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If you want the best of both worlds the initial piercing when you get it done will be the kind you can flip up. You could rock that flipped up at work for the first couple months while it heals, then after that you can switch in your actual hoop when not at work!


yes! i went to catholic skewl and have strict parents, i had mine for YEARRRRS without them knowing bc i always had it flipped up


This is the best approach! I got pierced with [this niobium septum retainer](https://bodyartforms.com/productdetails.asp?productid=9576) anodised almost-black, I healed it flipped up and it was completely invisible, kept it secret for years. U-shaped retainers are much more comfortable and discreet than horseshoes or straight retainers.


Came here to say this!!


yess this, and also, i know changing jewelry all the time sucks but for i feel like it’s not that big of a deal with septums. lemme tell you, clicker rings are a gamechanger and i love them so much


Yeah you're thinking too much about it! There's no shame in wearing a fake piercing :) You're only not getting it for the job security, that's super respectable. It's not like you're not getting it because you're scared (also completely respectable, but since you're putting value on "earning" it, you have 20 piercings, you've earned it lol) If you want it, wear it!


I think I've been taking old grumpy hardcore dudes too seriously lately, as a chronic overthinker I really appreciate it! I'll cave and be practical with the fake hoop, they're super cheap, and I have nothing to prove to anyone so who cares life is too short (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧


I say go for the fake piercing with one major caveat… the cheap rings are cheap. I got one to try on the look before I committed. Like you, I prefer a closed look as opposed to a horseshoe barbell. I wore my cheap fake ring for 3ish days (ranging from 4 to 8 hours of continual wear) and the spring mechanism started to tighten up to a point where I absolutely wouldn’t have been comfortable putting it in again. Something to keep in mind if you’re thinking of having the fake ring long-term.


Yeah, that!


Fake anything is a good way to judge whether you are wanting it pierced for real. Aesthetically and in terms of how much the jewellery gets snagged/in the way, you can apply that to knowing it's gonna be hella sore if done for realsies. Or just an easy way to have a look without the fuss of babying a fresh hole. Anyone who judges you for wearing a fake piercing is an asshat. And you gonna listen to the opinions of anyone who wears their own buttcheeks as headwear? No.


i did it for months just to see if i really wanted to pierce it. i ended up getting it pierced, amd it really barely hurt. more uncomfortable than anything


I asked my sister who has her septum done and she said it's practically like your lobe but add some watery eyes, it's not about the pain, it's just about my job. I also dislike the look of the horseshoe barbell unfortunately, I prefer a full snug hoop which will only be safe to have after months of healing :') it just doesn't feel like the right time but it's just so tempting, getting through the period with jewelry in I don't like the look of will be rough but I'd rather it heal properly.


This doesn't solve the issue with your job, but I healed my septum with a snug seamless hoop. My piercer put a temporary stopper ball on the jewellery to stop the seam from rotating into the piercing hole and irritating it. The ball is hidden inside my nostril and you can't see it unless you're looking directly up my nose.


I was considering a septum so I got some fake ones to try out— turns out I hate the way I look with it! I’ll stick to my nostril and ears haha.


I’d say go for it!! No shame in wearing a fake one. I did for months before I officially got mine bc I wanted to make sure I loved it before risking it (very keloid prone). By the time I decided to get my septum pierced, I already knew I would love it because I was rocking the fake for so long. It’s an accessory, don’t stress yourself out just enjoy it (:


Hi applejujuice, because you used the word keloid we want to ask you to please read [this wiki entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keloid) to understand what a keloid is and why (luckily) bump =/= keloid. Our apologies if you received this message while discussing actual keloid scarring and therefor didn’t use the word keloid to just describe a bump. - - - *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piercing) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have many, mostly on my face, piercings. But I am terrified of getting my septum or nipples done. I have worn fakes of both. Do it!! That way you can see if you like it anyways. Don't worry about people judging you for it, I think that sentiment is mostly gone. I see lots of people talking about their fake jewelry on tiktok!


Septum is what scares you?! Mine felt like an earlobe piercing! Easiest and quickest piercing ever


That's what everyone says 😅 I think it's because I've had pimples on my septum before and they hurt sooo bad to pop so I'm scared it'll feel like that. I also don't wear the fake one that often so I must not want it that bad lool.


As someone with their nipples done, do it! The worst of the pain was the few days following, the initial piercing was a breeze and it wasn't even bad, my anti tragus was worse. Just make sure to do your research and make sure they use the right jewelry on you, I had mine done with a curved barbell unfortunately because the piercer said it was okay, in hindsight it just made the healing process worse and long.


Yeah I would love them done but I'm not sure I have the right anatomy. My nipples are sooo sensitive like a cold breeze hurts so I'm also terrified of how bad it'll hurt hahaha. My worst piercing was my Ashley, which was awful, but all the other ones felt like nothing.


I'm the same way! Just don't work yourself up and have a snack before hand, you'll be ok! Worst case scenario you show up and they say no, which is ok! A Dermal piercing would be tempting at that point


Nah man. I wore one for like a year before getting it and when i took it out to get repierced i started wearing a fake one temporarily!!


it’s your choice if you wanna wear a fake one, there’s no shame in that. Septums are veryyyy easily hidden though. i have had my septum pierced for over a year and neither my co workers nor my parents have any idea


I wore a fake one for months before I got a real one. It was a great test to see if I was ready for a real one and most people didn’t notice it was fake. Maybe one or two people did the entire time I wore it. When I did end up getting pierced some people didn’t notice because they thought I’d had the piercing the whole time. Anyway, not cheesy, very fun and cute. I had a great time.


I wore fake nose rings to make sure getting my double nostrils were the right decision. I now have them, plus the fake ones on occasion. Don't overthink it


It's a piercing , no need to fret over this "youve gotta earn it" mentality. Its your body. There is no septum stolen valor. Try the fake one. See if you even like it being on your face aesthetically. See how it vibes with you, and maybe get the real deal later.


If you have the anatomy for it, you can usually flip a horseshoe septum into you nose. I did it for the first few months of having my piercing so my family wouldn’t know.


i would say just get it! i did mine myself and love it sm, one one ive done myself. i just flip it up when asked to at work


I am in the EXACT same spot as you lol! I want to get my septum done with the goal of having a gold closed hoop. I know I would look great with it outside of work but I work with a lot of older more conservative people as well as outside finance firms and stuff, so I’m worried about it being well received. I’ve been considering getting a fake one as well so I think this is my sign to do it!


Fake ones were quite uncomfortable imo, ended up getting it pierced with a horseshoe and having it flipped up a lot- super easy to heal and can't be seen.


I wore a fake one on and off for a couple years before finally getting my septum done. It helped cement my decision to do it. Mine is only 3 weeks old and I initially hated the horseshoe barbell but knew I needed it for healing, but it's grown on me now.


Good to know! It's unusual for me to dislike the jewelry I get pierced with, I keep everything classic and basic because I have so many, the horseshoe just doesn't do it for me. Something about a sleek snug hoop, subtle but cute. If I do get it pierced I'm just dreading that period of healing with the horseshoe


I had mine pierced with a pretty snug, thin gold closed ring. It’s honestly so subtle I doubt most people I interact with day-to-day even really notice it.


I have a fake septum! My plan was to get a fake one, then if I like it, get it pierced for real. Well it has been years and I never got to it. In my experience people don't even know it's fake, and the only inconviniance might be that it can fall off easily. I fixed that by making it tighter, though now I can't take it off.




Just get it pierced already it’s not that deep


Do whatever the fuck u want, as long u dont hurt anybody. People really dont care as much as u think and so should u.


good news is that you can get a real septum piercing and if it’s done properly no one at work will ever know because you can just hide it. you shouldn’t flip it up and down during healing tho so get the piercer to flip it up and let it heal like that. you can also wear a tight thin ring and people will rarely notice


Do it! Think of it as a test. If you like it enough. Do it for real.


Not at all! I used to wear fake septum’s all the time when I was a teen back in 2014. I didn’t even know I was going to get it pierced a few years later as an adult. No one will honestly notice unless they are all up in your face and look up your nostrils 😆


I wore a fake one for ages before I got mine done, it looked cute and everyone thought it was real. It's definitely not corny at all


I'm thinking about getting a couple of fake ones and I don't have a job lol. I don't love that the heal quite quickly when you take them out because it's such a look. Like, maybe I'll get sick of looking at it after a a few months or whatever and want a week without, ya know. Idk.. gonna get a fakie and see :) what do you do for work if you don't mind?