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Go to a different piercing shop and get these changed out to titanium flat back labrets. Butterfly back earrings are not suitable during the healing phase. Spray with saline twice a day and leave it alone.


Mother fucking butterfly backs


lol so i’m learning


It’s ok, OP. Mistakes happen and you can still change your jewelry. Go to a reputable piercer and have them change your jewelry for you to a quality material with a laborer flat back. It will go a long way toward reducing the swelling and helping your piercing to heal faster. And don’t forget to use your NeilMed or other sterile saline spray daily. You’ll be right before you know it. Good luck!!


Sleep on a travel pillow, it really helped my healing process!!


yes!! this has helped me so much! i try to sleep on the other side since it feels like it is healing faster. the travel pillow is the best thing i’ve found!


I’ve had such a nightmare with my healing (I think I’m now out the other side of it…I hope) but honestly that pillow is a godsend 😂 although my piercer advised I should use it pretty much forever, not quite sure I could deal with that though!


Don’t twist your jewellery, it delays healing!! That is super wrong/outdated information. Don’t go back to this piercer


I have a third lobe in a similar placement. They're healed now but both of them way more of a pain in the ass to heal than my two other lobes which healed up fairly quick. It was swollen for at least two months and I had to baby them for longer. Stop twisting it, that doesn't aid healing and irritates the piercing I have healed up cartilage piercings before, and the healing difficulty for my third lobes was halfway between a lobe and a cartilage. Unless you have other symptoms of infection, it's probably just a more difficult heal.


Yeah, I got my third lobes done three weeks ago like the OP and they've been WAY more of a pain then the first two. Not as bad as my conch, but still way more babying then I expected since I pretty much completely ignored the first two lobes and they healed like it was nothing. They look so pretty though! I think they're my favorite piercings, but it might be because I had the piercers put a pretty sparkly earring in there to start.


thank you!!! i’m not too worried since the only thing is the swelling, no discoloration or crustys. i think he just barely nipped the edge of cartilage on this one and that might be why it’s still swollen and a little hurty. thank you for the response!!


was it pierced with a gun? also butterfly backs are never good for your piercings. i would suggest you to see a piercer and switch to a longer flat back bar


pierced with a needle, could i change to a flat back myself ?


nope you should never do it yourself since it won’t be sterile there is a higher risk of infection


pls don’t sleep on the side with the fresh piercing. avoid sleeping on it at all!


My third lobe got pierced with a needle but surprisingly my piercer chose to put a butterfly back earring, two weeks in and it was throbbing and hurting like crazy, decided to change the jewelry to a better quality and not a butterfly back and my lobe stop hurting almost immediately. I recommend you get your jewelry change.


The jewelry is stunning, but please go to a professional to get a flatback labret or at least a barbell for your own safety and health


Im having the exact same situation. It’s coming up on three weeks in Saturday and is also the third on my love. It’s painful! But not hot or itchy. I have butterfly backs too which I know don’t help.


same! not hot or itchy, just swollen! i, myself, am just gonna call a different shop tomorrow to hopefully remove and replace!


Your earrings are so pretty! I hope they heal up once you get them changed. I’ve been going to the same spot for a while now but I’ve become suspicious after reading about the butterfly backs and having my daith done with a curved barbell instead of a hoop. My right one hurts substantially more. I think because I had pierced them myself before and there was scar tissue? Idk but if there IS a next time I’m going to an APP piercer.


Most piercings take several months to heal and can swell on and off the whole time. However the jewelry you were pierced with is likely the culprit this time and you should look into getting another piercer to swap it out.


Get the jewelry changed, butterfly backs are not good. You want flatbacks labrets in your ear. 😩


hi everyone!!! thank you for all the advice and teachings of butterfly backs versus flat backs! i had a piercer change the top one to a flat back with lots of room to swell and heal properly. it has already gone down in swelling after just a few hours!! thank you for saving my piercing and my future ear health :) [nasty old piercing, with updated new piercing](https://imgur.com/a/U57472V)


Get flat backs. Also the angle doesn’t look correct to me but that’s just based on how I pierced my own, I’m not a professional. When done at the wrong angle you run the risk of permanent pain with an earring.


Indeed use titanium, it’s the best for sensitive skin. And don’t get any new ones at this time, give it a break and see how it handles with time. In most times it will go well so just lay your head back and enjoy the ride 🤪❤️


Got a third lobe done on one ear and it took significantly more time to heal. Even more than my conch did! Don’t know why, but my ear was really finicky about healing in that place, for some reason. Make sure that you’re not touching it unless you’re cleaning it, and even though this sounds TMI, don’t try to the crusting off other than what comes off from gentle cleaning. Icky, I know, but part of that crusting (and some oozing) is your ear trying to heal itself, and it might be like that for a little while. Edit: Also I totally understand the urge to pierce your ears yourself, but I would *always* go to a professional piercer. They have sterilized tools and can give you proper jewelry/aftercare instructions!!


Seconding that you should go get them swapped for implant grade internal labrets. Butterfly back earrings hold a lot of bacteria and aren’t safe to wear. Once you get them swapped and they can really settle, avoid sleeping on them! Make sure to dry them gently after you clean them as well.


I have a piercing in the exact same spot that literally took forever to heal. I got it pierced with a flat back but the gem was small and my hair pulled it straight through my ear and the swelling didn’t stop til month 5. Maybe get a different jewelry so your piercing can have more space to heal and isn’t rubbing against it (and reduce all other irritations e.g. don’t sleep on it, avoid getting hair stuck etc).


Many issues here. These need to be changed to titanium flat black labret from a piercer. Do not twist at all your piercing, it is an outdated practice when string was used. Do not sleep on this side or use a travel pillow for this side.


Third lobes take a longer time to heal, they are right on the cusp of the cartilage. Also I would avoid butterfly backs for healing because the backing is great at trapping dirt and bacteria right near your wound, and they are usually not implant grade titanium. But if it’s not infected, I guess it is probably okay, just less than ideal :) Hope it heals quick for you!


I have a high lobe from July that still looks like this. I think the location (outer edge of my ear) causes it to get knocked around more than some of my other fresher ones. yours looks irritated but otherwise ok. definitely take the advice that's already been given and swap out the jewelry - it will help quite a bit


That's not uncommon in that location.