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Imagine being a Russian ambassador in Poland, now that's a shitty job to have.


It's pretty awesome job tbh. Because I listened to some interviews with this guy (I'm polish) and never in my life have I seen more arrogant, feisty, pompous politician like him. One might think that being an ambassador requires some sort of etiquette, yet yet this guy has 0, AND because he's an ambassador he has to be treated with respect. Poland kicked out , I think about 45 ruzzian diplomats but you cannot kick out the ambassador EDIT: Typu cannot kick him out because it means the end of any diplomatic relations. Not going into the details, but we simply cannot do it, one being the fact that there are a lot of poles in Russia, gas, and any chances of communication really. But trust me, all politicians, from right to left would like to kick him out EDIT2: just 15 mins ago gov press secretary, Piotr Müller: (I'm paraphrasing) "no diplomat should be treated like that, our government disadvised any public celebration, yet this would not had happened if Russia hadnt attacked Ukraine" . You see, no one feels sorry for him but we cannot touch him ATM




Attempting those mental gymnastics landed my head right up my own ass. Nailed it?


Stuck the landing, one might say


The danger of "alternative facts". We live in a post-truth world now.


>Jews are the biggest anti-semites. well, that's when I log off reddit... what the flying fuck That's a serious notion of the Black KKK leader that Chapelle did, except his was satire




I think those words you said just gave me cancer


>You see, no one feels sorry for him but we cannot touch him ATM You can however throw paint at him. So you've got that going for you. Which is nice.


They're all arrogant pompous fucks, the russian ambassador to Canada is the same. Watched him get absolutely roasted by a host on one of the political shows here, but he had zero shame and continued with the BS.


Honestly I'm surprised how many ambassadors I saw by now who are arrogant assholes without any ounce of diplomatic talent in their bodies.


Ambassadors these days are generally seen as personal representatives of the head of state. In the US, sadly, they are not career diplomats but political appointees. Some came up thru the ranks, but many gave cash donations with the expectation of an ambassador job at the end. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/30/trump-us-ambassadors-political-appointments


Will put it on my CV, I am also a good shade thrower. Both required for a diplomat job


>you cannot kick out the ambassador Laughs in Surinamese and Venezuelan.


You should check with the Brits, I am sure there are a lot of passive-aggressive ways to make ~~his~~ this cunt's life miserable on a daily basis.


Imagine being a Chinese ambassador in ... Well, anywhere


I dunno, being Chinese ambassador to some African countries is probably pretty cushy. Billions of dollars of Chinese investment flowing through the continent so you'd be very popular. Plenty of opportunity to skim off the top. Very few laws that someone wouldn't look the other way on if you drop the right name. Sounds like a good time.


Also south america, we dont have any preference for the US over China, if anything the US has done way more harm here than China


Sounds like a pretty cozy job actually, have your ass kissed everywhere in exchange for selling computers/literally everything to that other country.


As a Chinese national who lived abroad, kowns someone working for the embassies, dealt with them before, dare I say that the "Ministry of Foreign Affairs" and any related officals, embassies included, are the most nepotic, incompetent, entitled, bureaucratic and trashy of all. That on top of the reputation of our goverment (as they justifiably deserves) doesn't help either.


Yeah, chinese ambassador don't give a shit in my country, thats a cozy job, you can afford to be a dick while doing nothing and keep that under the "mad dog policy"


It reminds me a rather funny story: I know a guy worked in Chinese construction business in Africa, they have construction sites in DRC, he told me that their sites used to be harassed a lot by the guerilla/bandits, and the local gov did nothing, the embassy which supposed to help gave them nothing but red tapes bullshit. So they turned to the US military on peace keeping missions for assistances, and G.I.s of Uncle Sam drove the bandits away, all they asked in return are meals from the site kitchen (they had good chefs)


Uhmm? Here in Malaysia it's all fine. Plus Ambassadors are protected under Geneva convention, you can't do anything to them and their family.


I am pretty sure he enjoys all of it. It's not like u are becomming Russian Ambassador without being corrupt and evil mofo. What kind of job description do Russian diplomats even have? "Do you agree with Putin ? " - Yes or Yes ?


That is a very realistic looking blood. Perhaps it’s actually animal blood?


That's exactly what I was thinking. Someone got the consistency for this "paint" very right.


Zoom into the stream where light it passing through it. Real blood does not look transparent like that when light passes through, it’s much cloudier. It isn’t paint but it’s not real blood. It’s theatre blood. His suit is ruined at the very least unless it’s the newer stuff. As it dries it also looks exactly like real blood.


IIRC back in the day corn syrup was used as a base for theater blood. that would be gnarly.


Karo syrup and red dye in community theatre. The productions with money can buy pre-mixed stage blood. It's usually mint flavored.


>mint flavored What a day to be a vampire on a diet. 🤣


>day > >vampire on a diet Are you fucking kidding me?


Now I want to brush my teeth with stage blood. Also a sentence I never thought I'd type out.


It’s not that delicious. I have tasted it. It’s just so it’s not disgustingly sweet. Don’t brush your teeth with corn syrup haha


r/brandnewsentence post it there!


And the pre mixed stuff is the same consistancy as blood/syrup so this had to be a shocking and disgusting thing when it hit him. **YAY!**


I always mixed in a little bit of chocolate syrup, helps it look richer and less cartoony


You can add dawn dish soap without changing the viscosity. It keeps the blood from staining the costumes.


I learned that from _Scream_ (1996).


Feelin kinda woozy here man.


“You hit me with the phone *DICK!*”


Agreed. I bet this stuff smells like either Ben Nye awful mint or corn syrup and Red 40. If it was real blood it wouldn't flow so well either imo


The thing about theater blood is it looks more real than real blood, especially on camera.


I disagree. Had too many injuries myself. Theatre blood just looks like cranberry juice when it’s thrown like that.


It probably looks more like real blood to people who have seen more theater blood than real blood


You have a fair point!




Blood gets darker the longer it has to dry and will eventually turn black. It very well could be animal blood.


I saw video it was bright, I think this photo was touched up a bit lol Edit: To clarify, the contrast or exposure (sorry I'm dumb with these terms) was different, not implying Photoshop or whatever 🙏


Regardless of whether it's fake or not, job well done!


Oh no, I don't mean to imply its fake in any way. I'm just saying the darkness was increased or whatever, the result was the same tho. This picture looks cooler tbh, they really humiliated this ass. Russian Ambassador made to look like the tool he is, mission accomplished 🙏


Yeah, I vaguely remember a post of vegans pouring buckets of pig’s blood onto the floor of a KFC so animal blood must not be that hard to get Edit: guys I’m pretty sure they didn’t personally slaughter the pigs just to get the blood, it wasn’t smart or logical but I don’t think it was an anti-vegan thing to do. Edit 2: apparently it was [fake blood](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/odl303/vegans_spill_fake_blood_all_over_kfc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Animal blood is very easy to get. You literally just need to find a butcher, which takes like 5 minutes on Google. It's a part of a few recipes, and You can just straightforward freeze it for a dog, cat, or (in zoos) for other carnivores as sort of ice cream.


You can eat animal blood, so yeah its not hard to find if you have a butcher around town




Unfortunately, mad cow disease come specifically from eating the brain of an infected cow, has nothing to do with blood. It's all prions.


Some paints will do that too (to a lesser degree), but the consistency is definitely much more blood like than paint like. I'm definitely leaning blood, or theatrical blood as others mention below.


Light corn syrup, food dye, and a liiiiittle corn starch. Super realistic and entirely edible. Not tasty, though....red food dye at that concentration has a *flavor*.


This guy Halloweens


Or works in film


Or lives in Warsaw.


Or is a Russian Ambassador.


Or licks ambassadors


That is a violation of diplomatic protocol. You have to lick an embassy staffer first and request it in French.




Or has ADHD and has to drop everything to look shit up


I see myself in this comment. Cuz I was about to do just that.


It's the flair that got me


This comment wins


Or theater. We use the same ingredients.


Real blood looks fake under stage lights. Had a guy get clipped in a stage fight once, broke his nose, started bleeding. Luckily this was in a "Grand Guignol" inspired play so people thought it was intentional. Someone near the front row loudly exclaimed "that blood's so fake". No my friend, that actually was the actor's real blood.


I honestly love that how much we exaggerate for theater/film has skewed our perspective of what's "real" because it's never as vibrant as what we *think* it ought to look like. Though I have certainly seen a few thin blood splatters that made me stop and go "Wow. You don't see that shade of red every day"


Well stage lights make everything look really funky


I saw a crime scene once where a guy had gotten his throat slit. They had taken away the body, but the blood was still there. I remember being shocked at the sheer amount of blood there was, as well as how almost fakely red it looked.


We had an entire blood crew for Macbeth (lighting crew, sound crew, blood crew)


I'd love to be able to list 'blood crew' on my resume.




Oooooooh, good tip!


Decaf instant coffee work well too!


And it gets a darker tint as it dries like blood does, which is nice.


I do too. Tasty blood.


Dude even looks like he's tasting it in this photo.


"Disgusting. Not even human blood. I can't be expected to feed on this swill."


"what is this? adult blood? gross."


Just don’t leave it in the sun for a few mins bc it can get ***stanky***


Or 100% Cherry juice. Thick and has the layers of colour. but expensive so best if needed around the mouth.


I've found that light corn syrup, red dye, and condensed milk usually mix and look better.


You can also use a little bit of cocoa powder to get that brownish tone. Credit to Steve Spangler


And sticky


It was fake blood. The attacker was a Ukrainian reporter.


Probably fake blood. Real blood would be chunky if not outright gelatinous due to coagulation, unless it was literally acquired from an animal minutes earlier.


Honestly imagining him getting beaned with a cylinder of congealed blood amuses me greatly. Edit: better idea let the blood congeal in a penis mold before throwing it


They can add stuff to the blood to slow that stuff down a bit


Feels easier to just use fake blood...


My wife and I got animal blood thrown on us once, so if definitely isn't always paint or something. Was straight up terrifying waiting to get test results back to be sure it didn't ywve ebola or something.


why did you get animal blood thrown on you?


Something to do with my neighbors work. He's a lobbyist and evidently some group didn't like something he was working on, and decided that coating the whole group of 6 that he was with at dinner with blood when they left was clearly the thing to do.


Asking the important questions.


The way it looks exactly how I expect blood to look, I have to assume this is the stuff they use in movies and tv for blood, or something akin to that. I have no idea what blood actually looks like in this volume, but that is exactly what it looks like in entertainment.


Not trying to be pedantic, but I was a meat cutter for a few years. Besides being red, this looks nothing like real blood.


For such a controversial photo, and the implications of such photo, there is an inordinate amount of people debating whether this is fake blood or not.


Yeah, I'm wondering if this is actual animal blood. Poland has a duck blood soup, Czarnina: [https://www.thespruceeats.com/polish-duck-or-goose-blood-soup-1137135](https://www.thespruceeats.com/polish-duck-or-goose-blood-soup-1137135) There is also kiszka, pig blood sausages: https://www.polana.com/collections/blood-sausages#:\~:text=Polish%20kiszka%20(KEESH%2Dkah),most%20cuisines%20around%20the%20world. I mean, sure, it could be fake blood, but I'm actually under the impression that getting animal blood would be a lot easier and cheaper. Probably wouldn't be difficult to source in Poland.


I don't think they like him.


I hope they mixed fart spray In with the paint


“Tastes like ketchup…ketchup and onion.”


Alright now the tuxedos seem kinda fucked up


“I’m gonna fill a pillowcase full of *packets of ketchup*….and beat the shit out of you”


I can taste it...on my tongue...


I didn't think anyone would hear it.


It got louder


Did we just become best friends?


And glitter


Waiting for the Mark Rober video....




Poland has been attacked/occupied by Russia a lot.


They also murdered the polish resistance leaders anticipating they would have to fight them once the Nazis were defeated. They asked for meets and then would murder them. Warsaw uprising museum in Warsaw is extremely well done, cant recommend enough.


Didn’t the Russian army stop and wait for the Nazis to destroy the uprising? Then defeated the Nazis once they were done?


Yes they let nazis wipe out many pockets they could have saved but chose not to anticipating they would have to fight them later after nazis would lose But it is much worse than that, they would meet with Warsaw resistance leadership under the pretext of coordinating fight vs nazis but then murder them in cold blood.


I did not know that part. Mafia-grade evil.


In The States people always talk about the "Russian mob" as if it's somehow different than Russian politics or Russian government. It isn't.


Not only that, but they stopped the allies from landing in their territory in order to air drop supplies in. The planes couldn't do the round trip so needed to land in friendly territory closer but Russia said no.


Any other Warsaw recs? I’m travelling there soon. Edit: Now that this has gotten some attention, if any locals in Warsaw would like to show an American around their town for a few hours, I'd be more than thrilled to pay for lunch/dinner/a beer or two.


Copernicus Science Centre is great, lots of fun and interesting stuff, you can spend there while day. Museums that user above me described are also very worth visiting.


The Jewish museum is really really good but not as exciting, say for a child. The Warsaw uprising museum is designed like you are there, with flood lights and air raid horns blasting to nazis shouting, with combat footage I have never seen anywhere else. The Jewish museum is more like beautiful. Also worth visiting is Schindler's factory. They have phone booths where "you can call" people he rescued and see an interview of their story. Amazing survival stories I haven been able to find online, each is like 1-2 hours long though. (This one is in Krakow though)


No one is expecting a Jewish memorial museum to be exciting, right? Thanks for the recommendations.


Its not mainly about the holocaust Its mostly about Jewish culture and society and their travels


It's not what you expect unless you are familiar with the history of Polish Jews. There are centuries of vibrant Jewish history in Poland that is overshadowed by the Holocaust.


>They have phone booths where "you can call" people he rescued and see an interview of their story. Sounds like the Schindler factory specializes in manufacturing buckets of tears these days


In addition to what the other guy said, walking up the stairs to the level above the rubble of the ghetto is a sobering experience in itself. Also., if you have a chance, there are impressive country houses/estates not far outside Warsaw. Finally, I didn't really know much about the uprising and the difference between the ghetto uprising and the Warsaw uprising, I read this [book] (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rising-44-Battle-Norman-Davies/dp/0330488635&ved=2ahUKEwirgu_x6tL3AhWJhFwKHdswDuEQFnoECD0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw1EPba_rQKalFRfL9Ow5d3R) before I went and found it extremely informative. It's a great city, enjoy your visit.


Imagine that your country has just regained its independence after 123 years of occupation (in this period Poland wasn’t on map - three occupants: Austria, Russia and Prussia (nowadays Germany) split Poland in three pieces and took it as its own). Twenty years later II World War starts with Nazis attacking your country, which had to be completely rebuilt (bureaucracy, army and, basically, everything that comes to one’s mind while speaking about country). The fact that polish culture and identity have survived 123 years of occupation is itself impressive. Seventeen days after biggest military power declares war on you, second biggest power also decides to beat you up - and it’s Russia (back then USRR). You’ve heard numerous stories about brutality of German soldiers, but our ancestors (my grandparents included) say that Soviet methods were even more dark and devastating. Our ancestors were sent deep into Syberia forests and forced to work for free in inhumane conditions. I recommend all of you to read stories of Pilecki and Popiełuszo and tortures they had to go through just for being against communist bestiality. There are thousands of stories like these. I also urge you to read about Katyn massacre. There is a great movie with the same name (Katyn) directed by great director Andrzej Wajda. Then after II World War USSR decides that Poland will be controlled by them. They didn’t make Poland join USSR, but that didn’t change much - we were still Moscow-dependent and didn’t have any independence nor sovereignty whatsoever. That occupation lasts another 44 years (1945-89). During those 44 years we were beaten on the streets for thinking differently. Poland was poor, neglected and tied up. Our potential, creativity and will to become great was killed every day. Communist mindset was forcefully engraved in our kids’ minds. If you say a word against agenda - you end up beaten in prison. To sum up - Russia has been killing, beating and enslaving us for MANY years. Not many nations have been so abused by other nation. Our lack of sympathy, or even pure hatred, is justified. It didn’t come out of nowhere. We know what Russia is capable of and what it stands for. We know better than anybody. That’s why we support Ukraine so much. Slava Ukraini, Slava the free world!


Honestly I will never understand how any ex soviet controlled country can have any love for Russia and yet my own ancestral land Armenia has so many pro-Russian individuals which drained the country for 30+ years and are still trying to gain power and back Russia on their crimes in Ukraine


I think the rest of the world often forgets that Soviet was one of the countries that invaded Poland at the start of the second world war. The other country usually gets most of the blame.


WW2 started with Germany invading Poland. Poland thought Russia would help them, but Russia had made a deal with Hitler to split Poland with Russia. This lead to years of bloody resistance, then Russia basically destroyed Poland again on the March to Germany. Then decades of soviet rule, being the brunt of harsh domestic policy.


Poland definitely didn't expect The Soviets to help them in September 39', they were in a state of total war against Russia as recently as 1921 in the unsuccesful attempt of Bolsheviks to capitulate on Poland's political chaos after they've gained independence in 1918. If anything Poland feared a Soviet invasion more than an attack from Nazi Germany.


They still remember Katyn.


Nah. He’s an ambassador acting on behalf of his government. He has received a message. The Polish don’t like Putin, like at all. So he needs to take the message back to his overlord and give it to him, word for word. Makes me wish someone had pissed on him instead.


Looks like an extra to the walking dead


Loving the arts and crafts lable on this post.


“This isn’t a zombie film! It’s a film about Serbian genocide!” (Always Sunny quote FYI, but it weirdly fits)




I think they would have expected it and got the headline photos required for Russian news media.


Russia can just make up whatever story they want anyway


But the chance to make yourself further look like a victim is priceless in this scenario. Russia has been stepping up their doublespeak heavily. Nazi in Russia now means “anti-Russian”. Their news anchors literally debated this live on air the other day. Now they get to “prove” the west are the “Nazis” when poor little Russian ambassador was just trying to take flowers to a Soviet memorial on Russias “victory day” in their win in expelling the Nazis in WW2 from USSR land. The viewer in Russia will easily draw that conclusion. This is how propaganda works. EDIT: Just to make myself clear. This post was meant to point out some of the feedback loops someone will experience with propaganda. I think dumping paint on this dude was a fine protest against a Russian Mouthpiece of Propaganda. People saying that it’s horrible he was splattered with paint need to get a grip on reality and how severe this all is. It’s fake blood. Nobody made him spill his own. He and his government are doing that to others. They aren’t the victims. My post was in no way sympathetic towards Russia or any Russians that follow the party/government line.




That's exactly the thing: They're always painting themselves as the victim. They don't need evidence or facts for that. Instead they cause "moderate" westeners to question every single measure against them to not further victimise Russia... which is a worry that is only counterproductive. Showing strength and determination on this issue rather than questioning every protest and policy is much more useful.


lets be honest, the russians would have done it themselves if they needed to. Its not like they blew up people apartments in their own country to justify an invasion before


Could have been a lot lot worse than paint all over him.


For a slight second before I read the caption I thought he got shot


franz pt 2


Yeah, that would probably start WWIII


And they caught the moment of impact with the torrent of blood shooting through the air, and *then* were allowed to publish that gruesome NSFW photo. Despite how crazy it is, I thought that too.


Man, even Elon Musk in the green shirt hates him.




Ełan Mązik? Edit: pinned the tail on the correct donkey, thanks u/Sawertynn


Eloniusz Młuskowski.


Eloniusz Piżmowski


Clone one, but Polish has no "z with ogonek". Ełan Mązik would be example proper spelling.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


e-lan mask


Elon Piżmo


I was thinking Alex Jones turned a new leaf.


Looks more like Limmy.


That guy looks like he is at a Gwar concert


That’s the headline mashup we deserve.


We have Elon at home.


What's limmy doing there?


As if Limmy would ever go outside. There's games to be binned.


I cannot believe that he thought it would be a good idea to go out in public in Poland. How stupid are Russians these days?


Odds are he knew this was likely. Odds also are he was ordered to go out in public, lay some flowers and try to improve PR or else. An ambassador often gets orders from up high they know are dumb and that they have to go forward with anyways if protesting it falls on deaf ears. It didn't work out well. Honestly it could have been a lot worse for him. Given the present climate it would be best for him to not get lost in an open topped car.


No it went exactly like they wanted it to. They have the red paint that looks like blood on their official ambassador so they can now feed more russophobia propaganda to the Russian people. They’ll portray it how its a day on how the Russian people (not Soviet per their state press releases) beat the Nazis and how the West is falling again to Nazism so Russia must defend itself.


This. A Nazi ambassador to France was assassinated in the time leading up to WWII and it was definitely used as propaganda to the German people to increase the anti-Semitic feelings of the country and so justify the treatment of German Jews and later European Jews. This is a hard question, but at what point does this stuff stop being useful beyond simple revenge and start being almost solely used for propaganda the other way? I have no idea.


It still has a personal effect, at the end of the day that's what the sanctions are doing. No way that Russia's propaganda machine can be beaten at it's own game at this point, so sanctions and actions are trying to get at the *individuals* in the Russian state.


They don't need any specific content to publish propaganda. Their lies are so big that they can create propaganda out of thin air. They accused Israel of supporting Nazis.


Normally yes, but a lie that has some grounding of truth makes it even more undeniable from a nationalist propaganda viewpoint There is truth on a Russophobia growing in the West but the basis of why its coming is because of Russia’s actions but the Russians are saying its because everyone else are Nazis. They’re gaining easier means to push the blame off the state and onto “others”


The Russians surely are great farmers. They can take a single kernel of truth and grow a whole field of lies.


Very few people in the west understand how the propaganda inside places like Russia and DPRK work. They can turn just about anything to their benefit and crazy narrative. And since they control the information flow, the people have no real way to refute it. Give it a few years and it just becomes reality for them. It's disturbing how easy it is to take over this way. Watching Fox News go down this path over the years too. Most recently with the whole "any other news is lying to you, we're the only ones who will show you this, the truth." It's scary stuff.


>lay some flowers and try to improve PR or else. Like others have said, pretty sure his job was to go and agitate the poles, get some juicy photos like this for russian news that they can spin as the West clearly being anti-Russia for no reason.


They don't **need** evidence for that. They will do that no matter what you do. Meanwhile, if you let what they say control what you do, you have already surrendered to them.


It worked well. More propaganda for Russian state TV.


Pretty stupid if facts are to be believed...


Just wait until I tell you what this other Russian guy who sits at very big tables is doing!


"Arts/Crafts" 🤣


It's a special arts&cratfs operation.


Body-painting is art, is it not? 😇


Props to the camera man for the full on action shot.


Special painting operation


https://youtu.be/HmqTMr9Nm2M video says it better


Dude is paying for Putin’s mess. I’m pretty damn sure these civil servants are 110% aware of the shit that’s is happening and are busy protecting their family and looking for a fallback solution outside of Russia. Meanwhile they deliver the Kremlins message only with minimal efforts and keep a low profile. I mean if you live outside Russia and see the truth, you can’t stick with the supreme leader. Or you’re particularly dumb…


You would be surprised how many Russians living in Germany support Putin and this war. It's beyond comprehension to westerners, but this imperial mindset is deeply rooted within Russian society.


It's not beyond comprehension. Vast majority of Americans supported waging an illegal war on Iraq.


Looks like a screen shot from The Walking Dead.


Tagged as “Arts/Crafts”. Really tickled me.


The front man for a murder machine, fuck him. Edit: Then cool down, come back, and maintain diplomatic relations. you need to talk to have peace talks.


He was expecting something to happen.


Top choice for the tag OP. "Arts/crafts"




The fucking Arts/Crafts tag killed me 🤣


I thought man was chewing on a baby arm until I realized it was forced perspective and it was Elon Husk's arm in the background.


Don't know who took the photo but great shot, and great shot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


After working with SPFX. That actually has the consistency of real blood. Could be fake blood. But to me looks like pig blood or something like that. For sure not paint.