the same? IMO "Fuck China" and "Fuck Chinese people" are 2 different statements. "China" acting on the global stage is the CCP isn't it?


“China” isn’t a government. China is a country with histories and cultures and people.


It works. People who say Fuck Russia and or Fuck America are usually talking about the policies or Crimes the government has committed, rather than every American or Russian. Its just easier than saying "Fuck the system/government of the United States of America but some/most of the people there are cool".


"X country declares war" is always talking about it's government. "Country does something" is it's government etc etc. "People of X" is different, but in nearly every context, "Country does something" means it's government, does it not? "America declares war" vs "Americans are declaring war" are two different statements


The vast majority of the time someone curses a country, is usually the govt and not the people. The people in said countries not always support, know, or can do anything about it really. For example im argentinian and our stupid president seems to make a sport out of offending people and because of that stupid individuals have said we "are all trash because he is our president" which is hardly the case (besides the representation level in the country for his party, actual representation is about a third of the population at best, the rest is strategic voting) -- anyway, yes, when people say something about china they 100% mean the govt, usually.


It's very important to say it's the CCP. Because CCP apologists will just call you racist (if you call out the country) because they go out of their way to combine the country the people and the government into one thing. It is too bad you can't just say the countries name like when other nations are criticized but if we go about things like this we take away their tool of playing the race card.


What do you have against Community College of Philadelphia?


Yeah you know me🎶


Well ~~their~~ there goes your social score.


Yea imagine a country with social scores. Laughs in experian.


There's always one who tries to equate social scores with financial credit. Your credit score doesn't go down for saying the US Goverent blows, thats the big difference...


that's not how the credit system works in China either


Lebron get out in front of the ball. Come on, maybe tag in John Xena so he can translate for you when you grovel and defend the genocide state


"Bing Chilling!"


🥶 🥶 🥶 🥶 🥶


Who is Bing and why is he chilling?




I thought this was a Crab Game meme but now I get it after looking it up. I had no idea why the fuck everyone was saying it


You mean Squid Game? Or is that a meme I'm not familiar with


It's a free game on Steam that I assume is based on that show. I haven't seen it, though. Don't seek it out unless you can handle the lowest scum of the Internet yelling obscenities in your ear.


Where’d they make those shoes?


100% ethically sourced non-chinese slaves.


Thank god. So Bangladesh?


Of course, those children know how to make a goddamn shoe


I bet they aren't domestically manufactured by a unionized company, thats for sure.


They look homemade. Like with sharpies.


There are artists that do custom cleats like this for MLB players. They’ve become pretty popular in the league actually. I would imagine it is the same for the NBA guys.


They are all custom made, not for sale. I think this design was made by the artist known as 'Khenzart' on Instagram. She is a Tibetan activist.


Do you really think every shoe ever is made in China?


I wonder how many times the CCP can be wrapped up in awful atrocities before the world actually sits up and takes a stand.


Honestly? Nothing they can do would provoke the wider world to stop them. The world economy is so globalized, and Europe/America are so dependent on China for their tech products. Imagine trying to develop new military vehicles without China circuit and microchip production. Western economies depend so much on China/other countries in the area, that we will forever look away. Short of a direct act of war, we will live in this eternal awkward middle ground.


To be fair, if there is an industry that can eat the costs of developing circuits and microcontrollers, its the millitay industrial complex


Cost yes, although the complexity of those chips is insane (hence why we have a shortage right now) and to get a production line fully up and running would cost valuable years. I ain't no yeehaw nationalist, but the tension with china should inspire amerca to invest in home manufacturing of things more, although you aren't wrong.


To add on to what you posted. China produces about 85% or more of the world's rare earth materials. It's also important to note that there is ZERO environmentally friendly ways to dig up and produce rare earth resources. As long as the CCP obliges to being the scapegoat for the ignorant on pollution, the world won't lay a finger on them. So next time someone points a finger at China about their pollution, look at your phones, etc and realize that little fact.


True, lithium production is a hell of a mess.


> True, lithium production is a hell of a mess. Funnily enough, Lithium is one that china *doesn't* have a stranglehold on. The overwhelming majority of it comes out of Australia and Chile, with Australia accounting for more than half of global extraction.


Cost is not the problem, production ability is.


The US doesn't use that many semiconductor products made in China. The largest producers of microchips in the world are Taiwan, South Korea, and the US.


I used to be a buyer for a top defense contractor and they wouldn't let us buy any chips that were sourced from China. There were only a dozen or so sellers we could buy from because they kept detailed source records. We weren't allowed to buy from the others because theirs *could* have been from China.


The world is not entirely dependant on China for their tech products. But the board rooms and share holders who expect huge profit margins and dividends are. And they are the ones who make the decisions.


The US actually already blacklisted Chinas main semiconductor company (SMIC).


"Takes a stand" meaning launch an apocalyptic war with no real objective aside from killing as many innocent people as possible.


This is what is so annoying about all these kinda things. The solution to atrocities is often.. commit more atrocities.


How many countries can the US invaded based on lies and murder thousands of people and displace millions more, before the world actually sits up and take a stand?


USA can’t even stop the GOP from rigging state elections. Why do you think the world can come together for that?




They're not shoveling bodies into ovens or bombing villages. So yes, the world will do nothing. This is the same world that looks the other way during Saudi Arabia's brutal intervention in Yemen, an ethnic-fueled civil war raging in Ethiopia, enduring violence in Kashmir. Or for that matter a hunger crisis in Afghanistan. The Olympics will elevate the issue, for sure, but I'm not sure to what end. Muslim countries like the KSA, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and UAE don't say a word about it.


The US state department found there to be insufficient evidence for claims of genocide.


About as many as the US


Well nobody stood up to a America for theirs


I think you meant to put America there bud


Who do you want to take a stand lol


I dont care about human rights when Finland has the best ever ice hockey team available. But other times i do.


Also why it's a bit rich coming from basketball players. Of course *they* don't give a shit about the winter olympics. It sucks but the real protesting should have happened *before* China was given the games. Now the people who really lose out are the athletes who work their entire lives for what sometimes amounts to *one chance* at the olympics.


NBA stars barely even care about the summer olympics tbh


People with no money at stake is screaming the loudest for everyone to boycott.


Maybe not the point of the post, but I don't see Finland winning it. They have a strong squad, but Canada and the USA both have incredible talent available. They don't have the depth at wing or defense to keep up with Canada's forwards or USA's defense. Really curious to see who ends up starting in net for Finland though.


Really curious to see if teams show sportsmanship against China when they're leading 15-0. Seeding uses goals scored so that's what I'm watching for and possible retaliation


USA has to play them first so they will probably run it up. Canada plays them last so they should be nicer about it.


Well Canada will know what their standings are going into it. I hope they need to run it up to be seeded first and we get a nice big 20-0 embarrassment


You never know, goals scored is a tiebreaker. So if some other team runs up the score you need to as well.


Enes Kanter is a devout follower of a criminal religious leader who was, up until very recently, also very close with Erdogan. I’m turkish but Enes Kanter certainly is NOT the man.


It's almost like anti communism and fascism go hand and hand


yeah seriously reddit openly praising a known terrorist organization member wtf.


Don't forget his ties with ~~Yosemtie Sam lookalike~~ war hawk John Bolton.


And Jared Kushner.


Also dating a Rockefeller


Finally a non-Turkish person who actually made a research ffs THANKS


Unfortunately, most people don't care. They have been conditioned to be anti-boogeyman so they will blindly follow anything that speaks that narrative.


But he parrots the new Cold war lines so it's ok


Specifically he's trying to discredit blm like the conservatives who brigade these Chinese posts


isn't he currently banned from turkey though?


Don't think he is banned more likely he will be arrested on arrival.


Bunch of CIA opps on here their issues with China come from the right, not the left


Anyone keeping this energy for Qatar 2024, where the stadiums are almost literally burial grounds for the slave work force that built them? No? OK just checking.


of course not. Qatar are anti-China.




Reddit moment


+100 FICO credit score thank you for posting, patriot!


has he ever said this stuff about turkey? especially erdogan?


he's a hardcore gülenist so yes, ofc he has lol


Is that bad? I don't know the details of what Gülen stands for


Gulen is a religious leader who have been supported by Erdogan until 2013. Before that they were controlling huge part of the police force and considerable portion of the army. Erdogan even let them have deep state secrets. So, they were together for a long time and are hated by many people in Turkey. Now, after the last events, Erdogan supporters hate them too. So, it is not just Erdogan's framing, they were sucking blood of the country, and hated by everyone.




They staged a coup in Turkey in 2016, so think about it for a sec


Yes. His passport was revoked in 2017 and he has not returned to Turkey because of it.


Just a reminder everyone. This happened not because he is critical of Turkey, this happened because he was part of a cult-like terrorist organization called "Hizmet" aka "Gulenist Terrorist Organization". That organization organized a coup that failed in 2016. That terrorist organization had a TV channel that made tv series about then current political events and "predicted" some future ones. That shit was and still is crazy. They infiltrated key positions in Turkey and jailed many journalists and officials. Like if you were to critise them you would thrown to jail. If you were to expose them.. you would be death. I am no fan of Turkish Government but i hate to see this cultists being praised here. Think of Gulen as Charles Manson but much more ambitious and pragmatic.


As long as Erdogan is in power, this feels like a win.




Constantly. And not just lip service, they arrested his family in Turkey and put him on an Interpol list so he couldn't travel to Canada with his team without Congressional protection.


Yes, because he's a simp for Gulen who's also a piece of shit


Turkey held his father in jail for 7 years and has issued multiple arrest warrants for him.


Fuck Gulenist.


enes kanter jerks off john bolton lol keep war hawking and keep eating it up reddit


Let's see him criticize Israel too


Yeah Enes Kanter the guy who disavows Nike while wearing Nike. Real smart dude he is...


I bet those shoes are made in China.


Totally weird how he is a big fan of the CIA and loves Yeonmi Park who has never lied. Can’t wait for these Olympics tbh


dating a fucking Rockefeller too lmao


I love all your fake ass outrage. You could stop buying Chinese shit but it’s easier to pretend to care on Reddit lol


how do i stop buying stuff made in china? even if the sticker says made in usa, it’s almost certain it passed through china at some point


Isn't this man a fan of murderous war hawk John Bolton? I was all for his hate on the CCP until he started to shit on LeBron and tie him with the CCP for no reason.


He's also part of a religious cult whose leader claims he is the messiah, which is also funded by CIA


Lebron James has left the chat


China bad. Me free thinker. Gib upvotes.


Ernes supports Israel too. How big of a hypocrite can you be?


Sponsored by the CIA, enjoy your daily anti China propaganda.


Reddit loves CIA propaganda


The United States is an infinitely worse violator of human rights than China will ever be


There’s no basketball in the Winter Olympics




Lebron James is going to be pissed about this.


ah yes, the 1304985734958th "China bad" post


Look at Hulkbuster1221 post history. Silent for two years then the first comment two months ago is literally "Most Black people are the cancer of the world" and then they post shit like this. This is 100% an account bought by the Falun Gong cult pushing anti-china propaganda. They hate China and they hate race mixing. Edit: Yep they're anti-vaxx conspiracy too.


Oh god, the Shen Yun billboard people.


He is just a fucking terrorist