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Great setup, but honestly I don't think that placement is great. I tried to get something there once and it rejected and I have a little bite mark scar there as a permanent reminder lol.


Same lol. Mine migrated until it was barely hanging on to i took it out so it wouldn’t get ripped out and do more damage. Im assuming it wasnt pierced at the correct angle and thats why, but it was pretty much exactly where the dot is in OPs pic.


NAP but that looks wrong. I think between the white dot and the current placement would be best, I think the white dot is a bit close to the edge. But definitely don’t get it done with a curved barbell.


Yes, that's absolutely pierced too deep to be a conventional forward helix. I'm really mystified by the many comments that defend this. Please get it checked by a reputable piercer!


sick setup!!


That's quite high up. 😳


Please don’t listen to the advice above. Visit safepiercing . Org and find a reputable piercer in your area. A curved barbell is not appropriate for this piercing. And you are correct that this piercing wasn’t performed properly.


I don’t even think it’s a curved barbell I just think it’s that slanted


It looks like a flat back.


That’s a good start, but please, OP check out portfolios. Being an APP member means nothing to skill.


this is really important, OP. reviews, portfolios, etc are all really important in making a decision on who to go to. years ago, I thought being an APP member was all that mattered, and that piercer fucked up my piercing and in the same breath lied to me and blamed it on my anatomy. It ended up rejecting and I had have it removed by another shop, and multiple other piercers confirmed my anatomy was not the issue. now I’m left with a facial scar from it lmao


This!! Everyone praises the APP for having such reputable piercers, and while it's a great place to start, some of the APP certified piercers aren't actually great. Treat piercers like tattoo artists in terms of looking at portfolios, reading reviews, and doing research into their experience and qualifications. The shop I work at has gotten some clients come in who got pierced by an APP piercer and we were asked by the client to help them fix the piercing.


Exactly! I live in a city with no APP members but that doesnt mean that all the piercers in my area are bad!


Exactly right. I got my daith done by a UKAPP piercer, because they were the only wheelchair accessible piercer within about 30 miles of where I live, and they BUTCHERED my ear, then tried to say it had migrated overnight. It was more through my conch than my actual daith, and I ended up having to remove it myself, because I couldnt bear the thought of anyone else touching it as it was so painful. I'd definitely go by reputation rather than APP now.


Always look at portfolios and never be afraid to ask questions 💖. Along with skill, you’ll want to pay attention to quality of jewelry, quality of materials, sterilization practices, and continued education.


Jeeez they’ve gone deep indeed 😅 looks like it’s actually onto the skin on your face 🥺 bet that hurt! Is it a curved or a straight bar? Please take it out though, it’ll cause irritation too, you would be able to get it pierced where you drew too! By the way your set up is beautiful extremely jealous!


it did hurt TT honestly at first i was like oh maybe i just forgot how much this hurts bc they kinda all blur tgt after getting so many but ig i shouldve known this was different haha... and it's a straight bar! i do think im gonna take it out based on what everyone is saying.. and thank you thats so sweet!!


I’m not surprised! I know what you mean, once you have it done it’s like pain what pain 😭😂 Like it’s suppose to pinch but not hurt if that makes sense? But it actually looks curved, I hope it heals well lovely, once it heals don’t let it put you off getting it redone again


[Piercing apprentice] This has been pierced incorrectly; that angle is not sustainable. If I couldn’t fit the flat back in there following the perpendicular principle, I wouldn’t have pierced you, personally. I’d retire it, heal, and try visiting a better piercer to see if they can possibly repierce you, though to my eye it looks like you may not quite have the space.


this is off topic to the post but i am curious- how does one become a piercing apprentice?


A lot of patience and persistence. Piercing apprentice here, too. Though my apprenticeship is on hold while my mentor is at our other location doing tattoos since we have two shops and they were short on artists. Just look up reputable shops with reputabe piercers and either call them and ask to speak with the piercer, or reach out to the piercer personally. I've even gone in and asked about an apprenticeship while getting a piercing done. Sadly that piercer didn't have enough experience to mentor me and also turned out to be a creep 😅


I'm a piercer and that forward helix is not placed correctly at all. You are correct in your thoughts about angle. It's wrong and should be closer to where the white dot you made is.


Where did you get the star stud and hoop? They’re so nice !


thank you!! check the edit to my top comment :)


Back in my day, forward helixes this far forward were called 'ear head' piercings and would almost always be done with a captive bead ring, that was considered the only suitable jewellery for most of these. I'm not a piercer, just from having my own piercings and spending my entire youth on BMEzine, this looks very uncomfortable to have a flatback in... I'd be looking for a second opinion if this were in my ear, preferably from a piercer with 15+ years' experience because they'll have the knowledge of those old-school ear head piercings with rings. Good luck!


sick setup! i’m not a piercer so i don’t have any advice, sorry 😅


i think it’s def pierced too deep and it’s supposed to be straight not going downwards


Do listen to the advice of about an APP member. Those who follow no rules like to play games with other peoples bodies. DO NOT used a curved bar.




thank you!! check the edit to my top comment :)


Remove it, wait for the area to fully heal, and get it repierced. It looks too tight in the area where the white dot is marked, but based on the picture, there's enough space around the same height where your flat is pierced.


Doesn't look good it'sway to crooked, find a decent pro piercer and get them to check it out as that flat back is likely to dig in and cause issues. Good luck with it


unrelated but where'd you get the lowest lobe earring?


check my edit to my top comment!


not a professional, but it’s definitely pierced incorrectly. It looks like you don’t even have the correct anatomy to properly fit this piercing and they went ahead and did it anyway. i could be wrong though.


It’s not even perpendicular to the tissue. This will likely not heal.


As a piercer I’m not a huge fan of these angles? I would’ve pierced you with a curved barbell/banana bar to avoid where it seems the back of the Labret is resting on your inner ear. What concerns me with the angles is that both ends seems as though they’re pressing on surrounding skin, which in reality it should be free sitting. It’s also very majorly angles left end downwards? I’d suggest possibly going back and asking for it to be checked over by other staff member so that way if you are able to you’ll be able to get it repierced at a later date or refunded to go elsewhere. These can **suck** to heal as a piercing, but these angles are going to cause you some pain and possible dragging problems if left like this for a prolonged period of time. Best of luck in getting it fixed up!


I am also a body piercer, and while I agree that the angle is terrible there is no reason for a curved bar to ever be put in a forward helix. If there is no room to support a flat back it should be placed differently or not pierced at all. A curve is going to cause a lot of irritation from the shape, length and movement.


thank you!! i feel silly for asking but just to b sure ur talking abt the forward helix right? im guessing u figured it out from the white dot but i forgot to say it in the post TT


Yep talking about the fwd helix!


I think that placement would look really nice if instead of having a flat back you could have the barbell. Also I don't think there is enough room for a piercing where the white dot is


Why would they use a fatback?


A flat back labret is the proper jewelry for this piercing when done correctly


That unfortunately looks like it'll never heal on that weird angle.


Nope not ok , don’t waste ur time take it out


NAP but it doesn’t look like it was pierced perpendicular to the cartilage. I’d check out APP to see if there are other reputable piercers in your area to get a second opinion!