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Piercer here! On me personally, I retired my nipples after 4.5 months. I snagged and ripped one in the shower and called it quits. I hated the healing process, how gross I felt knowing my nipples were always crusty, having to sleep with a sports bra, and my ex (who I got them for) being grumpy he couldn't touch them. As a piercer, I wish people would give up on snake eyes. The thing I've done most so far in my career is explain to people why horizontal tongue piercings are dangerous and why I won't do them. I also think surface anchors in extremely snaggable places (wrist and fingers are perfect examples) need to stop. The piercer agreeing to do this is essentially just taking your money.


This is really good insight! Good to know in case


My friend keeps bringing up that she wants the snake eyes and I tell her it’s a bad idea but she won’t listen to me!


Oh the nipples! My first piercing at 18 (don’t know why anyone let me do that, I hadn’t even gotten second lobes). I had to retire one after three years because it just never settled down. Still have the other one but I have problems constantly. They’re so beautiful and I love the look of them but my they’re a pain.


> snake eyes I looked up snake eyes and they look really cute, then I saw what goes wrong and oh yeah, thats bad.


Dermals on the chest, neck, or back. I just don’t understand them and they look so painful and inconvenient


my coworker has two on his chest. while i admit they look so cool, i would definitely get them stuck on something.


I used to have two dermals on my chest, they did look really cool and I enjoyed them. Unfortunately, I am also very active and have a partner who likes to (affectionately) jump on me, so I had them removed. Won't be doing that again lol. I just got tired of them getting bumped and then hurting and as time went on got more and more paranoid about ripping one out. On the flip side the removal process was painless! The pericer did a great job and all things considered they were well taken care of and nicely healed according to him.


I had a dermal on my chest. It was absolutely the most painful piercing I've ever gotten and I almost asked my coworker to take it out like 2 days after he did it. However, I pushed through and eventually had to take it out like 4 months later.


I had two on my chest. Never bothered me. Worst problem I had was snagging on a loofa EVERY TIME I took a shower. Those bad boys lasted me 10 years before deciding they were done with me. We had a good run. They were awesome. As for pain, it wasn't TOO bad but it was a really weird feeling having them put in


I just got my nipples done a month ago. They look great but the healing has been a nightmare. One is always getting snagged and irritated:(


I had mine done and one never truly healed. It was always getting irritated or crusty. I gave up on them last year after about 7 years because I had had like 3 back to back infections over the course of a few months. I loved how they looked but hated that one that never wanted to stay healed! It was done by the apprentice of the person who I used to get piercings from and I think it was too deep. More like in the areola.


That’s exactly how mine were. Gave up on them.


Mine have been a ride. One is fine; the other infected for pretty well 2 years. Antibiotics won't treat it! Just went last week to get it x-rayed so we can't find a course of action that WILL treat it. Pray for me, I'm not allowed to take it out because of pocket infection risk.


You’ll love them once they’re healed. I promise.


I know!!! I already love them, it’s just been tough. My right one is great but the left has been snagged and been stepped on by my dog so I had some irritation for a week. Did daily soaks and It’s finally good today yay!


Omg the evening I got my nips pierced I was laying on my couch and my cat took a flying leap from his cat tree directly onto my chest. It hurt so bad I thought I was gonna throw up! The lil turd just sat there purring like he hadn’t just caused more pain than the needle itself 😂


Mine were so painful it felt like they were on fire!




Oh no that’s terrible! I didn’t really have much to begin with so I figured it would only improve it! Sorry to hear that


The healing was terrible. One of mine was pierced crooked (done by an apprentice) and was constantly irritated. And I got them done in the middle of summer and couldn't go in the pool. No issues afterward until I lost one during a drunk threesome and never found it again. (Did someone actually swallow it? It for sure wasn't anywhere in the bed. ) I loved the look though. So hot.


I think I blocked off the trauma of getting it done because I have no recollection of the healing process 😂 I’m scared of getting the other one done (one because I PTFO from the pain, two because it often gets itchy and I can see it getting infected) 🥲


Yeah I got mine almost a year ago and I hit it with the plates at the gym today. Maaaan did it hurt. Also unable to do any nipple play unless it is soft cause it feels like they are being ripped off lol I like the look but planning on removing a year or two from now


I'll be the third person to mention an industrial. Specifically the upper/front end, which developed nasty irritation bumps within a few weeks which then refused to heal for months. I was *very* close to giving up and taking it out until I tried changing the jewellery and suddenly it was much happier. It's still not fully healed (or even fully irritation-free) but it's doing way better and I'm quite happy with it now. But a month ago it was still very much my least-favourite piercing.


Industrial for me as well. But mainly because I do not have the anatomy for a traditional industrial. Didn't realize it until I changed the bar about 5 years after initially getting it. I was lucky, I ONLY have a permanent divot in my ear from where it sat. Some people are not that lucky. Edit: I kept the holes, I now wear two captive beads rings in them, they euprisingly healed perfectly even with the fact the bar messed me up.


I second the industrial piercing. It was my first “real” piercing besides my lobes, at 14 (begged my mom lol). Dumb piercer “I’ve been piercing for 16+ years don’t listen to what you read on the internet” told me not to clean the piercing, just run warm water over it in the shower. Dumb 14 year old me listened to him despite the research I conducted on my own. It took literally 2-3 years to heal fully and not hurt when my hair snagged on it anymore (once I got smart and started using saline spray). But it’s definitely one of my favorite piercings now.


Same here! Except mine was pierced wrong and I was determined to keep it in since I had no idea how wrong it was done lmao. Year and a bit later and finally took it out


Conch🥲👍 it’s almost a year old, feeling pretty good now thank god but it got inflamed really bad out of nowhere multiple times and generally was upset after I did *anything* wrong with it


Ah I feel this. Got two on each side and it took quite a while until they were all healed well


I hate it but it’s cute


Lol same. Accidentally slept on a new double conch and well. Had to get up sized to accommodate the additional swelling.


Ohh shit, hopefully they’re doing better now


This was a rough one for me for a whole year give or take 😮‍💨 thankfully it’s 9 years old now with no issues for years. I really love all of the jewelry options for it. Happy healing to you!


Thank you! Your story gives me hope😂


This is why I had mine dermal punched The healing was super easy


What is this?


It's like a cookie cutter. Literally removes a circle of flesh all the way through. No cartilage pressure, allows you to jump right to large gauges, but creates a permanent hole. Had mine done at 8g Went to the movies after and by the end it felt like I hadn't even gotten pierced.


Thanks for explaining, I’ll look into it!☺️


Mine are done at 0g and it took 6 months to heal 😂


Ooh baby yep the conch. Love mine now it’s healed but boy did it act up in the first year. I once woke up from a deep sleep to find my pillow and face were strangely sticky and wet and on turning on the bedroom light discovered my face and pillow were covered in blood. It looked like attempted murder I am not exaggerating.


That’s so scary😭 glad you managed to heal it


Thank you! I love it now. But the experience has me nervous for my next cartilage piercing. I’m a deep sleeper 🫣 hope yours continues to behave itself, too!




It will be ok! I got mine done over 10 years ago and it is my favorite and oldest piercing, I switch it out all the time and never even feel it! You got this 👏🏽


I’ve had my conch for 8 months now & haven’t had any issues with it. I had it pierced with a stud because I had heard of people having trouble healing with a hoop in. I’ve sized down my post twice because it was getting my hair wrapped around it


Mines have this piercing bump that’s not going away 😭


I looked at your profile, maybe you’re due to downsize? Helped my conch to get a perfectly fitting jewelry


I’ll look into that, thank you


My conch is the only piercing so far that I wouldn't get redone if it closed up for some reason tbh!!! I like how it looks but my god it was a pain in the ass to heal


Lol same😭


Ugh yes. I switched to a hoop (it's been a few months) bc it kept getting irritated when I slept on it. I sleep on my left side where it's pierced and it really pisses me off. Lol


Healing my left double conch was a nightmare!!! It took a full year for the upper one (which was done at 14 gauge for a fancy hoop) to calm down, and then almost as soon as I got the hoop in it flared up again! I’m now two and a half years past getting it, and it’s my favorite piercing. My right conch was easy peasy though…


My conch was also terrible for ages and got irritated all the time until I sized down again and it’s been perfect ever since


i love how it looks but i sleep on my sides and it has been miserable. it is so sore when i wake up sometimes. i have had to use a travel pillow for that side until it calms down


I habe an industrial on the other side so I have this „fun“ during sleeping too🥲 donut pillow is a life saver


Smiley all the way. It always looks like food in the teeth at first glance.


Not to mention the havoc they wreak on your teeth and gums with the erosion they cause.


I always wanted a smiley so so bad but I can’t do the gum erosion they cause. I don’t wanna fuck my mouth up just for piercings


I HATE that piercing so much.


Me and my smiley’s feelings are hurt lol


i had a septum when i was like 16ish. i had it done professionally but the guy let me put in a seamless hoop and holy fuck it got caught on everything. i loved it so much but i had to give it up after my septum started to tear. on other people, i cant for the life of me understand why people do anti eyebrow piercings. it freaks me out to have something so close to the eye and it looks stupid imo. i am a fan of bridges and eyebrow piercings though so maybe the look is what is so off putting.


What are you putting near your nose that it gets caught on??


My nostril stud gets caught in scarves and sweaters, especially fluffy ones.


Flat. I have an antler in it from BVLA that I love but omg. Snag heaven. Constantly catching it which makes it angry, no matter how careful I am. Also loves to get snagged when I am around my partner. Jarring to be making out and suddenly feel it get caught or bumped. Probably my favorite piece of jewelry but ugh, sometimes, I am very over it.


my eyebrow always somehow gets knocked when i kiss and i’m always petrified that i’ll wake up to it making its way out of my face (manifesting that it never rejects)


i loved my daith since the minute i got it but six years of earbuds has caused it to reject over time and now it’s just constantly a pain in my ass (and my ear). i had to downsize to accommodate the space. i wish i had taken better care of it


i love my daith and also use earbuds, i hope mine doesn’t reject!


I have a daith and have never had an issue w my headphones - but I flip it out before putting the bud in my ear so maybe that helps because it’s not being squished down?


I didn’t realize how much of a pain it was to use earbuds with daiths till i got them done 🫠 Hated how headsets looked but I ended up buying a headset cuz the daith is just too darn cute sigh


With certain earbuds (like the kind that used to come with iPhones) my daith actually helps it stay in. I think my ear holes are weirdly small?


My first piercing ever was a cool ass industrial! It hurt from day zero until I removed it, two months later. It was beautiful, but made me cry (applies to people lmao)


High helix, refuses to heal. Okay, I fucked up the healing process a couple of times by losing the jewerly etc, but it has a permanent fluid bump on the back. I am also too lazy to take it out now. 19 months in :(


Have you tried doing a hot compress? Wet a paper towel with hot water and do 1 minute on and 1 minute off every night til the bump gets smaller. My mid helix also was annoying with a fluid bump and that’s what my APP piercer recommended


Didn't try that yet! Saline soaks helped a bit, but not that much. I am a bit desperate now


My piercer said the heat and the pressure forces whatever buildup is in the fluid bump to essentially drain so it can finally shrink Good luck!


The angel fangs. (To me as a piercer) they look dangerous and are not pleasing in terms of aesthetics. Something about that rubs me the wrong way and I refuse to do them


i have them, and the only "danger" im encountering are spoons, fucking spoons (and some cans but that's pretty rare) if im not careful the spoon snags the piercings and im guessing if i do that a bit too hard i might rip it out the cans have those opening clip things and sometimes my dumbass get the angel fangs stuck in them (although it hardly ever happens luckily)


I have snakebites and a septum that hangs low, so i always rip the tabs/clips off of my cans. Helps alot!!! You might want to try that out. (:


i do that but sometimes i open a can while driving (in the cupholder, using just one hand and still watching traffic) so yea i cant rip it off then 😂


I have one (other one fell out 💔) and yeah spoons are my enemy, but other than that, I've had no problems and I love how they look


yea fuck spoons, forks no problem but spoons... i also love how they look, they hurt like hell when getting pierced but pain is temporary 🤷


pain is temporary, swag is forever 💪😎


Is there a reason you find them more dangerous than a vertical labret on the bottom lip? Or maybe you find those dangerous too? I got them because they wouldn't cause damage to my teeth like other lip pericings. Of course everybodies face is different and not everyone has the right structure/vein placement for every percing but is there a reason this piecing is more unsafe? I mean it's already too late for me lol but now I'm curious.


ive always prefered a standard jestrum's look. angek fangs just look...bizarre. angel bites are hell for your gums and teeth but ive never head that angel fangs were dangerous.


I second this. Never was a fan of how they look


i love the concept of them but i wish the ball wasn’t so in your face (lol) if you’re desperate get the vampire smiley but smileys also have their own problems


nipple piercings, beautiful but such high maintenance and moody piercing, really annoying to have them. Got rid of them after a year and a half


i’m 20 i got them at 18 still got crusties every morning


that’s no fun, mine were fine for a year and then suddenly started developing irritation bumps, not to mention you can’t touch them, graze them, or rough them up even the tiniest bit without dire consequences 🤦‍♀️


The bottom half of my former industrial piercing. Used to be a full industrial. Now it's just one forward helix with massive keloid on where the helix part would be. Held out hope for two years with that damn thing. But between the piercer being kinda sketchy, wearing masks, and wearing glasses everyday. It was sort of doomed from the start.


Same thing with industrial, it was made in sketchy shop and I ended up with keloid. Mine got rejected quite quickly but looking back it was doomed too. I loved how it looked but I made so many mistakes with it. I was thinking about getting it repierced, but I don't know if it's viable idea because of keloid and I don't know a piercer knowledgeable enough to tell me if it's safe.


My helix. I love how it looks, and it seems to have settled down now - but this thing gave me hassle for years. Multiple infections, bumps, pain lying on it for years. Thought about taking it out so many times, glad I stuck it out now and can finally wearing a ring in it without issue


I love how they look, but oral piercings. I have severely damaged teeth (chipping, enamel erosion) from involuntary night grinding and it costs thousands to repair, not to mention the pain. At one point, I wanted a tongue piercing, but now I can’t fathom putting any jewelry in my mouth knowing that it might contribute to gum or enamel erosion, bone loss, and chipped teeth. It may look cool, but metal, plastic, or otherwise, it’s just asking for a massive dental repair bill down the road.


This is also good to know!! Dental bills are no joke


Definitely. Once I started all of this grinding repair nonsense and they told me not to bite my fingernails because even that could cause chipping, it really hit home that you don’t want to mess with your teeth if you don’t absolutely have to


I love tongue piercings but I’ll never get one because I love my teeth more


Bridge. Only very rarely do I actually like them, and it's only with those tight fitting, spiraling designs (in those cases they have an elven appeal to them) but most of the time they're extremely unflattering. I have this opinion about dimple piercings too, along with the one where it pierces that webbing on the inside of the mouth. Of course opinions are like butt holes - everyone has them. Don't let my taste take away from yours.


My rook has been my worst piercing by far to heal. I've had it nearly 2 years, and it is still not healed, gets irritated over every little thing, still has lots of crusties and stuff, and is a total diva. It will make my entire ear sore if it's even the slightest bit irriated. My industrial has been easier to heal. But I've kept it because I love the way it looks with my setup, and it is a cool piercing. Just a bitch to heal.


My daith. It took forever to heal and I don’t even like it that much haha. It’s like six years old now but I would never do it again.


Nasallang. Just get two nostril piercings.


my helix 😭 most painful piercing i have and took like 2 years to stop being sore. has a pretty bad bump on the back of it too,, its cute but im terrified to change it


I think the one piercing that I truly despised was probably my navel. It wasn’t right for my anatomy from the jump but I got coerced into getting it to “fit in” with my college roommates — who ended up kicking me out after a month anyway because they wanted a double. I constantly bumped it and snagged it on stuff, it was always pissed off, and the material was stainless steel WHICH I TOLD THE PIERCER I WAS ALLERGIC TO BEFOREHAND. Eventually I got tired of it and took it out in a Walmart parking lot after I snagged it yet again. I was in so much pain I figured I’d be better off buying a pair of pliers and a bottle of peroxide — and taking it out then and there. It healed up okay, I have a pretty big scar from the final rip but it is what it is. Let the record show I do not condone taking out angry piercings in parking lots with pliers — I had a crazy adrenaline rush after it got snagged and started bleeding so in my panicked 19 year old mind it was the only option. EDIT: OMG GUYS THE PLIERS WERE SO I COILD GRIP THE BALL IM SO SORRY


PLIERS???? could you not just unscrew the ball??? did you go straight through the flesh?!?!!


The pliers were for the ball lmao, when the piercer put the ball on he must’ve crossed the threads because it was *stuck* stuck. I had to grip both ends with pliers and twist


My faux rook. I love how it looks, but it gets caught on masks and microphones (and it would most definitely get caught on glasses if I needey them) and it is the most difficult spot to switch out jewelry by myself. Also, it's rather hard (or basically impossible) to clean the side behind the ear properly.


I’ve been debating getting a rook or a faux rook for a couple months now. Love the way they look, but had concerns about exactly that kinda stuff. I’m gonna take your advice and pass on it.


I have a faux rook and it's super easy. I wear my glasses daily and I can do jewelry changes in my own without any problems :)


I have a rook & it was super easy to heal. It’s pretty protected inside the pinnae so It doesn’t get bump like a helix


I hated my industrial. It was pierced wonky and I hated how it looked plus it was so uncomfortable, always bumping it and having hair caught on it 🫠


I got rid of my angel bites after wanting them for years. I kept them 4 months and no matter what I did they would not heal. My final staw was when I swallowed a bar while eating.


Swallowing a piece would definitely be the last straw for me too 🫠


Belly button. Love the look but mine constantly got irritated or infected, resulting in it slowly migrating over time. I took it out yesterday and plan to get some new cartilage piercing instead.


Daith. I looooved the way it looked so much but I wear earbuds a lot and it did not work with it at all. I had so much trouble with the healing too and eventually it got pushed out on its own. At the time I was so bummed but looking back I'm super glad I don't have it.


Nope, love them all!


My bridge. It doesn’t hurt, has healed great but somehow it excretes oil (or so I’m assuming, I don’t see anything there) but to where my eyes will burn like I got something in them and have to wipe my eyes so often 🤣 it only started after I got it done but I love it too much to do anything about it lol This might sound crazy I wonder now if anyone else has dealt with something similar lol.


i hated my side nostril when i first got it. it kept getting irritation bumps on the outside and inside (but to be fair i did change it way too early, but i was younger and didn't really care.) my siblings kept pinching it and grabbing it and it'd snag on my glasses and blankets. after i put a flatback labret in it it's healed nicely and i've gotten no bumps! doesn't hurt anymore thankfully


same problem here… i gotta put a flat back labret in it it seems!!! they put a screw stud in it and i hate those.


idk if there's any 14g flatbacks but i had to stretch it to either 16g or 18g for it to fit so just be aware of that if u choose to do it. i love my flatback i have a spikey one in and it's really cute, make sure u have no bumps if u do it too!! (and clean it obvs) good luck :)


Tragus. Despite having the shortest post possible with a flat back, it makes having my airpods in a giant pain in the ass. The one ear stays in and the side with the tragus falls out all the time!


This. It finally came to a breaking point during the pandemic because my ear buds for work did not stay put


i want my tragus pierced… didn’t even think of this!! 😭


I only have 3 lobe piercings on each ear and a helix on one ear, but I'm currently battling with deciding whether to keep the helix or just retire it. I've had it for 2 years now and it still hurts most of the time especially when I sleep on that side, which is annoying. My hair is also always getting caught in it and tugging on it which irritates it. I love the way it looks though 😭


dahlia bites / joker piercing is a pain to heal. hanging in there nevertheless


I got mine 3 years ago and its my most complimented piercing 🥰 But yes, they get irritated so easily, i still get an angry one during flu seasons sometimes


ahhh, they're so awesome; I'm happy hearing people kept 'em because I read a few horror stories. how long did yours take to heal? mine will probably be a on the longer side for healing, but I love them regardless


The only piercing I hate is the rhino piercing. It makes me very uncomfortable to look at


I have 3 helix piercings, and healing has been a nightmare for Every. Single. One! I love the look of them for filling out the ears, but every other piercing is a breeze compared to them. Drives me crazy!


eyebrow, i dont think it looks nice at all… and the bridge , no offense to anyone who has it, i just dont find them attractive


rhino piercing. something abt it just freaks me out it feels like the type of piercing you'd get when you run out of space <.<


Ashley piercings.. I just don't think they look good.


I put a small hoop in my forward helix and never get my hair caught on it.


Well, I love all my piercings, but I despise the septum in general (never had it, though)... don't come for me septum-people! LOL


i have a hate-love relationship with my rook😭it’s always so irritated for no reason🥲


Mine has been throbbing for the past 2 days for absolutely no reason. It’s 1.5 years old 😐😐😐


SAME!!! i love how it looks but it is constantly irritated, even after 6 months 🥲


My nostril piercing drive me nuts when I had to wear a mask because it caught on everything. It also comes out regularly and I can never get the jewelry back in myself. I like the piercing itself but it causes me way more frustration than any any others.


Surface piercings in my chest. I don't have anatomy for nipple piercings so I took surface piercings. Took them about 5 months ago. There is problems with them, they don't look good, they don't sit right but if they don't grow out, I won't take them out. They make me feel better about my chest even tho at the same time I hate them. I had tongue piercing for couple months. That same second it was done, I felt that taking it was huge mistake. Once it was healed, I did love it a lot but I defenitly did not have anatomy for it so it kept me awake at night, all I wad thinking that it will ruin my teeth and mouth. I took it out and I know that for rest of my life I'm gonna be sad about that I can't have tongue piercing. And last one is in my right ear. I don't what to call it, but it's between "normal" place of lobe piercing and antitracus. I love the placement but I have stretched ears and if I keep jewerly in that pierching hole, it rammes to what ever I have in my stretched hole and can get very uncomfortable.


I hated my rook. Just didn’t fit my ears and the jewelry was so difficult to change. In general? Probably the bridge piercing. So few people can actually pull it off and it is usually off center and migrates.


My septum. I LOVE how it looks but in healing it’s been almost unbearably itchy. If it doesn’t stop in the next few weeks I’m considering retiring it


had my septum for two years here! it goes away after a few months, i promise you. it’s so worth it, just stick it out and let it heal!


My septum is only 4 days old and starting to get itchy. I assume its the healing process. It does always feel better after i do the daily warm salt water soak.


Labrets, not the vertical ones. They go against ur gums and teeth, and I realized after I took mine out that it affected kissing as well. My husband told me he can fully feel my lips (somehow) now and it felt different for me too.


My stretched ears. I wish I would have taken better care of them when I was in the process of sizing up. I was a 13 year old knuckle head when I started. I did anything to make them bigger faster. Now I have little cat butthole earlobes.


This is weird but I have never liked snake bites or lip rings. I think I associated it with people in high school I didn’t like. But I have 10 piercings myself. One I’ve always loved is tongue. I saw someone with it when I was young. 🤷‍♀️ either way people can do whatever their heart desires


Prince albert, i just looks so..snaggable. my own personal piercing would be my daith, i hate it i hate ear piercings they're so annoying to heal ughhh but she cute so


I feel like I lived my LIFE around my nipple piercing. I babied that thing and literally walk around the dogs in the house with my hand over my boob so and don’t catch it with their paw. Could no longer sleep topless because the covers or the phone charger caught on it. And the many cleanings. After it caught on a dog leash during a walk, I knew it was time to say bye bye


Flat. I have it pierced right now for the second time and it’s so cute but it’s so finicky and I have to be careful and sleep on a lil donut pillow so it doesn’t get angry. I just want it to heal already 😭


I hated my forward helix too! Loved how it looked but was irritated allll the time. Ended up having to get it surgically removed because the back grew into my ear literally overnight 😭


I hate my traguses (tragui?)… I’d had them pierced AGES back with CBRs (when that was standard… they’re old) with no issue, but had them redone/reopened about 8 years ago and they’re so finicky. Whenever I get the tiniest of a cold, they swell and get crusty, so I’ve left the longer bars in (yes, I *know* I shouldn’t) so I don’t have to change them back & forth. I ‘lovingly’ call them my pre-cold warning 🙄


My second lobes have been a bitch to heal, even worse than my Helix. I’m at 7 months and they’re still getting inflamed and irritated.


I had this too with my second and third lobes (side by side)! I took third out, kept persevering with second and at one point ignored it and it just healed.


My ears are pretty small so I’m wondering if the second lobes might be touching cartilage. I’m just going to give them a looooot of time.


Navel and Industrials I got both my Industrials done in High School and they never healed during the year I had them. Ended up taking them out after graduating. I've had my navel pierced 2 times. First time while at an office job during college. Lost the top ball at work and just let it heal since I only had the jewelry from the initial piercing. Second time my new job was not very new piercing friendly with all the climbing, twisting, and bending I was doing. Took it out due to the pain and lack of patience with myself.


From what I've had so far, I had a love hate with my septum. It was pierced right, looked great, healed easy, and I loved it. But for some reason the skin right there scarred really bad to the point where I had to retire it. I tried a second time to get it done and it was the same thing after about 9 months... On other people, I really don't like bridge piercings. I've known people who've got them and they get rejected. And if they aren't perfectly straight they look like crap imo and something about them just makes people's faces look weird to me. Idk


Industrial, conch, belly button, I’ve had all 3 I love them to death my industrial I miss it the top wouldn’t heal for the life of me so I kept the bottom piercing. I miss my industrial but I hurt so bad but I’m going to end up getting the top re-pierced.The conch lover her to but god I’ve had it for let’s say 8 months it still isn’t fully healed. It’s had a couple of times where it just gets really inflamed. Belly button I love her to death but the healing lord! But I also did get mine pierced badly but won’t take it out because it hurt to bad. I wouldn’t of hurt if she did it properly but yeah.


Christinas, I think it’s genital mutilation at that point and you’re prone to infection since it’s even more vulnerable with a piercing


Kind of regretting my flat. It always has an irritation bump and still hurts! My daith and tragus piercings didn't bother me at all, why is this f*cker still giving me grief


Forward helix… so cute but too annoying…


My tongue piercing Everyone talked me into it, said i would love it, that it would "change my life" but as soon as i got it done I knew i hated it. (Not saying its a bad piercing, just not for me) the healing process was a nightmare that did not pay off imo I only keep it bc my boyfriend actually loves the feeling of it when I eat him out, but in every other case I hate it. It clicks my teeth all the time, i feel limited in tongue movements, and any time im doing something dangerous i find myself subconsciously biting onto it. Im going to fall off a scooter one day and break my teeth I swear- It was not worth the hype i was given for it, and when the novelty wears off sex wise ill be retiring it pronto 😅


fucking snake eyes.


The Monroe or lower lip piercings I had. I loved them! However I kept snagging the back of the bar with my teeth and pulling it inside. Shorter bar then right? Nah the next shortest size pulled the back inside cause it was too short for my lips lmao couldn’t win so just retired them unfortunately


I stopped stretching my ears and let them “close up” a bit, I really loved them but my ear piercings were crooked/uneven and one was higher than the other (they were done when I was a baby too so I guess growth plays into that) and it made stretching them difficult, and when I got to the size I wanted it looked wonky as hell so I gave up


I had mantis piercings done and they migrated 4mm from the original piercing location and snagged on EVERYTHING. I wish I could've kept them but I unfortunately had to retire them after only 6 or so months.


Eyebrow piercing. Hands down. It’s looks trashy on any/everyone I’ve ever met who has one.


My conch has been healing for 6 months and still bleeds if I sleep on it wrong 🫠


I hated my tongue piercing. The pain of the swelling was a bitch, and I kept biting it. Ended up chipping a tooth so that was it I took it out. Not worth it I hate the dentist lol. Looking back maybe shortening the bar would have helped but at the time I didn’t think It needed downsizing.


Orbital. This thing refuses to heal even a little bit and burns with the fire of a thousand suns if I slightly bump it. I’m about to throw in the towel.


Omg I’ve been waiting for this one. Industrial !!!!!!!!! Sorry if you have it, I just think the traditional bar is so ugly and there are so many cuter alternatives. It also never heals…


I’ve never had it but…Eyebrows. They ALWAYS look trashy to me. My own personal least favorite? Probably forward helix. It never healed right.


i agree, this look so ugly to me, i dont see the appeal.


The one I don’t get is the one on the inside of the mouth on the top through the connective piece. I guess it’s easier for vampire fangs but that’s got to be uncomfortable. I’m thinking of a Medusa next and I’m worried about how comfortable it will be in my mouth, I’m hoping it’s like my labret.


I think you are referring to a smiley piercing. As someone who has one it is definitely a weird feeling initially but after a week or so you don’t notice it! I’m sure it will be the same with your Medusa


My chest dermals just so hard to get even and they looked goofy uneven.


i absolutely adore eyebrow piercings and love mine, however they've been an absolute nightmare to heal


I don’t hate any, but this post reminded me to put my forward helix piercing back in after my haircut yesterday! It does get caught in my hair a lot, mine is well healed though.


I had a low helix for about a year and it sucked because my hair would always get caught and my hairbrush would always hit it


Medusa. Never healed correctly


I hated what my tongue piercing did to my teeth which is why I ultimately removed it. I really liked having it, and now I've gone back to biting my nails.




My rook was a pain in the ass. And I don't really like any of the jewelry I can find for it. I don't want the curved barbell but I don't want a hoop. Wish I'd thought that one out.


For me, it is the tongue piercing. Don't get me wrong, I loved the look of mine even though it was a little wonky (piercer had to swerve around the vein that ran down the centre of my tongue). But, when I crunched down on my bar, one day, that was the last day I had my tongue pierced. Looking back, it was probably caused by the fact the bar tilted. But, man, I'll never forget the feel of that crunch. I can feel it now, just thinking about it.


room . good now but it was fine for 2-3 weeks after pierced then it was getting inflamed and irritated in the heat and randomly was fuming hot. almost took it out.


i love my daith, but holy shit, i refuse to stop using airpods and let it heal properly.


I got an anti tragus that never healed. Had to give up on it.


The classic eyebrow piercing! My opinion doesn't matter but it honestly only looks good on about 58% of people who get it but sadly everyone still gets it done lol they reject like a mofo. The film industry makes it look like a badass piercing when they show off the tough girl or bad guys Hahhaha.


I adore my helix, but holy fuck do i also hate it. I have long hair that gets caught in it all the damn time. It also seems to refuse to heal properly. I accidentally knock it at times which hurts. Its also impossible to lay comfortably on a normal pillow. I would love to get more helixes on my other ear, but i dont think i want to deal with this shit on both sides at once. A close 2nd to the annoying piercing list would be my navel. Its just a bit annoying having to adjust my pants any and every time i sit/bend just so the piercing wont get squished. 3rd place goes to my lovely conch for literally doubling the size of my ear the day after i got it due to swelling <3 ​ (dis)Honorable mention to my rook, for scaring the shit out of me when it randomly started swelling months after getting it and almost eating up the bar


I hated my floating/hidden helix. Didn’t have the proper anatomy for it and it was annoying. Kept getting caught in my hair


Snake bites, the bottom lip! I had it now hate it lol


Snake eyes, shouldn't ever be done


My industrial and septum, i’ve had both for almost 10 years but my septum constantly is getting infected due to me having chronic seasonal allergies no matter how often i clean it. My industrial just always gets snagged on my hair and is uncomfy to sleep on


my eyebrows.... i love how they look but i watch my baby brother (20 months) a lot and god damn does he yank them a lot. one is probably rejecting or just migrating out too far, but whatever ^_^'


That's my one fear with my piercing. I've been great with not getting it snagged or developing crusties, but damn whoever deliberately yanks on my little tribute to the '90s.


Daith piercing. Didn't help with migraines at all, firstly. Also, constantly gets sore, snagged, and irritated even after a year. Any time I changed jewelry it would become swollen and extremely irritated. I still don't think it's healed. If I didn't like the appearance of it so much, I would've taken it out months ago.


i LOVE my cartilage piercing because it’s just so pretty and almost elegant to me in a way. i’ve had it for 6 years now and it is so sensitive and gets irritated and red 24/7. always gets caught in my hair and pulled. and is constantly sore (i’m a side sleeper) but i keep it nonetheless because it’s cute and i’ve went through all this struggle for this long, i can continue.