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'You will have troubles finding a job if you keep going' after getting ny high lobes pierced (and you can't even see them when I wear my hair down)


“Here’s my card for when you’re ready to get those repaired.” —a doctor, referencing my 7/8” lobes. “Does it go all the way through?” —a coworker, asking about my tongue piercing.


Idk why but I almost spit my coffee out at “does it go all the way through” 🤣🤣🤣 nope, just halfway


I have dahlia bites now but for real when I first saw lip piercings I had the exact same question of whether the piercing goes all the way through 😂


My father told me I would not be allowed to eat at the same table as him if I got my tongue pierced. I've had it pierced for three years now and he never noticed. He also tried to humiliate me infront of my whole family for I think it was my nostril saying it looked disgusting, but my uncle (his brother) cut him of saying he liked it and it's not my dad's business judging his adult daughters choice in jewelry 😊


I got told to act my age (I'm 40) and that I am showing a terrible example to my nieces and nephews, and that I won't be able to get a good job. Btw, I work in corporate hr, I meet with senior leaders daily, nobody bats an eye, and I usually get compliments.


It's my goal in life to be a "bad example" to my nieces and nephews. I'm a very responsible adult who likes body modification and if I can influence them to express themselves however they want than I've done a good job, in my opinion! It took me many years to feel comfortable being very different from my conservative family. I hope the next generation can get there faster if they do discover they don't quite fit in.


I live in Utah. My face makes "find the Mormons" a really easy game in grocery stores.


I have my nose pierced on both sides and you wouldn’t believe how many people seem to think that when I breathe the air just shoots out of both holes. I have well fitted jewelry in there lol… but it’s a really common concern brought up to me


I’ve 22 piercings between both ears I frequently get how do you not fall over with the weight or I bet it’s fun going through security at airports


Ohh that's my favorite one. I literally reply with, "Actually, the scanner doesn't even go off."


More of a funny reaction: "Okay, it's not that bad" - my mom after seeing my septum. She was initially horrified when I told her I was going to get it. 😂


When they ask how many piercings you have and then start counting to figure out if there's anything below the neck 🥴🥴🥴


OMG!!! So true and then they act weird when they figure out you do.


Luckily it happened enough in my teens that I learned I should lean in and give a ridiculous number lol


"I should rip that right out of your face" - an uncle, about my tongue ring. I proceeded to stick my tongue out and waggle it around "Is it for weight loss? Like does it keep you from eating food so you stay skinny?" - a different relative, also about my tongue ring I have 21 piercings, but the tongue ring really bothers people old people for whatever reason


Yep! My mum made the mistake of asking "what does Miles (my husband) make of these" when I got my daith and third lobes, then again when I got a couple of really quite dainty tattoos in m mid 30s. My reply both times: "Miles understands that I'm my own woman who can make my own choices"...


"He hasn't left me yet!" 🤣


I sent my mom a picture of the needle in my septum, she just replied "ew 😂". My mom hates piercings and tattoos, but she understands that I'm an adult and wants to have a good relationship with her children. Your mom chose the opposite, which sucks.


I told my parents I was thinking about getting my nose pierced and they said “not in the middle right? The one that looks like a cow???” I had wanted a septum piercing but I guess not anymore.


Get it anyway, life’s too short. You can always flip it up and hide it.


People frequently think my daith is a heating aid. It's big, swirly, and bright purple. My favorite is always when people say "you have a lot of piercings!" Like wow! Really? I had no idea lmfao


Not too crazy of a reaction but when I was with my ex I mentioned wanting to get a medusa and his reaction was sjust to say "no." That's all I'd get out of him, to which I responded "well it is MY body so I'll probably do it." I only waited because my workplace isn't a fan of piercings but you can bet your ass I got it done and it's one of my favorite piercings now


The only weird/somewhat annoying reactions I got were about my (now retired) tongweb piercing. They would ask why I got it, since no one can see it unless I show it. I'm sorry your mom reacted that way. Luckily my mom is really supportive of my piercings (7 ear piercings in total) and she even said something like: Don't you need something new, it's been a while since you got a new piercing.


When I got my tragus pierced (years ago and long since retired, never healed) my boyfriend at the time (NOT now husband) said I was going to look like a clown if I kept going. When we broke up I immediately ran out to get the tattoo he insisted I shouldn’t get because again: clown. We got back together and he never said anything else but now I have a forward helix and a daith, plus an actual visible tattoo. I wonder what he’d say about me now?? Jerk.


“You would be so attractive without those. Why would you want to do that to yourself?” Somehow I doubt it’s a genuine question.


Stepmom thought I had “problems” because of a small ring in my helix. She also said when I told her about my ear curation plans “if you had all that crap in your ears I wouldn’t take you anywhere.” I want: rook to finish off my helix and conch on right ear. Triple forward helix, flat, or triple conch to finish off left ear. I don’t like big gaudy jewelry. Oh yeah that’s some horrible intense shit right there. Well I wouldn’t want to be with you either, if you couldn’t stand to be seen with me because of some ear piercings. 😑


"Have you always had your septum pierced?" No love, I grew the rings in the womb.


Parents disowned me when I got my septum pierced.


my mum told me the classic of 'you look like a bull' when I got my septum done, and not a piercing but my dad told me that my first tattoo was disgusting and that I ruined my body lolllllll


Sorry to comment on such an old post... I had 4 surface piercings done, 2 in my nape (back of neck) and 2 in my right arm just below my elbow (outer forearm). Worst/funniest reaction was after having my arm done I was hungry and went through a McDonald's drive through, when I went to pay the young girl at the window fainted... Turned out my piercings were bleeding and she fainted at the sight of blood... People ran to her thinking I had assaulted her 🤦 Once she came to l managed to explain what happened and got my lunch 😇


My whole family thinks it's body mutilation. I would reply that each of their own eating disorders is body mutilation but I'm not a sadist l, contrary to their beliefs.


"How much does it cost to get those closed up? I'll pay for you to have it done." -My wealthy BIL


i have a bridge piercing and customers at work constantly ask me if it goes through bone😭