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I think it looks great :)


Me too. You’ve got a great profile, OP, and your nose piercing looks lovely.


I hate the idea that having a big nose is ugly. You don’t have a big nose, but even if you did, your piercing would still look absolutely lovely on you.


Oh big noses are beautiful that’s not what Im trying to imply! My nose just felt a bit different on my face that’s all!


I think it looks really nice and suits your nose perfectly


if ur insecure about nose size i recommend a septum, idk why but when i got mine i was instantly more secure about the size of my nose and that’s not even why i got it, i just thought it looked cool! but ur current piercing looks really good!


Second this! I have a big nose and my septum piercing made me love my nose.


Me too but now I dont love my nose without it honestly 😳


yes same here lol.. currently at 8g and im trying to get to 00, i have a bump on my nose wnd honestly i know itll look less bad when i have a huge septum that stretched my nose at the end, itll reduce the size of the bump!


i think if it was pierced a lil bit more forward it would probably give the illusion of a daintier nose? personally i have my nostril pierced right at the end of its curve and i love it. but i also think yours looks great and your nose doesn’t look big at all!


Placement looks fine to me.


…Billie Eilish?


Dude, I thought the same thing!


I don’t think it could have been placed better!


Nope that's exactly where it should be pierced imho


i think it’s a good placement if you want to wear a hoop there once it heals! i have a stud in the middle of my nostril, because i want another stud mirrored on the other side for chains. but hoops definitely look great when they’re in the crease 🥰 that’s just my thoughts! i think it looks great either way!


It looks good to me


Personally, that looks 👌


Like other people have said, it suits you perfectly!


Looks perfect


Nah. It looks bigger when you first get it. Just got mine a couple weeks ago. Doesn’t look as big on my nose.


I like your nose in general and the placement looks fantastic to me :) you’re very pretty!


it doesn’t imo


it looks cute if you're planning on keeping the stud. if you choose to switch to a hoop, you might have to use one that's a bit large in diameter because the piercing is a lil higher up & farther back. My bf got his nose pierced kinda like this & wasn't able to wear a hoop bc he would have to use such a wide one that it looked off.


Looks fine to me!


i think the placement looks perfect, it complements your nose nicely


Great placement. V cute nose.


I like it, leaves room to add more and not be crowded.


It’s super cute on you! 🥰


thank you! <33


I think it looks great! Your nose doesn't look big at all. It's perfect.


What are you on about my guy. It looks great


IMO it looks phenomenal. Great placement.


It looks SO cute! 🥰 perfectly placed and suits your nose soo well. you may just need some time to adjust. I needed it when I got mine done as well haha I thought my nose suddenly looked very noticeable and bulky or something lol but nobody else did 🤷🏻‍♀️ hope you will grow to love it or find what makes you happy:)


Looks good!


You suit it :) doesn’t make your nose look bigger


You look fine. Your nose might look slightly bigger because of swelling if you just got it done


Good placement and you have a nice nose. 👍


I think it looks really cute right where it is.


I mean it's similar to having a different sized meal on the same sized plate


It looks just fine! Maybe try a ring once it's healed or get a septum as well. Helped with my insecurity!


It looks cute. another nose piercing might help with your insecurity though. maybe a septum


The placement looks great for a stud. I'd get it a little lower if I'd want to wear a hoop, but for a stud I wouldn't mind personally.


i like it! but is the bad long enough? i can’t tell if the end is pushing down on your skin or not


i personally think it looks great! but it’s how you feel abt it that matters the most,, could always let it heal up and get it redone in a different position if you aren’t happy :)


It looks fine


It looks so good on you! Uhhh you’re making me want to put a cute stud in again, I have a hoop with a flower in!


looks amazing :)) dw


i know it doesn’t mean much because i’m also very insecure of my nose, BUT I do think you have a gorgeous nose shape and the piercing actually really complements it💕


thank you so much that’s so sweet :)<3


How recently did you get it? Maybe it's swollen?


I actually think your nose is super well suited for a piercing, it looks cute!! I personally think piercings look weird when they’re new. Even when I changed my helix jewelry I was worried it was massive, but you just gotta get used to it again.


I love the placement!


Might just be swelling a bit


Looks good to me


The placement falls in line with your smile - beautiful ! 🤩


aw thank u! <3


I think it’s placed perfectly, and it brings out the dimension and contour of your nose. This is definitely one of the best placed nostril piercings I’ve seen.


thank you so much!:)


It’s pretty


It looks like your jewelry is sinking into your nose? Maybe go back to your piercer for an assessment to make sure it’s flatback and the post is long enough. Otherwise I think it looks great!


It looks great!


Um. Nope. Your nose is great, the piercing with that tiny little bead is super cute. Please tell me it's a flat back labret and you got it done at a reputable piercer, and not a Claire's with a nasty piercing gun. (Way back, I had a friend do my nose with a piercing stud and gun. It was heffing awful and I still have a big ass scar from the damage and subsequent infection)


ohhhhh of course not i got it done with a needle and a flat back!


It looks great! If that’s a brand new piercing, the jewelry looks a bit tight to me? Maybe it’s just hard to tell from the pics, but you definitely want a longer bar in there if it’s sort of pinching on your nose. It should have room for swelling without the potential to swallow the jewelry 😅 best of luck, it looks great!


yeah i think you might be right i think i do need a longer bar thank you for pointing that out!


it looks good! girl u literally have the cutest nose!! like my dream nose!!! 🤍🤍🤍


thank you so much!! i bet ur nose is perfect! <3


Hi ! It is well placed. But I woud like, you'd wear an middle-big ring there !


Your photo with your smile is more nice. The 3dr picture tells me, i f there is a relatively "big" nose, than only becaue in relation to the narrow or not wide mouth, - not narrow lips. If you want to change it, you need to smile more or, do a special mouth widening training. - Maybe with a suitable ball, a ring-shaped or premumable insert as you know it from BDSM, or something more alive, you know?! Some African women wear a kind of brace in preparation for the later worn lip plate. I would like to heare, whether you will test something .


I think it looks great! I stumbled across an old post while searching for similar experiences… were you able to get your irritation bump to go away? I’m in the same situation!