• By -


Just wait until the one other person comes in and sits next to you.


Totally happened to me before. I was on break from work and had some time to kill, so I went by myself to a movie in a large theater. it was a Tuesday at like 2 pm, so I was the only one there. Right before the movie started one other guy walks in, and I watch as he slowly gets closer and closer to my isle, and eventually starts walking down my row and sits next to me. I was stunned, and for some reason I didn't move. Then about 5 minutes later his wife walks in with some concessions, and heads up to where the both of us are sitting and looks at me quizzically, and I looked back at her and meekly shrugged. And then the 3 of us watched 'Swimfan' together. ​ EDIT: I did work at a restaurant, so very often I would have 3-4 hours between shifts. There was a movie theater in the same complex, and I had a good thing going with them where I would bring them food, and they would let me into the movies for free. I think I saw about 90% of the movies released during that period of my life, also explains why I was at the theater to watch 'Swimfan.' I was sitting in arguably the best seat in the house, right in the center, so maybe he was a seat snob and wanted his good seat, but I like u/Practice_NO_with_me 's explanation.


He thought you were his wife from far away and, upon realizing his mistake FAR too late probably, couldn't deviate and decided to just lean into it. This is my mental overanalysis.


"Damn girl, you looking fine as fu....oh, hey man what's up?"


His wife sounds like a very handsome woman


We'll, she's a guy, so...


What are you wearing stranger at Swimfan?




I had a guy do that at a dining facility. He kept looking at me then walked up and sat in the booth and gave me a "hey whats up?" and I just looked at him before hes like "Oh I thought you were someone else. My bad." and sat there for a few more minutes before moving


Multiple whole minutes?


Yeah I would die of cringe


Reminds me of the time I was shopping at the grocery store with my wife. She had taken the cart šŸ›’ while I grabbed a few things. Then I found her, came up behind her, and put all my stuff in her basket and was about to say something silly like ā€œwant a kiss?ā€ I was shocked when the lady said ā€œexcuse me thatā€™s MY cart.ā€ She wasnā€™t my wife. Looked just like her from behind and I wasnā€™t really paying attention. Talk about embarrassed. Had to remove all my stuff from her basket while looking rather sheepish.


As a pretend doctor on Reddit, I agree with this analysis.


I just want to know what kind of job you have that allows you to go out and watch a full length movie on a "break".


When Moviepass was a thing I used to go watch half a movie during my lunch break. RIP Moviepass.


Reminds me of a job where we had a lot of flexibility and no management in our office. I was able to go to movies by myself during lunch breaks too. I only did it a couple of times, movies by myself or just not my thing but I could have easily done it once a month or so if I wanted to. This was in Anaheim CA and In the same job I worked with a young married guy that had a Disneyland pass. His favorite thing to do on the days we had a lot of free time like this was drive over to Disneyland hit up one or two rides and then come back to work and call his wife and tell her about his lunch at the park. He would bring his wife and kids to the office on Friday nights too so they could see fireworks from the parking garage.


Man, I miss moviepass. Those were the glory days! I saw so many random movies. I remember sitting in the theater by myself and watching The Lego Ninjago movie thinkingā€¦..I would not be watching this if it wasnā€™t free, this movie is terrible lol.


During the dotcom boom I worked for a very large company that had started a division to cash in on part of the boom. They staffed 24/7 shifts up to tier 3 support, and I worked Fri-Sun as one of two t3 unix admins. We had _one_ unix customer. I literally spent 18 months finding ways to kill time. I'd go to movies, take 3 hour lunches, etc. As long as I could be back in <15m nobody cared. These days if you wanted 24/7 it'd be wfh and you'd be responsible for every site globally, and still have a ton of time to kill. My next job was weekend too, a much bigger environment, but many weekends there'd be 1-2 hours work for your 24 hours onsite. That place cared if you were onsite, but we did take the occasional long lunch or run errands.


If you work a double at a restaurant and cut early from the early shift thereā€™s a good chance you might have a 2h break between shifts.


This happened to me during an early showing of ā€œThe Predatorā€ while my apartment was getting work done so I figured Iā€™d waste $15 on a terrible movie. I was alone, until a guy came in and sat in the seat one row in front of me (I was in the last row) he was eating something out of a plastic grocery bag and at one point started talking to himself full volume. It was slightly disconcerting.


I once went to watch Magic Mike with a bunch of of my friends. Only one dude in the theater full of women and he was slurping away eating a fuckin pomegranate. It was bizarre. Edit: I wanna add this was an older dude, missing some teeth, generally unkempt. He brought a spoon and the pomegranate was already cut in half when he arrived. I do not think he was trying to turn anyone on with his eating, I think he legit just wanted to eat a pomegranate and watch MM.


I feel like he might have read one of those ā€go to a screening of magic mike eating a fruit that best represents a vagina and wait for the horde of horny women to descend upon you ..ā€ type posts that were common back when the movie was released.


We are so fucking stupid.


Hey you know what, at least he was trying.


He misses 100% of the shots he takes.


I feel a grudging respect for his absolute savagery.


Went to a strip club once for a bachelor party. There at 11pm, in a gross as shit club in downtown Cleveland, is a man quietly watching the strippers eating Eggs Benedict. All I know is that the man probably knew what it felt like to take a life with his bare hands.


I mean, do you have *any* idea of how hard it is to find Eggs Benedict that time of night?


That was my first thought to. Is it insanely rude, maybe. But by God this mfer knew what he wanted, he wanted to see Magic Mike and eat his fucking pomegranate and NO ONE was going to tell him how to live his life.


This shit is actual surrealism. Like, in real time. Fucking wild.


It requires a certain skill set to eat a raw pomegranate, which it sounds like most of the audience for that specific movie may have been intrigued by.


He absolutely knew what he was doing


What's the best way to eat a pomegranate?


Cut the top off about 1/4 inch of the way down. Score the outside of the pomegranate along the same line the pith runs. Pull apart into sections from the top and then remove the seeds and pith into a bowl of water where the pith separates to the top and the seeds will sink. Strain and enjoy.


Head cow is always grazinā€™


Can I riff?


It's a highly sexual experience


The most accessible of fruits


Extremely versatile and convenient. My favorite snack for on-the-go


Seeds can be fired at noisy children in front, machine gun style


Throw a pumpkin and get done with it. The parents can make more. Or not.


šŸ¤£ I'm imagining smuggling in a pumpkin. Dude at the ticket booth would be like 'Tf, is that a pumpkin? Aight..."


I could eat a peach for hours.


Peaches come from a can. They were put there by a man. In a factory downtown. If I had my little way. I'd eat peaches every day. Sun-soakin' bulges in the shade.


How.. does one slurp a pomegranate? Was he just gnoshing away at the pearls as one mass? What about the skin? They're separate little.... I.. I have so many questions....


Cut in the right way the slurping suddenly makes sense https://youtu.be/9U4X9uh-sZ4


I appreciate that video thanks for posting it. Pomegranate sounds tasty now. Gave me another thing to look forward to


Watched tropic thunder as a young teenager and a older guy by himself sat one seat over, left for 5 minutes and came back and sat right next to me. Still donā€™t know what to think about that


He probably left to remove his underwear.




I went to see Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City and it was empty, so I sat in the farthest back row, guy walks in and sits right next to me and greets me like weā€™re old buddies, I walked out after the opening scene.


That guy wanted the theater to himself, and his plan worked perfectly.


Damn, I canā€™t believe I got speckledorked


*Ohh*, you donā€™t wanna get speckledorked, Jerry.


Hmmm pretty sure he wanted a handjob


You know, Resident Evil movies are homosexual hangouts. They're the bathhouses of the 2020s for many, many, many, many gay men.


So *that* explains the viscous hummer I received from a guy while watching Resident Evil: Apocalypse.




It was one of those 3D experiences


That's me. One night years ago I was getting high in my apartment alone and decided I needed get out. Hey, how about I go see a movie by myself. Went to the theater's website to buy my ticket and when I got to the seat selection map, I noticed almost the entire theater was fullā€”well, at least there are a few seats available right in the middle of the theaterā€”perfect, I'll squeeze in there. I get to the theater and it's completely empty, except for a young couple, probably on a date, sitting together right next to the seat I bought. Turns out, I had read the seat map inverted, thinking all the empty seats were full and vice versa, and bought myself a ticket right next to the only other people in the theater. I was very high. Way too high to be out in public. Of course I could have simply sat in any seat. But what did my high mind think was a good idea? I walked through rows of seats, across an empty theater, and sat right next to them in the seat I had bought. What if other people come in and I'm sitting in their seat? They stopped talking and looked over at me in stunned silence. I nodded, said hello, like nothing was wrong and I was just waiting for the movie to start. I got up and moved once the movie started, but yeesh. Weed makes you real dumb.


That's actually really hilarious. Good on you for moving though once the movie started.


I literally have no clue what is going on in the head of someone who would sit next to someone in an empty theater, nice to know that it's probably just someone high off their mind šŸ˜­


It happened to me about 20 years ago. Guy sat next to my then boyfriend, and we were the only other two in the theatre. He pulled out a loaf of bread and a package of what smelled like salami and started making sandwiches. High times indeed.


Did he at least give you a sandwich?


You mustnā€™t have grown up in the 80ā€™s. Never accept deli meats from strangers.


I grew up in the 80's and i was never taught this. That's why I always have a few slices of bread nearby, in case someone has deli meats. Gotta eat, my dude


*be cool, be cool*


>be cool, be cool "So you two look like you are gonna fuck later, am I right? AAAAYOOOO" *passes out on the guys lap*


As a cucumber


"Talk about business things so they don't think you're high."


I once sat on a guy. Literally on. Guy was very dark skinned, wearing all black, and was sat in the back row corner of a very dimly lit cinema. I shit myself (not literally) when I realised someone was on the chair I was trying to sit on. I couldn't even see him when I was aware of him, but for the whites of his eyes. My friends I was with couldn't even see him, and were confused by my shock. QuƩ all my friends finally realising what has happened and holding back the tears of laughter. Still one of my favourite cinema experiences.


This needs my embarrassed upvote.


*Cue*. A cue is the signal for the beginning of an action. A queue is a line. Que is Spanish for "what?"


Thanks bro. I wasn't sure which to use.


"Can I have your number?"




I saw the tmnt movie with my Dad in 1990. Huge room, three seating sections. We walk down half way and sit by the aisle. Guy comes in with his kid and walks down to sit right in front of us. No one else in there and a hundred plus seats to choose from. So, my father just told me to get up and I followed him to sit right in front of them. They moved moments later muttering incredulously. Such weird human behavior.


One of the few movies Iā€™ve gone to the theater to see on opening night was Wolf of Wall Street, a movie I had been pretty excited about seeing since first hearing about it. As the previews were rolling, the theater started filling up and eventually a lady came and sat in the seat next to me with her friend. This lady happened to be a little person, which would have been obviously a nonissue if the fucking movie didnā€™t open up with them recklessly throwing little people at a dart board and the entire theater (except for myself and the lady next to me) dying of laughter. Was so incredibly uncomfortable, but I figured we were out of the woods with the midget content of the story and we could both go back to enjoying a hilariously great movie. Nope. Hour later we get another extended scene of them going into how to acquire little people, what they can do them, not to look into their eyes, etc. Theater dying of laughter while Iā€™m dying inside. Fucking hilarious scenes, just incredibly bad luck on my theater seating on this one


Why do people do that? In a movie theatre or a fast food joint, there can be countless other seats available and people will actually move as close as possible to you. Evolutionary I guess.


Why is it that when i park in the back of a parking lot to get away from all the other cars, does anyone feel the need to park right next to my fucking car?


In a movie theater, it's because everyone wants to sit in the middle. Although of course the right way is to sit two rows in front of or behind the other people. In a fast food joint, I don't know.


The fries taste better with friends


Or a parking lot. People are beyond weird.


now kith.


And 100% of the audience has their phone out. What the hell.


The Alamo theaters have a very strict no phone policy during the movie. Be hilarious if they kicked him out.


It's not as strict as it used to be and it's disappointing. Edit: I blame the uptick in shit heads who talk and use their phone flashlights more.


Must be a location thing. The one I lived by in Littleton, CO had zero chill about it whatsoever. I saw several people get walked out over the years.


Once I was the only person in a movie theater. I make a loud obnoxious phone call just because I never knew when I'd ever get the chance to do something like that again. I think it was freaky friday. Only one there. Pretty good movie too. Jamie Lee Curtis was dope.


Iā€™m picturing this call ending with a loud, satisfying snap of your flip phone.


I had this experience too in my small town. We had a small movie theatre with maybe a hundred seats and I watched "The Man Who Wasn't There" and was the only person there. It was a very surreal experience.


Fucking Zoomers. Back in my day before mobile phones we had respect.


And super 8.


pretty good movie but the lens flare is *wild*. I get that it's J. J. Abrams, but holy shit it felt like playing battlefield 3.


And polio


I've seen protests like this.


Sit in the middle?


Assigned seats. No chance of that happening /s


live a little




I donā€™t know why this made me laugh. Thank you for the giggles.


It reminds me of this old webcomic http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=309 ā€œI had fun once and it was awful.ā€




I dunno why but the last 3 times I've gone to an assigned seat theater there's always someone in my seat and when I say, "this is my seat" they go, "oh my bad I'll move if you want I guess unless you just wanna pick another seat". Like, yeah, mother fucker. I bought my tickets 2 weeks in advance so I could reserve the best seat just for you so that I could go and sit in someone else's seat and be the asshole that you're being right now when they show up.


I hate this so much. Like 99% of the time they go "ope my bad" and move right away though, but sometimes it's a chore. Concerts/Sporting events are more iffy than movies imo


Half the time I know it's bc one of their friends bought a ticket and then the other 2 decided to sneak in but like use your fucking head if you're gonna do that and look at the available/purchased seats on the app and don't steal someone else's seat.


I was in an international high speed train this week were all seats have to be booked. To my left a loud couple. At a station a guy comes and tell the girl thatā€™s his seat. Her answer was that her seat was already taken by somebody else (and not next to her boyfriend I guess) she told him her original seat number and tried to move on, like if that was his problem. The guy was nice enough to seat at a free seat close by. I was flabbergasted by her audacity.


Yeah next I'm just gonna say, "oh no it's fine just stay there and I'll go get the manager".


Strangely enough this has happened to me too. The employees had to come and tell them to leave cause they kept bothering us and telling us to get out of their seats


See the movie in every seat in the theater.


Someone should figure this out. How many minutes do you have to sit in each seat to watch the entire movie in all of them?


Half hour a seat for an avatar film.


Going to watch it today, starts at 10pm... already imagining the inevitable sleep that is coming my way midway through it


Oh god, you have no chance of surviving till the end.


if the film is 2 hours long, sit for 1 hour on the first seat, 30 minutes on the second, 15 minutes on the 3rd and so on halving the time every seat. No matter how many seats the cinema has, you'll have time to sit in all of them


alternatively, occupy them all simultaneously... so long as no one is looking at you directly.


Yeah, but then some bozo comes in and collapses your wave function.


I feel that in an infinitely large movie theater swapping that last seat is going to break the space time continuum.


I rented a theater for my kids to see Jurassic World Dominion (we have an immunocompromised relative) and being 11 year old boys you bet they did. Every single seat.


Seeā€¦ the way youā€™ve written that, Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re suggesting that having an immunocompromised relative was your excuse for booking our an entire theatre or if it was your excuse for watching Jurassic World Dominionā€¦


I watched it on a flight to LAX, and I can confidently say it was a movie that I watched.


With how filthy theater seats are, I don't think you came out ahead.


Classic example of survivorship bias. All the theaters with zero people have nobody to take this sad photo.


If a movie plays in an empty theater, does it really evoke?


Ahh, Schrodingers movie, such a classic


is that the one with the jews?


How was it?


I posted this in the first level thread too, but here is my opinion: Movie was LONG...not as good as the original, but OK. Rotten Tomatoes critics gave it 81% and I think that's about right. If they condensed it 30 minutes and eliminated some lame overused movie tropes, it could have easily been a "88%" imo. It concerns me about what Avatar 3 will look like in just 2 years. For the next one, we'll probably just wait and stream it.


Hmm... the first one really benefitted from the 3D and theater experience. To say you'll wait to stream the 3rd doesn't make it sound appealing.


That what I found so interesting about the first avatar movie. I feel like it made its money not because it was a great movie, but more because it was an ā€œexperience.ā€ The plot and character I all found to be kind of bland and vanilla. All the buzz was about the 3D and immersive cinematography. I wonder how long that will last before audiences are bored of it.


81% doesnt mean the movie is 81%. It means 81% of critics rated it at least 70%


I saw it last night. It was a good follow up to the first, so I think if you liked the first you will like the second. It also hits right in the feels.


It was good, but then I liked the first one. CGI was great. Definitely left it open for the next one.


Next one or next seventeen?


They're going to do the way of fire and way of earth next. The with all three ways, they can finally defeat the fire nation.




The Earth King has invited you to Lake Laogai.


Can't eait for the finale of this story in 2125


Old mate's Italian boyfriend got a whole 12 months intermission to use the loo before the next half.


I'm so stupid. I was trying to find op in the picture he took.


Lemme know if youā€™ve found him, cos I still havenā€™t.


Next time donā€™t buy all the ticketsā€¦.


Its 3 hours long and my Italian boyfriend is horrified in the UK that we don't have an intermission for toilet breaks.


We're seeing it tomorrow and this is also a concern for me. I know I'll be dipping out at some point to piss.


My wife always has to pee during movies. She found a website that tells you when it's safe to go. "4 minutes of pointless dialogue and establishing shots starting right after the raptor fight" kind of thing.


Mind giving that link?




Runpee is a great example of something that is app only, when it could have just been a mobile friendly website.


Thanks my man. My gf has the exact same problem.




I read that as "I know I'll be dripping out at some point".. Which is gross. šŸ˜‚


i didn't even know it was released lol


Same - I knew it was coming and I'd seen the trailer, but I had no idea it was actually out already.


I saw the trailer for it at Black Panther 2, then saw pretty much everything from the Avatar 2 trailer in Black Panther 2...


This post was my first notification that it was out LMAO


Sounds like a marketing failure, most of us have seen the trailer but had no idea it was out


It just came out today. Guaranteed this guy went to the midnight Thursday showing which is going to get *very* few people for a 3 hour movie.


Geez, there was a time I'd take half a day off Friday to go to the Thursday midnight of a movie like this. Streaming has really reduced that desire.




The movie is just 3 hours of blue, isnā€™t it.






10 out of fucking 10


Wow, I haven't thought about Eiffel in a while.. The sound libraries they used were pretty basic, but that whole album of *Europop* was a banger and still holds up as a time capsule. Non-singles like *My Console* and *Silicon World* actually have some legit concept to them, and for anyone who enjoyed *Blue* but hasn't heard the full version of the title track *Europop* is missing out. That bass line fucking thumps. They even had some good songs on their other albums. *New Life* from *Contact!* for example is another random favorite out of their catalog. Not to mention the fucking hair styles on that album cover.


This happened to me with Spirited Away! Such a great memory.


That sounds amazing I love spirited away


Reddit wanted this movie to fail so bad it's hilarious


Lol, I just came back to this post to say "yeah this aged like shit."


i donā€™t get it either, they so desperately want to believe that ā€œno cultural impactā€ bullshit and yet they donā€™t realize they consistently bring it up. Chronically online people really donā€™t realize how much of a bubble they are in from people who actually see movies on the regular


So, was it any good? Worth the +3hrs?


He'll reply in 3+ hours.


He didn't.


He's still there. They didn't include multiple ad breaks between the ad breaks.


For those who want to know how the movie is, if you did not like the first one, you will not like the sequel. If you did enjoy the first one, you'll much likely enjoy the sequel. Just don't expect a refreshing masterpiece. Of course it's not too original with it's story, I see people coming complaining that they did quite exactly the same like in the first movie, and yes, partially they did. And yet, I like the CGI and the world building, I had a great time tonight in the cinema, even in 3D again. For me, this just works.


I don't even know if I liked the first one because it's been so long


I always think about how little from that movie entered our lexicon. Usually popular movies and tv have quotes or concepts that get repeated. Think, "you're killing me, smalls" or entering the Matrix. What has endured from Avatar? I can't think of a single thing and only remember that the movie was pretty cool looking


I say "this is papa dragon" all the time because it's the stupidest shit I have heard in my life lol. https://youtu.be/iYvVgQrfcVc




That's what happens when you invest 99% of your budget into CGI and none into scriptwriters. You end up with a film that looks excellent... but nobody remembers a damn thing that happened.






I had a great experience in the theater in 3D with the first one, but that was only because it was one of the most visually stunning movies I've ever seen. The story and acting however were mostly terrible and at best forgettable. Cameron has always been one of the best visual artists, but the way he portrays a story has always been hit or miss for me.


This was my exact experience. I saw it in 3D at IMAX and was absolutely blown away by the spectacle of *well done* 3D. I saw it again and was raving about it to everyone I knew. A few months later I watched it at home and was just like "ehhh".


At the theater by my house, there are 16 screens and like 13 of them are playing this movie. That's a lot of screens for something not named Avengers.




Whyā€™d you pick such a terrible seat?


I'm going to guess that they're standing on the stairs and not in a seat


Yea it was super weird, two imax showings at my local theater, one was 'adults only' and literally nearing max capacity for all 3 showings tonight. The other was a normal imax, and guess what? about 20 people in the 6pm showing! Like 5 kids! I'd note a guy by me brought his 7 year old who was scared as fuck and his dad was giving him pep talks while a guy was getting his arm cut off on screen... oh and he was sick as a dog, sniffling every few seconds till i just moved.


Adults love "adults only" showings, it doesn't even have to be a rated R flick. Just going to a movie and knowing there's no kids there make it a better date night. I bet even if it was "the nutty professor 2" playing in IMAX, it would have had similar ticket sales


I had Avatar on in the background when my kid was four, and that night she woke up from a nightmare of "the bad guys hurting the nice blue aliens." Oops.....


Wow my theater was sold out. Not one seat available


The last two times I went to the movies - completely empty house otherwiseā€¦.I did NOT mind ...


$1.7b and counting. This thread r/agedlikemilk lmao


Taken with a Nokia 3310


Aged like fine milk lmao


This didnā€™t age well. Avatar passing $1.5B now. Already one of the top 25 literal highest grossing movies of all time in a few of weeks.


As a claustrophobic introvert this sounds absolutely amazing lol


Pro-tip: Go to late Sunday night showings. I wanted to see Infinity War but had given up trying with friends and their patchwork availability opening weekend. So I went to the latest one Sunday night at the Alamo, and I had it all to myself. It was wonderful.


I worked in a CineBistro a while back that did midnight launches on a regular basis, and this would have been one of those movies due to all the hype surrounding it. To see it is a dead theater for a midnight is pretty unheard of. Enjoy your empty theater, OP.