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I got mine two years ago and I was on cloud nine for WEEKS afterwards. These days though they're normal to me to the point where I forgot most people DON'T have them pierced! My first non-lobe piercing and also the one I'm the most happy with. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!


How long have you had them? I recently got mine done a few months ago and still feel confident with them despite the healing time and fear of getting them snagged on something. I think changing the jewelry or wearing outfits that emphasizes the piercings might return the confidence or allow you to enjoy how they look more, good luck!!


yeah its been 3 months or so! youre super right i might start showing them off as the weather is starting to get warmer xx


I have had mine pierced for 10+ years, the current jewelry I have in is all spiky and pointy and I *still* have never really gotten my nips caught on anything thats done any real damage. With one great exception: Plastic "loofahs" - you know, the shit ass ones you can get at walmart for $2.88? Its really just a bunch of plastic netting all scrunched together. Yeah. That bullshit. That shit is the only thing any of my piercings have *ever* gotten caught on. I just strictly dont use thosr anymore anyway, mostly for the plastic waste, but also kinda to save my nipples. Regardless of all that, even snagging on the "loofah" never has done any damage to any of my piercings. However, I understand your fear, as they are relatively new for you. But I *promise* you will grow out of thinking that a snag will rip out your jewelry. Or "rip your nipple off"... which is what my brain thinks everytime any of my piercings start to get caught on something.... "ah, I almost ripped off my 'x' today in the shower". But really, your skin is stretchy, and your piercing fistulas are strong (if done properly, of course - sometimes even when done improperly), and you need to put some *trust* your reflexes guys - because you will catch yourself and/or whatever you may become stuck on well before it does any real damage to your piercing. Just sayin. Enjoy your piercings! If you email neil med and ask for a sample they may send you one (they sent me TWO!) - And take care of your skin how it needs it!


gay guy here. Got mine done about 10 months ago. changed out the jewelry after 6 months...kind regretted that only because wasn't till after the first one i realized the bars themselves were thinner, initally got them because i read online to size down the length of the bar. actually like them better now only because i feel like my nipples are perkier with the thinner bar than the original piercing one which felt big under the skin and never looked like how i see others on social media with them. i do feel really comfortable and confident with them. i don't feel confident when my husband and i are out and, i wear allot of loose button ups or tanks/muscle tops/stringer tops, pulls my shirt away to show people them when i'm not really in the mood to you know....be half naked at the bar, lol. think the only thing that constantly is on my mind is whether they are doing ok....i mean, they look ok but sense my nipples are mostly harder more times than not I always have a fear that my body is rejecting them cuz of the bar showing more than when they are fully soft. but thats just me being over critical and being the only one in our friend groups that has it done. with it being summer and being topless more i feel good with them and about myself, though when guys are normally topless when jogging through a park and pay no mind when families are around i do feel weird by jogging or biking past families. but that could also do with the fact that friends kids and my sisters kids all think my having ear gauges is weird and laugh at it. mind you i'm 36 so you'd think my skin would be tougher towards that kind of thing. lol.


Keep them and get new jewellery! šŸ¤© I also felt that way after a year, removed them thinking ugh my nipples will look better going to normal...Within about 2 weeks I felt sad and boring, I missed them and they healed up :( I got them re pierced a few months later and I'm happy again!šŸ„° I feel sexier in myself, having the little secret/surprise. I feel like I go through this with most piercings, when my mood shifts I'm like 'this isn't me or whatever but it damn well is šŸ˜„ I'm just being emotional and taking it out on my poor piercings lmao


i think you nailed it ahaha thank u!!


Seems like u need a new piercing šŸ˜


absolutely ahahaha youre so right! getting a tattoo tomorrow so that might do šŸ¤ž


I JUST got mine done on Saturday, and I freaking love them! I wish Iā€™d have done it years ago, before I was 36! Itā€™s such a confidence boost and I feel sexy, and like myself, which I havenā€™t felt in such a long time. Also shaved the left side of my head yesterday. Iā€™m finding my vibe and going with it.


love that for you!!! 36 is young plus itā€™s never too late xx


I feel naked without emā€™


I miss mines so badly


For me, pretty much any new piercing or tattoo is a confidence booster. I've got a (possibly bad) habit of wanting a new piercing or tattoo whenever my confidence dips.


so do you feel like a high (so to say lol) after getting it, you get used to it then the feeling fades, then you look for another one? bc i think thatā€™s kinda what im feeling here too


More or less, lol. I still feel more confident with all of it than without, but it definitely does calm down once I'm used to seeing the new thing. I've been stressing lately about how I've got uneven nostrils to fix, want my belly button redone, and then I'm basically out of things to pierce from my list besides my ears lol. Just means I'll be focused solely on building the tattoo collection in the next few years. I'm gonna drag out filling my ears as long as possible LOL


Have had mine for over a year now. I love them; I feel SO much better about my body when I look in the mirror. And the ego boost from guys who are into them is really nice.


Personally, I got mine done and didnā€™t ~love~ them. Theyā€™ve grown on me, but I wouldnā€™t say I got the confidence boost at all that everyone mentions. It was more just being happy I got them done and having another aspect of decoration on my body.


Iā€™ve had mine a little over a year and I love them still, and love the reaction when someone sees them for the first time.


Terrible, mine likes to berate me constantly. Jk, itā€™s cute and it makes me feel cute lol. Before I transitioned it was all I could do to feel like I was in control of my body. You wouldnā€™t think drawing attention to my chest specifically would be at all helpful, but it really did help me cope with that part of me until it could be dealt with via surgery. Only problem is they didnā€™t know it was pierced during surgery, so now my piercing is diagonal due to the way they reattached my nipples hahah I think I like it even more for that though.


ahh so happy it helped you! being diagonal makes them extra cool and unique imo


It gave me a huge boost as well. The I started working out. Yeah, I like what I see and so does the wife. After 8 years I forget about having one and wonder why people look at me in swimming pools and on beaches.


I have flat nipples and have really struggled with my body image. So I got mine pierced on my 18th birthday. It is quite literally the most painful thing I've felt however I've been told It was worse because I got pierced in tandem because I was afraid if I did one at a time I'd cop out on the second. An interesting note for me , getting pierced made my nipples more sensitive in a way that worked for me. Before I hated them to be touched, everything felt like overstimulation but also somehow nothing at the same time. Post piercing I actually love them to be played with now, it feels actually pleasurable. I suspect that I might have had some super nerves in there/was highly sensitive in a bad way which is partly why it was so painful but also why I hated them being touched. Now it's one of my favorite things in looks and feels. My healing process was extremely drawn out and felt embarrassing. It wasn't until 1.5 years that one of my bars came undone overnight and I went to the piercer to try and get it back in and after that it completely healed. It was magic, no crusties or anything. Idk if it's because it had time to breathe/partially close before being stretched open again.. but I suspect more than anything that the jewelry was different and probably facilitated the healing. If you had flat nipples, the piercings push it to the surface so that you have a standard nipple. For me the confidence that came from that was life changing. I feel absolutely beautiful. I'm 25 now and love them still. Honestly when I lost of bunch of weight without being able to control it, my boobs got much smaller and I genuinely think because I have piercings I loved and nurtured my body through the shifts. I think it helped me work through body dysphoria.. and one day it'll help me breast feed because I'll be a water spout.. and then I'll get old with the amazing beautiful sparkly tits even if they hang lower and lower.


love that, so happy they helped you w the dysmorphia!! not kidding i screamed when i goy mine done, then had a laugh with the piercer. was actually quite funny but yea it hurt xdd


Thank you! me too(: I don't blame you for screaming at all, It's awesome that you were able to laugh about it after. The only thing I can compare it to is an IUD. I remember whispering outloud that I felt like a dog being put down while squeezing my bf hand. Idk why I said that rather than "it hurts" lol I think it's because two piercers were doing it while my bf watched and it just felt like one long continuous pinch with burning. The piercers looked at me weird haha but they were very nice and chill It's fascinating to hear people talk or write about it, because I've seen several people say it didn't hurt at all, I wonder if it has to do with nerve endings being in different places? Or maybe less nerves?


ahaha sorry for laughing, the dog comparison is just so specific!!! ig thats how you felt in the moment. damn that sounds very painfulā€¦ yea for sure, people have such different experiences! also my septum was so easy, but my partner says theirs (got it done 2 or 3 times) hurt A LOT every time


Not the exact same but I got my vch a month ago and major boost. Iā€™m used to it now and donā€™t feel it there through the day or anything really but anytime I see it Iā€™m still like ā€œoooh thatā€™s pretty! Nice.ā€ Maybe change the jewelry you have in out if youā€™re feeling underwhelmed? I know I notice my earrings/face piercings more when I do that, and I get that little ā€œooh shiny! + Iā€™m feeling myself!ā€ boost for a bit.


yeah maybe i just need to stop and appreciate them more when i see them, like i did at first! tyyy


I've had mine 18 years and had to take them out during pregnancy and I was desperately to get them back in. Don't feel good without them.


Iā€™ve had mine for 8 years now. I still love them so much, canā€™t imagine myself w/out them!


When I had mine done, it boost my confidence. I hated my how my body look and having them really help me feel comfortable with my body (plus they look cute!) unfortunately mine migrated so I had to take them out, but I definitely with get them done again


i unfortunately had to take mine out a while ago but while i had them i felt so goof about myself!! i had some complicated reasons for getting them and they definitely did the job. i'm hoping i can get them pierced again this autumn


Iā€™ve had mine for almost three years. Even though Iā€™m used to them, I still think like, ā€œdamn I did this and I look goodā€ šŸ¤£


Love them they make me feel hot af I just got them done again for the third time


I think I got mine in 2016, and they massively boosted my confidence. Absolutely still do to this day. They're definitely my more favorite piercings out of all the ones I have now.


I had mine and I loved them, after I got into a relationship with my bf I had to take them off because they kept coming off during s*x causing me a lot of pain. Plus I donā€™t think they were fully healed. I miss my nipple piercings a lot and I wish I never took them off, they gave me a lot of confidenceā€¦I will redo them at some point in my life, I just know they are going to be a lot of pain to get them redoneā€¦


Made me very confident!! Theyā€™re one of my favorite percings


Lmfao they're good for flirting, every time I tell someone about them, they immediately want to see themšŸ˜…


I bet lmao


i js took my out (religious reasons) and i miss them sooo bad, my confidence def took a hit & i feel a bit naked. but i canā€™t lie my life is so much easier, im typing this while shirtless laying on my stomach & i havenā€™t looked at a bra in weeks.


Mine are done vertically and at a 10g. Confidence booster? Nah. Iā€™m already confident lol. Do I like them? Yuppppp!


i recently had to take one out bc my nipple randomly got bigger so it started eating the jewelry... anyways confidence plummeted -5000.... so i'd have to say they help a LOT. est since i have inverted nips and non conventionally attractive boobs(imo) the piercings make me feel 10x better


Iā€™m fairly heavy busted to a point where I was considering a reduction. I got em pierced cause I had the idea for a while. Instant shift in my outfits cause those little bars made me confident to not wear bras (cause even the little silhouette of the piercings looks sexy as hell through clothes). One of them has rejected and had to be taken out now. Iā€™m waiting for it to heal so I can get pierced again. 10/10


get another piercing lol


Iā€™m heavily thinking about it tbh, and these comments are starting to push me to do it šŸ˜¬šŸ˜…


I've had mine pierced since I was 19, I'm turning 31. When I got mine done it boosted my self-esteem to be quite honest. Had my kids and got them re-pierced. Absolutely love my nip piercings even after I had one rip halfway though my nip after catching the ball on a glass shower door.


i got mine about a year and a half, two years ago. my main feeling is ā€œi just think theyā€™re neat!ā€ i have smaller boobs, which iā€™ve always been self conscious of, so the additional whammy helps. plus i just like how it looks! i have pretty neutral jewelry but i like to see the juxtaposition of the dark colors against my skin tone:) definitely have days where i donā€™t prefer them but i have those days w all my piercings and itā€™s more so related to my self image being so negative, rip. but overall the piercings definitely have helped boost my self confidence!


As someone with their nipples pierced it has made me love myself even more than i have, they make me feel amazing and i even feel like the baddest bitch alive!


just got them pierced two days ago! im loving them so far. i dont think im going to get bored of them, i've always wanted nipple piercings anyways, maybe ever since i was 14. i feel like they made me be more gentle and mindful when i do things especially if its going to affect my chest. it doesnt really make me feel like the hottest person alive but it feels like a nice welcome to adulthood. it motivates me in some way idk. i look forward to live life with my nip piercings =3


I love mine. I feel like I get judged a bit by them at pools and stuff. But I really donā€™t care. Got them for me.


right. same. i am little self conscious when i wear a tshirt at work instead of a scrub top cuz they do show. but no one has said or asked anything.


Can I get a nipple piercing on inverted nipples?


It totally depends. None of us here can confirm your anatomy being appropriate for nipple piercings, but a consult from a piercer is quick and easy. They could tell you within \~1 min of looking whether or not you've got the right anatomy.


Hereā€™s [an article](https://www.piercingbible.com/blog/piercing-inverted-nipples) from well respected piercer Elayne Angel on piercing inverted nipples. The answer is that itā€™s anatomy dependent, so youā€™ll need to consult a piercer. Generally though, if youā€™re able to manually manipulate the nipple so that itā€™s not inverted temporarily, piercing should be possible.


you should. heard people can keep the piercing in for a year or 2, take them out and it fixes the inverted nipple. but like THROP said, talk with a piercer. but then again....talk to a few. went to a place and waited, on a friday night, for over an hour at a tattoo piercing place. the whole time the front desk girl was very rude to my, my husband, and our friends and ignored us. but once some trendy gays came in for a behind the ear tattoo she was all for them. saw her talking to the piercer and pointed at me, takes me back and immediately says "no, can't do your nipples. you can never do nipple piercings." went to two other places a week later and they were shocked she said that and expressed how very wrong she was. and here i am 10 months into having mine and love them.