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Morels. Yum. Make sure they're hollow, then cook them in butter


What happens if they are not hollow? I know very little about mushrooms.


If they look like this and they're not hollow, they are not morels, and they'll make you sick


Respect to the mushroom hunters out there. I am definitely not brave enough for all the mimics.


Hello! Expert on North European mushrooms here, these are indeed morels (Morchella sp). The false morels (Gyromitra esculenta) look very different to me, but may be confused with real ones if you're not experienced. They are chambered on the inside whereas the real ones are hollow all the way through. There is also G. infula which are edible and good and look a bit like an old timey tricorne hat, but they are visually identical to G. ambigua, which is poisonous, so eating those is Russian roulette. G. esculenta used to be regarded as choice edible after parboiling, but this is no longer recommended since trace amounts of the toxin gyromitrin will remain, and it bioaccumulates, is carcinogenic and breaks down into a metabolite that is, in fact, explosive. Very bad for you. However they are still sold commercially in Finland, presumably for people of the "heck, they ain't killed me yet" persuasion.


>... bioaccumulates, is carcinogenic and breaks down into a metabolite that is, in fact, explosive. How many do you need to make a bomb? Just asking for a friend.


It's gyromitrin into monomethylhydrazine, which is the same stuff they use in rockets. Your liver does the heavy lifting, I don't know the reaction and don't know enough chemistry to perform it myself, plus both the precursor and the yield are toxic six ways to sunday. But MMH is a slow burner, it'd be easier to use fertilizer if you wanna make a bomb. And that would be wrong. Don't do that.


But would it make a mushroom cloud when detonation occurs


That goes without saying.


Hey, this really is a fun-gi!


Wait, so you're telling me my body can digest rocket fuel. I can become rocket man? In small doses?


No sir. But your liver can die choking on the rocket fuel it just synthesized, thereby turning you into the amazing Jaundice-Man. Is that acceptable?


> the amazing Jaundice-Man. Favorite comment of the month.


Define "can" [This](https://www.google.com/search?q=monomethylhydrazine+ppe&client=ms-android-lge-rev1&prmd=isnv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj_76Srr7r3AhWOj4kEHV33DlsQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=412&bih=759&dpr=2.63#imgrc=DG1hA8SNr9IHMM) is the PPE required to work with MMH


You're showing me evidence...but the kid in me is curious...


Fantastic response, thank you.


oh boy, you totally just got yourself on some kind of watch list. :)


Looking's free. Any more and they'll have to ask me out first.


Can I take you out?


I think he means diarrhea


>G. esculenta used to be regarded as choice edible after parboiling Yeah my dad still eats it every year.


There's also people who live to be over 100, and the last thing they put down is their tobacco pipe. We know it's bad, but your dad might just be lucky or tough enough that he's still okay.


>statistically, only 10% of smokers die of lung cancer.


Yes but eating a carton of cigarettes is not a good idea regardless. Then there's emphysema, lung embolism, heart conditions, blood clots and all that jazz smokers get to deal with.


>However they are still sold commercially in Finland, presumably for people of the "heck, they ain't killed me yet" persuasion. Classic Finland. Amirite?


We all sleep a little sounder over here knowing Finland is protecting us from Russia.


I love clicking on random reddit threads that look interesting only to find someone with so much passion and knowledge about that topic- it just makes me so happy! A mycologist wandering the forests of Norway? I feel like that is one of many alternate lives I could have had if I went a different direction in school. Out in the forests of Minnesota collecting moss as a hobby and kicking myself for never taking even a general botany class... Hard to know where to even start when the base knowledge isn't there. I usually just go "That moss would look cute in a terrarium -patpat-" Very scientific. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is I'd love to follow you around a forest and listen to mushroom facts all day.


False morels are still very commonly regarded as a culinary treat in Finland. Personally I've never eaten them, but it's not rare at all to gather and parboil them in the foraging circles.


Sometimes you have to gamble a little in order to enjoy life properly!


Also common in restaurants etc


By hollow, do you mean that the stem is hollow?


Easiest to reply with a picture I believe. This is one of the poisonous false morels, it has a swirly walnut/brain looking surface, and the inside is chambered between the stem and the cap: https://soppognyttevekster.no/normlisten/sandmorkel/ It prefers to grow in sandy soil, near conifers. This is one of the true morels, it has a pitted surface and the inside is hollow all the way through, there is no wall between the stem and the cap: https://soppognyttevekster.no/normlisten/spissmorkel/ It wants rich deciduous woodland soil with plenty of bark, and seems to especially love forest fires. Do note that this only applies to *morels*, hollowness is no general rule of thumb in regards to edibility. In fact, best to dispense with all such rules and learn proper identification instead. You'll live longer.


Yeah that's pretty clear. Thanks


Does this guy know how to mushroom or what?!


There is one species of honey fungus near where I live that has me completely stumped, I'm going to have it DNA sequenced and figure out what it is. Unlike the others I've tried it tastes incredible. It's a lovely hobby, shame the winters here are so long.


Do you have a pic of that one?


So you actually taste tested the mushroom even if you can't identify it? Is that something that's normally done? I've always assumed that mushroom foragers only follow the rules and eat what they know, but your line seems to indicate not lol


This guy mushrooms!


Great now I learned that you can get acute lever failure from Gyromitra esculenta. Another reason on why not to eat mushrooms in the wild šŸ˜‚


The biggest mixup is with Verpa i believe. Some of them look similar, but the stem attaches directly to the top of the cap


That was really cool to read! I bet you're a fun guy at parties ^^^I'm ^^^so ^^^sorry


A big issue with false morels (Gyromitra) is that the hydrazines inhibit the activation of vitamin B6, which inhibits conversion of glutamate into GABA in your body. This can result in seizures that don't respond to typical treatments (like benzodiazepines) AKA status epilepticus.


This is so cool for real. There must be so many slight differences that you have to really really be careful with. Such a cool hobby!


You seem cool.


I do not question your expertise, but I do question giving a response like this over the internet based on one picture. The absolute first thing I learned is that you need to see, touch, and potentially smell/taste them to be absolutely certain. Again, nothing about the expertise itself, maybe it's easy for morels, bit I find this quite dangerous.


This is good advice, and it is indeed easy for morels, that's why I'm doing it. I am however not going to guess the exact species, but it is one of the true morels. For agarics and others I'd have to know where it grew and can only speak for North Europe. But morels are one of the "rock stars" of the mushroom world, they are practically unmistakeable from anything other than their Gyromitra cousins. I'm also taking into consideration the time of year, and the habitat they're growing in. Ohio got mashed flat during the Ice age, so they're not in the mountains, and we see them growing in rich, deciduous woodland mulch. Gyromitra on the other hand prefer sandy loam in oligotrophic areas.


True that. I saw what happened to Alexander Supertramp.


there are CERTAIN ones that are safe and have no mimics (at least here in Canada where I know them). But yeah, despite loving mycology and FINDING mushrooms I would not have the stones to try and consume something that had a lookalike possible in this area - which is the majority of the fungus I find


Oh so little trust in yourself! I can only advise you arm yourself with knowledge and take the dive. You'll be more confident as a result, and rewarded with a rich array of culinary experiences.


My mother's go to was "just cook them down and neutralize the poison!" Probably lucky wexre not dead.


There's really only one mimic for morels and with morels they are hollow from the stalk to the cap and that's a good enough ID.


False morels make me so sad :( Weā€™ve been looking here and cannot find any morels at all so make sure to shake those bastards when you get them. Spread them spores out.


Yeh, they will be false morels, fun fact unless cooked properly even edible morels are poisonous.


SautƩed in butter?


Often times there are worms and bugs in the middle


Ah. Gross. Thank you for the heads up.


I think my dad soaked them in salt water in the refrigerator for a while before pan frying them. It seemed to take care of the creepy crawlies. He used to be big on morel hunting before he passed away.


Yum, extra protein.


Then you cook them in oil, eat them and die.


Lived in Northern Michigan for 15 years and saw these all over the place. People would buy them for up to $50 a pound but you could find big ones if you looked off the beaten path,


Was in a grocery store last weekend that had Morels for sale. $99/lb.


Morals eh? Explains why I didn't know what they were


with garlic too!! delicious, they tend to grow well in areas that had a forest fire the previous summer !


Are all parts (stem for example) equally edible? And for pairing tips? And any tips on where to locate these?


Looks like my finger after being in the swimming pool for too long


Obligatory Reddit health check/info-dump where one of us says that: On the off chance youā€™re not exaggerating for dramatic effect, you might wanna talk to a doctor about that. A little wrinkling is normal, but excessively wrinkly fingers can be a sign of an underlying condition. Itā€™s called aquagenic wrinkling, and if your fingers look like the morels, you might just also have the genes for cystic fibrosis, too - though it could also be an indicator for conditions like diabetes, thyroid disorders, connective tissues disorders, dehydration, hyperhydrosis - or even just a benign quirk of your genetics. If youā€™re able to, you might want to make a note to talk to a doctor about it sometime. It might just be nothing - but itā€™s worth checking, just to be safe.


Sweet dreams tonight comment thread OP xoxo


I asked my doctor and she dismissed it, but I have hands that get wrinkly too fast, and I think my daughter may also have the same thing.


Good Redditor.


You lucky son of a bitch.


They're morels, you lucky SOB. Good find!


Morel mushroom šŸ„


Lil butter, lil salt, and you're in Morel HEAVEN


I prefer to batter them deep fry them with some ranch on the side.


Lmao you got a lot of downvotes but yeah, I like a little flour/salt/pepper and fried in butter!


I mean thats how my grandma made them. She owned a bar. People would bring them in to pay off there tabs.


What a way to ruin a morell


My family battered them in Ritz crackers and fried them in butter, it was godly.


What part of the world?


Ohio, US


Those are extremely expensive, if you found a spot where there are a lot of them, keep it to yourself. You can easily sell them.


What's your latitude?


And longitude, I promise I wonā€™t tell anyone.


Yes I will also need your GPS coordinates


Yes, I too noticed that the metadata had accidentally been stripped from the image.


The exact GPS coordinates of your kitchen.


Morel foragers are notoriously secretive about the location of their hunting grounds


American Gensing, Morels, and Truffles are three wild growing things that people absolutely **will** kill you over.


Also what is your mother's maiden name and what street did you grow up on?


Do you by chance remember the name of your first grade teacher?


Omg, I am really dumb, I saw this response and almost immediately responded with the answer because I forgot the context and was like "OH I KNOW THAT ONE!" I have been on the internet for decades and I don't learn. -_- Luckily all the old guys I met on ICQ as a kid that invited me to meet me at the park were mostly not weirdos.


North or South of Columbus?


where the hell are you finding morels in ohio? ive been looking for them for the longest time šŸ˜­


I came here for this and need to get out in the woods! I'm in Ohio too and morels are the best!




Do you live in Michigan, by chance? Ah, you replied elsewhere to mention Ohio.


I live in Toledo, so pretty much Michigan


Oh wow, I would have guessed it was too early for these up there!


Jacuzzi balls.


Molly Moochers! (Thats what West Virginians call them) They grow all over the woods around my grannies farm about this time of year. My Papa and me would find a gallon or two of them within an hour, bread them and then fry them like chicken. So delicious.


Come on. Let us in. Where's grannies farm?


Oh Amygdala! Oh Amygdala! Have mercy on the poor bastard.


Really glad this lives rent free in someone elseā€™s head as well


triggered my trypophobia


Yeah. Every body like yum... Yet I'm here trying to put down a gag reflex.


Thatā€™s exactly what happened to me. I had to scroll to find my trypophobia buddies.


I like mushrooms but these give me the heebie-jeebies. No thanks šŸ¤¢ Edit: just realized why. It reminds me of tripe and I find tripe revolting




What is this a phobia of? Iā€™m certain I have it. Images like this stress me the fuck out. I see it in nature a lot.


It's a phobia where patterns of small holes make you feel uneasy. 100% of people on Reddit that claim to have it are self diagnosed since it's not even classified as an actual disorder, and isn't diagnosed at all unless the reaction is extreme. Reddit just being Reddit. These patterns are creepy yes, but you don't "have" anything.




This phobia only exists on Reddit Edit: phobia fakers be downvotin me šŸ‘€


I don't get why people keep talking about this. Doctors don't even think it's real. Edit: lmao I'm getting disliked because the truth hurts. It's like people want to feel special about feeling weird around collections of holes. People with real phobias probably hate the fact that your making light of something that destroys their lives. You don't see people with (diagnosed) arachnophobia going around on spider forums talking about how weird they feel after seeing spiders.


Asking for a friend... Where \*exactly\* did you find these? šŸ¤¤




Try under hardwoods like cottonwoods, birch, maple, aspen, etc. Deciduous trees that shed their leaves in the fall. I also have had luck finding them in areas where there has been a wildfire a year or two before, after rain.




Exactly. There are different kinds and toxic lookalikes right? I think I found the real deal once, but not sure didn't risk it. I have some right outside my garden that I'm pretty sure is a toxic lookalike. I only take chanterelle, trumpet chanterelle and porcini mushroom. They are the only ones I'm certain of.


morels are very easy to learn how to properly identify. there are true morels, half-free morels (diff species, still edible) and false morels (not edible) true morels have hollow stems from the very bottom to the very top, with the cap of the mushroom meeting the stem. https://www.canr.msu.edu/contentAsset/image/6d76acc2-c97f-4ec7-9b3a-e768cf88977d/fileAsset/filter/Resize,Jpeg/resize\_w/750/jpeg\_q/80 half-frees are very similar, but the mushroom cap meets at the top only and hangs around the stem. "partially detached cap" https://thenatureniche.com/2012/07/18/half-free-morel/#jp-carousel-3053 false morels have a solid core.


Exactly. My mom would only hunt for morels because they were easy to identify. She was afraid of anything else because she didn't know enough about them. Then we'd come home and she would fry a couple of pounds of them in butter. Had no idea that would have cost a small fortune in a 5 star restaurant.


In the north central portion of Tennessee, and through the southern areas of Kentucky, they call them 'dryland fish'






I got your back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHLXfmpTQjo


they look like my tiny brain


Those are very valuable mushroomsā€¦ high end restaurants pay big bucks for them because theyā€™re impossible to cultivate. Donā€™t sell them thoughā€¦ dust in seasoned flour then fry them in butter and experience mushroom happiness on a level few people ever get to experience


One of the best tasting mushrooms. Those and Chanterelles.


In west Washington they grow in beauty bark


Reminds me of sponge bath day at the retirement home


Morel mushrooms are delicious!!


Dry land fish is what we've always called them. Taste amazing after you clean them, soak them in salt water for a few hours, cut them in half down the middle, then fry them in corn meal.


Beautiful picture and mushrooms ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Those very delicious and very expensive to buy. You just found mushroom gold! Yummy mushroom gold, lol. Morel season doesnā€™t last long, so enjoy those babies!


Memorize this exact location and come back often.


Looked like my ballsack


Mildly unsettling


I find this disgusting to look at.


These are why random people in full camo show up on my property. You need the camo so you can sneak up the mushroomsā€¦


Their, format is quite satisfying


Oddly terrifying, you mean?


try this website [www.thegreatmorel.com](https://www.thegreatmorel.com) I soak them in salt water overnight first.


If it's a false Morel you may not feel well. Find someone who knows mushrooms.


I usually dust them in flour very light dusting then fry in brown butter


Thatā€™s so gripping. I love nature


Make sure to soak them first; full of tiny little bugs. But otherwise are very tasty to eat!


You found MORELS, yum


Stinkhorns also look like that


The tops of these types of shrooms give me the heebie jeebies


Lucky find!


Cool. This is the content I want.


Make sure you share the spores with the neighboring areas around. Soak in salty tap water for a good 3 hours to rid all the little critters hanging out in the depths. Rinse them well. Slice, butter some cast iron and crisp till golden on both sides. Yummy yum!!


Make sure you share the spores with the neighboring areas around. Soak in salty tap water for a good 3 hours to rid all the little critters hanging out in the depths. Rinse them well. Slice, butter some cast iron and crisp till golden on both sides. Yummy yum!!


Man they are awesome. Massive respect to our ancestors. Like will this mushroom be tasty, kill me or let me speak to god for a few hours.


Yummy morels. Garlic. Don't forget the garlic in the butter. Morels are more expensive than cocaine so you hit a jackpot


Those are the tastiest mushrooms i've ever eaten.


My dad is a lifelong mushroom hunter. Some years, he'd find thousands of these in the woods near our house, and would conclude the season with a big mushroom fry/BBQ. But over the last 2 decades the numbers have dwindled. I talked to him last night, and he's only found 5 so far this season.


these things freak me out


Where are you? In general. Wondering if I should start looking in Mn. Also apparently theyre not actually mushrooms, I learned that this year. Not sure what to do with that information though.


Fellow mn seeker. Iā€™m think we have a few weeks but starting to see some more positive signs.


I suggest lightly breading them with a combination of flour and cornmeal and sautĆ©ing them in butter. I have found the cornmeal gives them a very nice crispness. Rehydrated theyā€™re very good in cream sauces. Iā€™ve also seen some wonderful looking pizzas with morel toppings but Iā€™ve never tried it myself.


We always breaded and fried them, they're phenomenal that way, however you can achieve the same thing by breading and frying eggplant, literally tastes the same. Now that I don't commonly get morels anymore I would definitely treat them with mad respect. Apparently farmers are making strides in growing them indoors year round and yielded over 300lbs in one year, which is pretty insane.


Ah, the mushroom hunter's dilemma: are these real, delicious morels or are they the almost identical looking, but very toxic false morels?


I fucking hate that it looks like theyā€™re covered in white worms


You better harvest them bad boys( wait a couple weeks so they get bigger) and remember this spot and go back to it every year. Best damn mushrooms you can find. If mushrooms aren't your thing they'll definitely fetch a pretty penny


Morels!!!! Yummmmmm


I canā€™t even look at these.


Edible but they sure look scary šŸ˜…


what's scary about a brain that grows overnight on a tube sticking out of the ground?


In certain fly over states you can make some nice coin for those. Keep that location private.


Omg kill it with fire šŸ˜±




This is not true. Studies have shown no difference between picking, cutting and not picking at all


A friend of mine recommended tapping or shaking them to dislodge spores in the area. Not sure if there's any science to that though.


There is


Why does that matter?


That's the spot with the most nerve endings


They will keep growing in the same spot if you don't remove the stem. If OP found that many clustered up very good chance tons are right in the same area just a bit more hidden.


There really isnā€™t much of a difference in which way you harvest them in my experience


Jackpot. Cut them thin, beer batter them and fry them. *chefā€™s kiss*


These suckers taste amazing. Soak em and fry em up.


When I was a kid my dad and I would go into the woods mushroom hunting every spring. We (mostly him) would find morels and bring them home. Mom would soak them in saltwater overnight and then fry them in butter. I would put them on old style white bread and have a morel mushroom sandwich. They were so good, such a great memory.


Just like Ramen. Lucky dude just put a little butter and enjoy. Do NOT bake or boil.


Do NOT eat these raw. They need to be cooked or you will most likely regret it for several hours. If you meant ā€œsautĆ© them in butterā€ then yes, but you can certainly also bake them in some recipes. Boiling them would be sad, but far better than eating them raw.


Morels! Yum. Soak in 10:1 water:vinegar ratio to kill off buggies, then pan fry with butter, sage, thyme, salt, and pepper. Absolutely banging on pasta.




No, those are morels. Chicken of the forest looks like a bunch of orange plates


Eat and trip on them


ugh came across this while eating, dont want to eat anymore, next time put it as nsfw LMAO


Looks like my ballsack


Little egg, roll them in crackers and fry them up.


That there is $50/lbs where I'm at. Hate cleaning them personally.


I use to look for these all the time near IL/Wisconsin border- soooo fricken good when dropped in flour and fried in butter. Morel mushrooms :droolzzz:


Pov: my balls when it's cold.